Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 744 Uninvited Guest

Outside the teleportation circle on Dragon Scale Island, a group of demon cultivators were neatly dressed and stood neatly in two rows.

Jiao Shiqiniang stood at the front, looking conservative and solemn in her long black dress. As a powerful person in the form of gods and the chief shopkeeper of Longlin Tower, Jiao Shiqiniang rarely takes matters so seriously.

This time Jiao Jiuniang and Jiao Leihai came with several powerful gods, so she had to be more serious.

In fact, the demon clan didn't have such trouble before. They spent all day hanging out with human cultivators on Dragon Scale Island, and slowly learned all kinds of messy rules and red tape.

She used to think that these were very good, very ceremonial, and could reflect the importance of the superior.

When it was her turn to do these complicated rituals, she realized that this thing was useless and very fiddly. It consumed a lot of energy and time, and was an extremely huge waste of resources.

However, everyone in the Dragon Scale Society is used to these rituals. If she wasn't more serious, Jiao Jiuniang and Jiao Leihai would definitely have objections to her in their hearts even if they didn't say anything.

The teleportation formation has been temporarily closed because it has to wait for these transformed gods, rejecting all other external teleportation talisman connections.

Many demon clans looked at the teleportation formation from a distance, guessing which big shot was coming so that the chief shopkeeper of Longlin Tower, Jiao Shiqiniang, could come to greet him in person.

There were also many humans watching from the sidelines. Most of these human cultivators were out of curiosity, and some were cultivators from major sects who came to observe the situation.

Jiao Shiqiu Niang waited for almost half an hour before the teleportation circle shone brightly and projected several figures.

When the aura dissipated, seven monsters appeared in the center of the teleportation circle.

The leader is a monkey with white hair on its head. The monkey is tall and wearing golden scales and looks majestic.

Next to the monkey is a tall, red-faced man. The man has six long arms and is covered with a thick red carapace. His red eyes are small but extremely sharp, and his mouth is in the shape of a cross.

Jiao Shiqiniang knew these two men, Monkey Three Sticks and Red Spear, who were famous for their violent tempers in the Dragon Scale Club. Jiao Jiuniang and Jiao Leihai stood behind these two men, as if they were the leaders.

Jiao Shiqiu Niang knew that this was deliberately supporting them. This was also the strategy they had discussed beforehand, and she secretly laughed in her heart.

However, the appearance of the other three god-transforming demon clans surprised Jiao Shiqiniang.

These three demon-turned-gods are all sharks. The leading man was handsome and slender, wearing a well-fitted set of silver scales and a long sword at his waist.

There is a sharp and heroic aura between this man's eyebrows, showing his profound swordsmanship.

Jiao Shiqiu Niang has seen this person, Shui Changdong, a sword cultivator in the Shark Clan who can be called the top deity transforming expert among the sharks.

Behind Shui Changdong were two beautiful beauties with identical looks, one with a floor-length blue dress and a delicate and gentle temperament.

The other one was wearing a white robe, and his brows were as cold as ice. Just one look at it can give you chills.

"Shui Yunzhu and Shui Yunguang... why are they here?"

Jiao Shiqiu Niang has never seen these two beauties, but she has heard that the two twins from the royal family are known as the twins who have never been born in ten thousand years.

Less than a thousand years old, they both attained enlightenment and transformed into gods.

Although the shark royal family is a high-level demon clan, their cultivation speed is too fast.

As soon as Jiao Shiqiu Niang saw these two beauties, she immediately knew their identities. Because this feature is so easy to identify.

She was a little confused and didn't understand what these two beauties were doing here.
There will be two Chunyang Taoist Masters in Longlin, one is the Dragon King, and the other is the Shark King. There are two Chunyang Taoist Masters, so the Dragon Scale Society is naturally divided into two factions centered on the two Chunyang Taoist Masters.

The Sharks are rather proud and look down on other demon clans. There are not many demon clans affiliated with them. Most of the demon clans in the Dragon Scale Society belong to their Jiaolong faction.

The Jiaolong Clan and the Sharman Clan have deep conflicts, but the two Pure Yang Demon Lords can still manage to unite. There is little cooperation in private.

This time Hei Si was killed, it would be nice if the Shark clan didn't make a public joke, so how could they come to help?

On the surface, Jiao Qiniang was very enthusiastic and greeted each of them one by one. When it was finally the turn of the two beautiful twins, the beauty in green clothes bowed her hands and bowed, her posture soft and demure.

But the beauty in white just held her hand and didn't say a word.

Shui Changdong on the side smiled slightly: "Yunguang and Yunzhu rarely come out. If there is any rudeness, please don't take offense, fellow Taoist."

Jiao Shiqiu Niang said a few polite words and led a group of transformed gods to the central hall of Longlin Tower. She gave the order and a banquet was quickly set up to entertain all the powerful gods.

According to human rules, each avatar sits at a table alone. As the host, Jiao Shiqiniang must give a toast and welcome all the powerful gods.

In order to welcome the powerful gods, Jiao Shiqiniang also found a singing and dancing troupe. A group of beauties in gauze danced gracefully in the center of the hall, and a band played music on one side.

Only the mermaids of the demon race have similar temperaments to the human race and can study singing and dancing. The inheritance of other demon clans is all about magic and magical powers, and they don't care about singing and dancing.

Hou Sangun sat there and drank two glasses of wine, watching a group of women from the Beng tribe jumping around lightly. He got a little impatient and slapped the table: "Okay, everyone, get out of here." The dancer was playing music. The strongest of the demon tribe is the one with foundation building cultivation. When Monkey Sangun, the god-transforming demon tribe roared, he was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground and screamed.

Jiao Shiqiu Niang frowned, and everyone sat together to drink and enjoy themselves, which also showed that she received her attentively. Monkey Three Sticks has such a voice, it’s so disturbing!

It's just that this guy has a bad temper, and neither Jiao Jiuniang nor Jiao Leihai can suppress him, let alone betray her face.

She waved her sleeves and said, "Your distinguished guest is unhappy, why don't you go down."

The dancing Beng women, as if they had been granted amnesty, hurriedly got up and left the hall in panic.

Hou Sangun's red eyes flashed, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed a woman who was retreating in panic. He is already tall and tall, and the Beng tribe women are small and small. He can easily grab the woman in his hand.

The woman was frightened to death, her face was as pale as paper, and her tearful bright eyes looked miserable and pitiful. She hoped that Hou Sangun could let her go, but she did not dare to beg for mercy.

"Small foundation building, spiritual beads have been born, not bad." Hou Sangun didn't care whether the woman was pitiful or not, he picked up the woman and bit off half of her body in one bite, and then ate her alive in two bites.

Many dancers saw the horrifying scene, and I don't know how many people were so frightened that they burst into tears on the spot.

Jiao Jiuniang and Jiao Leihai both had dark faces, showing no signs of joy or anger. Shui Changdong looked even more indifferent, as if he had disappeared. The woman in white, Shui Yunguang, glanced at Monkey Three Sticks with cold eyes, but she didn't say anything in the end.

Another beauty in blue, Shui Yunzhu, sighed softly. She covered her face with her sleeves and said softly: "Friend Monkey Taoist, why is this necessary?"

Hou Sangun pursed his lips and spat out a small golden orb. He held the small bead with his fingertips and smiled ferociously at Shui Yunzhu: "I have heard for a long time that my Taoist friend is beautiful, so this orb can be cultivated by the female spirit. After a hundred years, it has the beauty of rejuvenating one’s appearance and rejuvenating one’s spirit. I gave it to my Taoist friends to express my feelings..."

Shui Yunzhu was speechless. Blood often flowed from the corner of the monkey's mouth when he spoke. I don't know if this ferocious look is to intimidate her or what?

She was silent for a moment and said: "My Taoist friend and I have never had any contact with each other. I am ashamed to accept such a generous gift."

Hou Sangun snorted with some dissatisfaction. This shark was so ignorant that he refused all the gifts he sent. In fact, he didn't do anything on purpose. He just saw that the other party looked good and suddenly became interested, so he casually grabbed the beads and offered them treasures.

This is also his way of doing things. He doesn't need to think so much and just do whatever comes to mind. With his ability, there are few things he can't accomplish!
This kind of spiritual pearl is actually quite rare. Although it is not of high grade, it is of high value to women. Shui Yunzhu doesn't appreciate it, what a fool!

After all, the other party is a god, and there are Shui Changdong and Shui Yunguang. Even if he is not satisfied, he can't turn his back and take action.

"I don't know what's wrong!" Hou Sangun cursed and crushed the orb casually. He then turned to Jiao Shiqiniang and said, "Don't do these useless things. Where is Gao Xian? I can just kill him!"

Jiao Shiqiu Niang flicked her long sleeves and sent all the dancing girls and musicians present outside the Longlin Tower. The rule against killing people on Dragon Scale Island is only for outsiders.

This group of dancing girls and musicians were considered to be affiliated with the Dragon Scale Tower, so if they were killed, they would be killed. It's not against the rules.

In fact, rules require sufficient strength to maintain them. Gao Xian wants to follow the rules, and she also wants to follow the rules. That's because both sides have concerns. Hou Sangun casually killed a dancer like this, but no one would stand up for the dancer to enforce the rules.

Jiao Shiqiniang knew that most of the God-Transforming Monster Clan were rough and barbaric. Killing the monsters around them was normal for them and was not a big deal at all.

Like Black Four, they all behave in this way.

It's just that she has been in contact with the human race for a long time, and she despises this kind of meaningless brutality and blood. Guys like Monkey Three Sticks should be beaten to death by Gao Xian! Of course, it is also a great thing that he can kill Gao Xian.

Jiao Shiqiniang said: "Gao Xian is temporarily staying in Dongshi, but with all the fellow Taoists here, I'm afraid Gao Xian doesn't have the courage to take action..."

This time, there were seven powerful masters who transformed themselves into gods. No matter how arrogant Gao Xian was, he would not be able to take action easily.

Many of the god-transforming demon clan nodded. This reason is very simple and naturally requires no further explanation. If it were them, they would definitely avoid this situation.

Jiao Shiqiniang said: "I heard that Gao Xian had people buy all the human beings that were sold, which shows that this person cares a lot about the human race.

"I have a plan. There is a small island hundreds of thousands of miles away, with tens of thousands of ethnic cultivators living on it. Capture these people, and Gao Xian will kill them if he doesn't go to war.

"Gao Xian is looking for fame. In this case, he must fight. Otherwise, the reputation he won in this battle will be lost, and the reputation of the Xuanming Sect will be lost..."

Shui Changsheng, Jiao Jiuniang and other god-transforming demon clans all nodded. This strategy is simple but very practical.

But Hou Sangun shouted impatiently: "Why bother, I can just go over and beat him to death!"

Many of the god-transforming demon tribes were speechless. This monkey had all sorts of things in his head!
"Clap clap clap..."

Applause rang out in the hall, and one person praised loudly: "What a bullshit plan, Jiao Qi Niang, you are the one who got the direct pleasure from me, Monkey!"

The man who spoke was handsome and handsome, and his white clothes were as white as snow. Especially a pair of eyes that are as bright as stars, making people unforgettable at first sight.

Only then did the many gods-transforming demon clan find that there was an extra person in the hall. They were all horrified: Where did this person come from? ! (End of chapter)

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