my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 320 This is the first time I heard that someone is begging for abuse! [Seek to follow up!Ask

Chapter 320 This is the first time I heard that someone is begging for abuse! [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

After seeing the integrated command platform, all the cadres are extremely excited, as if they saw the opportunity to break the legendary career of Platoon Leader Ye.

But Ye Fei remained calm, staring at the integrated command platform in front of him, lost in thought.

Didn't it mean that it will be installed in the whole army in the second half of the year?

Why was it sent to the 38th Army before October came?

Tsk tsk, could it be that this is how a son is treated?
That's right, the integrated command platform that is regarded as a life-saving straw by all the cadres is the "Six Secrets" command system that Ye Fei visited in Changluzhi back then and practiced it more than once!
Looking at the extremely excited expressions of the surrounding cadres, Ye Fei was a little less excited, thinking that they were excited because they saw the "Six Secrets" system.

It's boring, I'm already tired of playing with this thing!
Isn't it just a command system with wargame deduction? I really don't know what you are so excited about.

well! ! !
While Platoon Leader Ye was still feeling emotional here, on the other side, Xu Qi'an, who had been eloquent, finally got to the point.

"Next, I would like to invite one of the developers of this system, a postgraduate teacher of Changshan Army Command Academy, to introduce the operation process of the 'Six Secrets' system in detail!"

"Everyone welcomes with applause!"

"Clap clap clap clap!"

Hearing this, all the cadres applauded desperately, their palms turned red, and they didn't know what they were excited about.

Accompanied by applause, the mysterious teacher, dressed in military uniform, strode forward and spoke.

"I don't dare to be a teacher, I just explain the operation method to everyone."

"Let me introduce myself, I'm a student of Chang Lu Zhiyan No. [-]."

"Chen Pingan."

When all the cadres heard the words, they immediately admired it in their hearts, secretly thinking that this is indeed a good name, as soon as they heard it, they knew that they were cultural people.

And a certain platoon leader surnamed Ye stared at Chen Pingan on the stage, lost in thought.

Ho! Zei is not old Chen!
I haven't seen you for a few months, it's all about the teacher!

A smile appeared on Ye Fei's face unconsciously, and he looked at his good roommate and comrade-in-arms in Chang Luzhi's time with great interest, and by the way, he even thought about the opening remarks to run on him when they met in private.

But Platoon Leader Ye didn't even think about it. Is he qualified to use this to run on others?

Is it an exaggeration for a small teacher like him, a double first-class hero?

And Chen Pingan on the stage didn't seem to notice that Ye Fei in the crowd was still explaining eloquently.

"This is an FM device, this is a communication device."

"Pay attention to this system, electronic sand table."

"Not only can it save the time of building a sand table, but it can also transmit the location of the frontline combat units in real time, so that the commander can make a better judgment."

"And this, the wargame simulation system."

"When there is enough enemy intelligence, the system can be used to input data, simulate combat situations, and even simulate combat plans."

"At the same time, this system can also carry out confrontation between multiple people, and is used to explore new tactics."

"Is there any comrade who is willing to come up and set an example for other comrades?"

"I need two."

As soon as Chen Ping'an's words fell, all the cadres present immediately spoke eagerly.

"Teacher! I'm coming!"

"Me too! I was a computer major before I joined the army!"

"Teacher! Teacher! Choose me!"

The extremely enthusiastic attitude of the cadres greatly exceeded Chen Pingan's expectations.

Seeing this, Chen Pingan had no choice but to randomly order two cadres in the front row, and Ye Fei was not among them.

Facing the envious eyes of everyone, the two cadres who were targeted strode towards Chen Pingan. After exchanging a few simple greetings, they sat down in front of the computer.

Half an hour later, Chen Pingan's explanation finally stopped.

The two cadres also completed a simulated confrontation.

"Teacher, can we come again?"

After the end, one of the cadres seemed to be a little bit unsatisfied, and asked Chen Pingan.

Hearing this, Chen Ping smiled and nodded.


"Other comrades, come over too. There are three computers in each class, and they organize training in turns."


Hearing Chen Ping'an's words, Ye Fei, who had been bored for a long time, slowly walked forward with the crowd and yawned.

Seeing Ye Fei coming, the two cadres who had just experienced the wargame system impatiently invited Ye Fei.

"Platoon Leader Ye, why don't we have a game?"

"Don't fight with me! Platoon Leader Ye, shall we come?"

Hearing this, Ye Fei showed a forced smile and politely refused.

"No, no, just train first."

"It's the same if I start later."

From Ye Fei's reaction, it can be seen that he still has a conscience and has no intention of abusing food.

But our platoon leader Ye did not, but these two cadres did!

Why were there so many cadres scrambling to be the first to do the actual operation?

Don't you just want to get started early and take advantage of this opportunity to abuse a wave of "food"!

That's right, in their eyes, Ye Fei, who has never practiced it before, is just a dish, and he can handle it at will!

In fact, according to common sense, there is nothing wrong with cadres having this idea.

Let Ye Fei crush him for half a month, and now he finally has a chance to feel proud, and of course he can't let it go easily.

But our platoon leader Ye is not a dish at all!

Back when he was in Chang Luzhi, Ye Fei set the record for the largest number of enemy kills that this system simulated in the scene of the Gulf War!
Other dishes? First ask the faculty and graduate students who developed this system if they agree!

But among the cadres present, except for Chen Pingan and the person involved, Ye Fei, no one knows about this!

Ye Fei would definitely not take the initiative to say it, for fear of hitting the hearts of all the cadres who are on the verge of being broken.

As for Chen Pingan, Teacher Chen, who was being dragged by Xu Qi'an, muttering about something, he didn't have time to pay attention to the scene here, and he didn't find his old acquaintance Ye Fei mixed in with the crowd of the training team.

Therefore, the development of the matter is gradually slipping in the direction that is most unfavorable to other cadres.

"Platoon Leader Ye, come on, come on, comrades all want to compete with you!"

"That's right, come on, sit here, train first, let's learn!"

"That's right, Platoon Leader Ye, let's study hard!"

In the past half a month, all the cadres who were crushed by Ye Fei in all directions couldn't hold back any longer. They wanted to regain their place in this subject and invited Ye Fei desperately.

Seeing this, Ye Fei looked at the enthusiastic cadres around him, sighed, and sat in front of the computer, slandering in his heart.

How strange hey!
This is the first time I heard of someone begging for abuse!
Looking at the familiar interface, Ye Fei moved the mouse a few times with ease, and then asked the cadre opposite.

"How to say?"

Hearing this, the cadre who had just practiced it once said happily immediately.

"It's still the same as before, offensive and defensive simulated confrontation!"

"In this way, Platoon Leader Ye, I have already practiced it once, and I am quite familiar with this system."

"Then you defend me and attack, how about it?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Fei pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and asked the opposite cadre in a complicated tone.

"you sure?"

"Sure! One hundred percent sure!"

"Platoon Leader Ye, if there is no problem, then shall we start?"

Seeing that the cadre opposite was still full of confidence, Ye Fei shook his head helplessly.


"let's start!"

Seeing this, almost all the cadres present gathered around Ye Fei and the cadres opposite, nervously watching the matter of whether Ye Fei's legendary career could be broken, simulating a confrontation!
And Paichang Ye, who was dragging the mouse in his hand, felt very calm in his heart, looking at the familiar system interface, he felt very kind.

After a lapse of nearly a year, the god of simulated confrontation training that once made Lu Chang point out countless graduate students, shocked and desperate, is back!

After the confrontation began, the mouse in Ye Fei's hand kept making "click, click" sounds, and the frequency of the sounds became faster and faster!

Scouting the enemy, gathering intelligence, and summarizing information.
Under Ye Fei's control, the fog of war that simulated confrontation has been opened, and the positions of all enemy units have been exposed on Ye Fei's screen!

This is the biggest feature of information warfare!
Relying on the information collected through various means, knowing yourself and the enemy, attack decisively with lightning speed, and strive to complete the battle with the smallest casualties and the largest battle loss ratio!

For Ye Fei, this is a necessary preparation before the confrontation, just like eating and drinking water.

But when the other onlookers saw this, they couldn't help being shocked!
Fuck?Can you still play like this?

Moreover, Ye Fei's understanding of various interfaces and smooth operation methods made all the cadres faintly feel that something is wrong!

How did this kid behave so proficiently?
Could it be that he was often exposed to this kind of war chess game before?Still have a strong learning ability?
Otherwise, there is no way to explain it!

The analysis of the cadres is actually only one step away from the truth.

Ye Fei's learning ability is indeed very strong.

But what Ye Fei came into contact with was not a war chess game.

It is already considered a completed version, the "Six Secret Teachings" system!
After knowing the enemy's deployment, Ye Fei closed his eyes, and his brain began to work instinctively, deducing the marching route of the cadres on the opposite side, and the possible attack methods and formations.

Strong analytical ability and logical thinking ability are the biggest reason why Ye Fei is invincible in this fast-paced war game of simulated confrontation!
At the end of the analysis, Ye Fei opened his eyes abruptly, gave up the position directly, and while setting up the artillery position, he manipulated all the troops to dispatch immediately, preparing for a blocking battle!

It can only be said that the cadres still don't know enough about Ye Fei.

In life, Platoon Leader Ye has always been a master who is unwilling to be lonely and loves to make troubles.

Then when it comes to the battlefield, even if it's just a simulated deduction, even if Platoon Leader Ye is the defender, Platoon Leader Ye will never stop!
In terms of command, Ye Fei has always believed in the most widely spread statement of Clausewitz - offense is the best defense!

defense?Keep a fart!

Aggressive like fire, this is the commanding style of Platoon Leader Ye!

In less than 2 minutes, the troops under the control of Platoon Leader Ye had arrived at the interception point and began to build a new position!
And the cadres on the opposite side are still slowly manipulating soldier cards one by one!
All the cadres around Ye Fei felt bad after seeing this scene, and shouted that they would suffer!
Although they don't have Ye Fei's terrifying logical thinking ability, they can't analyze the possible movements of the enemy based on simple information.

However, Ye Fei had already indicated on the screen the specific locations of the enemy's various units before. Combined with Ye Fei's move to call out the troops and rebuild the position, the group of cadres could tell what Ye Fei wanted to do at a glance!
How about an ambush? You put it here?
Dreaming back to World War II belongs to yes!

Moreover, the ambush location selected by Platoon Leader Ye is also very particular, and it is the only way for the cadres on the opposite side to attack the position!
Coupled with Platoon Leader Ye's skillful operation of crackling and frantically clicking the mouse, all the cadres have already given up any hope for the result of this simulated confrontation!

What the hell, how did this animal do it?
Nima's posture is smoother than when I hit Timmy!

Is it possible that this subject should also let him take the first place?Why let him show off?
I can't accept it!
Thinking of this, the cadres on Ye Fei's side immediately raised their heads and stared at the people on the opposite side, hoping that some of them could see through Ye Fei's trap, and prevent the cadres who were fighting Ye Fei from jumping into Ye Fei's ambush circle !
It's a pity that no matter what the cadres on Ye Fei's side hinted, the cadres on the opposite side all looked blank, revealing a clear stupidity, thinking to themselves, what are you looking at?

Why don't you look at Ye Fei's screen and look at me?

What a pig teammate!

At this time, on Ye Fei's screen, the vanguard of the opposing cadres had already appeared!

Seeing this, all the onlookers closed their eyes immediately, unable to bear to look any further, and sighed in their hearts.


Sure enough, the cadres on the opposite side didn't have the slightest precaution, and plunged into Ye Fei's ambush circle with all their brains!

boring!It's boring!
The cadres on the opposite side don't have the thinking of information warfare at all!

Why is the mode of modern warfare called information warfare?

It is because "information" itself is a weapon that can be used for combat!

Modern warfare not only pays attention to "air dominance", but "information dominance" is also the key to victory!
Collect information by all means, and prevent the enemy from obtaining information by all means!
This is the "commanding height" leading to victory in informationized warfare, and even in modern warfare!
And the cadre opposite Ye Fei obviously didn't have this kind of thinking, thinking that with the so-called "command ability" and "operating proficiency", he could definitely win or lose!

Not to mention Ye Fei's operation is more proficient than him.

Even if the proficiency of the two is equal, it is absolutely impossible to beat Ye Fei with the backward command concept of the opposite cadre!

Feeling bored, Ye Fei clicked the mouse directly and gave the order for the whole army to attack!
After 3 minutes, the system will automatically give the judgment of this simulated confrontation!
Ye Fei was victorious, and the troops controlled by the cadres on the opposite side were wiped out!
The cadre on the opposite side stared blankly at the computer screen, as if he didn't understand the words on the screen, or it was difficult to accept this reality!

"I'm done training, you guys continue!"

After saying that, Ye Fei got up directly, and when he turned his head, he saw Chen Pingan who had been waiting for a long time.

I saw Chen Pingan showing a bright smile, and said very kindly to Ye Fei.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Lao Ye."

 Today's [-]D update is sent!

  Let me answer the question about the explosive update that the brothers are concerned about. Brothers, rest assured, after the hand is done, there will be an explosive update [-]%!
  Five more starts!This month's update is definitely more than 30 words!

  Not much to say, continue to ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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