my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 376 The Peregrine Falcon Dancing! [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

Chapter 376 The Peregrine Falcon Dancing! [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

The moment the voice fell, several drivers of the swarm launch vehicle replied firmly and unanimously.


After finishing speaking, the launchers of the five swarm launch vehicles immediately adjusted their angles and rose slowly, facing Da Mao's position!
Once upon a time, in a sci-fi movie by Yingjiang, there was a plot of a small drone that blocked the sky and launched an attack.

Pay attention to the key points, it is a science fiction movie.

Being classified as a sci-fi movie proves that in the public mind, Blue Star will not have such a technology in a short time.

Now, this scene is about to become a reality!
When the screen changed, Reznov was sitting beside the old company commander in the director's room, looking at the big screen in front of him, without saying a word for a long time.

After a while, Reznov looked at the bewildered big-haired soldier on the screen, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Has your army systematically installed drones?"

"my friend."

After finishing speaking, Reznov stared closely into the eyes of the old company commander, as if trying to see through his heart.

Seeing this, the old company commander's expression remained unchanged, meeting Reznov's gaze, and said casually.

"Nothing, friend."

"Although the cost of drones is very low, we are not rich enough to deploy them on a large scale."

"In fact, this is just a pilot unit of the drone force."

"The only pilot unit in the entire army."

Hearing this, Reznov directly made an assertion in his heart!

The Yan Kingdom Army must have installed drones on a large scale!

Even if it is not installed, it must be systematically applied in some ace troops!
The only pilot unit in the entire army?
Who believes it!
As far as the old company commander's routine is concerned, Reznov knows it all too well!
As long as Yan Guo has some strength, eight points can be said to be five points, and five points can be said to be nothing!
But this time the old company commander really didn't play tricks, he just told the truth.

However, Reznov didn't believe it, he didn't think about it, and even wondered whether the Yan Kingdom had created an unmanned bomber!
Some people may think that unmanned bombers are a bit tasteless, and conventional strategic bombers are enough.

But what if it is a strategic unmanned bomber?

Even a little more exaggeration, it is not impossible to create a nuclear-powered unmanned strategic bomber!

Let me tell you some common knowledge, in the 60s, Mao Xiong once produced the only nuclear-powered bomber in the world.


Once lifted into the sky, it can fly more than 80 times around the earth!

An aircraft weighs more than 90 tons!

It is simply a steel behemoth above the blue sky!

If it weren't for the use of nuclear reactors as power, it would be impossible to send such an aircraft into the sky!
Just such a strategic bomber that is not slow, has almost unlimited battery life, and can carry nuclear warheads can be called a weapon of the country!
And because it is equipped with a nuclear reactor, it is equivalent to a nuclear bomb, which means that no one will shoot down Tu-119 at the risk of their own land being polluted by nuclear radiation!

However, Tu-119, from the day of its birth to the time it retired from active service, never had the opportunity to show its talents, not even a few days.

the reason is simple.

The plane is a good plane, and indeed advanced.

But too much driver
Literal fee.

Basically, after one mission, the pilot who is driving the Tu-119 can prepare for the funeral
The radiation dose is huge. It can blow up the Geiger counter!
Although anti-radiation measures have been taken, airplanes are different from submarines, and they cannot produce too thick and heavy anti-radiation coatings.

This has led to the fact that the Tu-119 is simply unable to exert its unlimited battery life and stay in the air for a long time, resulting in strategic deterrence.

And even if the radiation problem can be solved, pilots are still human after all, and they have to eat, drink and sleep, and it is impossible to carry out flying missions all the time.

What?The plane is so big, can't a few more pilots go on shifts?

Do you really use pilots as consumables?

UAVs can perfectly solve all the above problems!
At that time, the weapons for strategic deterrence of various countries will inevitably have an additional nuclear-powered unmanned bomber!
It goes up to the sky once and doesn't need to come down for several months. No one knows where this plane will appear.

Even if a drone is found, as long as the plane is within the range of the enemy's territory, no one will dare to shoot it down!
Thinking of this, Reznov looked at the old company commander with serious eyes.

"Yan Kingdom will not engage in nuclear-powered drones again, will it?"

"my friend?"

Hearing this, the old company commander couldn't hold back, and complained in his heart that this old man is really good at making up his mind.

But let’s face it, a nuclear powered drone sounds pretty good!
Find an opportunity, inquire with Lao Wei, and see if it can be done!
But on the face, the old company commander still shook his head calmly.

"how can that be possible."

"The drone you saw in the video is already the most advanced drone in our country."

"Nuclear-powered drones? I'm afraid they can only appear in science fiction movies."

Hearing this, Reznov felt a little relieved.

But when he looked at the big screen again, Reznov immediately said in a strange tone.

"Are you sure? My friend!?"

Hearing this, the old company commander was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the screen.

After the old company commander saw the situation on the front line, he almost cursed!
brat!Is it easy for me to fool me!
Just know how to tear down Lao Tzu!

In the picture, Company Commander Ye's five swarm launch vehicles are continuously launching "Peregrine" drones towards a distance of more than ten kilometers!

After a while, hundreds of "Peregrine Falcon" drones formed a square team that covered the sky and the sun, and were heading towards Da Mao's frontline troops at high speed!
A scene from a sci-fi movie is now reflected in reality!
The big hairy soldiers on the front line froze in place when they saw the densely packed peregrine drones!
This amount of drones is impossible to fight!

Although due to size issues, the Peregrine is not equipped with anti-electron pulse coating.

All the peregrine falcons can be reimbursed with just one large-scale electromagnetic pulse gun.

But the current Da Mao didn't come up with an electromagnetic pulse gun!

And even if it is done, it is impossible to activate the electromagnetic pulse gun in the process of fighting between the enemy and us!

Otherwise, all electronic equipment on the battlefield will have to be reimbursed!

And other equipment, for the "Peregrine Falcon" drone, can't make an effective strike at all!
Large in number, high-speed maneuvering, and can lock the target and launch a suicide attack directly!
In a sense, the peregrine drone with these characteristics is the real death god of the ground personnel!
At this time, Yan Guo and Da Mao's armored forces are confronting each other!

The distance between the two sides to the nearest tank is less than two kilometers!

For 99A and T90, this distance is no different from fighting a bayonet!

The ground personnel on both sides, under the cover of tanks and other armored vehicles, continued to attack the enemy!

And the air formations of the two sides are constantly fighting in the air, so they won't be able to help for a while!
According to the development of this situation, this exercise is bound to become a long tug-of-war.

But now, there is still a sword of Damocles hanging above the heads of the big hair soldiers!

That is the peregrine drone hovering in the air, which may launch an attack at any time!
The big hair soldiers who lack experience in fighting drones don't know that this is the best time to destroy the peregrine drones.

Even if you can't destroy all the peregrine drones, as long as you can use conventional weapons to shoot down a few peregrine drones, it is possible to save the life of your own commander!

That's right, the biggest function of the peregrine drone is to lock on high-value personnel targets such as commanders and carry out precise roll call!

At this time, all the peregrine drones are locking their attack targets!
Without exception, the targets are either low-level commanders with military ranks or advanced technical arms!
As for tanks, although Company Commander Ye also wants to fight, but the current Peregrine Falcon doesn't have the strength to attack tanks!
However, compared with armored vehicles, Company Commander Ye thinks it is a more cost-effective deal to eliminate the grassroots commanders responsible for "uploading and distributing" through the peregrine drone!
A moment later, all the peregrine drones immediately swooped down on the ground personnel they locked onto!
The fuselage rubbed against the air rapidly, making a shrill sound, just like her name.

Peregrine Falcon!

For a moment, most of the locked targets were stunned in place, and only a few people were able to recover, picked up their weapons, and kept shooting at the swooping peregrine falcon.

Seeing this scene, Company Commander Ye showed a somewhat regretful expression.

Originally, Company Commander Ye wanted to test the interception rate of conventional weapons such as rifles against peregrine falcons.

Looking at it now, this group of big-haired fighters who lack experience in dealing with drones may not have figured out what a peregrine falcon is!
Company Commander Ye was very annoyed by what he did, and he felt a bit invincible!

But Company Commander Ye will never be soft-hearted!

This is the first battle of the drone company, and it is also the opening show of the Yanguo Army's drone unit, and it is also an assessment of Company Commander Ye's work for more than half a year!

Don't miss out!

After the extremely fast dive, the peregrine drone was pulled up extremely fast, causing the big hair soldiers to look at each other, unable to figure out what was going on.

When the big cats and everyone saw the white smoke rising from their bodies, they reacted.

Yan Guo's drones just launched a wave of suicide attacks on him!
And it works!

All the targets locked by the peregrine falcons were all killed!
Some peregrine drones even affected the people around him!
This is a cluster attack of more than 100 peregrine falcons!

It means that more than 100 big hairy high-value personnel targets were collectively killed in a short period of time!

All of a sudden, white smoke rose everywhere on the Da Mao battlefield!

Seeing this scene, the old company commander struggled for a moment and said solemnly.

"Don't get me wrong, my friend."

"This is an exercise, thanks to the laser simulation combat system."

"In fact, the power of the drones you have seen is far less terrifying."

"And the cost is very high. We usually treat it as the treasure at the bottom of the box."

Reznov: ".?"

Can you guess if I believe it or not?
 Today's [-]D update is sent!

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(End of this chapter)

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