my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 393 Is there such a thing as a war! [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

Chapter 393 Is there such a thing as a war! [Seek to follow up!Ask for support! 】

This man is called Xiaoshuai, and he is very confused now.

A few days ago, as a member of this military exercise, Xiao Shuai had just participated in the pre-war mobilization hosted by the head of the military region.

"Comrades! Your brigade will represent our military region to participate in this exercise and go to the Zhuri River!"

"We have to show our momentum and the spirit of our Liaodong Military Region!"

"Remember the background of the Zhurihe exercise. Behind us is Gyeonggi! It is the motherland and the people!"

"I heard that the Blue Army Brigade is known as the Wolf of the Prairie."

"I want to see today, is it the wolf pack! Or the tiger pack!"

As soon as the words fell, this glorious troop, which was originally called the "Ten Tiger Regiments" together with the 334 regiment, can be called the "Liaodong iron cavalry" in the new era, and immediately gave a passionate response!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"I order! All board the car! Depart immediately!"

Accompanied by the impassioned orders of the head of the military region, orderly, thunderous footsteps sounded like drums.

A roar of steel giant beasts erupted, and the lights at the front and rear of the car kept flashing, as if countless wild giant beasts opened their eyes in hibernation.

Many giant beasts converged into a torrent like a dragon and snake, and rushed to the Zhuri River under the cover of dawn and dusk!

This "Northeast Tiger Brigade", as an army outside the customs, has a unique geographical advantage.

Starting from the station, it is only more than 500 kilometers away from the Zhurihe exercise ground, which saves the time for loading and unloading armored vehicles from the station and changing trains similar to the 112th division.

The soldiers of the whole brigade maneuvered along the road all the way, forming a long convoy with majestic momentum!

The rain is about to come, and the wind is full!

Along the way, countless passers-by took photos and videos secretly with their mobile phones, and some people took out the small red flags they carried with them and shook them desperately at the convoy, looking proud!
The people of Yan Kingdom have always loved their own soldiers!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Shuai, the commander of the Type 99 tank, seemed to be calm, but in fact he was very excited!
Soldiers are people too, and they are all young people. Who can care less about face?

Usually in the garrison, isolated from the world, Xiaoshuai is dressed in military uniform, and no one can see his extremely heroic image.

Now that he has the opportunity, as the commander of the tank, Xiao Shuai is still outside the tank with half of his body exposed, and on the other side are countless people passing by.

In this situation, if any good man with passion is here, his heart will rush and his adrenaline will rush!

Thinking of this, Xiaoshuai's waist straightened even more!

The journey towards the Zhuri River is still going on.

The size of the convoy is huge, and the speed is not fast, the speed is only about [-] kilometers per hour.

It wasn't until it was getting late that the Siberian tiger brigade had traveled less than half of the distance.

But at this time, they were on an inaccessible road with a large open space for camping.

This is also the camping site designated in the mobile plan before departure.

The companies spread out on the plain in an orderly manner according to the plan, but did not set up tents.

This is to start on time tomorrow morning and save the time of loading and unloading field tents.

All the officers and soldiers of the brigade have to sleep with their clothes on tonight and rest in their respective vehicles.

As far as the accommodation conditions are concerned, it is not bad.

But when Xiaoshuai thought of the admiring eyes of the people he met earlier, he immediately stopped complaining.

At night, Xiaoshuai and the soldiers in the class gathered around the bonfire to keep warm, bragging and talking nonsense to pass the time.

Although it was already summer at this time, the night at the border between Liaoning and Mongolia was still cold, the temperature was close to zero, and people shivered from the cold.

The most outrageous thing is that it's so cold, there are still mosquitoes along the way, or the kind they swarm!
For the mosquito swarm, the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Tiger Brigade are simply a gluttonous feast for these damned pests!
In the campsite, there are "buzzing" sounds everywhere, and the "crackling" sound of fire tongues licking firewood.

In this environment, it is not difficult.

But for Xiaoshuai, who has been a soldier for four years, this harsh environment is still within the tolerable range.

But some people can't stand it.

Like the veterans in his class.

"Is this his damn weather!"

"And these damned mosquitoes!"

"I really don't know what kind of bird Zhurihe is!"

After finishing speaking, the veteran smiled and asked Xiaoshuai actively.

"Squad leader, is there any hope of getting a third-class merit in this exercise?"

"If that's the case, you should meet the requirements for promotion, right?"

Hearing this, Xiaoshuai nodded slightly, with a slight smile on his face, noncommittal.

That's right, Xiaoshuai is still the most promising squad leader in their company.

Holding a third-class merit and several awards, the outstanding non-commissioned officer is even soft-handed, and the company commander can laugh when he sees Xiaoshuai~!

The other veteran continued to follow the words of the previous veteran.

"What do you mean there is no hope!"

"Our squad leader will definitely get a third-class merit this time!"

"Let's talk about it first, we have to cooperate with the squad leader during the exercise, and we will leave the squad leader with any chance to perform!"

The veteran's proposal attracted many echoes.

"Yes! Let's work hard together and try to get the squad leader promoted at the end of the year!"

It can be seen that Xiaoshuai is a qualified monitor and is very popular in the class.

All the fighters in the class hope that Xiaoshuai can be promoted.

Hearing this, Xiaoshuai was very moved, and finally spoke.

"It's okay, everyone, don't force yourself, just obey the order and complete the combat tasks assigned by the company."

"I'm only in my fourth year. Even if I don't get third-class merit in this exercise, I still have a chance to get promoted."

Having said that, it is obvious that these are just Xiaoshuai's humble words.

At this time, he had already secretly set a goal in his heart, to win a third-class merit in this exercise, and take advantage of the opportunity to promote it!
This is also the goal of the Northeast Tiger Brigade, many fighters!
Countless people are eager to make contributions in this exercise and realize their life goals!

Seeing that the Zhuri River is getting closer and closer, they will soon arrive at the scheduled assembly area.

Xiaoshuai's mood became more and more excited!
He seemed to see the officer's uniform and was waving to himself!


Just when Xiaoshuai was about to grab the illusory officer uniform and put it on.

Snapped!wake up!
"Your vanguard has been hit by a tactical nuclear weapon!"

"Because the chemical defense battalion is located too far behind, it is unable to provide timely support."

"The guidance department judged that the vanguard of your department has been wiped out!"


Listening to the voice coming from the headset, Xiaoshuai was so confused that he couldn't be more confused!
Laozi's third-class work!Lao Tzu's officer uniform!
This shit hasn't reached the training area yet, and I haven't had time to show off my skills, so why did I die in battle?

Is it him? The vanguard is all wiped out?

Is the "death" so heroic?

Also, who can explain to Lao Tzu.

What does tactical nuclear weapon mean?
Ah? ? ?
No one said that mushrooms were also thrown during the exercise?
Thinking of this, Xiaoshuai raised his head in confusion and scanned his surroundings.

Beside Xiaoshuai, there are all fighters who look like Xiaoshuai in a daze, at a loss, with confused eyes.

We drove for three days and three nights, and slept in the car for three days and three nights!

Feeding all the mosquitoes along the way!

In the end, it was so hard to rush to the place, you fucking didn't even let me take a look at the practice site?

Many soldiers' eyes were red, their nostrils were panting, and they felt unfair for what happened to them!
And the brigade commander of the Northeast Tiger Brigade was even more confused!
"The Coordinator Department?"

"I am the Siberian tiger!"

"What do you mean by the notification just now?"

"I won't mention the matter of nuclear weapons, but why did my people die before the exercise started?"

Hearing this, the staff officer in charge of communication with the Northeast Tiger Brigade from the Guidance Department said in a relaxed tone.

"The Blue Army Brigade used tactical nuclear weapons to attack your department."

"A little casualty, isn't it normal?"

"As for the exercise you said hasn't started yet."

"From the moment you step out of the camp, the exercise has already begun!"

I am Nima!
It's fine if the staff doesn't say anything, but when he said this, the commander of the Northeast Tiger Brigade, who was already in his forties, couldn't hold back any longer!

"Did the exercise start long ago?"

"Why hasn't anyone informed us of the situation?"

"Also, tactical nuclear weapons, is this something that should appear in the exercise?"

"This is not an exercise, this is simply nonsense!"

"I need an explanation!"

The brigadier of the Northeast Tiger Brigade spoke very rudely, and his tone was very angry, obviously in a hurry.

Don't be in a hurry, the leading troops are all armored troops, which can be said to be the entire family property of the Northeast Tiger Brigade!

This shit didn't even see a single figure of the blue army, so they were all reimbursed!
No one is in a hurry!

Is this shit so good at fighting like this!

In fact, the idea of ​​the commander of the Northeast Tiger Brigade, or the wording, is a bit problematic.

In Yan Kingdom's previous exercises, there was indeed no precedent for the use of tactical nuclear weapons based on the research and judgment of the guidance department.

But it doesn't mean that no one will fight like this.

Even before the exercise started, the old company commander had already informed the major military regions that this exercise was an actual combat, except that no live ammunition was used, anything else could happen.

However, although the various participating troops showed great importance, they still regarded this as an exercise in their hearts.

For example, why did the brigade commander of the Northeast Tiger Brigade assume that the enemy would not use tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield?

This is the error of empiricism!intolerable!
Although Commander Ye and Lao Man reimbursed one-third of the Northeast Tiger Brigade without even saying hello, it was indeed a little wicked.

But this is also to reverse the previous stereotypes of commanders at all levels.

To put it bluntly, Battalion Commander Ye and Lao Man are now teaching all the participating troops how to fight!

For example, the Northeast Tiger Brigade has its own problems, and arranged the chemical defense battalion at the end of the convoy.

If it weren't for this, the guidance department would not give a judgment that the vanguard was completely wiped out.

Don't pay attention to three defenses?
Then I will let you have a long memory!
But it is difficult for human beings to realize their own mistakes.

This is especially true after the other party has taken actions far beyond the scope of his own cognition!
The current brigade commander of the Northeast Tiger Brigade wants to let the guidance department give him an explanation, or revoke the judgment that the vanguard troops are all wiped out!
Although this behavior seems stupid and reckless, it is also impossible.

Then one-third of his entire brigade has been reimbursed, and he is still an armored force!
If you don't struggle, how can you fight this battle?
Hearing this, a gloating smile appeared on the staff officer's face, and he handed the microphone to the old company commander beside him.

"Explanation? What explanation do you want?"

"Should I give you an explanation in person?"

"Do you think you are wronged because the position of the chemical defense force is so far back?"

"Also, the motor convoy is nearly ten kilometers long from end to end, how majestic you are!"

Hearing the old company commander's scolding, a few drops of cold sweat suddenly broke out on the head of the Northeast Tiger Brigade commander.

"What, chief, I didn't mean that."

"Just ask, just ask casually"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, the old company commander snorted coldly, didn't argue with him, but said without emotion.

"Exercise continues!"

Upon hearing this, the brigade commander of the Siberian Tiger was stunned on the spot!

How can this continue!

On the other side, listening to the casualty report from the guidance department, Yingying Commander Ye and Lao Man all showed gratified smiles.

"It works great!"

"This battle will be easy to fight next!"

After expressing emotion, Lao Man instructed Ye Yingchang again.

"Closely observe the movement of the red troops and see if they will go to the predetermined area for assembly!"


"Don't worry, Brigadier, I have already arranged it. Attack 2 has been watching them all the time."

"But I feel that they can't react well, and have to run to the predetermined area to gather."

Listening to Ye Yingchang's deduction, Lao Man said with some regret.

"I hope he can react and stop being stupid."

"Really, it's fine to get together and maneuver, and even set up a long snake formation, the speed is so slow!"

"If I don't blow him up, I will feel sorry for myself!"

After finishing speaking, Lao Man and Ye Yingchang looked at each other again, and laughed!

Now the actions of Battalion Commander Ye and Lao Man seem wicked, but in fact, they are still for the purpose of tempering the Red Army troops and changing their combat concepts.

Don't think that this is what the two of them are deceiving themselves. They say that nuclear weapons have been used, and they are still training a fart!
Throw a few more, and the group will kill them!
Would it be easier for the two of them to accept it if they applied for a bomber to scrub the ground, or use long-distance fire to cover it?
What will be the difference in the end result?

The means are not important, what matters is the result.

When the Red Army troops set up this mobile formation, it was destined to have this ending, and it was nothing more than a question of the number of casualties.

The use of nuclear weapons is just to leave an extremely deep memory for them.

In the context of modern warfare, where land and air long-range firepower is extremely abundant.

Not only the combat thinking needs to be changed, but even the maneuvering thinking must be changed!
This is the first lesson for the Blue Army Brigade to all participating troops!
After a while, Lu Ran ran into the headquarters and reported to Commander Ye and Lao Mantong.

"Report! The red troops have arrived at the predetermined area and are gathering and camping!"

As soon as the words fell, Yingying Commander Ye and Lao Man put on their hats at the same time, walked out, and Lao Man still gave orders.

"Notify Qianzhi, the second course is ready to serve!"

 Today's first update is sent!

  There are two more later!

  Please rest assured, this is a big plot, and it will be written in ten consecutive rounds. It is nothing more than a matter of the length of each exercise, and each exercise will write new routines and tricks~
  Without further ado, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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