my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 308 Do you know that son of a bitch from the Red Army? [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

Chapter 308 Do you know that son of a bitch from the Red Army? [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

It can only be said that in the heart of Platoon Leader Ye, there is nothing to tell the truth.

I won't talk about whether the singing is good or not, after all, only the Blue Army brothers and the head of the director department know.

What the hell are you, they are going to be wiped out, and you sing about the green flowers in the army?
Don't miss home, don't miss mother?
The 116th division is about to be completely wiped out, dare to miss home?

Mom, I was wiped out by the opponent during the exercise.
This is embarrassing, and I dare not let my family know!

From the name of the Blue Army Special Operations Regiment, we can see what kind of force the Blue Army is.

Siberian tiger!
Everyone is a man of blood!

For a while, the remaining brothers of the 116th Division were excited, yelling, "Is that the song sung by that mountain cannon just now?" while holding the explosive package, they charged at the tanks on the ground!
Even if I die, I'll have to hold my back!
This is the common idea of ​​the 116th division.

As the saying goes, the underdog must win, and the Blue Army relied on this style of play regardless of casualties to stabilize the situation on the Eastern Front in an instant, and the battle situation once again fell into anxiety.

This made Zhang Tianping look dumbfounded, thinking what happened to the Blue Army?Taking the wrong medicine?Why do both of them seem to be possessed by Lu Bu?
Zhang Tianping was wondering, Fang Qing came to find him.

"Zhang Tianping? What's the situation on the front line? Has the [-]rd Armored Division on the opposite side come to support you?"

"Why are you fighting so hard all of a sudden?"

Zhang Tianping was stupefied when he heard the words, and said in a somewhat confused manner.

"I don't know, Master, the armored division on the opposite side is also my sister, come to support me."

Listen, the Northeast dialect given to our head Zhang is all done!
It can only be said that Ye Fei's voice effect is really good, hurting the enemy is also hurting himself!

However, Ye Fei's actions also played a blundering effect.

At this time, in the Blue Army Command Division, the Blue Army Chief of Staff Liu Yongjun was anxiously calling for the 116th Division.

"Division 116! Division 116!"

It can be seen that Liu Yongjun was really in a hurry, he didn't even call out the code name, he just called out the number!
Facing Liu Yongjun's call, the voice of the commander of the 116th division instantly came out of the earphones.

"Received by the 116th Division, please tell the headquarters."

The tone of the commander of the 116th division was very calm, which was a bit scary.

Liu Yongjun didn't hear the strangeness in his words, and immediately asked anxiously.

"What is the situation on the Eastern Front now?"

"The vanguard of the [-]rd Armored Division will arrive at the battlefield soon!"

"You must persist until the armored forces arrive. At the same time, I allow you to make up your own mind, look for opportunities, and lead your troops to withdraw to the core position of Height 4399!"

"Our task is to defend the No. 4399 highland. The success or failure of the outer battlefield means nothing!"

"Hello? Division 116? Division 116?"

"Zhao Qian! What the hell are you!"

Facing Liu Yongjun's call, Zhao Qian was speechless for a long time, and after a while, he spoke with a trembling voice.

"Thank you Chief of Staff for your kindness."

"Let the third division turn around and cover the retreat of the other brothers."

"All the soldiers of my 116th Division are determined to live and die with the Eastern Front!"

Hearing this, Liu Yongjun suddenly panicked!

"Zhao Qian! Now is not the time for you to play tricks on me!"

"The success or failure of this exercise depends on everything you and I know!"

"The 116th Division must retreat! This is an order!"

Hearing this, Zhao Qian finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said in a very painful tone.

"chief of staff"

"Our teacher, we can't withdraw"

"The armored forces of the Red Army have divided and surrounded us."

"And just now there was a kid in the Red Army who invaded our communication channel, what the heck! He's still singing green flowers in the army!"

"I, Zhao Qian, have been in the army for [-] years. How have I ever suffered such humiliation!"

"Chief of Staff, don't let the Third Division get involved!"

"All the officers and soldiers of our division, even if they fight to the last, will make the Red Army pay the price in blood!"

Hearing this, Liu Yongjun was speechless for a long time, and suddenly shouted!

"Division 116 listens to the order!"


"Order your department to continue to stick to the Eastern Front position, and buy time for the peripheral troops to retreat!"

"Yes! Thank you Chief of Staff!"

Zhao Qian, who had finished the communication, showed a fierce look on his resolute face, and ordered to the staff around him.

"Notify the whole division, shoot out all the ammunition!"

"From now on, each company organizes its own internal battles, and give me a hard beat of this group of sons of bitch Red Army!"

"As long as there is one member of my 116th Division who has not withdrawn from the exercise, these bastards of the Red Army will not even think about crossing over!"


After giving the order, Zhao Qian put on his hat, picked up the 95 propped in the corner, and walked out.

Seeing this, the staff officer at the side hurriedly stopped him, and said in a panic.

"Teacher! You can't leave the headquarters!"

"What do you want! I'll go for you!"

Hearing this, Zhao Qian snorted coldly and said angrily.

"Go to the front line! Are you going for me too?"

"Notify all the personnel in the division headquarters to follow Lao Tzu and go to the front to beat the Red Army!"


As he said that, Zhao Qian seemed to think of something, and he gave instructions to the staff next to him.

"Notify the divisional reconnaissance company and tell them to retreat!"

The soldiers of the division's reconnaissance company who had been letting the wind out at the door suddenly became anxious when they heard the words, stepped into the tent suddenly, and said excitedly to Zhao Qian!

"Master, we are the division's reconnaissance company!"

"Where you are, we will be there!"

"That's right! Master, we will follow you to the front line!"

Faced with the sincere words of several soldiers of the reconnaissance company, instead of being moved, Zhao Qian angrily scolded!

"obey orders!"

"You have more important things to do!"

"Next, until the end of the exercise, in addition to defending the No. 4399 highland, there is another task!"

"That is to find out the brat who the Red Army invaded our command channel and sing, and kill him!"

"We must not let him, the son of a bitch, live until the end of the exercise!"

"Have you heard clearly!"


"Repeat it!"

"That son of a bitch who is determined not to let the Red Army sing, live until the drill is over!"

Several soldiers of the reconnaissance company repeated Zhao Qian's order through gritted teeth, as if they also hated the singing platoon leader Ye.

Plato Leader Ye probably never dreamed that his erroneous actions not only affected the judgment of the commander of the Blue Army, but also made it possible to wipe out the 116th Division.

It also made me be targeted by an entire divisional reconnaissance company.
Tsk tsk, look at our platoon leader Ye's treatment, a whole reconnaissance company came to target, isn't this inappropriate treatment for a platoon leader?

But it's normal to think about it. For things like exercises, it doesn't matter if you win or lose later, especially in a situation where the blue army is doomed.

Now if you don't fight for steamed buns, don't get rid of Paichang Ye, the whole 116 is up and down, and your thoughts are not clear!

To use the words in Xiuxian's novel, if Platoon Leader Ye really persisted alive and kicking until the end of the exercise, then he would become the demon of the 116th division!
On the other side, the blue army in three directions, south, north, and west, has been gradually shrinking the line of defense and moved to the blocking position on the 4399th highland.

In the entire peripheral battlefield, only the 116th Division on the Eastern Front is still holding on.

Encouraged by the division commander Zhao Qian to take the lead in the battle, all the soldiers of the 116th Division broke out with great fighting enthusiasm. The fights became fiercer and fiercer, and the most prominent one was the hatred to the bone.

I don't know whether they hate the Red Army or a certain platoon leader named Ye
After several hours of fighting, all soldiers of the 116th Division withdrew from the exercise on the Eastern Front!
If it is an actual combat, this means that the 116th Division has been completely wiped out!

In previous exercises, if the number of casualties of a certain unit exceeded 70.00%, the director department would take action and judge the unit to withdraw from the battlefield on the grounds of excessive casualties!
This is the first time in history that during the exercise, a division-level unit was truly wiped out!
In the director's department, seeing this scene, Zhu Quan closed his eyes, waiting for the stormy reprimand from the old company commander.

If you have achieved this virtue in battle, you will be a ghost if you don't get scolded!
But to his surprise, the old company commander who saw the 116th Division being wiped out, instead of scolding him, came over and patted him on the shoulder, praising the 116th Division as a bloody iron army!

What made Zhu Quan look confused, he was not sure what the old company commander meant.

At this time of the exercise, although the battle in the outer positions has ended.

But the battlefield behind is full of undercurrents!
The elites of the two special operations regiments "Sound Arrow" and "Siberian Tiger" have successfully infiltrated the rear battlefields of both sides!
Especially the "Siberian Tiger", which has detected the location of the Red Army headquarters, is galloping all the way towards the Red Army headquarters!
Seeing this, everyone in the director's department suddenly felt that the outcome of this exercise was really hard to say!

The scene changed, and Ye Fei drove Zhang Tianping's jeep to the front line.

A group of blue army soldiers who had been "killed" in the surrounding area were walking towards the periphery of the exercise field.

Seeing this, Ye Fei casually found a Blue Army cadre with a similar rank, handed him a cigarette, and spoke enthusiastically.

"Comrade, good fight, smoke a cigarette."

The blue army cadre took a look at Ye Fei's military rank, and took it over without hesitation, leaning on Ye Fei's jeep by the way, smoking a cigarette with Ye Fei.

"Comrade, your 116th division is really powerful! With the attack of our mechanized infantry division and an armored division, you can kill so many of us!"

Ye Fei is telling the truth, when the battle is over, the loss ratio of the red and blue sides is 1:2.
Among them, the 116th Division on the Eastern Front contributed a battle loss ratio of 5:3 at the cost of the entire division's destruction!

In other words, the besieged 116th Division abruptly wiped out most of the divisions of the Red Army!

Fang Qing and Zhang Tianping were stunned by this outrageous record, wondering who surrounded whom?

Why is the battle damage ratio so outrageous?
From this point of view, the 116th Division is worthy of the praise of the old company commander, and it is indeed a bloody "iron army!"

Hearing this, the blue army cadres showed a complacent expression on their faces.

"That is, our 116 division, everyone is a good man!"

The two chatted casually again. Suddenly, the Blue Army cadre looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he moved to Ye Fei's side and spoke quietly.

"Comrade, let me inquire about someone with you."

Ye Fei's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, but his expression was as usual, and he said calmly.

"What do you think."

"Do you know that son of a bitch who sings about green flowers in the army on our communication channel?"

 Today's explosive update is sent!

  Around 10:30 there will be two updates with [-] words, brothers remember to come!
  For the sake of the explosion, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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