my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 350 Master, Are You Short of a Son? [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

Chapter 350 Master, Are You Short of a Son? [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

As soon as this remark came out, Zhao Tian's mother on the other end of the phone fell into deep thought.

Zhao Tian is doing well?

Are the talents needed by the army?

Then the flesh that fell from my body, and watching him grow up for so many years, what kind of virtues he has, I, a mother, still don't know?
Does he have anything to do with the above two sentences?
Judging from Zhao Tian's mother's reaction alone, I know that what Zhizi Mo Ruomu said is true, the ancients sincerely did not deceive me
"Leader, is there some misunderstanding here?"

Before Mother Zhao finished speaking, Company Commander Ye hurried back.

"Auntie! Don't call me a leader!"

"You are Zhao Tian's mother, you are my mother, I really can't afford to be your leader!"

"Just call me Xiaoye!"

"It's not good."

"Auntie! I think it's fine!"

After Ye Fei's explanation and strong request, Mother Zhao finally changed her mind.

"Little Leaf"

"Hey! Auntie, tell me."

"You said my Xiaotian performed well in the army?"

"Why am I so unbelievable?"

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Fei immediately denied it repeatedly, even saying that Auntie, your child is really good, don't underestimate Zhao Tianle too much, you must know that when everyone comes to the army, there will be changes, all kinds of things.

Anyway, the central idea is that Ye Fei just wants to persuade Mother Zhao to "persuade" Zhao Tian to stay in the team.

This kind of talent should stay in the army, and he cannot be sent back to harm the local people.

Ye Fei thought so.

But no matter what Ye Fei said, Zhao's mother just couldn't believe it!
It made Company Commander Ye look confused, and in the end he was really tired of talking, so he had to ask Zhao's mother very puzzled.

"Auntie, why are you so... not confident about your child?"

Hearing this, Mother Zhao suddenly sneered for some reason.

Ye Fei felt chills when he heard this sneer, and said that this is really not a family, Zhao's mother's temperament is exactly the same as Zhao Tian's!

"Xiaoye, do you have time?"

"Auntie, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Let me tell you something about Xiaotian's childhood."

Hearing this, Ye Fei hesitated for a moment, then hummed.

Although Ye Fei was already mentally prepared, what he heard next might be outrageous.

But Ye Fei really didn't expect that Zhao Tian's deeds would be so outrageous!

As a legend who dared to let the political commissar of the regiment buy cigarettes, clapped loudly when the battalion commander read the review, and even asked the company commander to write a review for him.

When he was in the local area, Zhao Tian also had a legendary growth experience.

Before Zhao Tian was three years old, his favorite thing every day was to keep silent and stare at the ceiling in a daze.

Note that it is true silence.

Veteran Zhao, before the age of three, even cried, but never made a sound.
Just when Zhao's father and Zhao's mother were worried about their children, whether there was any language barrier or mental retardation, they were going to send little Zhao Tian to kindergarten to get in touch with their peers first, and if they still didn't speak, they would send little Zhao Tian to the hospital for examination when.

Little Zhao Tian came directly, and it was a blockbuster.

At the entrance of the kindergarten, in front of the surrounding children and their parents, little Zhao Tian hugged Zhao's mother's thigh tightly, cried loudly, and shouted, "Mom, are you going to throw me down?"

The love is sincere and the scene is miserable. It can be said that those who hear it cry and those who see it are sad.

The children around felt the same, and plunged into the arms of their parents, crying together.

Seeing this, the children who were far away saw their companions howling and crying. They didn't know why, but they always felt that the atmosphere was too big to justify not crying, so they pursed their mouths and directly joined the crying army.

The crying can be said to be one after another, resounding through the sky, the whole scene can be called a live-action version of "Where is Mom?" Parents and teachers in the garden have been busy all morning before coaxing the ancestors and calming down the situation.

Afterwards, Zhao's mother did not forget to send a pennant to the kindergarten, and wrote a letter saying "Peaches and plums are in the world, a wonderful hand will rejuvenate!"

I don't know what kind of mental journey Zhao's mother went through to come up with the idea of ​​putting these two words together.
But just after sending little Zhao Tian to the kindergarten, before entering, the autism that Xiao Zhao Tian had been maintaining since he was born was cured.

It is true to say that this kindergarten is rejuvenated.
Afterwards, little Zhao Tian also managed to spend a relatively "happy" childhood in this kindergarten.

It was the director of the garden who strongly urged Zhao's mother to either go through the back door or stagger the time with other parents when sending Zhao Tian over in the future, for fear that Zhao Tian would say "Mom, don't you want me?"

Hearing this, Ye Fei wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and remained silent for a long time.

Co-author Zhao Tian's lack of a string in his head, did he have it since he was a child?

This is not over yet, Zhao Tian, ​​this kid, has caused a lot of trouble in the kindergarten.

When Zhao Tian was five years old, on Children's Day, the kindergarten organized a large-scale festival celebration and invited all parents of the kindergarten to participate.
In the middle of the celebration, there was an activity to explain my dreams, the purpose was to show my eloquence and ideals to parents, to prove that it is not unreasonable for our kindergarten fees to be expensive, and to see how good the education for your children is!
Other children came to the stage to speak enthusiastically, scientists and engineers, all kinds of dreams emerged one after another,

In particular, a three-year-old kid said that he wanted to be an astronaut with his mouth that should be holding a baby bottle!

As soon as this remark came out, it attracted countless cheers and applause, and the scene became even more boiling, like a scene of reunion.

But it was Zhao Tian's turn to speak.

The five-year-old Zhao Tian came to the stage, pushed the glasses that he did not know where he got it, looked at everyone in the audience with sharp eyes, and said in the passionate tone unique to the master of success.

"I aspire to become a lawyer who specializes in marital affairs."

"Are you still worried about your lover cheating?"

"Are you still worrying about the fact that half of your hard-earned family business may be swept away at any time?"

"Don't worry, let alone worry, you just need to contact me!"

"Emotional counseling, looking for a mistress, property division, as long as there are issues related to marital discord, only you can't think of it, and I can't do it!"

"My slogan is, the other party's responsibility is to leave the house, and our responsibility is to be divided equally."

"If you are interested, you can leave your contact information and get a [-]% discount on the first business."

After Zhao Tian finished speaking, he calmly stepped down from the stage, completely ignoring the deathly silence on the stage.

For some reason, the two couples snorted coldly, ignored the director's persuasion, and took their children to get up and leave.

The most outrageous thing is that someone actually found Zhao's mother afterwards, and quietly left her contact information.

Thanks to Zhao Tian's outstanding performance, the event ended hastily, and the angry director was sent to the hospital that night, where he was given oxygen for half a month.

After this battle, Zhao Tian's deeds were widely circulated, and kindergartens in several cities around him refused to accept Zhao Tian to enter the kindergarten.

However, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother also knew it well, and they didn't send Zhao Tian out of the province to harm others, but let him grow up to the age of elementary school.

At this time, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother were also lucky, thinking that Zhao Tian was just young, and he would definitely get better when he was older.

But the ancients also told us.

Three years old look old.

After going to school, no matter what grade, or even the teacher, Zhao Tian can get along with each other by virtue of his social skills and ability to talk about mountains that are seriously inconsistent with his age.

When she said this, Zhao's mother's tone obviously became sad and angry, as if she felt ashamed.

"Xiaoye, you may not think of it."

"It was the first time in my life that I was approached by a teacher because of my Xiaotian, who wanted to make do with their school's physical education teacher."

As soon as this remark came out, the company was obviously very cool, but Ye Fei was inexplicably sweating profusely!

It's the two of you who co-authored it. I really can't break this kid straight.

Did he just throw him into the army?
This kid actually has this story?

wrong!I have to keep an eye on him!

Don't worry, someday this kid will go to ask the teacher to ask for help!

Hmm. How to say.

Company Commander Ye reacted a bit late.

At the same time, Zhao Tian, ​​who had just made a feat in the conference room, felt uneasy under the pressure of Lu Ran and others.

Especially Ye Fei also said that he would send him to class training, which made Zhao Tian extremely terrified!
Zhao Tian knew that after today's incident, he had not offended the Tigers, except for the invisible instructor Zhao Zhigang and Lao Man who had just taken office.

All the other leaders related to him were offended by him all over the place!

Belonging is really going to the road to death!
Zhao Tian also heard that his battalion commander has not been so comfortable in the past month.

Maybe I will become his punching bag!
Thinking of this, Zhao Tian immediately made a judgment in his heart!
Don't stay here for long!

But I can't run away!
Although Zhao Tian is a fool and is a little off-line, Zhao Tian still dare not touch this kind of "high-voltage line" that can be fatal or disabled.

But how can I avoid this catastrophe?

Just when Zhao Tian racked his brains and couldn't think of any solution to break the situation, he deeply felt that there was no way to go to heaven, and there was no way to escape to earth.

Fang Qing and Zhang Tianping, who presided over the meeting at the division headquarters, are back
Coincidentally, Fang Qing squatted in the "squad" in the class, which was the first class.

When the figures of Fang Qing and Zhang Tianping appeared at the door of Class [-] talking and laughing together.

Zhao Tian seemed to have grasped at straws, suddenly stood up, and strode towards Fang Qing!

When the others saw this, they were instantly stunned!

Lu Ran reacted quickly, his eyes widened, and he hurriedly tried to stop Zhao Tian.

But this brat was very nimble, after a few maneuvers, he ran up to Fang Qing, and raised his hand in salute!

Seeing this, Fang Qing and Zhang Tianlin froze in place for a moment. After a while, Fang Qing hesitated, and raised his hand to return the gift.
Why does this idiot look familiar?
Before Fang Qing could finish pondering in his mind, Zhao Tian, ​​who was opposite him, saw this and immediately spoke eagerly.

"Master, do you need a guard?"

Hearing this, Fang Qing was obviously lost in thought, and after a long while, he slowly shook his head.

Seeing this, Zhao Tian became impatient. After deliberating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said in shock.


"Then do you lack a son?"

 Brothers, I'm sorry, there is an unexpected situation, the little ancestor at home has a fever, and has been busy taking care of her.

  Tonight's update, I originally planned to stay up all night to make up two chapters for everyone, but the author's current state is really not good, and I don't see what I wrote. The rest of the update will be added tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!

  I'm sorry, I hope you guys understand, there has been too much pressure on saving manuscripts and adding updates, and we can't guarantee updates if there are some emergencies. Sorry, sorry!
  Kowtow to everyone, bang bang bang!
(End of this chapter)

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