Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 754: Flying Stars Like Rain

Jiao Jiuniang escaped first, and the distance between her and Gao Xian was about three hundred miles.

For a powerful person who transforms into a god, this distance is already very close. As long as the Taoist soul is realized, the spiritual consciousness can even travel thousands of miles away.

However, this distance is actually very far for combat.

It's one thing to be able to sense the opponent with your spiritual consciousness, but it's another thing to be able to activate spells that threaten practitioners of the same level.

Even at the level of god transformation, the real confrontation must be completed within ten miles. Only when the distance is close enough can it pose a threat to the same level.

At the same level of cultivation, triggering spells to attack the enemy a hundred miles away means that the spiritual consciousness has to span a distance of hundreds of miles, but the opponent only needs to use the spiritual consciousness to control the mana within a few miles.

Such a battle means that the attacking side has to consume more spiritual energy and mana, but the defending side can sit back and wait for work. This involves confrontation of spiritual consciousness, confrontation of mana, etc.

The shorter the attack and defense distance, the lower the consumption, and the higher the efficiency of mana activation. The farther the distance, the higher the consumption and the lower the efficiency.

The reason why the god-transforming demon tribes such as Monkey Three Sticks and Red Spear are so strong is that they follow the path of integrating body and soul, and fight against each other face to face. This combat mode is the most efficient and most threatening.

On the other hand, because the fighting distance was too close, Monkey Three Sticks and Red Spear also took huge risks. When you encounter a master who is good at flight and void movement spells, you will be in the pain of not being able to touch the opponent.

In short, if you want to kill enemies of the same level at the God Transformation level, the combat distance cannot be too far.

Jiao Jiuniang was more than three hundred miles away from Gao Xian. She felt that this was a safe distance, so she turned back to observe the results.

The main reason is that the burst of thunder is too powerful, and all spiritual consciousness will be washed away and destroyed by the thunder. The situation can only be determined through observation with the six senses.

Gao Xian was unscathed by the explosion of endless thunder, but the aura of Jiao Lei Hai completely disappeared. He must have been killed by Gao Xian.

With his talent, it is not surprising that he killed Jiao Leihai. However, Jiao Leihai died too quickly. It didn't help her delay any time.

The most terrifying thing was that Gao Xian was three hundred miles away, and the sound transmission of his consciousness penetrated the protection of her consciousness and directly penetrated her sea of ​​consciousness.

This means that Gao Xian is stronger in the confrontation between the two sides' spiritual consciousness.

The problem is that Gao Xian was able to suppress her consciousness from a distance of three hundred miles. The power of Gao Xian's consciousness was at least twice as strong as hers. This is what really scares Jiao Jiuniang.

Jiao Jiuniang was really puzzled by how Gao Xian, who had only been practicing for a few years, could be so powerful despite his powerful mystical powers and spiritual consciousness. It was very unreasonable.

She practiced the Heavenly Demon Controlling Spirit, and put the most emphasis on the soul attack method. The foundation of all soul attacks is in the consciousness, which also makes her consciousness far stronger than her peers.

Body-refining demon cultivators like Hong Qiang and Monkey Three Sticks were even further apart from her in terms of spiritual awareness. She was able to easily let Hong Qian go up as the vanguard and attack mainly because of her strong spiritual consciousness, which unknowingly stirred up Hong Qian's emotions.

Including Hou Sangun acting so brainlessly, he also took some hints from her.

Use your spiritual consciousness to guide your emotions in subtle ways. You don't use much force, but you can make the most of the situation to achieve your goal. The process went very smoothly. The only problem was that Gao Xian was too powerful. Together they were defeated one by one by Gao Xian.

Now Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness penetrated directly into her sea of ​​consciousness, giving her great oppression from the spiritual level. What's even more frightening is that Gao Xian locked onto her, but she was unable to get rid of Gao Xian for a while.

Jiao Jiuniang is only 700 miles away from Dragon Scale Island. She can instantly return to Dragon Scale Island as long as she activates the void movement. At this time, Dragon Scale Island, which was seven hundred miles away, became extremely far away.

She knew she couldn't get rid of Gao Xian, so she could only send a transmission note to Jiao Qiniang and call her to come and help!

Jiao Shiqiniang is also a master. With her here, she can at least compete with Gao Xian. As long as she can retreat to Dragon Scale Island, everything will be fine.

If Shui Changdong, Shui Yunzhu, and Shui Yunguang could take action, it would be great. With the combined power of the five gods, they could kill Gao Xian no matter what.

But she knew in her heart that the Sharman Clan and the Jiaolong Clan were not of the same mind. The competition between the two sides was very fierce. If it were not for the pressure of the two Pure Yang Demon Lords, there might have been internal strife.

Shui Changdong and the others saw how powerful Gao Xian was, and they were even less likely to help her.

Even if the Shark tribe didn't help, Jiao Shiqiu Niang actually had no reaction to her telegraphing. This bitch deserves to die!
Jiao Jiuniang was anxious. Without help, she had no choice but to activate the demon's soul-burning secret technique.

This secret method is to burn the soul in exchange for powerful spiritual consciousness and mana. If you use the devil's soul-burning secret method once, the foundation of your soul will be severely damaged.

Not only is the upward cultivation path cut off, but most of one's lifespan will also be lost.

The dragon clan is born with a long lifespan, and an adult dragon can live up to 3,000 years old. A dragon like her in the realm of divine transformation can live to a long life under normal circumstances.

She is over 7,000 years old this year. Even if she can survive on the spot by using the secret method of burning the soul of the demon, she will not survive for a few years afterwards. Then there would be no point in using secret techniques to escape.

Therefore, she will not use the secret method of burning the soul of the devil until the final desperate situation.

While Jiao Jiuniang was hesitating, she suddenly sensed something was wrong.

Unexpectedly, dozens of nearly invisible sharp ice arrows shot out from the void. The ice arrows were transparent and almost invisible, making it difficult for her to catch their traces with her eyesight.

The sharp ice arrows came quickly, and by the time her consciousness sensed something was wrong, dozens of invisible and shadowless ice arrows were already in front of her.

Jiao Jiuniang squeezes the seal with her hands to activate the cloud light gauze. This is a superb method for controlling the demons. The long yarn woven by its cloud light is like light and clouds, and its flow and changes are real and illusory.

Yunguangsha is very special, between real and virtual. It can be used to resist all kinds of magic, and can also be used to trap enemies. Change comes from the heart, which is the first-class self-protection method in the world.

Layers of cloud gauze spread out, shining with colorful auras in the sun, flowing like water in the air with the magic power. Its dense and light changes blocked all the dozens of ice arrows that shot towards it.

When the nearly invisible ice arrows touch the cloud yarn, they reveal their crystal clear true form. It is a foot and a half long, pointed at the front and rounded at the back. It is shaped like a cone and is extremely delicate in appearance, as if it had been carefully crafted by craftsmen.

The Xuanming Ice Arrow condenses the cold energy of Xuanming, and is blessed by Gao Xian's sword intent, making it extremely sharp. The real and illusory cloud light gauze also froze into pieces under the mysterious cold air, no longer as ethereal and agile as the smoke before.

The frozen cloud light gauze broke layer by layer under the Xuanming Ice Arrow. Fortunately, the cloud light gauze broke with each other, and the overlapping layers were almost endless.

Otherwise, the power of the ice arrows would be reduced, but dozens of ice arrows still hit Jiao Jiuniang before they completely shattered.

Jiao Jiuniang's mood became even heavier. This type of ice arrow technique was the lowest level spell and could be used by Qi practitioners. How come in Gao Xian's hands, he actually has the power to kill the transformed god.

Before Jiao Jiuniang could figure it out, hundreds more invisible Xuanming ice arrows shot towards her. Not only that, there were Xuanming Ice Arrows shooting at her from all directions around her.

Only then did Jiao Jiuniang realize that something was wrong.

Normally, the more powerful a spell is, the more complicated it is to cast. The ice arrows triggered by Gao Xian were powerful, but when used, they were like a violent storm, giving her no chance to breathe.

It's not that Jiao Jiuniang can't stop her, but if the fight continues like this, Gao Xian will soon catch up with her. Then I won’t be able to run away even if I want to.

At the critical moment, Jiao Jiuniang no longer hesitated, and she activated the secret method of burning the soul of the demon.

In the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness, the dragon soul burned with intense black flames. The dragon soul let out a painful howl, and the soul also expanded rapidly.

Endless mana gathered towards the black dragon soul. At this moment, Jiao Jiuniang used her consciousness to clearly lock Gao Xian for the first time.

Gao Xian was driving the dark golden light wheel and was approaching her at an incredible speed. In six breaths at most, Gao Xian could catch up with her.

The burning spirit caused Jiao Jiuniang to feel great pain, but she also drew endless mana from the pain. She even had the illusion that she could kill Gao Xian with one slap.

Fortunately, she forced herself to calm down and burned her soul not to fight for her life, but to survive for a few more days!

The huge one-horned dragon soul emerged and carried Jiao Jiuniang's body on its back. The one-horned dragon soul roared loudly, and the terrifying sound waves were suddenly released with the dragon soul as the center, causing heavy ripples to ripple in the void.

The mysterious ice arrows shot from all directions continued to slow down in the ripples of the void, and finally twisted and shattered under the extremely violent sound waves, exploding into a stream of crystal light shooting all over the sky...

Following the burning dragon spirit leaping into the air, the flying dragon spirit left streaks of black flames wherever it passed, dragging long black traces in the sky.

The flying posture of Jiaolong Yuan Shen is extremely domineering and public, and ordinary cultivators on Dragon Scale Island can easily see it.

Naturally, the powerful gods could see it more clearly. Hefeng and Mingxiang were staring closely at Jiaolong Yuanshen.

Seeing that Gao Xian easily broke through the siege of the three transformed gods and monsters, and then killed Hong Qian and Jiao Lei Hai, Hefeng Laodao and Monk Mingxiang were shocked and couldn't help but have higher expectations for Gao Xian.

Hong Qiang and Jiao Leihai have been killed, and Jiao Jiuniang has also been killed!

However, Jiao Jiuniang ran away too fast, even burning her soul to escape. Seeing that she was about to escape back to Dragon Scale Island, He Feng and Ming Xiang felt a little anxious.

The old man Yue Tiandu on the side looked even more complicated. He didn't want to see Gao Xian, but he was also happy to see Gao Xian kill Jiao Jiuniang. Based on his judgment, Gao Xian was too late this time.

The old man couldn't help but said: "It's too late!"

Hefeng and Mingxiang both felt that these words were depressing and uncomfortable to hear. Even if this old man doesn't help, he can't stop talking about disappointing things!

In fact, the two of them also made this judgment, but it was difficult to refute it.

Yue Tiandu said again: "After all, it was my lack of experience and poor handling that gave Jiao Jiuniang an opportunity..."

Hefeng and Mingxiang were even more angry. Yue Tian was so old and arrogant, and they didn't know how powerful they thought he was. Just one of these god-transforming demon clans is enough for Yue Tian to drink a pot!

It’s really disgusting to stand by and watch the excitement and still dare to say such nonsense...

Hefeng has a good temper and doesn't want to argue with the old man. But Mingxiang couldn't help but defend Gao Xian: "It's amazing that Gao Xian could do this despite the siege of three god-transforming demon clans. We can't be too demanding."

Before Ming Xiang finished speaking, he saw a dark blue nine-pointed star shining through the sky, silently penetrating into the burning black dragon soul...

The black dragon soul instantly froze in place, and its huge body slowly turned into a deep blue. As the blue stars became more and more powerful, the bodies of the black dragon spirit and Jiao Jiuniang suddenly collapsed into nine-pointed stars that filled the sky and scattered in all directions...

A figure in white clothes and wielding a sword emerged from the starry sky, and a free and uninhibited singing voice came from the sky: "Dark clouds invade the sun and create thunder, demons dance wildly and spears sound. Horizontal swords and long songs sweep away the demonic atmosphere, flying stars clear the sky like rain..."

Hefeng and Mingxiang were stunned for a moment, both showing expressions of ecstasy. These changes in star power were clearly the supreme edge of the Pojun Divine Ruins. Gao Xian actually killed Jiao Jiuniang!

These two powerful Shinto Lords were already full of respect for Gao Xian.

The old man Yue Tiandu stared blankly at the figure in white singing in the sky. He felt that the man was unparalleled in his splendor, free and unrestrained, and had unparalleled aura to slay all demons. He was really like the Nine Heavens Sword Immortal coming to earth.
He has seen countless geniuses and strong men in his life, but no one can compare with them in terms of their grace and bearing...

With his ability, one can't help but be distracted by Gao Xian's peerless swordsmanship, and in a daze he doesn't know where he is.

This is true even for Yue Tiandu, the Taoist Master of Transformation, let alone all the demon clans and cultivators on Dragon Scale Island.

For a moment, I was frightened by the figure in white wearing a sword, and my mind was so agitated that I couldn't control myself...

(Please give me a monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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