Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 765: A drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring.

The sea of ​​consciousness of Lu Tiannan was surrounded by heavy white air, and there were billions of sharp, cold lights like wheat awns shining through it. Its extremely dark and cold air froze his soul.

Lu Tiannan was really numb now. The Yuan Shen and the Vermillion Bird Flying Feather Sword were numb from the cold, and his heart was also numb.

The Xingxiu Sect is next to the Dragon Scale Society, and his teacher, Taoist Suzaku, has always advocated tolerance and is quite friendly to the demon clan. The relationship between Xingxiu Sect and Dragon Scale Society has always been very good.

The main reason is that the sea area is too vast and rich in resources. There are endless resources within the sea areas under the jurisdiction of both sides, so there is no need to fight with each other.

The changes in heaven and earth have little impact on the East China Sea for the time being. It was precisely because of this background that Lu Tiannan was not wary of the demon clan of the Dragon Scale Society.

Lu Tiannan only met Sister Shui Yunzhu once. They invited him to explore the Hidden Dragon Cave together, and he came without hesitation. Mainly, he felt that Sister Shui Yunzhu would not harm him.

He has long heard about the name Bingli of the Dragon Scale Society. This beauty is said to have awakened the magical power of the ancient white dragon to control the cold ice, and has also cultivated the divine light of ice soul. She is known as the most peerless genius of the Dragon Scale Society.

Bingli rarely shows up, even the top brass of the Dragon Scale Society have many who have never seen Bingli. The middle and lower levels of the Dragon Scale Society didn't even know that there was a strong man like Bingli.

The Xingxiu Sect and the Dragon Scale Society had a close relationship, and Lu Tiannan was a direct disciple of the Suzaku Taoist Master, so he had only heard of Bingli's name.

The appearance of this peerless genius of the demon race who awakened the ancient white dragon is easy to identify.

Although Lu Tiannan had never seen the other party before, he recognized Bingli at a glance. He really didn't expect that the other party would attack without saying a word, and then kill him immediately!

The two parties are strangers, what does Bingli mean? He didn't understand very much and was very angry.

However, the opponent's ice soul divine light is blessed by the white dragon bloodline, and its yin to cold energy is extremely sharp and endless. Even though Lu Tiannan tried his best, he couldn't hold on anymore. His brain was almost numb with cold, and even the anger surging in his heart was frozen.

Lu Tiannan knew that if the stalemate continued, he would soon be frozen to death by the Ice Soul Divine Light.

Thousands of years of refined cultivation allowed him to barely stay awake at the critical moment. His innate sword, the Suzaku Flying Feather Sword, was completely restrained by the opponent, and he was caught off guard, so his innate sword had been locked by the opponent's Icy Soul Divine Light and he was unable to react.

There is no other way but to force him out of the Qiankun Wheel, which he can barely control.

As Lu Tiannan's soul vibrated, the restriction rune at the center of the Qiankun Wheel hidden in his sleeve was activated, and suddenly emerged with a buzzing scream.

The palm-sized platinum wheel spun sharply in front of Lu Tiannan, emitting sharp platinum divine light that crushed billions of glacial divine lights like radiance.

The wheel of heaven and earth not only contains the unparalleled energy of Geng Jin and Xin Jin, but also has changes that make it a world of its own. As the sharp golden divine light unfolded, a world of heaven and earth was formed in front of Lu Tiannan, sealing out all the ice soul divine light.

With this opportunity, Lu Tiannan finally got rid of the invasion of the ice soul divine light, and his frozen soul and mana quickly returned to normal.

The icy silver vertical eyes that were more than ten miles away expanded slightly. Through the special eyes she was born with, she could directly see various changes in spiritual energy, mana, spiritual consciousness, etc.

Bingli could tell at a glance that the opponent's magical weapon had its own unique changes. At the same time, she also saw that the opponent had not actually refined the magical weapon.

The control method is very rough, and the connection between the divine consciousness and the artifact is not close.

"A weak and cowardly human god..."

Bingli looked down on this human race god. Her silver vertical eyes condensed into a thin line, and billions of ice-like divine lights suddenly differentiated and expanded.

The divine light of ice soul, like a white rainbow, instantly expanded into a glacier and expanded into an endless sea of ​​ice.

The rotating Qiankun Wheel was frozen by the skyrocketing ice soul divine light. It paused for an instant. The sharp golden divine light released by the Qiankun Wheel collapsed suddenly, and the Qiankun Wheel was directly blasted away by the ice soul divine light as vast as the ice sea.

Lu Tiannan had actually realized something was wrong, but he had only preliminary refined this artifact and was barely able to control it. Bingli's sudden burst of ice soul divine light cut off his connection with the Qiankun Wheel, and the violent ice soul divine light directly blasted through the invisible universe transformed by the Qiankun Wheel.

Fortunately, the Qiankun Wheel was able to hold the divine light of Bingso, and Lu Tiannan breathed a sigh of relief.

The Vermilion Bird Flying Feather Sword in his hand vibrated, turning into thousands of red flying feathers flying all over the sky. The Red Sun Sword Qi then unfolded, and the ice soul divine light fell head-on and expanded with the blazing sword Qi, causing another huge impact.

Red flames and white cold air flew in all directions, as gorgeous as fireworks.

Although the Ice Soul Divine Light restrains the Vermillion Bird Flying Feather Sword, the Vermilion Bird Feather Sword also restrains ice spells. This kind of battle depends on who has higher cultivation and stronger spells.

As a sword cultivator, Lu Tiannan's sword is sharp and sharp, giving him a natural advantage over other cultivators. After he regained his composure, he was able to barely compete with Bingli head-on.

Bingli failed to kill Lu Tiannan quickly, so she was no longer in a hurry. Even if she controlled the divine light of the ice soul to disperse and gather together, even though Lu Tiannan's sword was coming and going like lightning, and the sword was even more blazing and sharp, she had no chance to get close to Bingli. .

Gao Xian, who was watching the battle not far away, sighed in his heart. Lu Tiannan was a little too timid. He rushed in front of Bingli with the divine sword in his hand and fought in close combat. There was still a chance of winning.

Fighting at such a long distance will only continue to drain your energy. If the fight continues like this, Bingli will be killed in less than a cup of tea.

Gao Xian's Heavenly Dragon Breaking Technique True Eyes were much more powerful than Bingli's Natural Dragon Eyes. He was in passive observation mode, and with the Tai Chi Phaseless Divine Clothes and Tai Huan Meng Dao Clothes covering him up, neither of the two gods noticed his presence. .

In Gao Xian's eyes, every ray of consciousness and every change in mana emanating from Lu Tiannan and Bingli had a clear trajectory.

He can even evaluate the strength of these spiritual consciousness and mana and make relatively accurate calculations. His powerful spiritual consciousness and dual spirit, coupled with Sister Lan's blessing, allowed him to do this easily.

From his point of view, Bing Li only used 30% of his magic power, but Lu Tiannan had already used 90% of his power. The gap between the two sides is very, very obvious.

Bingli was more testing Lu Tiannan's sword skills. At the same time, she was also mobilizing her magic power in an orderly manner to lead Lu Tiannan step by step into the magic trap she created.

Bingli wanted to deal with Lu Tiannan with the lowest consumption, so she put a little more thought into it. Lu Tiannan was ignorant of this and was still fighting.

Gao Xian actually looked down upon Lu Tiannan. He didn't have the wisdom to fight even if his cultivation was not good enough.

In such a sudden encounter, the opponent is a strong enemy, and the most feared thing is a fight. Either make an all-out effort to quickly deal with the opponent, or quickly evacuate.

It can only be said that the environment of Thousand Star Island is still too comfortable, and this sword god has not developed superb combat qualities. On the contrary, the stunning beauty Bingli in white looks cold and dull, but she has super high combat intelligence.

From beginning to end, Bingli firmly grasped the initiative in the battle. If she hadn't cherished her strength, Lu Tiannan would have died long ago.

Gao Xian had killed so many of the demons who transformed themselves into gods, but he always felt that the demons were vulgar and that although they were strong in combat, they didn't have much fighting intelligence.

Bingli changed his view. The qualifications and talents of this beautiful demon clan are comparable to those of Da Luo Zongzhi Zhenzhen. In terms of combat power, Bingli is also the most powerful god he has ever seen.

Even with his ability, he might not be able to kill Bingli. This dragon girl's combat intelligence is so high that she will escape immediately if she notices something is wrong. She has a deep knowledge and must have a way to save her life.

Gao Xian will not be polite to the demon clan, but this guy is too difficult to deal with, and he is really unwilling to do anything if it is not necessary.

To be honest, when he was in Wanfeng Sect, he probably wouldn't care about Lu Tiannan's life or death. If he doesn't plot against the other party, that's his limit. There was no way I could help him. At the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly, Gao Xian saw Daohong Daozun's caliber, which really impressed him.

Taking the protection of the human race in the world as his own responsibility, he is truly worthy of being the number one Taoist in Jiuzhou. Dao Hong Daozun did not preach, he just did it in a down-to-earth manner.

As long as it is beneficial to the overall interests of the human race, he is willing to pay.

The God of Pojun is given to you as soon as you are told. The Daluo Sect's fundamental inheritance secret method "Daluo Transformation of Nerves" is passed on as soon as it is said. The requirements for him are very low.

Gao Xian felt that he was a small person and did not have the caliber of Dao Hong Dao Zun, but he was also willing to learn from this Dao Zun.

If nothing else, at least he was willing to help Lu Tiannan for the sake of the human race. After saving this old boy's life, it was only natural and justified to take away the Qiankun Wheel.

Therefore, Gao Xian was not in a hurry to take action. Only when Lu Tiannan was about to die would he take action, so that the other party would know how important his action was.

Otherwise, Lu Tiannan would feel pretty good about himself as he walked around with a sword! But you may not accept his favor.

Gao Xian placed part of his spiritual consciousness on the Qiankun Wheel, and this artifact was blasted hundreds of miles away by the divine light of Ice Soul. Lu Tiannan's connection with this artifact was already unstable, and he would not be able to remotely control the Universe Wheel.

Gao Xian is not comparable to Lu Tiannan, his spiritual consciousness is too strong. Even if you have not practiced the Qiankun Wheel, you can already lock this artifact from a long distance with your divine consciousness alone.

Bingli happened to seize the opportunity to continuously activate the Ice Soul Divine Light. Billions of Ice Soul Divine Light condensed into nine ice spears that were tens of feet long and fired continuously at Lu Tiannan.

The ice spear condensed from the divine light of the ice soul is like substance. The ice spear, which is dozens of feet long, condenses the cold air from the darkest to the coldest, and is sharp and fierce enough to destroy everything.

Before the ice gun arrived, Lu Tiannan's soul was shaken by the power of the ice gun. He felt guilty in his heart, knowing that the opponent's power was far greater than his own, and he could never take the attack forcefully.

Lu Tiannan was about to fly away on his sword, but was shocked to find that he had discovered that he had discovered that there was a lot of invisible magic power all around him. These magic powers were as thin as spider silk but extremely flexible, and had already been spread out in the void.

He was somehow surrounded by invisible mana cobwebs, and when he wanted to move away with his sword, the webs suddenly fell on him.

The red sword light that came and went like lightning suddenly stopped. The huge ice spear came and hit Lu Tiannan.

Lu Tiannan had nowhere to escape, so he could only bite the bullet and activate his sword to resist.

The Vermillion Bird Flying Feather Sword is a fifth-level divine sword that has been tempered in his hands for hundreds of years. He practiced the "Suzaku Sword Sutra" and corresponded to the Suzaku constellation in the sky, condensing star power to be the most blazing.

At this moment, using all his strength, the Vermilion Bird Flying Feather Sword turned into a series of flying feathers, forming a red Vermilion Bird Flying Bird in the air.

The sword weapon, sword Qi, and sword intention were all transformed into the Suzaku Dharma at this moment.

The huge crimson bird covered in red gold flames fluttered its wings and whistled softly, and the first ice spear instantly melted into a ball of white air in the blazing bird.

The second shot, the third shot...

Six consecutive huge ice spears were melted into white gas by the Suzaku Dharma Appearance, and the Suzaku Dharma Appearance also dimmed to the limit.

When Lu Tiannan saw the seventh giant ice gun shooting towards him, his eyes showed despair. Continuously urging the soul to transform into the Sword Qi Dharma Form, he had already exhausted all his mana.

This will leave you unable to parry or dodge.

He could only watch helplessly as the seventh ice spear penetrated the Suzaku Dharma Form, and both simultaneously shattered into flames and white air.

The eighth ice gun had already followed and hit his chest.

Bingli, who was more than ten miles away, looked at Lu Tiannan coldly. She knew that the opponent still had a protective robe and the last bit of sword energy, which could barely block the eighth shot. The ninth shot was just enough to kill Lu Tiannan's body and spirit together.

Bingli didn't have any pity, let alone hatred. She is doing business here, and the other party will die if she encounters her.

It doesn't matter who the other person is or what kind of monster he is.

Sure enough, Lu Tiannan blocked the eighth shot with his robe, but his robe was also blown to pieces. The shattered ice spear even left dozens of penetrating wounds on Lu Tiannan's body.

The ice spear contained extremely cold and sharp energy, which completely froze Lu Tiannan.

"Everything is just like calculation... it's over."

Bingli looked at Lu Tiannan silently. This god's expression was distorted because of fear, and his eyes were weak and humble, which made her even more disdainful.

At this moment, Bingli suddenly felt a palpitation in her heart.

She didn't know what was wrong, but she didn't hesitate to activate the ice light clone method. A translucent ice light shone, and in an instant she had thousands of figures spread out in all directions.

Gao Xian emerged from the void and didn't care about the thousands of clones in all directions. He flicked the Five Elements Wuji Sword in his hand, and the sharp sword light of the Qingyue sword brushed an ice-glass figure.

This figure as transparent as ice crystals immediately broke into two pieces with the sword, and blood burst out...

The Bingli figures scattered in all directions collapsed at the same time.

Without the control of Bingli's consciousness, the last ice spear was powerful but failed to lock on Lu Tiannan.

Lu Tiannan barely moved his sword horizontally by a few feet, avoiding the fatal blow from the ice spear. His attention was focused on the man in white who suddenly appeared.

Where did this man come from? Who is it again? That sword, as gentle as the breeze blowing through the clouds, actually killed Bingli?
Lu Tiannan looked straight at Gao Xian, who was dressed in white and snow-clad, feeling shocked, confused, and a little scared.

Even someone as strong as Bingli was killed by the opponent's sword. It was not easy for the opponent to kill him!

Gao Xian glanced at Bingli, who collapsed and dissipated. He could sense that a ray of spiritual connection was cut off.

This body was actually just a clone of Bingli, which really surprised him. However, having such a powerful clone killed by him would definitely be a heavy blow to Bingli.

In a short period of time, Bingli probably won't be able to enter the Hidden Dragon Cave.

The void changes in Hidden Dragon Cave are too powerful. It's quite safe here. Even if the Dragon King knew he was in the Hidden Dragon Cave, he probably wouldn't be able to find him.

The key is that he has found the Qiankun Wheel, and there is nothing to be afraid of when meeting the Dragon King.

Gao Xian thought of this and put the divine sword into his long sleeves. He smiled and handed over to Lu Tiannan: "Xuanmingjiao Gao Xian has met fellow Taoist Lu..." (End of Chapter)

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