Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 767 Reunion of old friends

The cold energy of the ice soul divine light surging in the void gradually dissipated, and the sea of ​​magma below that was as frozen as a rock began to slowly flow again.

This world is like a steel-making furnace. Gao Xian felt the hot breath hitting his eyes and nose even though he was thousands of feet high in the sky. This harsh world of void fragments made him feel very uncomfortable.

Bingli has a peerless talent in ice magic. It stands to reason that she should hate this hot and turbid void the most. But she couldn't stay here. There should be some important divine object in this world.

Gao Xian is very interested in divine objects, but he is more interested in Bingli's ability to stay.

The void fragments in the Hidden Dragon Cave are constantly rotating and cutting. His understanding is that the Hidden Dragon Cave is like a huge Rubik's Cube, constantly rotating and changing.

Every time the void changes, foreign cultivators like them will be thrown out. Bingli must have found a way not to be thrown out by the void fragments.

Only in this way can she have time to explore this world, and only then can she be sure that there is a rare treasure in this world, and then she can directly attack Lu Tiannan.

Gao Xian recalled where Bingli was when he first met her, stood there and tried it, and he quickly discovered the secret.

This location is the center point of the void fragment, with a radius of only a few feet. If you stand here, you won't be thrown out during the void transition.

With this discovery, he can stay in this world of void fragments for a long time. It also allows him to calmly search for treasures in this world.

Gao Xian found the key, and the next treasure hunt was easy.

Through Tianlong's True Eye of Breaking Laws, he quickly found the trace of the treasure. Hidden deep in the lava lake is a red dragon crystal the size of a date stone.

In other words, it is a drop of Heavenly Dragon's true blood. This drop of dragon's blood merges with the laws of the void in this world, transforming the spiritual energy into extremely hot temperatures, which melts everything in this world into a huge sea of ​​lava.

This shows that this drop of dragon blood contains powerful power.

Such powerful dragon blood cannot be carried by ordinary storage instruments. Gao Xian also had Taixian Meng Taoist Clothes to absorb this drop of dragon blood.

Although Gao Xian was not proficient in identification, he could roughly estimate with the Heavenly Dragon Breaking Technique True Eye that this drop of dragon blood was at least a sixth-level divine item.

Only a divine object of this level can turn this piece of void fragments with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles into a furnace.

After getting the divine object, Gao Xian was no longer interested in continuing to explore the Hidden Dragon Cave. Even the sixth- and seventh-level experts cannot enter the center of the Hidden Dragon Cave. What is he, a small fifth-level man, doing here?

The Shui Yunzhu sisters are in the Hidden Dragon Cave, but I don’t know when they will meet them. Shui Yunguang is actually okay and has a simpler mind. Shui Yunzhu is a scheming girl, and it is not very wise to get involved with her.

Especially now, the relationship between Jiuzhou and Longlin would be tense. Even if the Sharks have conflicts with Jiaolong, they will remain consistent with the outside world.

Gao Xian suppressed the small turmoil in his heart and decided to start home.

Then I thought about it, traveling thousands of miles to Qianxing Island and not seeing Yun Qingxuan, it just didn't make sense. He couldn't explain it in his heart!

He had some worries before, fearing that Long Lin would discover his relationship with Yun Qingxuan and implicate Yun Qingxuan and the others.

However, Qianxing Island and Jiuzhou were separated by the Dragon Scale Society, and Lu Tiannan knew about the Xuanming Sect. It can be seen that the news in the East China Sea is not that closed.

Not to mention that the Dragon Scale Society is so powerful, it is not difficult to find out his origins. The relationship between Yun Qingxuan and him is not a big secret.

The most important thing is that the fundamental inheritance of Qingyun Sect cannot be concealed. The Dragon Scale Society really wants to dig down the line, but Yun Qingxuan and the others cannot hide it.

Gao Xian saw that Bingli did not hesitate to take action against Lu Tiannan, and he knew that the relationship between Qianxing Island and Dragon Scale Society was not very harmonious.

With the Suzaku Taoist standing in front, the Dragon King would not go to Qianxing Island to cause trouble.

Gao Xian took out the teleportation talisman given by Lu Tiannan, and under the urging of his spiritual consciousness, the talisman turned into a series of spiritual lights and linked together to form a void teleportation array, and soon established a resonant connection with the void somewhere far away.

The next moment, the resonance connection opened up the void passage, and Gao Xian could already see a huge magic circle covering several acres on the opposite side.

There are too many void fragments in the Hidden Dragon Cave, which strongly interfere with this void connection. Gao Xian confirmed that there was no problem and activated the magic talisman to turn into spiritual light and rise into the sky.

When the aura dissipated, Gao Xian had arrived at the center of the huge teleportation circle.

The teleportation array is made of blue spiritual jade and covers an area of ​​several acres. There are several human monks surrounding the magic circle.

The leader, with white hair and white eyebrows, is wearing a star-blue robe and has a soaring Suzaku emblem on his chest. He should be the True Lord Nascent Soul of the Xingxiu Sect.

The white-haired and white-browed Nascent Soul Lord Lu Cian looked straight at Gao Xian, his eyes full of wariness.

He raised his voice and asked, "Please tell me which fellow Taoist is coming."

The other party was using a high-level teleportation talisman from the sect, so Lu Cian could not directly refuse the other party's use of the teleportation talisman. But he has never seen this person, so the teleportation circle is locked inward to prevent the other party from running out and causing damage.

This man in white clothes, Shengxue, was handsome and handsome, with a noble bearing. Lu Ci'an couldn't even see through the other man's cultivation. He didn't dare to be rude, and his attitude of asking questions was actually quite respectful.

Gao Xian held up his hand: "Xuanming teaches Gao Xian. I am here to attend the invitation of your sect fellow Taoist Lu Tiannan..."

When Lu Ci'an heard that he was Lu Tiannan's friend, he was a little stunned. This sect's sword god had high eyes and had always looked down on other sects' transformation gods. He only likes to associate with beautiful female gods.

Why did a man show up? !
"Senior, please wait a moment. I have sent a messenger to Master Lu. There will be news soon." Lu Ci'an knew that this Gao Xian must be the Taoist Master of Transformation, so he was even more cautious.

You can't let someone go like this, but you can't offend the other person either.

Before Lu Cian finished speaking, a red spiritual light shone beside him, and Lu Tiannan stepped out of the red light.

Lu Tiannan didn't look at Lu Cian, his eyes fell on Gao Xian in the center of the array. This person actually dared to come to Suzaku City to find him! It really surprised him.

This teleportation circle has six levels, and there are also changes in attack and defense. The magic circle alone was enough to trap Gao Xian. Life and death can only be determined by his thoughts...

There was even his teacher sitting in Suzaku City, so the Dragon King didn't even dare to act recklessly here. Lu Tiannan really couldn't figure it out. What was Gao Xian thinking?

Do you really think you have a life-long friendship with him? Or are the talented people bold?

After his own Qiankun Wheel was forcibly taken away, Lu Tiannan did have some resentment towards Gao Xian, but it was not to the point of killing someone to vent his anger. He's not a good guy, but he's not that bad either.

Besides, Gao Xian also has a backer and background. After he came back, he asked someone to check Gao Xian's situation, and then he found out that this man was famous in Jiuzhou, and he had killed the Dragon Scale Society's digital god demon clan, and the Dragon Scale Society was so beaten that they dared not say a word. It's really majestic.

For such a peerless person, it would be better for him not to make enemies with him.

Lu Tiannan thought of this and restrained his malice. He smiled and cupped his hands: "I'm very happy to hear that fellow Taoist is visiting."

Lu Tiannan then said to Lu Cian: "This is the supreme Taoist Lord of the Xuanming Sect, known as the Pojun Star Lord. He is famous as the most powerful man in all nine states. He is also my savior.

"You haven't opened the magic circle yet..."

"Yes." Lu Cian responded hurriedly. Lu Tiannan talked a lot, and he didn't care about titles like Lord Pojunxing, but this person was Lu Tiannan's savior. No wonder Lu Tiannan was so solemn.

Gao Xian smiled and exchanged polite greetings with Lu Tiannan. He had already seen clearly that Lu Tiannan had neither the will to be a good person nor the viciousness to be a bad person.

Just like most ordinary people, neither forward nor backward nor left nor right. In fact, so does he. He thinks this is good.

"Suzaku City is the most prosperous city on Qianxing Island. It is divided into seven sub-cities, with a total of more than 20 million cultivators. It also brings together various spiritual products and specialties on Qianxing Island..." Lu Tiannan adjusted his mentality and said Gao Xian is also a little more enthusiastic.

The matter of the Qiankun Wheel is over, and he has repaid most of the favors with this little-used artifact. Now he doesn't feel any debt to Gao Xian, which is good!
"I'll accompany the Taoist friends for a nice walk, and show my friendship as a landlord."

Gao Xian was also somewhat interested in Suzaku City. Since he came here, he always wanted to experience the local customs and customs. He said, "Okay, I'll trouble you, fellow Taoist."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Lu Tiannan took Gao Xian to fly into the air with his escaping light. He pointed to several islands that were very close below and said: "The most lively one is Tianchang City, with many delicious food and beauties of all ethnic groups. Among them, Jinyu Tower is the best, with singing and dancing. Wonderful, beautiful and charming..."

As a fun-loving Taoist Transformation Lord, Lu Tiannan is very familiar with the places to play in the seven cities of Suzaku. This time Gao Xian came, and he wanted to invite him to appreciate the beauty of Suzaku City.

Speaking of these, Lu Tiannan was also very happy, with joy from the bottom of his heart.

Gao Xian couldn't help but laugh. Over the past few hundred years, he had been busy everywhere and had few days of leisure. I have many girlfriends, and my status is different, so it’s not easy to go to the land of romance and have fun anymore.

Today, together with Lu Tiannan, I found the atmosphere of having fun that I had not seen for a long time.

"Then I'll ask fellow Taoist to lead the way..."

"I won't come home until I'm drunk today..."

Lu Tiannan took Gao Xian to the Jinyu Building and booked the entire building. Beauties, fine wine, and delicious food were all laid out for Gao Xian to enjoy.

Gao Xian wasn't polite either. He hadn't indulged in a long time. It was quite useful to be in a gentle land.

With graceful singing and dancing, passionate beauties, and a hint of drunkenness, Jinyu Tower is like a fairyland at the moment...

"Do you know Yun Qingxuan, fellow Taoist?" Gao Xian asked casually when he saw Lu Tiannan's eyes were a little wandering.


Hearing the name Yun Qingxuan, Lu Tiannan's eyes suddenly brightened up. He looked deeply at Gao Xian and asked, "Fellow Taoist, do you know Qingxuan?"

Gao Xian smiled slightly: "If the person is right, I must know him. It's just that I haven't seen him for hundreds of years, but I don't know what is going on with Senior Brother Yun..."

"Senior Brother Yun?"

Lu Tiannan felt something in his heart. It was very common for cultivators to call him "senior brother" to show respect. This did not mean that the two were necessarily from the same sect.

However, given Gao Xian's status, he would not call others senior brother at will.

"Qingxuan is on Yuxing Island. The surrounding sea area is rich in a special kind of spiritual jade, which can be taken as jade ointment. It is a very important spiritual object for spiritual practice..."

Lu Tiannan said enthusiastically: "Fellow Taoist has never been to Yuxing Island, why don't I take fellow Taoist there."

"Then I won't trouble you, fellow Taoist."

Gao Xian didn't want to take Lu Tiannan with him. He said, "My relationship with the Dragon Scale Society is very bad. If they know about my relationship with my senior brother, it will be quite detrimental to the senior brother."

"This is Qianxing Island, how dare the Dragon Scale Society be so presumptuous."

Lu Tiannan patted his chest and said: "Qingyun Sect is an important member of our Qianxing Island. Anyone who is unfavorable to Qingyun Sect is an enemy of Xingxiu Sect."

He paused for a moment and then said with a strange expression: "Besides, there are experts taking care of you behind Qingyun Sect. Fellow Taoist, don't worry."

"Expert?" Gao Xian was a little surprised. He knew that the Qingyun Sect had some connections overseas, but just to see what Lu Tiannan meant, the expert who looked after Yun Qingxuan was at least the sixth level of Pure Yang.

The old man is in the sky, and he has such a powerful background? He felt a little weird.

Lu Tiannan smiled mysteriously, indicating that it was not convenient to say more about the matter. He gave Gao Xian a jade slip and said, "This is the sea map of Qianxing Island. With this, Taoist friends can find Jade Star Island..."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist. I've had a lot of fun today, so I'll say goodbye."

Gao Xian stood up and held his hands, and without waiting for Lu Tiannan to speak, he disappeared without a trace with a flick of his sleeves.

Lu Tiannan was a little stunned. This person left so happily. It would be such a waste not to enjoy so many beauties!

He looked at the beauties accompanying him. They were laughing and singing and dancing, but no one noticed that Gao Xian was gone. No, these women have forgotten even Gao Xian...

There is no doubt that Gao Xian does not want others to reveal his whereabouts. Therefore, everyone's memory of him was erased. The key is that he did all this quietly, and no one who received the technique noticed anything, even he didn't notice anything was wrong.

He sighed in his heart: "This man is so powerful and has such a thoughtful mind..."

After leaving Suzaku City, Gao Xian drove the black and yellow divine light to the east. With the chart given by Lu Tiannan, Gao Xian was already above Yuxing Island when the new sun rose on the eastern sea.

Yuxing Island is very large, with a length and breadth of more than ten thousand miles, and a radius of hundreds of millions of miles. There is a city facing the sea in the west, and there are large stretches of buildings on the peaks thousands of miles away. Many cultivators above are breathing purple energy into the rising sun.

At a glance, there are nearly a million cultivators in the sect.

Gao Xian did not use the Heavenly Dragon Breaking Technique True Eye. He could faintly sense Yun Qingxuan's aura and was certain that this was the Qingyun Sect.

Qingyun Sect was right in front of him, but Gao Xian hesitated.

Seven hundred years have passed, and the sea will not turn into mulberry fields. However, people and things will definitely change, and they will change a lot...

In front of the Shenxiao Palace, seventeen-year-old Yun Mingzhu cleaned up after finishing her homework as usual. She held a broom in her hand and cleaned the bluestone steps in front of the hall bit by bit.

Shenxiao Temple does not allow the use of magic, so she can only clean it honestly.

Yun Mingzhu was scanning and suddenly saw a white figure in front of her. She looked up in surprise and saw a handsome man in white clothes.

She had never seen this man before, and she was very surprised: "You are..."

The girl felt that the man's eyes were as bright as stars, and he had an indescribable and powerful charm. She was stunned when she looked at him, but she forgot to say the next words for a moment.

The girl soon realized something was wrong and hurriedly put out the warning talisman hidden in her sleeve. She stepped back and looked at Gao Xian with a wary face.

Gao Xian couldn't help but smile when he saw the childish girl. With the ninth level of Qi training at such a young age, he should be a true disciple of the sect. The vigilance is not bad and the reaction is not bad.

It can be seen that the sect has taken root here, but it is more energetic than the original Qingyun Sect.

"Who breaks into Qingyun Gate without permission?!"

In the flash of red light, a stunningly beautiful woman in red flew down with her sword. She was full of murderous intent, but when her eyes fell on Gao Xian's face, she couldn't help but be startled.

Gao Xian was even more happy to see that his old friend was fine: "Feihuang, farewell and fine."

Li Feihuang stared at Gao Xian with disbelief on his face: "Gao, Xian..." (End of Chapter)

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