Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 780 Flowing Clouds and Flowing Waters

Jin Zhongyuan already attached great importance to Gao Xian, and even made special arrangements to join forces to kill Gao Xian first.

He never imagined that the other party would kill Jiuhuan in one encounter!
Jiuhuan is a powerful person in the late stage of divine transformation. Her unique Nine Yin Minghuan method condenses the nine-layer magic ring on the soul, which merges with her natural poisonous ring.

This is equivalent to wearing nine layers of protective magic weapons on the soul, giving her super resistance. Even if he faces a stronger opponent, he can still tangle with the opponent and will never suffer a loss in a short period of time.

Even if it was a Spiritual Transformation to kill a Nascent Soul, it wouldn't be so quick and clean.

He really couldn't understand why Gao Xian could kill Jiu Huan so easily. He could only tell that the palm force was not the force of the palm, but the sharp and unparalleled sword light condensed from the five elements of mana.

Jin Zhongyuan has seen many powerful people, but this is the first time he has encountered such a terrifying human being. What's even more frightening is that Gao Xian completely disappeared under their joint siege.

This is not a cover-up!
The consciousness of the three transformed gods and monsters is so tyrannical. Their consciousness is crisscrossed all over the square. They can sense anything wrong with even a tiny bit of abnormal aura, not to mention a speck of dust.

As a result, Gao Xian disappeared completely under the lock of their consciousness. Even their powerful six senses were unable to sense Gao Xian's position.

For a strong person at the level of god transformation, this change is very weird and unbelievable.

Any concealment of spells or magic weapons must have various restrictions. How could it be so easy to isolate all sensations and completely disappear.

This is equivalent to them all becoming blind and deaf. In this case, they can only let the other party slaughter them!

Jin Zhongyuan, Yin Feijia, and Gui Chengfeng are all experienced in combat, and they were able to become gods by fighting all the way.

There are too many monsters in the North Sea. No matter how talented they are, as long as they don't know how to fight, they will be killed quickly. There is no chance.

It is precisely this cruel environment that allows several of the demon-forming tribes to have very strong combat qualities.

The three major demon clans lost all traces of Gao Xian and activated their protective energy at the same time without any discussion.

Three tyrannical powers - Tiansha Swallowing Dao Qi, Cangming Zhenqi, and Xuanwu Zhenqi - exploded at the same time. The Gangqi impacted and vibrated with each other, completely filling the small area of ​​the square.

Yin Sujun and Yin Jiuli realized that something was wrong, so they both retreated to the door of the side hall, and at the same time activated their sword qi to resist the impact of the three kinds of gang qi mana.

The buildings in the Taiyin Palace are all part of the magic circle. Although the blast of the three gods and monsters is strong, it cannot really destroy these buildings.

Qing Qing and Shui Mingxia were protected by the two magic swords behind them, and they would not be affected by the slightest impact.

The rest of the demon clan is not so lucky.

In order to save their lives, the three major transformed demon clans would not care about the lives of their subordinates. The violent mana energy was unleashed and the demon clan was smashed to pieces on the spot. The remaining Nascent Soul demon clan barely used magic weapons and secret techniques to resist, but they still could not withstand the impact of the mana and were blown away.

The Nascent Soul monsters rolling in the air quickly turned into pieces of rotten flesh. In the end, only three Yuanying monsters were blasted to the edge of the square and barely managed to save their lives. However, their flesh was rotten, their bones were broken, and their bodies were seriously injured.

Jin Zhongyuan, Gui Chengfeng, and Yin Feijia didn't care about this. They activated their protective weapons to bombard each other just to force Gao Xian out.

No matter how invisible the magic weapon is, it will inevitably reveal its whereabouts under the violent impact of magic.

This is indeed the case. Although the Tai Chi Phaseless Divine Clothes and the Tai Huan Meng Dao Clothes are wonderful, they cannot completely resolve the mana impact of the three transformed gods and monsters at such a close range.

Amidst the fierce and violent waves, Gao Xian's white-clothed figure emerged again.

The three god-transforming demon tribes had so much fighting experience that they did not hesitate to take action at the same time when they saw Gao Xian appearing.

The Sky Shark Tunhai Daoqi, the Xuanwu Tiangang Daoqi, and the Broken Mountain Cone all fell towards Gao Xian.

Yin Feijia is a crab, but he is naturally good at magic. The broken mountain awl in his hand seemed simple, but in his hand it was extremely powerful.

This time, nine mountain-breaking awls formed into a three-foot-long black pointed awl, which penetrated Gao Xian's front door first.

The long sword transformed by the Tiansha Swallowing the Sea Dao Qi slashed down from the left. The most powerful thing about this sword was the change of swallowing the sea. The Dao Qi seemed to be strong but it shrank inward, covering Gao Xian like an invisible whirlpool, causing him to Locked on all sides.

The most powerful one is Gui Chengfeng's Xuanwu Tiangang Sword.

Xuanwu Tiangang is the secret tradition of the Turtle Clan and is engraved in the blood of the Turtle Clan. As long as they condense the golden elixir and awaken their wisdom, they can understand the Xuanwu Tiangang from their blood.

Inheriting secret magic powers from the bloodline is also the natural ability of the demon clan. After returning to Chengfeng to condense the Yin God, he entered the upper echelons of the Turtle Clan and obtained a higher level of secret law inheritance.

Gui Chengfeng has a rough and direct temperament. He inherited a Xuanwu Tiangang Sword from his ancestors. He has practiced painstakingly for thousands of years and has achieved extremely high attainments in this sword technique.

Coupled with his powerful magic power, he has the highest cultivation level among the three gods-transforming demon clan.

The Xuanwu Tiangang Dao Qi followed behind the broken mountain cone and slashed down. The strength of the Dao Qi was as bright as the blazing sun. Xuanwu Tiangang is obviously a water-based magic power, but when activated by Gui Chengfeng, it is unparalleled in strength and power.

The three demon-turned-gods have little experience in joining forces, but they are all good at fighting. They lock onto Gao Xian through their powerful spiritual consciousness, and they naturally coordinate and integrate with each other through their spiritual consciousness.

Yin Feijia is responsible for attacking first and not giving Gao Xian a chance to evade. Jin Zhongyuan used the Swallowing Sea Transformation to control the surrounding void and lay down a legal field to prevent Gao Xian from escaping.

Gui Chengfeng was responsible for the main attack and gave Gao Xian a hard blow.

The three god-transforming demon tribes did not expect to kill Gao Xian with one move. As long as Gui Chengfeng could kill Gao Xian, they would not hesitate to burn their souls to use all their mana to kill Gao Xian.

The main reason is that Gao Xian is so powerful, and he can come and go without a trace, and he doesn't know where to hide even if he wants to. Such an enemy is too dangerous and you must do your best to kill it!

Yin Jiuli and Yin Sujun who were watching the battle also saw that something was wrong. Both of them were far behind in terms of combat literacy. This will make it a little slower to help.

Gao Xian glanced at Yin Jiuli and Yin Sujun from a distance. His eyes were as bright and lofty as the stars in the sky, with an immeasurable mystery.

Even though Gao Xian didn't say anything, the two divine sword cultivators understood what Gao Xian meant: he was fine.

Yin Jiuli and Yin Sujun also calmed down, and they each used their swords to prepare for changes. Gao Xian didn't want Yin Jiuli and the others to get involved because having two more avatars would create countless variables. It would be better for him to do it alone with three god-transforming demon clans. All changes are under control, and there is no need to think too much about doing it.

Gao Xian's long sleeves were fluttering like flowing clouds in the face of the mountain-breaking awl that was coming towards him, and he once again put this powerful spell into his sleeves.

The re-refined Taixuhuan Mengdao Yi already has the magical power to contain the void, and it is effortless to contain a mountain-breaking cone spell. This is also the benefit of combining weapons and techniques into one, which is enough to bring out the power of the sixth-level Taihuan Mengdao Yi artifact.

After defusing the broken mountain cone, Gao Xian calmly activated the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel behind him.

The five emperors in his body rotate in turn, and the positive and negative five elements of mana are gathered into the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel. There are ten colors of spiritual light shining, and when condensed together, it becomes as bright as the sun.

Gao Xian's perfectly integrated physical body and soul were also fully mobilized. His right hand poked out from his long sleeve like flowing clouds, and five-colored divine light spurted out from his palm like a rainbow.

The Grandmaster's perfect five-element divine light coupled with the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel is his most powerful magical power to defeat enemies now.

The three god-transforming monster clan seemed to attack together, but in his eyes, they were divided into three parts. They had no real connection with each other and were just barely pieced together.

His powerful consciousness allowed him to make an instant judgment, and now was the best time to take action.

Destroying Yu Zhengrui, he defeated the combined efforts of the three god-transforming demon clans in one fell swoop, thus establishing victory.

The three transformed gods and monsters did not expect that Gao Xian did not dodge, but faced them head-on. This unexpected response also made them lose the initiative.

However, none of the three demon-turned-god clans believed that Gao Xian could stop the combined efforts of the three of them.

Until the five-color rainbow transformed by the divine light of the five elements breaks through the sky, and the void where the rainbow passes splits all things and turns into nothingness.

Jin Zhongyuan activated the Sky Shark Swallowing Sea Dao Qi, which was swept away by the five-color divine rainbow and immediately dissipated. Jin Zhongyuan sensed something was wrong and quickly sheathed his sword and retreated in panic.

This retreat led him directly towards the main hall, which was extremely decisive.

Gui Chengfeng faced the divine light of the five elements, but he could not retreat. At the critical moment, he could only frantically activate and burn his natal soul to activate the Xuanwu Tiangang.

But burning the natal soul also requires preparation in advance, and it is absolutely impossible to burn a powerful soul in an instant.

The five-color divine rainbow easily penetrated the Xuanwu Tiangang Daoqi and penetrated Gui Chengfeng's body.

The body of the Turtle Clan is the toughest, but it quickly melts and transforms into light in the five-color divine rainbow.

In the blink of an eye, the turtle tribe's powerful god-turned-god was completely wiped out by the five-color divine rainbow, leaving only the Xuanwu Tiangang Sword in his hand...

Yin Feijia saw that Gui Chengfeng was wiped out like this, without even leaving any ashes. Even though he was very deep in the city, his expression changed in shock at this moment.

The opponent's magical power was too terrifying, and he didn't have the guts to fight again.

Yin Feijia activated the escape light and was about to escape far away when a platinum electric light flashed in Gao Xian's left eye.

Although the Great Five Elements Divine Light is strong, one instantaneous use is already the limit, and it is absolutely impossible to use it continuously.

In order to keep Yin Feijia, Gao Xian could only activate the Nine Heavens God's Thunder and Lightning Sutra first. Through the blessing of Tianlong's law-breaking true eye, the power of Tianshu's electric light is enhanced.

Yin Feijia was blocked by the heavy electric grid, and the escape light stopped for a moment.

In the moment, Gao Xian's magic power calmly activated the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel again, and the white shadow flashed past Yin Feijia at high speed.

When the two sides passed each other, Gao Xian pressed his palm on Yin Feijia's grotesque head.

The Great Five Elements Tiangang followed the opponent's head and penetrated the soul, blasting the humanoid crab into a ball of rotten debris. Including the opponent's soul, they were completely annihilated under the bombardment of the positive and negative five elements of the Great Five Elements Tiangang...

Gao Xian's cultivation level is far superior to that of the three deity-transforming demon clans, and coupled with his tyrannical consciousness, he can control the overall situation. The other party's numerous changes were as transparent to him.

When taking action, you have already considered how to kill the opponent's soul, and will never give the opponent a chance.

Jin Zhongyuan was galloping outwards before he could leave the square. Gao Xian was already chasing him. The difference between the light escape speeds of the two sides is too great.

Since teleportation and other spells were not possible in the Taiyin Palace, Jin Zhongyuan had no chance to escape.

Jin Zhongyuan is also aware of this. He has a very cruel temper. If he knows that he can't escape, he will burn his soul and fight desperately.

No matter what, we must not make Gao Xian feel better!
Gao Xian immediately sensed the change in Jin Zhongyuan's soul. He stretched out his hand and pointed a nine-pointed star light out.

Jin Zhongyuan turned around and slashed with his sword, but the dark blue nine-pointed star penetrated the heavy sword energy and penetrated Jin Zhongyuan's eyebrows. The blazing star power also completely killed the demon clan soul...

In a flash of lightning, the three demons transformed into gods were killed by Gao Xian.

Gao Xiandu was very satisfied with his performance. Compared to the battle in the East China Sea where they tried their best, today they have everything under control.

Yin Sujun had seen Gao Xian's abilities, but he still couldn't help but be shocked.

This was three gods-transforming demon tribes joining forces, and Gao Xian could easily kill them one by one with one move. The whole process was as smooth as clouds and flowing water, with the calmness and ease of mastering everything.

Looking at Gao Xian again, the eyes of this elegant young woman were a little more complicated.

Qingqing's face was full of joy and excitement, and her little face was shining. Although Yin Jiuli was more reserved, his bright eyes were full of tenderness when he looked at Gao Xian.

Shui Mingxia's eyes flickered, as if she was hesitating about something...

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