Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 798: Give it a try!

In the dark room, Gao Xian sat down on the chair that Dao Hong Dao Zun had just sat on. He casually picked up the "Ode to the Joy of Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang" that Dao Hong Dao Zun had placed on the tea table.

The pages of the book are brand new, and it is obvious that Dao Hong Dao Zun is not a good reader.

Gao Xian guessed that Dao Hong was here to teach him, but he didn't guess that Lao Dao taught the political class very well and at a very high level.

In his last life, he lived in an era of deconstructive culture, and he could make fun of anything, which seemed to make his life easier.

Gao Xian also doesn't like things that are too sacred, glorious, or great. The main reason is that he is a little afraid, afraid of being seen as mediocre and cowardly, afraid of being seen as humble and weak.

In this life, his cultivation was tyrannical, far superior to his peers. Then he doesn't have the consciousness and determination to be a hero.

He just sticks to his bottom line and doesn't do anything small.

He also knew that he was a little bit petty, and he had too many concerns before doing things, and he lacked a bit of the heroic and domineering spirit that filled the heavens and earth.

Gao Xianzhen came to the Heaven-Human Covenant Conference without thinking about the people of Jiuzhou, but just to fulfill the agreement. This is his small righteousness!
After following Zhi Zhen around the coast of the East China Sea, he felt sad when he saw with his own eyes the tragic situation of not being able to survive for thousands of miles.

When I arrived at Bibo City, I saw millions of monsters wreaking havoc, and I finally couldn't suppress the rage in my heart. Only then did he let go and wipe out all the monsters.

Gao Xian also knew that there was no point in doing this. The demon race was endless, and killing a million of them would be meaningless. But he just wanted to be happy, so he didn't need to think too much.

Sure enough, unbridled killing is what suits Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Shu. Although he used the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuan Book to absorb the blood essence and soul before, he did not use it as the main purpose. Upgrading uses various spiritual objects.

It wasn't until this moment that Gao Xian felt the joy and freedom released by the Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu, and he felt like he was truly alive.

If he were a cultivator of the Demon Sect, he might fall into the path of killing. Fortunately, Taixuan Shenxiang is just one of the Yuanshen, and it is not enough to shake his mind.

After a killing, Gao Xian calmed down a lot.

Changes in heaven and earth, great catastrophe for all sentient beings. Not to mention that he is a small transformed god, even the eighth-level Tianzun and the ninth-level Taoist ancestor are unable to defy heaven.

In these troubled times, we can only go with the flow and go with the flow.

Wan Yingying's words also made him realize that the battle of the Covenant between Heaven and Man would be extremely difficult. Sister Bai Yujing also said that he is not enough to sweep through the fifth level.

That Liu Sanxiang, he really might not be able to win!

Gao Xian was actually very uncomfortable in his heart. He had prepared for this for hundreds of years. He had practiced the sixth-level top-level military-breaking magic weapon to the master's level. With the addition of the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel and the master-level infinite yin-yang sword, he thought he was invincible.

I never expected such an unexpected situation.

He is actually also thinking about how to deal with this situation. If you really want to fight to the death, enough is enough. After all, Hongzhi Tianjun gave up.

What's more, he didn't expect Daohong Daozun to come over to teach him and beg him solemnly.

Gao Xian remained calm on the surface, but he was really moved in his heart. Dao Hong Dao Zun pointed out a very cruel reality, that if these high-level cultivators did not try their best, they would be fine, but the unlucky ones would be the bottom.

This is true for all major sects. Even if the sect is forced to move, it will not have a great impact on him, a powerful spiritual cultivator.

Only cultivators at the bottom of the sect will have their lives completely changed. Not to mention those mortals.

The laws of heaven and earth can restrict the strong and try to protect the lower-level mortals and low-level cultivators. However, the influx of a large number of low-level monsters into Jiuzhou would be a disaster for mortals, with no place to hide.

Gao Xian suddenly understood why he sighed. It must be for the sake of the people of Jiuzhou.

He doesn't have great mercy, he just doesn't want to see innocent and good people suffer. It was just hard for him to convince himself that he was just trying his best.

After sitting in the dark room and meditating for a long time, Gao Xian suddenly slapped the table: "Damn it, I have to fight for the sake of humanity and aura!"

This world is vast, and the number of human races is countless. However, after hundreds of years of hard work in the Jiuzhou market, he has cultivated a large number of loyal readers and even turned them into stable inheritance.

If Jiuzhou was gone, all his efforts over the past few hundred years would be gone. If you switch to Donghai, there are six and seven levels everywhere. He is nothing but a small transformation god. Who can listen to him?

Not to mention that the various sects in the East China Sea are scattered all over the place, and like the Qianxing Island and other large alliances, there are very few direct connections between the islands.

It's just this kind of direct barrier in space that causes the various sects on Thousand Star Island to be unusually scattered. Selling books in a place like this is a hundred times more difficult than Jiuzhou.

Gao Xian had this reason and convinced himself.

We are not heroes, we just fight for ourselves. He and the people of Jiuzhou are both prosperous and destructive!
After making up his mind, Gao Xian felt relaxed. What kind of bullshit Liu Sanxiang could stop his Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel? Can you block his Great Five Elements Divine Light? ! Can you stop him from destroying the army?

It’s hard to say, maybe it can really be blocked.

Gao Xian has seen Bai Yujing's power, and guesses that even if Hongyuan Tianjun is not as sharp as Bai Yujing, he will not be much worse.

This heavenly king will definitely evaluate him. Daohong Daozun also realized this, so he came to him to talk to him.

Daohong Daozun knows that he still has potential and hopes that he can try his best. In fact, it was the last act of desperation that put all hope on him.

He was probably the only one who needed a veteran to come over specifically to mobilize. Zhizhen, these Daluo Sect cultivators, will definitely fight with all their strength, no need for the veteran to say anything.

Oh, Rudian also said today, if I don’t go to hell, who will.

The words revealed compassion for all living beings, which made Gao Xian admire him deeply. He sees the suffering of all sentient beings with his electric eyes, so he feels compassion in his heart, but this level of wisdom is incomparable to him.

Gao Xian couldn't help but laugh at himself when he thought about this. Calculating this, he had the lowest consciousness...

He took out the Fengyue Treasure Book and studied it carefully.

He had used up all the human aura and could not quickly upgrade the secret technique in a short period of time. However, he has four innate energy in his hand.

He hasn't used this product yet and doesn't know its specific effects. Today, Wan Yingying introduced Xiantian Yi Qi to him in detail, which gave him a rough estimate of this thing.

The innate energy can be taken directly to enhance the original foundation of the cultivator. However, this item cannot be used directly to practice secret techniques, but it can be used to directly enhance the soul.

If it can be used in secret techniques to upgrade Da Luo Hua Nerve, it should be enough to rise to the master level. At that time, the three spirits merged into one, and their power increased dramatically.

Liu Sanxiang should not be difficult to kill. Unfortunately, Xiantian Qi is not a human aura, so it cannot be used directly like this.

Directly blessing the three souls can strengthen the souls. But it is difficult to achieve the effect of the unity of the three spirits.

Moreover, the innate Qi is so wonderful. The three gods use the innate energy at the same time, and it will take at least a year and a half to digest the innate spiritual energy.

There are only three days until the Celestial Covenant Conference, and there is no time.

It is a pity that there are only four paths of innate energy. If there are five paths of innate energy, it may be possible to bless the five emperors' wheel and elevate the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel to the master level.

The Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel is undoubtedly a true sixth-level secret technique. It requires 800 billion human spiritual lights to upgrade. This shows how powerful this secret technique is.

If he could really rise to the master level, his combat power would be doubled.

If you go to Dao Hong Dao Zun at this time, the old Taoist must be willing to give him an innate energy. But he wasn't sure either. Besides, upgrading such a high-level artifact cannot be completed in a short time.

Gao Xian calculated over and over again, only two paths were the most reliable.

The first is to use the Xiantian Yiqi Sacrifice to refine the Wancheng Yushen Sutra. This sixth-level high-grade artifact has been in his hands for decades.

It is still far away from refining, but I have roughly figured out how to use it. As long as you complete the ritual training, you can easily get started.

If Bai Yujing hadn't lied to him, the Wancheng Royal God Manual was very powerful and had great prospects.

It's just that this artifact came later, and he has no idea how powerful it will be. It is difficult for a sixth-level high-grade artifact to change its fate against the will of heaven.

The most reliable way is to use the Xiantian Yiqi Sacrifice to refine the Five Elements Wuji Sword. This divine sword is the natal sword of Taiyuan Shenxiang. After many years of sacrifice, he is only one step away from the sixth level.

Coupled with the innate energy, it should be able to be promoted to the sixth level. If he can succeed, his sword skills will definitely increase his chances of winning.

The only thing to worry about is that three days is not enough. The Five Elements Wuji Sword cannot be upgraded to a higher level and cannot be used. That would be embarrassing.

The Blood River Tianzun Hua Yuanshu can also be upgraded, but this artifact is not good at attacking difficulties. Even if it is promoted to the sixth level, it will not pose a great threat to the strong.

After weighing the pros and cons, Gao Xian decided to give it a try. If the sword cannot be upgraded to a higher level, you can still use the Army-Breaking Divine Barrier as a sword, but there will be a lot less changes.

Thinking of this, Gao Xian did not hesitate, took out the sword-raising gourd and put the innate energy bead into it...

(The third update, 10,000 words, please give me a monthly ticket~Brothers and sisters, go for it~) (End of this chapter)

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