Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 737: The Difference Between Humans and Monsters

Dragon Scale Island, central teleportation array.

The array is circular in shape, with a diameter of two hundred feet, and pieces of black gold stone are inlaid on the ground, forming a huge and complex teleportation array.

Several human cultivators and several demon cultivators were divided into six corners and stood outside the magic circle to maintain its operation.

The sixty-year gathering is approaching, and the teleportation circle is also very busy. From time to time, spiritual light shines, and batches of cultivators are teleported.

Several human beings who maintain the magic circle are cultivators of the nine major sects, but several demon clans are demon cultivators of the Dragon Scale Society.

The so-called Dragon Scale Society is a huge monster alliance organized by the Dragon King and manages the waters on the edge of the East China Sea. Although it is on the edge, it manages hundreds of millions of miles of sea area and has countless demon clans. It is led by two sixth-order pure Yang demon clans, and its power is extremely large.

According to the covenant between heaven and man, Dragon Scale Island is jointly managed by Jiuzhou, Dragon Scale Society, and Sky Shark League.

After all, Dragon Scale Island is in the East China Sea. Although the Sky Shark Alliance in the North Sea has a store here, it will not participate in its management.

The spiritual light in the teleportation circle shines, which means that someone in the distance is connecting to the magic circle through the teleportation talisman. At this time, the practitioners who manage the magic circle must cooperate to promote the operation of the magic circle and guide the teleportation of magic symbols to establish their position and establish a stable void channel.

Several human cultivators saw changes in the magic circle and hurriedly activated their spiritual consciousness to promote the movement of the magic circle. Several Dragon Scale Demons opposite them glanced casually, and faintly saw a group of human cultivators opposite through the magic circle connection, but they ignored the magic circle.

The huge teleportation circle connects all parts of the world. Without a few demon cultivators to push it, the teleportation operation is somewhat sluggish and even unstable.

Several human cultivators were furious, and one of them yelled: "What are you doing? There is a problem with the teleportation circle. Are you going to risk your life?"

The snake-headed demon clan opposite him laughed strangely. His pink tongue was forked as he hissed and exhaled, which looked very weird. Especially a pair of cold little eyes look even more evil.

The Sea Serpent Monster Clan is a very large monster clan and one of the main monster clans in the Dragon Scale Society. How could the Sea Serpent Monster Clan care about human cultivators? They did this on purpose.

Even if something goes wrong, the Dragon Scale Society won't be able to punish them.

Over the past few hundred years, the relationship between the demon clan and the human race has become increasingly worse. Dragon Scale will feel that the change in the world is a good opportunity, and take advantage of the weakness of the human race to invade the human race's territory and plunder the population and other resources.

The senior leaders of the Dragon Scale Society thought so, and the subordinate demon clans naturally looked down upon human cultivators less and less.

The teleportation circle soars into the sky and the aura flickers, and a figure projected in the center of the circle fluctuates like rippling water waves.

Several human cultivators were shocked. If the teleportation circle collapsed midway, it would interrupt the void channel. Not only would the teleportation be interrupted, it would even threaten the safety of the teleportation cultivators.

The few cultivators standing outside the teleportation circle who came to greet them all had expressions of shock on their faces, but they were unable to control the magic circle. Seeing that the situation was not going well, there was nothing they could do.

A dark golden halo rose up from the spiritual light of the turbulent and swaying array, and the huge halo covered the entire teleportation array.

The dark gold halo was as thick and majestic as a mountain, suppressing all the restless magic power and completely freezing the teleportation circle.

The eyes of several demon clans who controlled the teleportation circle showed uneasiness and panic. Although they did not know who was coming, they could sense the powerful power released by the dark gold halo.

It is almost certain that there is a powerful person who can transform into gods among the visitors.

The relationship between the Dragon Scale Society and the human race is very tense, and they often make things difficult for human cultivators, but they have no guts to provoke the transformed gods.

The dark golden halo quickly dissipated without a trace, and the aura of the teleportation circle also dissipated, revealing a group of cultivators in the center of the circle.

The leader of the cultivators, dressed in white and handsome like Sheng Xue, is none other than Gao Xian. Behind Gao Xian are Tai Ning and Fan Qingyuan, and behind them are many cultivators in Wanbao Tower.

For this dragon scale gathering, dozens of people came to Wanbao Tower. I collected a large number of spiritual objects from Gao Xian last time, so I will take this opportunity to take action as much as possible.

Fan Qingyuan knew that the relationship between Dragon Scale Society and Jiuzhou was tense. The next time the covenant between heaven and man might not be renewed, the relationship between Jiuzhou cultivators and Dragon Scale Society would also be completely broken.

The East China Sea is an extremely vast market, with countless monsters and humans. Dragon Scale Island can once again gather cultivators from Jiuzhou. This is also the most important high-end trading market.

While Jiuzhou was still barely maintaining a relationship with the Dragon Scale Society, she would try her best to sell things in exchange for the high-end resources the sect needed.

The sudden change in the teleportation array just now also shocked Fan Qingyuan. They all have protective talismans on them. If the teleportation fails, they will at most return to their original position without receiving any real damage.

Just encountering this kind of thing suddenly gave Fan Qingyuan a very bad premonition. It's not that she is sensitive, but that she encountered this kind of thing just after arriving at Dragon Scale Island, which in itself shows that the situation on Dragon Scale Island is very bad.

Fan Qingyuan saw Gao Xian looking at several monster clans calmly, and she hurriedly reminded carefully: "Xingjun, you are not allowed to take action in Dragon Scale Island. Anyone who takes action without permission will be punished by all three parties!"

"This is also the rule we have set with the Dragon Scale Society and the Sky Shark Alliance. Several demon clans deliberately cause trouble, and I will go to the Dragon Scale Society to seek justice."

Gao Xian nodded slightly. He actually didn't care much about such trivial matters, but the appearance of some monsters made him a little disgusted.

With his current level of cultivation, there are thousands of ways to kill several demon clans, and there is no need to kill them in person.

Tai Ning frowned slightly and complained: "These monsters are sincerely causing trouble, and they almost made us unable to teleport. Qingyuan must not let them off lightly."

Fan Qingyuan said quickly: "I will punish these little demon clans severely."

Having said that, Fan Qingyuan was still a little uneasy. She had heard it said many times that Gao Xian was very cruel to his enemies. She was really afraid that Gao Xian would take action to deal with these monsters.

Fan Qingyuan said softly: "Xingjun, Dragon Scale Island is governed by three parties. Killing a few little monsters is easy, but it breaks the rules. Even if others don't see the problem, they know that someone must do it.

"If this happens, everyone will kill people without following the rules, and Dragon Scale Island will definitely become a mess. Although the demon clan on Dragon Scale Island is overbearing, they don't dare to mess around..."

Gao Xian understood. Fan Qingyuan was tactfully reminding him not to kill monsters just to vent his anger. This kind of thing does have little impact on him, but it will pose a great threat to the human cultivators on Longscale Island.

Gao Xian smiled, he was such a countless person, but he didn't say anything. With his current status, there is no need to explain to Fan Qingyuan.

Fan Qingyuan also understood what Gao Xian meant and immediately shut up and didn't dare to say more.

Dragon Scale Island is centered on the teleportation circle and is divided into four huge cities: east, west, north and south. Most of the buildings are made of bluestone, and there are also a few wooden houses. Overall, they look rough and even a little messy. The main reason is that there are too many demon clans around. These demon clans all have strange shapes and ferocious shapes. They are also dressed strangely, and their speech and behavior are even more vulgar and barbaric.

A large number of monsters gathered together, making Dragon Scale Island look like a group of demons dancing around, dirty, chaotic and extremely dangerous.

Gao Xian had seen various monster clans when he traveled in the Eastern Wasteland, and knew that these monster clans rarely knew how to read, and looked more like beasts than humans. The best way to communicate with the monster clan was to use force.

If you want to talk to the demon tribe about benevolence and virtue, you will undoubtedly be playing the piano to an ox. Of course, high-level monsters are very intelligent and are no less intelligent than humans.

It's just that the demon clan is in the form of a tribe and does not have the stable social organizational structure of the human race. This also led to the laxity and barbarism of the demon clan.

In short, the demon race must not be regarded as the same kind, even if they look more human-like and better-looking than the human race.

The difference between the human race and the demon race is not only in blood, but also in all aspects such as system, knowledge, and culture. Just like Rudian said, all foreigners can be killed!

This is a bit extreme, but it is by no means wrong.

The same is true for the demon clan on Dragon Scale Island. They are barbaric, rude, dirty, and chaotic, but they are very good at cultivation.

Gao Xian glanced around and saw dozens of fourth-order Nascent Soul-level demon clans, as well as two fifth-level god-transforming demon clans. His Heavenly Dragon Breaking Technique True Eye is so good that he can observe unilaterally without being noticed by the other party.

The cultivators stationed here at Wanbao Tower have been waiting outside the magic circle for a long time. The sudden change just now also frightened several cultivators, and they hurriedly came to greet them.

"Grand Shopkeeper, I didn't want such an accident to happen. The demon cultivators of the Dragon Scale Society are becoming more and more arrogant. This matter must not be let go easily... It was also my fault in doing things, so please punish me."

Qinghe, the shopkeeper stationed locally, suppressed his anger and respectfully apologized to Fan Qingyuan.

Fan Qingyuan waved his hand: "We will talk about this later. This is Pojun Xingjun, the master of our sect's Yaoguang Palace. Why don't you show your respects to Xingjun..."

Naturally, the shopkeeper had heard of Gao Xian's name, and he hurriedly greeted Gao Xian with a shiver in his heart.

Gao Xian was polite and comforted the shopkeeper. This middle-aged Nascent Soul has a head full of white hair, is arrogant and weak, and is obviously very stressed and living a very torturous life.

Qinghe felt relieved when he saw Gao Xian's gentle attitude. Pojun Xingjun is a big shot, and even though he is Nascent Soul, he cannot afford to offend him. Fortunately, the other party was very tolerant and generous, could understand his difficulties, and did not care about unexpected accidents.

Qinghe led everyone to Dongmianfang City and walked around the store in Wanbao Building. Qinghe took everyone to the back. In order to welcome Fan Qingyuan and others, several independent cross-courtyards have been arranged.

Gao Xian had the highest status, so he naturally enjoyed a small courtyard with the best environment. The courtyard has few furnishings but is clean and tidy. It has three main rooms and two side rooms. It's spacious enough for Gao Xian and Tai Ning to live in.

Tai Ning was not interested in the house, and after sitting down for a while, he wanted to go out with Gao Xian.

Dragon Scale Island is the highest-level market in Jiuzhou. Although it is messy, the shops here gather countless rare treasures from Jiuzhou, East China Sea, and Beihai.

Tai Ning tried her best to get Gao Xian to agree to bring her over, so naturally she couldn't miss this opportunity.

With her relationship with Fan Qingyuan, it would not be difficult to come to Dragon Scale Island. The key is to follow Gao Xian and ask Gao Xian to buy her something good if she likes it. She knew that Gao Xian had a lot of spiritual stones and was the richest man in the Xuanming Sect.

Gao Xian was also going to take a look. There are many restrictions on the magic circle on Dragon Scale Island, and there are many masters who take the initiative to release their spiritual consciousness to scan everywhere, which is equivalent to provocation. Although he has the True Eye of Heavenly Dragon Breaking Laws, it cannot operate at all times.

Shopkeeper Qinghe arranged for a female cultivator to follow her. This girl's name was Yongping. She had a pretty face and a graceful figure. She was wearing a blue Taoist robe and stood there with a calm demeanor.

Although Yongping only cultivated Jindan, he was neither humble nor arrogant in front of Gao Xian. He was calmer and calmer than Qinghe, and his temperament was very outstanding.

Tai Ning glanced at Yong Ping and didn't care anymore. The main reason was that Yong Ping wasn't good-looking enough and his indifferent appearance made her lose interest. Well, she mainly thought that Gao Xian would not be interested.

After following Gao Xian for many years, she knew that Gao Xian likes good-looking things, which must be top-notch and charming. Yongping is very different in all aspects. Gao Xian must not like it...

Yongping took Gao Xian for a brief walk around Dongmianfang City. There were shops opened by the nine major sects, and there were many good things.

Tai Ning was very excited, but Gao Xian was not interested.

There were a lot of good things, but he couldn't use them. There's nothing too useful here.

Yongping spoke little but was very smart. She saw that Gao Xian was not very interested in these things, so she led Gao Xian and Tai Ning to Beimianfang City.

There are many monsters here, and there are many stalls set up by Donghai cultivators. There are not many shops on the main street in the center, but there are many stalls scattered here and there. It looks very messy.

After Gao Xian walked a few steps, he saw at a stall that the goods on it were actually a group of humans. In front of the stall was a wooden shelf with two chained children on it. Behind the stall owner, there are more than a dozen wooden cages, all of which are human beings. There are young and old, men and women.

The stall owner is seven feet tall, has small eyes and a flat nose, a tuft of white hair on his head, wears black scale armor, has hands above his knees, and looks like some kind of ape. It's just that the skin is shiny and hairless.

Yong Ping introduced from the side: "Sea Monkeys are a large-scale monster clan in the waters on the edge of the East China Sea. They are also the main monster clan of the Dragon Scale Society. This group of monkeys all have white hair on their heads and smooth and black bodies. The Sea Monkeys are very There are also many people who are cunning and do business.”

Gao Xian frowned slightly: "What's going on with these human races?"

"There are monsters who like to eat humans, or tame humans as slaves. Therefore, monsters often sell humans."

Yongping explained with his spiritual consciousness: "These human races are all casual cultivators from the East China Sea. They are unlucky enough to fall into the hands of the demon race. This is also allowed by the rules..."

Gao Xian asked: "What about selling monsters?"

Yongping sighed helplessly: "As long as you are not a demon from the Dragon Scale Society, you can sell them at will..."

Gao Xian was speechless.

When the white-haired monkey saw that Gao Xian was not staying, he bared his yellow teeth and said with a smile: "Do you want to buy one? The small ones are tender and delicious, suitable for grilling. The old ones have foundation building skills, have thick skin and old meat, suitable for making soup... …” (End of this chapter)

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