Chapter 722 Ambush
The strong man from the God-Transforming Demon Tribe had no guts. His corpse stood there blankly, with a pair of bulging eyes full of deathly aura.

The Yuan Shen was killed by Gao Xian with the Infinite Nirvana Sword Intent, and Yin Wuchang was killed on the spot, without any chance of life.

In fact, this sword was too mysterious and sinister, and it happened just when Yin Wuchang was at his weakest. Yin Wuchang was instantly killed by the sword. He saw the sword, but could not see the person using the sword.

Gao Xian was relieved to succeed with the sword. Yin Wuchang was very skilled in cultivation and had a powerful artifact in his hand. If you really want him to take a breath and gather the power of many powerful gods, it will be difficult to kill him at that time.

Fortunately, with the power of electricity, Yin Wuchang had no choice but to use a surrogate puppet. He has been observing Yin Wuchang for decades, and has long noticed that Yin Wuchang occasionally comes to this house. He can basically confirm that this stone statue is closely related to Yin Wuchang.

During the battle, Gao Xian saw that Yin Wu Chang, who was fighting like an electric force like a rainbow, was retreating steadily, so he used a clone to guard here. By the time Yin Wuchang used a secret method to replace death, he had already arrived one step ahead.

Through Tianlong's True Eye of Breaking Laws, Gao Xian accurately calculated the position where Yin Wuchang would be transformed, and how could he not die with a single strike from the prepared sword.

The key to this battle is to press forward step by step without giving Yin Wuchang any chance to breathe.

Gao Xian rolled up his long sleeves with a flick of the blood, and put away the Yin Wu Chang and Taixu Huan Yin Rings. This time he was very obedient and prepared all the Blood River Tianzun Transformation Book.

Regardless of whether the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu can refine the Taixu Yin Ring, at least the flesh and blood of Yin Wuchang, the powerful men of the God-Transforming Demon Clan, have been tempered by spiritual energy for thousands of years and are very valuable.

The Taixu Transformation Yin Ring was originally an artifact that controlled the transformation of the void. Although the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu could suppress it, he was unable to truly control this artifact for a while.

Judging from the situation on the battlefield, there is no trace of Yin Wuchang left behind.

After doing all this, Gao Xian quietly caught up with Rudian.

Rudian was muttering in his heart when he received a message from Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness: "Go to Feixing Island and meet us at the North Point where we often meet."

As long as Rudian is killed, he can get the Pure Light Pill back. If that doesn't work, you can force Rudian to hand over a few Pure Brightness Pills. They have been on Yomo Island for more than a hundred years, and their work cannot be in vain.


Tie Shark, Bai Feiyu and other god-transforming demon clans frantically chased Rudian, but they thought Rudian had taken away all the pure and bright pills from Yin Wuchang.

The leader was none other than Gui Wannian, a strong man from the Turtle Clan who came from the Monster Clan, and he didn’t like to fight for his life. He actually doesn't care about Yin Wuchang's life or death, he only cares about the Pure Brightness Pill in Yin Wuchang's hand.

When Rudian saw that there were only five god-transforming demon tribes left behind, she thought for a moment and resisted the urge to turn around and fight. Even if there are five gods and monsters, she is unlikely to defeat them.

In addition, my senior brother is probably not very good at it. Besides, I don’t know where my senior brother has gone!

After all, they are a tribe of demons transformed into gods, and each one of them has strong vitality and powerful magic power. No matter how strong the little Sumeru stick is, it will be difficult to kill one with one stick.

Fortunately, the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu itself is a powerful artifact, and he can barely suppress the abnormal movements of the Taixu Hua Yin Ring after he controls it.

When collecting the Taixu Transformation Yin Ring, Gao Xian clearly felt that there was a powerful spiritual consciousness in this thing that resisted the collection.

For example, electricity has the ability to travel through the void and travel the six paths. Although a group of gods-transforming demons are powerful, without the master of the Taixu Transformation Yinhuan Bureau, their magic power cannot truly unite, and they cannot really stop her.

If Yin Wuchang is fine, let him share the Pure Brightness Pill equally. If something happens to Yin Wuchang, then he won't be polite.

At this time, Tie Shar, Gui Wannian, and Bai Feiyu and the other gods-transforming demon clan were chasing Rudian like crazy. There were seventeen powerful gods-transforming demon clans in total. The demons were trying to surround Rudian from all directions.

Gao Xian had no choice but to put the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu into the sea of ​​consciousness first. First, forcefully seal the Taixu Yin Ring.

These powerful men from the God-Transforming Demon Clan who followed Gui Wannian basically had this idea.

Furthermore, the most important thing now is to go back and find Yin Wuchang. Many powerful people from the God-Transforming Demon Clan didn't believe that Yin Wuchang was beaten to death like lightning.

This time, eleven pure and bright pills were collected, which was a huge amount of wealth that could make Chunyang Taoist jealous. Including a pure and bright pill that he snatched a few years ago, Yin Wuchang had twelve pure and bright pills in his hand.

After chasing for a while, most of the powerful men from the God Demon Clan gave up. None of them thought they could catch Rudian.

Rudian was refreshed and felt relieved that her senior brother was fine. She felt particularly safe and reliable because of her senior brother's mysterious powers and profound strategies.

The arrogant Yin Wuchang was beaten to pieces by her! Rudian has a very clear understanding of this. If Gao Xian had not used his magical power to bring her under Yin Wuchang's nose, she would have almost no chance of encountering Yin Wuchang.

This demon who practices the secrets of the magic sect can easily change positions in the void with the artifact in his hand, so it is unlikely that he will let her get close.

Because of this, once she got close to him, Yin Wuchang couldn't resist the little Sumeru stick.

Rudentian Zutong moved, and the next step was to reach the most familiar location of Feixing Island. Gao Xian unfolded the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Phaseless Divine Clothes and hid Rudian. The Grandmaster’s Perfect Realm Tai Chi Xuanguang Formless Divine Clothes can hide even a mountain, not to mention a single person. Just trying to cover a mountain requires spending a lot of mana. Even with his strength, he couldn't last more than a few breaths.

This magical power is extremely brilliant, and coupled with Gao Xian's understanding of Tai Chi sword intention, he can easily sneak under Yin Wuchang's nose with lightning.

Tie Shark, Bai Feiyu and other five gods chased them to Feixing Island, and they all lost their sense of lightning. The five powerful men from the God-Transforming Demon Tribe looked around above Feixing Island, their faces full of doubts.

"Maybe someone is helping. Guys like Huang Jiufeng and Ruan Qingling have been dishonest..." Bai Feiyu said.

"Huang Jiufeng and Ruan Qingling, two timid and incompetent wastes, how can they have the courage to kill Yin Wuchang..."

Tie Shark shook his head. He had dealt with these people before, and he looked down upon Huang Jiufeng and Ruan Qingling, the Demon Sect cultivators. They were sneaky and dignified. Although they were transformed gods, they had no bearing and style, let alone Such a courageous strategy!

"It seems like Rudian should have accomplices to support him." Wu Tong, another god-turned-monster clan, said.

Wu Tong is a demon from the Southern Wilderness, and his true form is a centipede. One night he accidentally drank the Emperor's Ouyang, and from then on he opened up his spiritual wisdom and continued to practice. By chance, he joined the Demon Sect and became the beast master of a certain Demon Lord.

In the end, the demon king was killed by evil spirits, but Wu Tong did not die. Instead, he inherited the inheritance, practiced for thousands of years, and finally realized the Taoist soul.

Strictly speaking, it is almost impossible for an alien like him to practice. Being able to reach this point is all due to chance and luck. Wu Tong had neither any kin nor a sect, so he could only rely on himself. After encountering the guidance of an expert, who told him that only the Pure Light Pill could completely free him from his original form, he went to great lengths to find Yemo Island.

Just as he was about to receive a pure and bright elixir, and the road was promising, Yin Wuchang suddenly had an accident. This made Wu Tong intolerable. He even suspected that Yin Wuchang was cheating his death and wanted to swallow the Pure Light Pill for himself!
Wu Tong was a little anxious now. No matter what, he wanted to catch Rudian and at least figure things out. He said: "Rudian should be hiding on Feixing Island. Let's look for her and capture her accomplices as well!"

Tie Shark nodded, he was not willing to give up. Now that he couldn't get anything back in Black Rock City, he felt that Rudian had succeeded after making such a big fuss.

Otherwise, the Ten Absolute Sky Locking Rings in their hands should react. Anyway, the situation now is complicated, and no one can tell what is going on. At least it wouldn't be wrong to use force on the culprit, Rudian.

"Divide into two groups and search separately..."

Iron Shark said: "It is impossible for Rudian to disappear silently. It should be hidden on Feixing Island. The star power here is extremely strong and solid. It is not impossible to dig a hole to hide..."

Several of the god-transforming demon tribes expressed their agreement, and Tie Shark left first with the other two god-transforming demon tribes. Wu Tong and Bai Feiyu were responsible for inspecting the other half of Feixing Island.

Wu Tong actually didn't like Bai Feiyu very much. He was born in the crane tribe and was born as a god, and he was born to restrain his original form. Fortunately, at the level of becoming a god, this natural restraint has been reduced to a minimum.

Bai Feiyu and Wu Tong didn't have a good relationship either. The two powerful masters looked at each other and separated to check. There was a hundred feet distance between the two powerful gods.

With such a close distance, any mutations are enough to support each other. Furthermore, they don’t trust each other, so it’s not good to be too close.

Wu Tong urged the escape light to fly downward from the corner of Feixing Island, and suddenly felt something in his heart.

At the same time, a low voice like lightning came into his ears: "Monster, look at the stick!"

The small Sumeru stick came straight in front of Wu Tong with its invincible power. Wu Tong's cultivation was also suppressed by the unparalleled power, and his soul tightened.

At the critical moment, his natal soul, the black centipede with sixteen arms, emerged. Each of the sixteen arms held a long sword with gleaming cold light, and swung it at the same time against the small Sumeru stick.

The sixteen long swords turned into a sword light like mountains and seas under the urging of Yuan Shen, and they were extremely powerful. The little Sumeru stick didn't hesitate to hit it hard.

With a loud bang, the mountain of cold light suddenly shattered, and the small Sumeru stick directly hit Wu Tong's body.

When the stick went down, Wu Tong's body immediately shattered into hundreds of pieces, but the giant centipede soul took the opportunity to spit out black smoke and fly away into the distance.

A flash of sharp sword light passed by, cutting the giant centipede's soul into two pieces. The infinite annihilation sword intent gathered from the yin to the yang immediately killed Wu Tong Yuan Shen.

When Bai Feiyu heard the movement, he activated his sword light and came over, and saw Wu Tong Yuan Shen being beheaded. Bai Feiyu was extremely horrified. Although he hated Wu Tong, he also knew that this guy was powerful.

Seeing Wu Tong's soul, which he had practiced for thousands of years, being swept away by the sharp sword light, he was instantly destroyed without any resistance. It's like boiling soup and pouring snow on it, like a sharp knife slicing a melon.

Bai Feiyu faintly saw that the man holding the sword had a slender figure and a pair of eyes as bright as stars. Being glanced at by the other party's bright eyes, he felt a chill in his heart.

Bai Feiyu screamed, his sword suddenly turned and rose into the sky, and flew away without hesitation.

Hearing movement in the distance, Tie Shark and other gods of the transformed demon clan swept over with their spiritual senses, and they all saw Gao Xian wielding a sword. Tie Shark's eyes narrowed and he recognized the other person. It was the human cultivator who had been besieged and killed by them for decades!
Gao Xian bared his teeth and smiled at Tie Shark: "Fellow Taoist, we meet again..."

Tie Shark was so laughed that his whole body went cold. He was not too far away and saw Wu Tong being killed with a sword. This guy's sword is so terrifying!

(End of this chapter)

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