my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 357 Damn it!Do it! [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

Chapter 357 Damn it!Do it! [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

On the way here, Ye Fei had thought about which plan to adopt.

The plan I proposed, of course, can achieve results in a short period of time, and achieve the goal of dispatching and performing missions in small drone clusters.

But if because of this, Mr. Wei and the others gave up their original research direction and made the "Bee Swarm No. 1 UAV Launch Vehicle" that should have appeared in history aborted, then Ye Fei would be doing bad things with good intentions.

After much deliberation, Ye Fei still decided to suggest to Mr. Wei and the others to follow the normal path of rocket launching to the end. This is the correct posture for climbing the technology tree.

It's nothing more than a magic change, it doesn't matter, this matter is very familiar!
After hearing Ye Fei's suggestion, Wei Lao and the others did not continue to ask, but once again broke out into a fierce quarrel, mixed with "I don't think it's reliable" "Look at what you made, and what's wrong with you?" Are you ashamed to say that this is unreliable?" "Who are you talking about, you old boy?" All kinds of words that Ye Fei heard were dripping with cold sweat.

Now Ye Fei knows why Old Wei has such a weird temper.

It's no wonder, I can't beat others!

With this posture, they quarreled twice in the morning, and it usually took an hour to start. No one's temper can be cured!
But let alone, old Wei and the others were arguing, even if they were face to face, but none of them made a move.

Belonging is "a dispute between gentlemen."

Seeing that the quarrel between Wei Lao and the others was intensifying, Ye Fei, who was as big as a bucket, had no choice but to meet the surprised eyes of Wei Lao and the others, and walked to the door again.

In an instant, the conference room became quiet again.

"Ahem, Xiaoye."

"Hey, Old Wei, I'm here."

"What are you doing going to the door?"

Facing Old Wei's complex questioning, Ye Fei responded directly with a bright smile.


"It's a bit stuffy in the meeting room, so I opened the door to get some air."

As soon as these words came out, Wei Lao and the others instantly rolled their eyes!

Did you have no idea what the hell you did just now!

Still bored in the conference room?

I think you don't pay attention to the air circulation system of our seven institutes!
I see you kid, you just want to find those little guys again!
Although Wei Lao and the others knew Ye Fei's plan well.

But Ye Fei's fancy shaking operation is reasonable, and the old company commander has to give him a thumbs up when he knows it, and it's hard for Wei Lao and others to say anything.

"Ahem, okay, don't stand at the door."

"Come back and sit and talk."


Hearing this, Ye Fei acted very well-behaved and walked back to his seat.

This time, Mr. Wei and the others didn't quarrel anymore, the main reason was that Ye Fei shook people at every turn, which was so wicked!Old Wei and the others are in a panic!

Seeing Old Wei staring at him, hesitant to speak, Ye Fei spoke directly.

"Old Wei, let me ask."

"Are you arguing just now about the feasibility of the new idea I proposed?"

Hearing this, Old Wei nodded immediately, showing a surprised expression like "you can understand".

Rolling his eyes, Ye Fei just wanted to speak when the old man sitting on Wei's left hand spoke first.

"Boy, you are right."

"I personally think that although this research direction sounds very feasible, the danger is too great and it is not safe enough!"

"From the launch of the drone to the pop-up to the air network, until the target is found and attacked, every link in the middle may go wrong!"

As soon as this remark came out, another old man directly echoed.

"Yes! That's right!"

"Especially during the launching process, it is easy to cause damage to the electronic components inside the drone!"

As soon as the two old men's remarks came out, Old Wei couldn't refute them, and the last old man slapped the table and got up, roaring!
"If you are afraid of this and that, what kind of military industry are we going to do?"

"Let's talk about it! For the researchers of our seven institutes, which weapon research and development is safe? Is it not dangerous?"

"And you!"

As he said that, the old man turned his firepower directly, and scolded the old man who spoke first.

"Don't you think that the current drones are too big?"

"Didn't you always want drones to become standard equipment for the Army?"

"Now that someone has sent you a feasible idea, you are looking forward and backward, and become timid!"

"What are you afraid of? Xiao Ye came all the way here just to watch us old men quarrel?"

Ye Fei could tell that the last old man was the one with the most firepower among them.

This guy spat at the other two, and they couldn't get in the way!

The other two old men were not to be outdone, and after the last old man had finished speaking, they immediately spat loudly at Bi!
Seeing that a few people were about to quarrel again, Ye Fei was thinking about whether to go to the door, when Mr. Wei, the director of the No. [-] Institute, finally spoke.

"All right, all right, stop arguing."

Seeing Old Wei's voice, Ye Fei immediately dispelled the thought in his heart.

No matter how you say it, Mr. Wei is the director. When he speaks, the other three elders should listen.

According to common sense, it is very normal for Ye Fei to have such thoughts.

But Ye Fei was disappointed, Old Wei's voice fell, the other three elders glanced at Old Wei with disgust in their eyes, and continued to spit at each other, completely treating Old Wei as air.

Seeing this, the veins on Wei Lao's head suddenly popped up, as if he was about to get angry.


Sighing silently, Ye Fei walked towards the door again.

I still have to do it!
As soon as the screen changed, under the threat of Ye Fei's "shaking people", several old men finally stopped arguing.

And this time Ye Fei was still standing at the door, no matter how old Wei called, Ye Fei would not return to his seat even if he was beaten to death.

Ye Fei's move can be said to have won the essence of Lao Man, and he does not talk about martial arts very much. The main thing is to carry out the threat to the end, and resolutely not give Wei Lao and others a chance to quarrel.

Seeing this, Wei Lao and the others looked at each other, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Wei Lao and the others laughed a little inexplicably, which made Ye Fei look confused, thinking that all scientific research people have such a weird temper?

Make noise when you talk, laugh when you talk about it?
"OK OK."

"Xiaoye, come back, we old men stop arguing."

"Haha, I've been arguing all my life, and I'm used to it."

"Let your kid see a joke."

After laughing for a while, Mr. Wei wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and greeted Ye Fei like this.

Seeing Ye Fei's suspicious expression, Elder Wei glared and took out his phone.

"If I tell you to sit down, sit down!"

"Believe it or not, I shake people too?"

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Fei was so scared that he ran back to his seat, fearing that Mr. Wei would be impulsive and call the old company commander directly.

Hmph, boy, I can't cure you anymore!
Seeing that Ye Fei was finally obedient, Mr. Wei nodded in satisfaction and continued.

"Xiaoye, let me explain to you first."

"There is nothing wrong with your thinking."

As he said that, Elder Wei pointed to the two elders who held opposing opinions, and said angrily.

"It's these two old stubborn sticklers, no."

"What the hell! Who are you talking about being crippled!"

Faced with the roar of the old man beside him, Wei Lao took it calmly and continued as if he didn't hear it.

"Anyway, you can see the specific situation, so let's talk about it today."

"Finish the meal first. After the meal, let's find a few more people and have a meeting to discuss it."

"The minority obeys the majority! There are only four of us now, and we can't argue with any conclusion."

"Xiaoye, I'll look for you again in the evening."

"Little Leaf?"

Faced with Wei Lao's call, Ye Fei did not reply in time.

Instead, he frowned, his eyes were tightly closed, as if he was in deep thought.

Fell asleep?
Doesn't this posture look like that?
Just as Wei Lao was debating whether to go forward to wake Ye Fei up, Ye Fei suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a breathtaking light in his pupils, and he said decisively to Wei Lao and the others.

"Old Wei!"

"If I can draw the outline drawing of a small drone."

"Can I give you a little help?"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Lao and the others instantly fell into deep thought.


When the screen changed, Ye Fei was sitting in Mr. Wei's office with a steamed bun in his mouth and a drawing tool in his hand.

According to the appearance of the small drone in memory, it is restored to paper one by one.

Elder Wei stood next to Ye Fei with his hands behind his back, watching intently, muttering a few words from time to time.

"Yo, boy, I didn't see it."

"Your drawing is still very standard."

"Before joining the army, did you fight ashes on a construction site?"

It was said that Ye Fei, who had a steamed bun in his mouth, was already used to Wei Lao's venomous tongue from time to time, and directly ignored Wei Lao's words, and even felt a little disdainful in his heart.

Do you understand the gold content of the perfect score in the subject of Military Graphics?
I can draw military maps that are so complicated. Isn’t it easy to hand-paint the outline drawing of a drone one by one?

Half an hour later, Mr. Wei took the blueprint drawn by Ye Fei and fell into deep thought.

Ye Fei didn't interrupt Elder Wei's thinking either, but grabbed the steamed bun placed next to him and stuffed it into his mouth.

It's a sin to delay eating!

For a long time, Wei Lao still stared at the blueprint, which was shaped like a large drone, but said something inconceivable.

"Xiaoye, according to your idea, this drone should not only have a launch module, a detection module, a firepower module, a networking module, but also modules that other drones have?"

"Is it right?"

"That's right, Old Wei."

Seeing Ye Fei speak so firmly, Wei Lao said in an even more inconceivable tone.

"Did you draw it on a one-to-one scale?"

"This is impossible!"

"If the layout is really designed according to your outline drawings, all the chip equipment used in it will have to rely on imports!"

"This does not conform to the principle of large-scale deployment of standard equipment!"

"And this outline drawing, where did you get it?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Fei quickly swallowed the steamed bun in his mouth, and explained aloud.

"Old Wei, this is just my idea, it may not be correct."

"If it is feasible, we can make a few large-scale ones first, and experiment with the networking capabilities and launch problems first!"

"When we have the ability to reduce the size of the drone, it will not be too late to design to the new size!"

"As for this blueprint, Mr. Wei, since I was in military school, I have always been interested in drones, a new type of weapon."

"This shape design is purely my own. You can see if it can be used or not."

Hearing this, Mr. Wei nodded reluctantly, but still found it inconceivable.

If Ye Fei's blueprint is really feasible, the birth of the new drone will be shortened to an unimaginable time!
It is equivalent to Ye Fei having given the framework of the drone. What Wei Lao and the others have to do is to use the existing framework to involve the internal layout of each module and the launch method of the drone when it is launched.

This step has been taken, then as long as the chip level goes up, the drone will be miniaturized in a full sense sooner or later, even miniaturized!
And the most critical networking capability can also be used on large and medium-sized drones to build drone formations and achieve the effect of one person forming an army!

What?Spending such a high price on drones, if an electromagnetic missile falls down, wouldn't it be scrapped on the spot?
Guess why Yanguo didn't develop unmanned ground vehicles like those in Europe and the United States, but plunged into the field of drones without looking back.

Is there a possibility that the most reliable, safest, and most lethal electromagnetic pulse missile is actually a nuclear missile?
What a mushroom!Is the effect of the electromagnetic pulse still important?

And until later generations, no country in Blue Star has produced a non-nuclear large EMP missile.

As for the electromagnetic pulse gun, which is a special means of attacking electronic equipment, although many countries on the blue star have it, but the non-nuclear large-scale electronic pulse, even after more than ten years, no country has studied it clearly.

Moreover, the non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse has an extremely short strike distance, and the effective range can reach [-] kilometers. It must be blessed by the Buddha.

Moreover, the electromagnetic pulse gun only hits fixed targets, which is quite weak against mobile units.

And electromagnetic pulse, but Eagle Sauce was the first to be applied to actual combat.

Informatization and digital reform are also Yingjiang's own military development direction.

Could it be that Eagle Sauce doesn't know about the threat of EMP?
Although Ying Jiang is stupid and bad, she is not stupid!

Making such a decision can only prove that Yingjiang himself believes that under the premise that a nuclear war does not break out, the electromagnetic pulse, a strike method, cannot play an absolute restraint role against the informationized troops.

Therefore, it is either stupid or bad to say that the electromagnetic pulse is the nemesis of the informationized army, and that it is better to vigorously develop the mechanized army than to engage in the informationized army.

The screen changed, accompanied by the kung fu of Ye Fei putting the last steamed bun into his mouth.

Elder Wei has been staring at the drawings for an entire hour.

During this hour, the above thoughts flashed through Wei Lao's brain quickly, and he thought over and over again.

Finally, Elder Wei made up his mind and made a direct phone call.

"Old Zhao, come to my office!"

After Mr. Zhao came to the office, Ye Fei found that the so-called Mr. Zhao was the old man who was looking forward to the large-scale deployment of drones.

"How to say?"

"Wait a minute, I'll take a look"

"I didn't ask you this! Do you want to do it?"

Facing Elder Wei's question, Elder Zhao, holding Ye Fei's blueprint, pondered for a moment, then said through gritted teeth.

"Damn it, do it!"

 It took too much time to revise the last chapter, brothers, only this [-]-word chapter is left tonight!

  Brother, go to bed early after watching, good night!
  Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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