Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 724: Flying Star Destroys God!

The battle that took place in Black Rock City has caused shock in all directions.

Most of the powerful gods in Yomo Island have joined Black Rock City, but there are also many powerful gods who are not willing to accept the control. These powerful gods are mainly from the human race, and there are also a small number of gods from the demon race.

The demon clan is also a collective term, divided into tens of millions of races. There are also deep conflicts between various monster clans, and they never agree with the big concept of monster clan.

As far as the specific demon clan is concerned, only this clan is the same clan. The human race and other demon races are all alien races. Therefore, they are more hostile to the human race, mainly because there are too many humans. This has threatened many monster races, and naturally they have a very bad impression of the human race.

These gods-turned-monster clan don’t trust anyone, so they lurk all over Yomo Island, carefully avoiding the forces in Black Rock City. In addition, there are Huang Jiufeng, Ruan Qingling and other human gods. After Fangshi was destroyed, they were unwilling to get together and found places to hide.

The earth-shattering explosion of mana in Black Rock City aroused strong curiosity among the powerful gods lurking everywhere. They used various secret techniques to spy on Black Rock City from a distance.

Many transformed gods saw a group of transformed gods and monsters chasing them like lightning. Ruan Qingling and Huang Jiufeng were both quite familiar with Rudian, and they were very shocked when they saw this.

They all felt that Rudian had a kind heart and a soft face, and as an avatar, he could be called naive and innocent. None of them expected that Rudian would have the courage to go to Black Rock City to cause trouble, and it seemed that the trouble was going to be very big!

Many transformed gods did not dare to look too much for fear of attracting all the transformed gods from Black Rock City.

Huang Jiufeng thought this was too strange, so he secretly approached Ruan Qingling and asked.

"Fellow Taoist is close to Rudian. Does he know what she is doing?"

Ruan Qingling glanced at Huang Jiufeng. Her relationship with Rudian was okay, but it was just okay. Even though Rudian looks innocent, he maintains a subtle distance from her.

Looking at Huang Jiufeng now, she felt even more disgusting about his appearance. A dignified deity was beaten by a group of monsters and kept running around like rats without daring to show their heads. What a waste. Now that they see something happening, they can't wait to take advantage of it and grab some bargains.

"Rudian just has a good temper, but she is not a fool. Why would she tell me everything." Ruan Qingling said calmly.

Huang Jiufeng was a little surprised and said: "I don't think Rudian has such courage!"

He asked tentatively: "Does Rudian have an accomplice?"

Ruan Qingling shook his head. Rudian rarely chatted with her. Most of the time, he just communicated with each other about the situation in Black Rock City. She was also very curious at this moment, where did Rudian get the courage to go to Black Rock City to cause trouble, and it seemed that he even caused big trouble!
At this time, an earth-shattering roar came from the distance. This caused the two demon sect gods to look up at the same time.

The distance was a bit too far, and the two demon sect gods couldn't see anything. They could only sense the violent and powerful mana impact reverberating in the air...

"Is this Rudian taking action against the God-Transforming Monster Clan again?" Huang Jiufeng hesitated a little. The mana surge in the air was so powerful that it made him feel uneasy.

He then felt a strong death aura permeating the distance, which was clearly the aura of the powerful spirit-transforming man after his Yuan Shen was destroyed. He was surprised: "Another Avatar has been killed!"

Huang Jiufeng couldn't believe it. How could Rudian, who was only a few hundred years old, be so powerful that he could kill a demon god in one move? !

"It's in the direction of Feixing Island..." Ruan Qingling did not answer Huang Jiufeng's question. She looked at the distant sky thoughtfully. It was at least hundreds of thousands of miles away from Feixing Island, which was far beyond the range of her spiritual sense.

Fortunately, I can see the spiritual light flowing out of the mana shock center through my eyes, and I can probably determine the location of the battle.

Huang Jiufeng was even more surprised: "Rudian is really not afraid of death. There are more than a dozen gods in Black Rock City!"

This magic sect master is particularly puzzled by this.

The void laws of Yama Island are extremely powerful, and Chunyang Taoist Master will never be able to get in even if he suppresses his magic power. Black Rock City has gathered more than a dozen god-transforming demon clansmen. Who can defeat them? !
Why should Rudian compete with Black Rock City Hard Steel? ! No matter how strong she is, how many demon clans can she kill?

Ruan Qingling pondered and was about to speak when he suddenly sensed another earth-shattering roar coming from the distance.

Her gaze became extremely cold and solemn, and Huang Jiufeng's expression on the side also became extremely solemn.

Both Demon Sect God Transformers sensed that the aura of another powerful God Transformer had been shattered. The dissipated breath of the powerful God Transformer's spirit would continue to spread outwards. Even though they were far away, they were sure that there were already two God Transformers. The strong man had just been killed, and his death was very complete.

"This is," Huang Jiufeng was about to speak when another breath of spiritual destruction came over, causing him to shut up immediately.

Three consecutive breaths of soul annihilation came over, making Huang Jiufeng stunned. This is a powerful person who transforms into gods. His soul can change as he wishes. Even if he gives up his physical body, his soul can survive independently.

What kind of brutal battle could cause the Yuan Shen of three powerful gods to be extinguished one after another. The interval between before and after does not exceed fifty breaths.

Huang Jiufeng has lived for more than six thousand years and has seen a lot. But this is the first time I encountered this situation. He looked at Ruan Qingling in disbelief, wanting to confirm this with him.

Huang Jiufeng discovered that there was a hint of dark blue light in Ruan Qingling's black pupils, and her pupils suddenly expanded at this moment, showing her extreme shock. Huang Jiufeng realized something was wrong and hurriedly followed Ruan Qingling's gaze.

It was noon at this time, and the scorching sun was in the sky. It was the strongest time of the day. But a dark blue star pierced the sky, covering up the blazing sun in the sky.

Strictly speaking, this star is not that bright. It's just that the nine-pointed star is condensed with endless star power. Huang Jiufeng observes it with a secret method. His soul is very sensitive to the power of this star.

Compared with the nine-pointed star, the blazing sun above the nine heavens appears dim. This is not a visual perception, but the most direct judgment of power by a powerful person who transforms into a god. As the dark blue stars cut across the sky, a huge black sky shark emerged.

The huge and ferocious black sky shark opened its huge mouth full of sharp teeth and fiercely swallowed the deep blue starburst that broke through the sky.

"It's Iron Shark!"

Huang Jiufeng and Ruan Qingling immediately recognized Tiansha Dharma. As the deputy city lord of Black Rock City, Tiesha was also a well-known figure on Yemo Island. Speaking of authority, it only exists under Yin Wuchang.

The Sky Shark Swallows the Sea Scripture, this secret skill of the giant shark monster clan is very famous. Its power of biting the void and devouring everything makes many powerful gods in awe.

These dharma phenomena activated by the soul can be directly projected everywhere through light. At this moment, all the powerful gods in Yama Island saw this scene.

Witnessed by dozens of powerful gods, the huge ferocious black sky shark swallowed the dark blue nine-pointed starlight in one gulp. After a pause, the nine-pointed starlight shone through the black sky shark, swaying and disappearing into the distant sky. .

The huge black Sky Shark's figure gradually transformed into dark blue, and then divided into millions of stars that scattered all over the sky. The whole process was bright and magnificent, and also had a dreamlike splendor and illusion...

All the powerful gods in Yemo Island watched silently. They all knew in their hearts that Iron Shark was dead. His death was as gorgeous as fireworks, like a fleeting meteor shower, but he was still dead after all.

After being silent for a while, Huang Jiufeng asked solemnly: "What kind of magical power is this? Who is this?"

Ruan Qingling glanced at Huang Jiufeng. The 6,000-year-old demon sect transformed into a god was obviously frightened. He didn't even notice that he had lost his composure.

She had to admit, she was scared too.

Four Avatars were killed in succession, and it was hard to say why the first three died. The last Iron Shark was killed by the opponent with one blow, and his death was so simple.

A powerful person who transforms into a god must have many life-saving secret arts and magical powers, but these secret arts and magical powers are not omnipotent. For example, some secret arts and magical powers that take the place of death, the stronger one's own cultivation level, the more difficult it is to cultivate such secret arts and magical powers.

Moreover, this kind of secret technique is extremely subtle and mysterious. Generally speaking, only the powerful human race gods have this ability to practice. It's not that the powerful human race god-turned-gods are stronger, but that the huge cultivation system composed of the entire human race cultivators can integrate all aspects of resources well.

It's like a sixth-level divine object. As long as it falls into the hands of human cultivators, it will eventually flow into the hands of major sects. And there are specialized people responsible for the sacrifice and refining to fully bring out its value.

The Monster Race is far behind. They guard the whole world, but in fact, their resources are far superior to those of the Human Race. But without a large and stable cultivation organization, and without enough technology accumulation, most of the various divine objects can only be practiced by oneself. In terms of efficiency, it is far behind.

Therefore, the gods-turned-monsters are all very good at fighting, but their ability to save lives is much worse than that of human cultivators. It's as strong as Iron Shark who risked his life to activate his soul to transform into the Sky Shark. If he couldn't resist, he could only die on the spot.

Ruan Qingling was silent for a moment and said: "Could it be a sixth-level artifact? Or a sixth-level magical power?"

"Yama Island will restrict all powers above level five."

Huang Jiufeng shook his head: "The starlight has the power to destroy everything, and it should be the magical power corresponding to the star power of breaking the army. But there is also a faint sword intention to destroy all methods. Although it is still at the fifth level, it can still kill the iron shark with one blow. "

He thought for a moment and then added: "That person must have seen the flaw in Iron Shark's soul to win so easily. That person's magical power is really respectable and awe-inspiring..."

Ruan Qingling couldn't help but nod. Huang Jiufeng's character was not good and his ability was not good, but he still had vision. This analysis is very insightful.

She sighed faintly: "It seems like Rudian has met a great big shot!"

At this time, many transformed gods in Black Rock City also had earth-colored faces. The leader, Gui Gui, was already old for ten thousand years, and now the folds on his old face were stacked up in layers, almost covering his small green bean-like eyes.

The other god-transforming demon clans were also silent. Seeing Iron Shark die like this, many of the god-transforming demon clans felt sad and secretly frightened.

They knew very well that they would not be able to withstand the attack of the nine-pointed star. That guy is so awesome!

A thick-bodied god-monster couldn't help but said: "Lao Gui, you should make up your mind!"

If Yin Wuchang is gone and Iron Shark is dead, then Zhi Gui Wan Nian will have the highest reputation and highest cultivation level. At the critical moment, the old turtle was asked to step forward and take charge of the situation.

Gui Wannian clicked Mung Bean's little eyes and said hesitantly: "The enemy is powerful, why don't we avoid their sharp edges and exit Yamada Island..."

As soon as these words came out, all the gods and monsters were shocked. However, after a long silence, no one spoke up to object.

Without the yin and intestines, the many transformed gods cannot gather their strength to form an array. What to do to deal with that nine-pointed flying star that pierced the sky!

It was humiliating to quit Yomo Island, and there would be no chance of getting the Pure Light Pill. However, it is better than losing your life!
A flying star in the day not only killed Iron Shark, but also shattered the fighting spirit of all the gods on Yomo Island...

(Please vote for me~) (End of this chapter)

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