Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 802 Power comes from God

Chapter 802 Power comes from God
Rudian wearing crimson monk robes appeared on the water mirror. Her petite body held an eight-foot-long black stick in her hand.

Almost none of the spectators watching the battle recognized this pretty girl-like female monk. Only through the list displayed on the stone tablet did we know that this person was named Rudian.

"This little thing looks delicious!"

In the Yunxiao Tower, a ferocious monster clan with a thick body and full body of scales laughed strangely, mocking Rudian's petite figure.

All the monsters around him laughed and were very happy.

This group of demons at the Jindan level did not consider the powerful god-transformer Rudian at all. Anyway, the distance is so far, so what can they do if they just laugh at me like electricity.

Li Feihuang, who was on the top floor, heard the noisy laughter of these monsters. She frowned and said, "You really don't know how to live or die."

Lu Tiannan also frowned. The monsters were a bit too rampant, but he didn't say anything. Thousand Stars City is like this, there are vulgar monsters everywhere, and it's not worth getting angry about.

Thousand Stars City can be so prosperous thanks to these cheap monsters.

Yun Qingxuan didn't pay attention to these noisy monsters. She focused on Rudian. This spiritual cultivator who looks like a pretty girl has an indescribable power in her body. Even more powerful than the decisive and fierce He Feng.

As he spoke, he glanced at the sisters Shui Yunzhu and Shui Yunguang behind the King of Mermen. The sharks were famous for their fun, and these two sisters were beautiful and transformed into gods, so he became somewhat interested.

The Golden Shark King was extremely disdainful when he talked about Shark Yuanhai.

Many strong men on the rooftop heard Xuan Ba's words, and the Golden Shark King laughed and clapped: "I am a man from the demon clan, and I should be so domineering!"

On the Canglong flying ship, King Jiaolong had an unmoving expression on his face, but he knew in his heart that this battle with Bingli was over. He just hoped that Bingli would not be stupid and insist on competing with Rudian.

She had an intuition that lightning would be able to defeat that Bingli...

Demon King Bai Kui really wanted to take action and broke the tacit understanding between the heaven-level experts, and things got out of control.

Furthermore, Xuanba’s journey has been too smooth. Giving him a strong enemy can also help him discover his own problems.

He turned around and said: "Don't be a loser like Shark Yuanhai. He hesitated and was in a dilemma. I was killed by a weak human race with a sword. It was really embarrassing for me..."

Demon King Bai Kui's eyes flashed, and he knew that Bingli was not good as soon as Rudian appeared. This human cultivator is perfect in body and soul, has peerless courage in heart, and has unparalleled power in spirit. What a true seed of cultivation!

Most of the demon clan are rude and direct. After hearing Xuan Ba's words, several demon clan gods cheered loudly.

Such boastful words are also his method to win the favor of beautiful women.

It would be more cost-effective for Yin Feihu to deal with this woman. It's just that the list has been arranged and he can't change it.

He said angrily: "Teacher, watch me tear her apart later!"

Xuan Ba ​​noticed the teacher's gaze. He grinned and smiled at the teacher. His green bean-like eyes were full of confidence and even a bit of arrogance.

Shark Yuanhai is very talented and highly valued by the Golden Shark King. Just being killed by He Feng with a sword while hundreds of millions of monsters and humans were watching, it really embarrassed the giant shark monsters.

He looked at his apprentice Xuan Ba. Xuan Ba ​​was at a disadvantage when he touched this woman. They are all head-to-head encounters. You can win, but you will inevitably suffer some damage.

The great formation of heavenly beings in the ten directions of the void sealed the inside and outside. Not to mention him, even the demon king Bai Kui could not interfere in the battle. Besides, Hongyuan Tianjun came all the way, not just to join in the fun.

Xuan Ba ​​slapped the six-foot Xuanlong Thunder Saber under his ribs and said proudly: "What the hell, Gao Xian, wait until I chop off their heads with this sword!"

Shui Yunzhu smiled slightly. She naturally understood Xuan Ba's thoughts, but she had no interest in this extremely ugly monster clan.

The main reason is that Xuan Ba ​​is too ugly, with a hairless head and eyes like mung beans, patches of tortoise shells on his chest and back, and short and thick limbs covered with thin black and green scales.

In comparison, Liu Sanxiang, who is also covered in black scales, has a head like a dragon, a tall and slender figure, and a domineering and majestic appearance, but he is much stronger than Xuan Ba. Even Yin Feihu, who has the head of a tiger and the body of a tiger, is fierce and somewhat unpredictable, showing the demeanor of a strong man.

Shui Yunguang didn't even look at Xuan Ba. In hundreds of years, there was only one high-ranking person that she could like. She has no interest in weird monsters!

Although Xuan Ba ​​has a rough temperament, his spiritual consciousness is powerful and sharp. The subtle emotions revealed in Shui Yunzhu's eyes could not be hidden from him.

He was angry that two stinky women dared to look down on him. If the King of Mermen hadn't been there, he would have drawn his sword and beheaded the two bitches on the spot!
At his level of cultivation, he was still not strong enough to compete head-on with the sixth-level shark king. At this moment, he could only suppress the anger in his heart, but he had already begun to think about how to take revenge on the two sharks.

The Shark King noticed the malice flashing in Xuan Ba's eyes, and he sneered in his heart. This disciple of the Demon King Bai Kui is a bit too arrogant. With such a temperament, he may not be able to pass the test of Rudian...

The Heavenly Beings in the Ten Directions Great Formation have already started taking action.

Bingli had never seen Rudian before, but she could tell that the power of the human form and spirit was strong, so she could activate the Bingso divine light from a distance.

Rudian did not dodge at all, letting Bingli continue to stimulate the ice soul divine light. When the opponent's momentum reached its peak, the small Sumeru stick in her hand shook violently and made a buzzing vibration.

Layer upon layer of icy divine light froze the area of ​​several miles into a huge block of ice, but it shattered and disintegrated under the vibration of the small Sumeru stick.

Bingli didn't expect that Rudian could break Bingso's divine light so easily, so she hurriedly activated the Taiyin Minglong Dharma Phase to attack Rudian.

The form of the Taiyin Dark Dragon is transformed by white cold air. Its shape changes from yin to cold, and it has the power of the Dark Dragon to devour all living things.

"Broken!" Rudian chanted the mantra of the mighty heavenly dragon to subjugate demons, and shouted in a low voice.

The shape of the unpredictable Taiyin Minglong was broken by the central restriction of the Tianlong mantra, and the gathered shape of the Yunlong immediately shattered and dispersed.

The next moment, the lightning-activated Tianzutong was already in front of Bingli, and the small Sumeru stick fell down with a crash.

The cloud dragon crown on Bingli's head turned into a surging cloud dragon, but was blasted into flying catkins all over the sky by the powerful little Sumeru stick. Bingli used this block to activate the magic talisman to escape from the void formation.

Bingli returned to the rooftop and bowed to the Dragon King: "Disciple is incompetent, please punish me, teacher."

"This Goddess Elephant Suppression Prison is restraining all your secret techniques, don't worry about it." The Dragon King comforted him casually. After all, he was his own disciple. Although his performance was not very good, he couldn't really scold her.

Xuanba bared his teeth and smiled: "Fellow Taoist Bingli, let me help you vent your anger!"

As he spoke, he stepped into the void formation and came to the opposite side of Rudian. He waved to Rudian casually: "Little thing, come here and die!"

Rudian was not angry, she looked Xuanba up and down seriously. She realized that one of the six magical powers was clairvoyance, which could easily see through various changes in her opponents.

But in her clairvoyance, the Xuanba's aura was strong but closed, and she couldn't see through the reality. She sighed in her heart: "He is indeed a formidable enemy!"

When Xuan Ba ​​saw that Rudian didn't respond, he suddenly shouted: "Take my slap!"

He stretched out his thick right palm and struck it like lightning, and the Xuanwu Divine Gang burst out. Under the influence of the majestic and endless mana, his palm became covering the sky and the sea.

The great array of heavenly beings in the ten directions of the void was actually occupied by this thick right palm covered with scales...

All the spectators who were watching the battle through the water mirror saw a huge palm occupying the water mirror. At this moment, the huge palm seemed to penetrate the water mirror and directly press on the hearts of all the spectators.

I don’t know how many people and monsters screamed at this moment, feeling that they were going to be crushed to death like little bugs...

Even the many powerful gods were silent at this meeting. Although Xuan Ba ​​is extremely arrogant, he is really capable of arrogance. With just this palm, it seemed that all the formations of heavenly beings in the ten directions were about to be exploded by him!
In the Dragon Elephant Palace, Tie Yuan, Ming Xiang and other masters were watching the battle in front of the water mirror. Everyone was shocked when they saw this palm, and the situation was not good...

(End of this chapter)

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