my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 326 They are all sons and daughters of the quack, don't ask so many questions! [Seek to

Chapter 326 They are all sons and daughters of the quack, don't ask so many questions! [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

Cheerfully humming a ditty, Ye Fei, who was in a great mood, went straight to the main building.

When he got to the place, Ye Fei realized that he was in vain.

"Where's the battalion commander? Where did he go?"

Hearing this, the correspondent of the Second Battalion Commander reacted quickly and pointed in the direction of the training ground.

"Platoon leader Ye, the battalion commander is scolding at the training ground, isn't it, he is educating the squad leaders of each company."

"Didn't you see it when you came?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Fei cursed secretly in his heart, turned his head and walked towards the training ground.

The screen changed, and Lu Keliang, the second battalion commander of the Tiger Regiment, was "educating" the chief officers of each recruit company with spittle.

"How many times have I said that for new training work, first of all is training, and then consider whether it is new or not!"

"What new comrades need to adapt to the environment when they first come here, so the matter of asking the political commissar to help buy cigarettes two days ago is also to adapt to the environment?"

"If you get used to it again, shouldn't it be time to ask the teacher to buy cigarettes next time?"

Hey, thanks to Vice Ye Lian not here.

Otherwise, he must have a common language with the recruit who asked Qi Xiangming to buy cigarettes!

"Let me tell you the ugly things first."

"Before the [-]th holiday, hold a thorough investigation of the whole camp."

"That company is at the bottom, and the chief officer of that company will go to the dry toilet for me for two days during the eleventh holiday!"

"Did you hear clearly?"

Hearing this, the chief officers who had been scolded by Lu Keliang looked at each other, replied "yes", then turned around and trotted towards their own company.

There are also cadres, who tried to comfort the company commander who had suffered a sudden disaster.

"Old one, keep an eye on that unlucky thing in your house."

"I think the battalion commander is right. If you dare to ask the political commissar to buy cigarettes this time, maybe next time you will really ask the division commander to buy cigarettes."

"Even more exaggerated, this unlucky thing might dare to order the commander!"

"If this kind of thing really happens, the brothers will be all over, you have to take care of it!"

"It's really impossible to throw this kid to our company, I'll take care of it!"

After the words fell, many cadres echoed again and again, half threatening and half begging for the company commander to have more snacks.

No one can stand being called by Lu Keliang and scolded for no reason!
Damn him, he still has to suffer when he becomes a cadre!


And the first company commander, who was run over by everyone, also showed a wry smile on his face, apologizing repeatedly, looking very helpless.

But in his heart, the company commander was yelling at his colleagues!

What do you need to say?
I don't want to care about this kid?I don't want to deal with this kid?

Especially the battalion commander, to put it lightly!

What the hell do you say to train first, and then think about new things.

After I finished the training, people ran away, don't I still have to take the blame?

Alas, in the final analysis, I am so unlucky!

The new training had just started, and in less than a week, there was an unlucky thing that asked the political commissar to buy cigarettes!

How do you tell me how to deal with it?
To send away the colleagues who kept complaining, the company commander, the chief officer of the grievances, sighed and shouted.

"Zhao Tian! Get the hell out of here!"

Hearing the voice of the company commander, a straight recruit in the company queue immediately responded.


After answering, Zhao Tian turned his head and glanced at his squad leader. Seeing the squad leader nodding, Zhao Tian strode towards the direction of the company commander.

And the other recruits in the company all cast admiring glances at Zhao Tian.

That's right, Zhao Tian is the unlucky guy who bought cigarettes from Qi Xiangming who "boldly" asked him to come to the new training base for inspection just a week after he came here
But Zhao Tian said that he has something to say.

I really didn't mean to!
I don't even know what a political commissar is!

Dressed in a gentle manner and wearing glasses, I wondered whose university professor passed by!

At first glance, no one in Zhao Tian's family has ever been a soldier, and they know very little about the army.

In the army, the kinder and gentler the appearance, the more gentle and slow the people who do things, run as far as they can.

The last time you have to be a cadre above the regiment level, there is no cap!
But even if Zhao Tian understood this truth now, it was already too late.

He asked Qi Xiangming to buy the cigarettes, Lu Keliang got the scolding, and the company commanders ate it together.
To be honest, Zhao Tian can still stand here with all his tail, and he should really be grateful for the implementation of the "leading troops scientifically and civilizedly" phalanx
"Hello company commander!"

Looking at Zhao Tian standing in front of him full of energy, he still didn't forget to say hello, showing a very tough style.

The company commander suddenly felt a bit painful.
It's pretty good looking at people, why did you make a big one without making a sound?
Before this incident happened, the company commander had always regarded Zhao Tian as someone who could be made.

The quality is good, the foundation is good, and various subjects are learned quickly.

The first company commander even thought about how to let Zhao Tian show his talents in front of the 335 regiment during the year-end assessment.

As a result, pop!

A talent that can be created becomes a talent that can be "irritated"
As a result, all the chief officers of the entire recruit battalion were scolded by Qi Xiangming and Lu Keliang as bloody and restless.

But this kid hasn't been here for long, and the company commander still can't think of a good way to deal with him
"Zhao Tian, ​​your matter is very serious."

"Let me ask you first, do you realize your mistake?"

After thinking about it for a long time, the company commander didn't think about how to deal with Zhao Tian in a neutral manner, so he had to ask him casually to see how the kid admitted his mistake.

Hearing this, Zhao Tian immediately stood at attention neatly, and said with a very sincere attitude.

"Company commander! I know I was wrong!"

"I have already realized my mistake very deeply!"

"Really, Captain, you trust me!"

When talking, Zhao Tian kept looking directly into Yi Lianchang's eyes, looking very sincere.

Good attitude!

Well, after all, you just came here, you don't know the rules, and it's inevitable to commit crimes!
This kid's quality is not bad, just give him a little warning and let him have a long memory!
"Good attitude, I hope this is what you think in your heart!"

After finishing speaking, the company commander raised his wrist, glanced at the time, and continued talking to Zhao Tian.

"Well, you go back now and write a review."

"After lunch, in front of Quanlian, do a deep reflection!"

"Any comments!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Tian happily agreed!

And is there any opinion, what normal person would have an opinion?

There is no such thing as training to write a review, is there such a good thing?

The company commander's words were also heard by many recruits nearby, and their teeth itch with hatred.

What, why!
Is this called punishment?
However, the First Company Commander's attitude towards Zhao Tian's protection was too obvious.

Even if the recruits have opinions in their hearts, they don't dare to say more, they can only mutter a few words behind their backs.

The company commander is eccentric!eccentric!
But no matter how the recruits mutter or complain.

Accompanied by the squad leader, Zhao Tian happily went back to the dormitory to fish, no, he went to write a review!
On the other side, Ye Fei also found Lu Keliang.

"Huh? Why are you here, boy?"

"Is the training camp over?"

Seeing Ye Fei, Lu Keliang was very surprised, but his tone was still concerned, and he seemed to have a good impression of Ye Fei.

Seeing this, Ye Fei secretly thought something was going on, so he said flatteringly.

"Yes, Battalion Commander, I just finished training."

"I haven't seen you for more than a month!"

"I just want to come and see you!"

Hearing this, Lu Keliang's face suddenly showed half disgust, half disdain, and asked Ye Fei in a complicated tone.

"Guess if I believe it or not?"

"When you were in the camp, I didn't see you looking for me a few times!"

There was a hint of sourness in Lu Keliang's words, which seemed to be very resentful.

Thinking about it, whether it was the Tiger Regiment or other regiment-level units, the identity of the battalion commander always seemed very embarrassing.

Originally, the position of battalion commander should be a very critical position, playing the role of uploading and dispatching.

But there are only a few companies in the whole regiment, and the regiment leader can take care of it by himself.

In many cases, the chief officer at the regiment level will directly bypass the battalion commander and issue orders to the company level.

This led to a particularly embarrassing position for the battalion commander.

Unless there is a mission, otherwise in the regiment is no different from a transparent person.
Even some relatively strong company commanders with outstanding achievements can completely ignore the battalion commander and be directly responsible to the regiment leader.

Just look at the Tiger Regiment. Zhang Tianping usually doesn't pass on his orders through the battalion commander.

Affected by this, not to mention Ye Fei, even many chief officers don't usually deal with the battalion commander who is in charge of him in name
Seeing that the second battalion commander's tone was very resentful, Ye Fei immediately guessed what was going on in his mind.

"Battle Commander, look, I'm really to blame for this!"

"But Battalion Commander, you have to be considerate of me!"

"Usually in the station, don't I have a mission!"

"Either focus on training or do training on your own, and you don't even have time to sleep!"

"Now that you have brought it up, Battalion Commander, I will definitely correct it. If I have nothing to do, I will come to chat with you!"

Ye Fei's ability to "talk to people when he sees people, and talk to ghosts when he sees people" is becoming more and more proficient.

With these words, Lu Keliang was directly coaxed into elation, with a smile in his eyes.

"Come on, you! Just let me play with you!"

Although Lu Keliang's words did not sound very polite, the smile on his face still betrayed that he was in a good mood at the moment.

Seeing this, Ye Fei was about to make a request while the iron was hot, when he heard Lu Keliang ask first.

"Son, tell me straight up."

"What are you doing here?"

"Are you trying to recruit Lao Tzu's recruits?"

After all, Lu Keliang has been in the army for so many years and has rich experience.

Before Ye Fei could speak, he guessed the purpose of his trip.

Seeing this, Ye Fei stopped being polite, but said straight to the point.

"Hey, Battalion Commander, I really made you guess!"

"I really intend to."

"Battalion Commander, we are a family, we don't talk about each other."

"Give me a list of recruits?"

"By the way, Battalion Commander, do you have any good seedlings to recommend?"

Seeing that Ye Fei's intention for coming was indeed this, Lu Keliang directly raised his airs, stretched out two fingers, and gestured back and forth in front of Ye Fei.

Seeing this, Ye Fei understood immediately, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and lit it for Lu Ke.


Exhaling a puff of smoke heavily, Lu Keliang said vaguely.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

"Go directly to Department Lianlian and wait."

"In their company, there are quite a few recruits with good quality this year, and he also has a list. Let him give it to you when the time comes."

"Boy, let me talk to you first."

"Man, I can give it to you, but you have to ask me to give it value."

"You should know the assessment next year, right?"

Hearing this, Ye Fei immediately assured him firmly.

"Battalion Commander, don't worry!"

"These recruits are in my hands, and I will assign them to him!"

"As for the assessment, all the staff must be excellent, nothing to say!"

Seeing Ye Fei's convincing appearance, Lu Keliang laughed out loud.

"You brat, you're quite confident."

After speaking, Lu Keliang glanced into the distance, turned his head and asked Ye Fei.

"Did you come here by Hong Yilian's special car?"

Seeing that Lu Keliang took the initiative to bring this up, Ye Fei showed a difficult expression on his face, and nodded with difficulty.

Seeing this, Lu Keliang patted Ye Fei's shoulder sympathetically.

"I'm sorry for you."

"Okay, it's a hot day, don't chat outside."

"Go to Lianlian Department and wait. Remember to come to the cafeteria later, and we will have a meal before leaving."


After waving goodbye to Lu Keliang, Ye Fei turned his head and got into the car, and gave instructions to the squad leader.

"Park the car at the Yilian dormitory and follow me up."

Hong Yilian's special car started up again, and drove the two of them to Lianlian's dormitory with a "hangchihangchi".

"Commander, it's too hot today!"

As soon as he got off the car, the squad leader was hit by the heat wave rising outside and complained a few words.

"Yeah, it's really hot this year."

After echoing a few words, Ye Fei took off his military camouflage jacket and threw it on the seat.

"Leave your coat in the car and cool off."


After putting away his coat, the squad leader followed Ye Fei step by step and walked towards the building.

"If you don't go to the company department, we have to avoid suspicion."

"Go to the study room and wait for a while."

Seeing that the squad leader wanted to open the door for him, Ye Fei hurriedly stopped him.

If it was in the Tiger Regiment's station, Ye Fei would just stay in other company headquarters.

But the company headquarters of the new training base is different, there are still a lot of property of this year's recruits stored in it.

Ye Fei still understood the principle of melon fields and plums, so he turned his head and walked in the direction of the study room.

As soon as he opened the door, Ye Fei raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Is there someone in the study room?

And Zhao Tian, ​​who was biting his pen and thinking hard about the content of the review, immediately looked over here when he heard the movement.

Zhao Tian didn't feel stage-frightened when he didn't know the person coming, and asked proactively with the attitude of a master.

"Who are you looking for?"

Seeing this, the squad leader was about to speak when Ye Fei pulled the hem of his clothes and held back.

"I'm looking for... well, your company commander."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Tian immediately said boldly.

"Our company commander is not here, we are training outside."

"Sit down for a while, and I'll be back in a while."

Seeing Zhao Tian's familiar appearance, a smile appeared on Ye Fei's face.

"Why are you sitting here and not going out for training?"

Hearing this, Zhao Tian immediately showed bitterness on his face, and lamented.

"It's a crime."

"What happened? Tell me?"

Seeing that Ye Fei wanted to get to the bottom of it, Zhao Tian, ​​who knew that his matter was really disgraceful, immediately said a little impatiently.

"They are all sons and daughters of the world, so don't ask so many questions."

With that said, Zhao Tian hurriedly changed the subject.

"Didn't you go to training?"

"Let me tell you, if I don't train, that's allowed by our company commander!"

"What about you? Has your company commander allowed you not to train?"

 Today's first update is sent!

  I plan to set up a book friend group, so I can inform you in time if there is any news.

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  Do you want to do it?
(End of this chapter)

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