my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 607 officially takes office!Ideas for the future! 【Please order more!Please support! 】

Chapter 607 officially takes office!Ideas for the future! 【Please order more!Please support! 】

After chatting with his mother for a few more words, Brigadier Ye hung up the phone with some hesitation.

He also did not expect that the promotion ceremony he participated in would be announced, causing Zhao Yan, Ye Weihong and other relatives to see him on TV and be complained by them for a long time.

But don’t mention it, the publicity effect of this announcement ceremony is still very good!

The seventh platoon of decorated brigade commander!
Just ask how many people have seen it?

Not to mention that our Brigadier Ye is already a "superstar in the military", with a frightening reputation.

For a time, the news that Brigadier Ye was promoted to the commander of "a certain heavy-duty synthetic brigade" immediately triggered heated discussions on the Internet.

Everyone was talking about it and became "tap water", constantly telling others about Brigadier Ye's deeds.

Think again about Brigadier Ye’s age.

Almost everyone believes that the next time they see news about Brigadier Ye on the news.

I'm afraid it's time for Brigadier Ye to be promoted to the rank of Maisui.

There is no need to say how happy Master Qi and others are. Even if Brigadier Ye cannot return home, they still have a great time in Ye's hometown to worship their ancestors and have a great time.

However, as Zhao Yan said, although Brigadier Ye was very moved by the suggestion of letting Brigadier Ye take Xiao Ruiyang and Qin Wanru back, he probably wouldn't be able to act in a short time.

After all, our Brigadier Ye, although it has been almost half a year since he came to the 151st Brigade, has just taken over the post of brigade commander.

Going home on vacation in a short period of time will definitely have a bad impact.

At the level of Brigadier Ye, even if you go out and so on, you are free.

But it has become difficult to take annual leave for a long time.

In particular, Brigadier Ye is also the chief military officer. As long as there is a mission, he must be on duty at all times!
Unfortunately, in the next six months, the 151st Brigade will face one task after another!
ZQ evaluation and assessment, internal military assessment, pilot unit construction, etc.

And strictly speaking, these tasks are military tasks, and they all require Brigadier Ye to coordinate the overall situation.

Coupled with the "military order" issued by Brigadier Ye in front of Liu Ming.

It can be said that Brigadier Ye's daily life in the next six months is destined to be very busy.

Taking a deep breath, Brigadier Ye immediately put aside the nostalgia for family that had just arisen in his heart.

The moment he took over the 151st Brigade flag from Wu Zhan, Brigadier Ye silently accepted a lofty "mission" in his heart.

In order to complete this "mission", Brigadier Ye is destined to make some personal sacrifices.

No way, this is the duty of a soldier.

Since you have chosen this path, you must be prepared to make sacrifices!


Hearing the sound of the door opening, Brigadier Ye turned around and saw Zhang Tao stepping inside, so he took the initiative to speak.

"Where's Lao Wu? Didn't he go out with you?"

"I just made a phone call, where are they?"

After the promotion order was announced, arrangements for the whereabouts of Wu Zhan and other "old brigade commanders" were also announced privately.

Wu Zhan, for example, will soon be transferred to the ZQ Army and promoted to a full division post.

Even though Wu Zhan's level has improved, Wu Zhan's future is basically over at this point.

As for Maisui's military rank, there is basically no need to count on it.

If Wu Zhan still has further potential, the arrangement for him will not be a military unit.

Either go directly to the ZQ agency, or stay in the 82nd Army and hold one of the only three division-level positions in the army.

Deputy Chief of Staff, Deputy Director of the Political Department, Director of the Security Department.

As a military cadre, Wu Zhan has only one promotion direction he can choose if he continues to stay in the 82nd Army.

That is the deputy chief of staff of the army.


Wu Zhan did not receive either of these appointments.

This means that his career as an officer has come to an end.

Brigadier Ye and others knew this very well, but they couldn't say much. They could only take advantage of Wu Zhan's departure to help him resolve the frustration in his heart.

Brigadier Ye naturally "inherited" Wu Zhan's office and sat across from Zhang Tao.

Hearing this, Zhang Tao, who had just returned, suddenly said helplessly.

"Old Wu went back to pack his things."

"She said she didn't want to cause us any trouble."

"I asked Xiao Qin to see him off, but he refused."

"He also said that the military service agencies are not far away. You can go and see him more when you have time."

"Look, this guy is very free and easy."

Seeing Zhang Tao's helpless smile, Brigadier Ye suddenly showed a somewhat sad expression.

"Oh, let's not talk about this."

"We still have to live our lives, and we still have to lead the team!"

"Old Ye, you have now officially taken over the position of brigade commander."

"Tell me, what are your plans next?"

"Don't think too much, I'm just asking."

"I will never interfere in military matters."

"Especially the decision you make, I will definitely support it [-]%."

"I just want to ask you, so I have some confidence."

Listening to Zhang Tao's words that seemed to avoid suspicion, Brigadier Ye immediately smiled and made a few jokes.

"My good political commissar, don't be so outspoken!"

"We are partners. If either of us is missing, we will be walking with a limp. We must discuss everything together!"

Speaking of this, Brigadier Ye seemed to be afraid that Zhang Tao wouldn't believe it, so he pulled him to sit down at the tea table at the brigade headquarters and said with a serious face.

"I said, Lao Zhang, don't think blindly!"

"I'm not a saint, I can't be right every time."

"If I really do what you said, aren't you just waiting to see me make a mistake?"

"We are partners and good comrades!"

"You can't watch your comrades jump into the fire pit!"

Upon hearing this, an inexplicable smile suddenly appeared on Zhang Tao's face. He reached out to take the teapot filled with tea, poured tea for him and Brigadier Ye, and said.

"Ouch, Lao Ye."

"Aren't I afraid of delaying your work?"

"After all, I don't understand military matters either."

"Look, if you hadn't been here in the past six months, our brigade would have suffered another setback during the last exercise with the 'Sounding Arrow'!"

With that said, Zhang Tao handed a cup of tea to Brigadier Ye.

"Come, Lao Ye, have some tea."


"I have to taste the tea that the political commissar poured for me with his own hands!"

After drinking the tea handed over by Zhang Tao, Brigadier Ye continued.

"Old Zhang, your idea is wrong."

"Again, if you don't say anything, aren't you just waiting to see me make a mistake?"

"You also know the current situation of our brigade."

"There is no chance to make a mistake!"

"Okay, that's it."

"Let's make a decision today to avoid confusion later." "As long as it's about our brigade's work, the two of us will discuss it together."

"Both of us think it's okay, and we'll discuss it at the meeting to determine whether to implement it."

"Old Zhang, what do you think?"

In fact, Brigadier Ye's last words were just nonsense.

He discussed it with Zhang Tao and confirmed that there was no problem.

Even if it is discussed at a meeting, can others still object?

But this is a necessary process and cannot be omitted.

Brigadier Ye's intention was to tell Zhang Tao clearly.

In the future, things within the 151st Brigade will be dealt with, whether it is military or life-related.

They both have to discuss it and both have the right to object.

This is the "subtext" that Brigadier Ye did not say explicitly.

No matter how you say it, Zhang Tao is an officer at the same level as Brigadier Ye, and is the leader of the army.

For the sake of team unity, Brigadier Ye could not engage in "one-note speech" under any circumstances.

Hearing this, Zhang Tao took a deep look at Brigadier Ye, then nodded and said.

"Okay, Lao Ye."

"Then I hope that the two of us will work together to create another great story for our 151st Brigade!"

"Although I am not as professional as you in military matters."

"But if you ask me about it, I will definitely tell you everything I know!"

Upon hearing this, Brigadier Ye immediately clapped his hands and said excitedly.

"What a coincidence!"

"I was just going to tell you about this!"

As soon as I opened my mouth, you want to "test me"?
But looking at the sincere look on Brigadier Ye's face, Zhang Tao understood that the matter was not as complicated as he thought, so he quickly spoke.

"How to say?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Brigadier Ye took out the laptop he used exclusively for work, put it on the coffee table, opened it, and then asked Zhang Tao with a serious face.

"Old Zhang."

"What do you think the future development of military thought will be like?"

"In other words, in what direction do you think a heavy-duty synthetic brigade like ours should seek breakthroughs in the next ten years?"

Good guy!
Is this such a big issue?

Are you just trying to make things difficult for me?
After silently complaining a few words in his mind, Zhang Tao seemed to have remembered something, so he tentatively spoke to Brigadier Ye.

"Lao Ye, why do you ask this?"

"Is it because of the pilot unit?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Brigadier Ye spoke excitedly.


"This is a big task!"

“Our travel industry’s great development in the next year, or even several years, depends entirely on this opportunity!”

"Let's put it that way."

"If we do well, we can achieve results in a short period of time."

"Maybe we can lead a force that can carry out a dimensionality reduction attack on the Blue Army Brigade, go to the Zhuri River, and avenge our shame!"

Upon hearing Brigadier Ye mention the "keywords" of "Blue Army Brigade" and "Zhuri River".

Zhang Tao, who had not slept well for more than half a month after being tortured in the Zhuri River, and was even almost captured, suddenly gritted his teeth and said!

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing earlier?"

"Wait a minute! I'll give you an answer after thinking about it!"

After saying that, Zhang Tao frowned and began to take a long exam.

The brigade headquarters, which had been chatting happily, once again fell into an atmosphere of silence.

Seeing this scene, Brigadier Ye did not disturb Zhang Tao, but looked out the window, his eyes divergent and thoughtful.

In fact, Brigadier Ye has been thinking about today's issue for a long time.

Since Brigadier Ye "jumped" to the Army.

The construction of the army force at that time always had a very clear construction goal.

That is synthesis, informatization, and digitization.

And now
It is obvious that these three goals have been achieved.

Just like Brigadier Ye said.

Now Yanguo has changed from a "learner" to a "leader" in terms of troop building, and is still changing into a "pioneer" identity.

The emergence of the combined brigade, J-20, and 055 drive all illustrate this truth.

In particular, the emergence of the 055 large-scale cruiser can almost be said to be "creating a different approach" and creating a new era of naval warfare!
Before the emergence of the Type 055 destroyer, the naval construction of various countries all relied on aircraft carriers as the absolute main force and supporting the construction of fleets!

But when the 055 Catapult appeared, the whole world was surprised to find out.

"Battleships", an antique from World War II, are making a comeback again!

That's right, we're talking about the 055 Dachu, this new era "battleship!"

The only difference between the two is that the battleship is equipped with naval guns.

The 055 large drive is equipped with various types of missiles that are daunting.

But the functionality of both is the same.

That is the absolute main force in naval battles, the "big killer weapon" in the fight for sea control!

Although some people don't want to admit it.

However, many countries have begun to learn from the relevant concepts of 055, or simply embarked on the road of imitating the 055 drive.

There is no doubt that Yan Guo has created a new strategic concept in this field.

What Brigadier Ye has to do is to find an effective concept that is equal to "weight" in the army field.

Through this period of thinking, Brigadier Ye had already formed a hazy, rough idea in his mind.

If the deduction is carried out according to the current level of science and technology.

The ultimate goal of the Army must be to aim at the stars and the sea, and gradually become a "multi-domain integrated" force.

However, such a goal is too far away from Brigadier Ye. It is like a science fiction movie. Brigadier Ye estimates that he will never see this scene in his lifetime. It is really unrealistic to consider this.

However, Brigadier Ye can still learn from the related concepts in this concept.

That is the basic requirement for all-domain operations in "Star Army".

All-domain operations may sound very "high-end", but to put it bluntly, they are nothing more than requirements for delivery capabilities and the basic quality of troops.

It is necessary to be able to quickly deploy troops to achieve the goal of all-domain operations.

It is also necessary to train an almost all-round team that can meet the needs of fighting in various environments.

And it is accompanied by a series of breakthroughs in unmanned combat equipment.

In the past, many of the Army's "needs" that were out of reach are no longer "luxuries" from the perspective of "cost-effectiveness."

For example, the emergence of drones has given the Army the ability to conduct low-intensity battles for air supremacy and simultaneously attack the enemy from the air.

Breakthroughs in other related equipment can also give the army many new capabilities.

Thinking of this, Brigadier Ye suddenly felt that he was getting closer and closer to the correct "road".

 Today's second update is sent!

  There will be another update later, I’ll post it as soon as it’s finished!
  Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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