my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 312 Summary meeting, furious old company commander! [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

Chapter 312 Summary meeting, furious old company commander! [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Fei stopped in his tracks immediately, and stared vigilantly at the hundreds of blue army soldiers in the distance, cursing in his heart.

There are also many brothers in the Red Army, so why don't they all sit here to watch the fun!
Why are you still pointing the gun at me!
Just as Ye Fei was complaining desperately in his heart, the soldiers of the blue army finally couldn't bear it anymore, rushed to Liu Yongjun, and said with righteous indignation.

"Chief of Staff! Don't let this kid go!"

"That's right, Chief of Staff, he's the guy who sang about being green in the army on our channel!"

Hearing this, Liu Yongjun frowned immediately, and blurted out an angry reprimand!


"What's wrong with people singing about green flowers in the army?"

"The communication channel has been hacked, it's because our skills are inferior to others!"

"Now it's just singing a song, can't you bear it?"

"Compared to fighting in the future, let the enemy issue wrong command information on our communication channels."

"I'd rather let my brother army sing the green flower of the army a hundred times on the communication channel!"

"Don't you understand this point? What's there to worry about!"

Needless to say, Liu Yongjun deserves to be the commander-in-chief and chief of staff of the Blue Army's exercise. This awareness is high!

After a few words, the blue army soldiers who spoke directly were speechless, showing expressions of shame or deep thought.

Seeing this, Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried towards Liu Yongjun.

Sudden!A Blue Army soldier said timidly.

"chief of staff"

"I heard from the referee that this kid also participated in the formulation of the Red Army's combat plan."

"This guy came up with the idea of ​​attaching corner reflectors to trucks and pretending to be armored units"


I am Nima!
I said why the old company commander named him by name, let me pick this kid up to the director department!

Co-authoring is to let me see who I lost to?
Thinking of this, Liu Yongjun turned his head and looked straight at the rank at Ye Fei's collar.

The rank of lieutenant with double stars deeply hurt our old Liu's heart
After fighting all his life, he was fooled by a junior!
In Liu Yongjun's mind, the scene where his old comrade-in-arms used this incident to mock him already appeared.

Old Willow?I heard you were fooled by a brat?
Old Willow?I heard that he was tricked by a lieutenant?
Listen, listen!
What a shame!

After a long time, Liu Yongjun sighed heavily, looking at Ye Fei with extremely complicated eyes.

Forget it, if you are ridiculed, you will be ridiculed.

Liu Yongjun has served the people and the Yan Kingdom all his life, and he understands one reason.

That is, in the army, heroes are not judged by age, but only by victory or defeat.

Although it's really embarrassing for me to be fooled by a brat like Ye Fei.

But Liu Yongjun was also very pleased and happy to lose to a young and handsome man like Ye Fei.

If possible, he wished he could lose to the young man a few more times.

Because this means that the Yan Kingdom troops have successors!

But having said that, Liu Yongjun still feels very angry!
Him!Why is this kid not from our army!

I heard that this kid was transferred from the armed police?Was stuffed into the 38th Army by the old company commander?
The old company commander is eccentric!eccentric!

After complaining fiercely in his heart, Liu Yongjun spoke to Ye Fei.

"Boy, what are you doing hiding so far away?"

"I'm here, are you still afraid of them making a move?"

Ye Feixin said that he was not afraid just now, but now he is indeed a little afraid.

But the ears of wheat on Liu Yongjun's collar reminded Ye Fei that he couldn't say this out loud, so Ye Fei had no choice but to show a bright smile, strode to Liu Yongjun's side, and said.

"No, no, Chief, didn't I not react!"

"Chief, do you think we are leaving now?"

Hearing this, Liu Yongjun glanced at Ye Fei with a half-smile expression.

"That's it."

After finishing speaking, Liu Yongjun waved his hand again, and said impatiently to the soldiers of the blue army beside him.

"What are you still looking at here! Pack up your things quickly!"

"Go home the day after tomorrow!"


Facing Liu Yongjun's order, all the soldiers of the Blue Army responded with their mouths, and indeed responded physically, and walked towards the distance.

But the eyes of the crowd were still staring at Ye Fei viciously, looking at the wolf even more than King Sima Xuan.

No need to think about it, Ye Fei has become famous in the hearts of the soldiers of the 39th Army.

Don't let me get the chance!Otherwise, it will definitely make your kid look good!
The soldiers of the Blue Army murmured a few words of indignation in their hearts, and finally dispersed.

Seeing this, Liu Yongjun immediately turned around and walked towards the distant helicopter, and greeted Ye Fei by the way.

"Let's go."

"The chief has a lot to do, don't make him wait."


Hearing this, Ye Fei responded, and hurriedly followed behind Liu Yongjun, feeling a little excited in his heart!
Two lifetimes as a human being, this is the first time for Ye Fei to take a helicopter!

And not far from Ye Fei, a giant steel beast suddenly stopped, roaring continuously!

Straight 8!

Just looking at the appearance of Zhi 8 in front of you, you know that this big guy must be able to carry many people!

After Liu Yongjun boarded the straight 8, Ye Fei couldn't wait to board it!

It's so big!
This is the only thought in Ye Fei's mind after entering Zhi 8!
"Let's go to the director's department."

"Boy, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Fasten your seat belt."

Liu Yongjun's voice reached Ye Fei's ears through the roar of the propeller.

Hearing this, Ye Fei immediately fastened the seat belt on the seat very obediently, and began to look curiously at the interior of the Z-8.


After a few glances, Ye Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he realized that something was wrong!

This looks like a blue army helicopter?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei grimaced, pulled his throat, and shouted to Liu Yongjun in the front seat.


"I can actually drive to the director's department by myself!"

"It's fast too, really!"

"Can I get off the plane now?"

To Ye Fei's disappointment, his hoarse shout did not attract Liu Yongjun's attention.

Liu Yongjun didn't even turn his head, but showed a meaningful smile that Ye Fei couldn't see.

"Chief? Chief."

The momentary sense of weightlessness choked Ye Fei back before he could finish his sentence.

The huge noise instantly filled the entire cabin, causing Ye Fei to frown!
And Liu Yongjun in the front seat, at some point, actually put on a headset!

Obviously, Liu Yongjun was well prepared!
Our platoon leader Ye is not prepared!
Especially the helicopter pilot of the blue army made it clear that he was deliberately targeting Ye Fei!
He drove the helicopter straight into the sky at every turn, or fell suddenly.

Every time at this time, a strong sense of weightlessness would hit instantly, making Platoon Leader Ye dizzy for a while!
Do you know that there is a chief on the plane?

Is that how you fly helicopters?
Ye Fei endured the discomfort, and frantically complained about the blue army's helicopter pilot.

Platoon Leader Ye seemed to have forgotten one thing.

Is there a possibility that the reason why the Blue Army driver drove like this was because someone had greeted him?
At the end of the 10-minute flight, Ye Fei suppressed the surging nausea into his stomach, and calmly got off the plane.

No matter how uncomfortable it is, our platoon leader Ye must put on a "this is it" attitude!
We must not let the calf of the Blue Army underestimate him!
At the same time, Platoon Leader Ye secretly made a poisonous oath in his heart.

It is impossible to sit in a helicopter, and it is impossible to sit in a helicopter again in this life!
And Liu Yongjun, who had been preparing to see Ye Fei make a fool of himself, raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw Ye Fei's nonchalant expression.

Boy, I can bear it!
"Let's go."

Although I was a little regretful, I couldn't see the scene where Ye Fei got off the plane and vomited.

But Liu Yongjun still kept in mind the task assigned to him by the chief, and brought Ye Fei into the director's department.

Before coming, Ye Fei didn't feel anything.

After all, the old company commander had already greeted Ye Fei, and after the exercise was over, he had to have a good chat with him.

But after Ye Fei entered the director's department, he couldn't help but be a little surprised by the scene in front of him.

I saw that the director's room was densely packed with people.

Up to Liu Ming and Zhu Quan, down to Zhang Tianping are equally famous.

Even Lao Man was sitting in the corner of the director's department!
On the red and blue sides, all cadres above the regiment level are here!

And the one who sits in the first place is not the old company commander but who else!
Cooperate with what you said and chat together in front of so many people?

"Chief, someone brought it here."

Hearing Liu Yongjun's respectful voice, the old company commander nodded slightly, and ignored him, but said to Ye Fei behind him.

"Isn't this a great hero of our Red Army?"


Hearing this, Ye Fei immediately took a step forward, raised his hand in salute, and shouted forcefully.

"Hello, Chief!"

Facing Ye Fei's salute, the old company commander got up straight away and returned Ye Fei's equally solemn military salute!
"Come here and sit next to me."

Hearing this, Ye Fei's eyes widened immediately!

No, sir!I know you probably appreciate me!

But I'll go and sit next to you, okay?

My regiment commander, division commander, and even the army commander are all sitting below!

In desperation, Ye Fei had no choice but to turn his head slightly, looking at Zhang Tianping as if he was asking for help.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianping coughed in embarrassment, and looked at Fang Qing with Ye Fei.

Seeing the two of them staring at him, Fang Qing coughed slightly in embarrassment, and looked at Liu Ming in the front row.

Fang Qing's meaning is obvious, it's useless to see me, let it go if you dare to speak!
Seeing this, Liu Ming, who was stared at by the three of them, smiled and said to Ye Fei.

"The chief asked you to sit and you sat down, what are you doing, the young man!"


Seeing his family's highest chief speak, Ye Fei finally let go of his worries, walked quickly to the side of the old company commander, and sat down in accordance with the queue rules, with his back straight.

"Boy, are you nervous sitting next to me?"

As soon as Ye Fei sat down, the old company commander suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Ye Fei immediately said without thinking.

"Neither nervous nor nervous."

"Hey, you little slick!"

Hearing Ye Fei's ambiguous reply, the old company commander laughed and cursed at Ye Fei, and then gave instructions to the cadres around him.

"let's start."


The cadre responded, and immediately opened the folder in his hand, pointed at the microphone, and said straight to the point.

"Now hold a review and summary meeting for this exercise."

"Let's talk about the problem first."

"During this exercise, the red and blue sides exposed the following problems."

The cadre's speech is fast, but his articulation is very clear, giving people a sense of competence.

But Ye Fei listened to his statement, but the more he listened, the more frightened he became!

Whether it is the 38th Army, the victor of this exercise, or the 39th Army, which unfortunately lost, the cadres have picked out a lot of problems!

Like the Tigers, the scene of being attacked at the beginning of entering the arena was repeatedly emphasized by the cadres, and a large number of special approvals were given!

As for the problems of the Blue Army, there are more!
After a while, when the cadre finished his statement, the expressions of all the people present became extremely solemn.

"Have you heard it?"

"It's still the same sentence, don't mention the grades, only talk about the problem and how to solve the problem."

"Let's talk about it, what do you think about the problems that have arisen in this exercise?"

As he said that, the old company commander cast his eyes on Liu Ming and Zhu Quan, and made it clear that he wanted them to make a sample first.

The two were also very happy, got up in turn, repeated the problems that their troops had encountered during the exercise, and gave solutions.

And the solution the two mentioned can actually be understood as the training focus of their own troops in the next year.

As the saying goes, where can't you practice, what's the problem?Then practice it!
This is also the usual process in previous exercises.

Next, take turns to speak on the main officers of the troops whose problems have been exposed in this key point.

But this time, the old company commander who came with a mission did not directly start this link.


Hearing this, Zhu Quan and Liu Ming looked at each other, and shouted at the old company commander in unison.

"Report to the chief, it's over!"

After the words fell, seeing the old company commander shook his head in disappointment, the two of them felt a little bit in their hearts, secretly thinking that they would suffer.

"I'm sure I'm done talking, then let me talk about it."

"This exercise, I am very disappointed!"

There was a strong sense of coldness in the plain voice of the old company commander, which surprised all the cadres present!
"In the past few years, many people here have asked me about it, and even complained."

"When can an exercise without a script be played? Some people even say, what's the point of an exercise with a script?"

"Okay, this exercise is as you wish, there is no script, let you play freely."

"But what's the result?"

"What kind of birds are you hitting!"

The tone of the old company commander became more and more angry, and finally slammed the table!
Seeing this, everyone present immediately stood up and stood up straight!

"Being attacked by surprise, the command channel was invaded, and the logistics support was not in place. Such low-level mistakes can be made?"

"A tank regiment can't be dispatched because of fuel problems?"

"Is this how you fight!"

Hearing the old company commander's angry reprimand, Ye Fei was startled suddenly, thinking that there is still such a thing?

"I think there is no need for this meeting."

"Drills are for discovering problems, and meetings are for solving problems."

"The problem can't be solved, and there is still a ball for the meeting!"

The old company commander scolded a few times, then announced the adjournment of the meeting, and asked all the cadres to go back and sum up their reflections.

Hearing this, all the cadres immediately got up and left without daring to turn their heads.

Sitting back on the chair, the old company commander rubbed his brows wearily, and after a while, he suddenly said to Ye Fei beside him.

"I didn't see it before, you kid has a lot of tricks."

Hearing this, Ye Fei chuckled and didn't answer, but waited for the old company commander's next question.

Ye Fei knew very well that the old company commander had come all the way for him, and it was definitely not for reminiscing about the old days.

"Do you remember the questions just summarized?"

When Ye Fei heard this, he knew that the old company commander was about to test himself, so he immediately replied respectfully.

"I remember it all."

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Hearing this, the old company commander said to Ye Fei with an expression of great interest.

"Then repeat it in front of me now!"

 Thank you brothers for your concern, wait until the author takes care of his hands, and try to give everyone a wave of explosive updates!
  This chapter is based on voice coding, the author is not very skilled, and the efficiency is a bit low.

  The author is more familiar with it, try to hurry up tomorrow, two or three updates!
  Brothers, please understand me, I can't let you down!
  Finally, congratulations to the book friend Piao Sui Feng, who became the second leader of this book!
  Thanks to Suifengpiao, and fellow book friends, for your support of this book and your concern for the author!

  Continue to ask for monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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