my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 627: "Being on an equal footing with our ancestors!" [Please subscribe! Please sup

Chapter 627: "Being on an equal footing with our ancestors!" [Please subscribe! Please support! 】

Yin City.


The entire rural street is filled with people laughing and laughing, as well as flowing water mats neatly placed on both sides of the road.

There were so many tables that they were even placed on the fields.

Except for a few people who really can't come back because of work and studies.

Almost all the "famous" men, women and children in Ye's hometown have returned to their hometown.

The reason for such a grand event was not because of any grand festival, let alone a word from Master Qi.

It's because in the decades of history of Ye's hometown, the most promising and promising "military hero" is coming back.

That's right.

It’s us, Brigadier Ye.

It is said that thanks to the special status of Ye's hometown in Yin City, this banquet dedicated to celebrating Brigadier Ye could be held in the name of "ancestor worship."

Otherwise, based on Brigadier Ye's current sensitive status, he would never make an official appearance in such an occasion.

It is precisely because of this that everyone who has returned from the Ye hometown knows the "inside story" of today's grand meeting.

Brigadier Ye naturally became the unique protagonist in this event.

Almost everywhere you can hear folks from Ye's hometown discussing the life story of Brigadier Ye with great interest.

What about "documentary actor", "the first-level YM in the army", "leader of the army formation", etc.

These achievements that ordinary people think are out of reach are just "embellishments" one after another in Brigadier Ye's military career and are not worth mentioning.

What's more, he desperately brags about his close relationship with Brigadier Ye, and even with Brigadier Ye's family.

Even hugging Brigadier Ye who had not yet been weaned, such an ordinary and trivial matter, in their family's mouth, became a topic of conversation that could be shown off for a long time.

There are also some people who are proud of being a relative who is beyond the reach of Brigadier Ye, and even have the idea of ​​​​training their children to become "Brigadier Ye No. [-]".

After all, in their opinion, Brigadier Ye's achievements today are inseparable from the "superior bloodline" of Ye's hometown.

In this case, why is it impossible for their own children to become a shining figure in the military circles in Ye's hometown?
  All the above are vivid and vivid, revealing an old saying that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Poor in the busy city no one asked.

Rich has distant relatives in the mountains.

No, there should be another sentence.

That is "When you are brilliant, when you look up, all you can see are smiling faces."

At least for Brigadier Ye, that's the case.

When he, dressed in military uniform, brought his lover, children, and parents back to Ye's hometown, he was given a grand welcome.

No communication or cooperation is required.

The originally bustling street spontaneously made way for Brigadier Ye's special car with a military license plate to make way for a wide passage.

Yejiajia, which was bustling with people a few seconds ago, seemed to be forced to press the "mute button" by a pair of invisible hands, and the surroundings fell silent for an instant.

Everyone looked at Brigadier Ye's special car with envious eyes.

After Brigadier Ye got out of the car, all he could see were smiling faces without any "hypocrisy" and looking very enthusiastic, and greetings that were louder than the other.

"Isn't this Xiaoye? Is he back?"

"Third Aunt misses you so much!"

"You'll finish your work in a while, so you have to go sit at my house!"


Facing the extremely noisy sounds around him, Brigadier Ye just felt a wave of annoyance in his heart, as if what he heard was not the unreserved greetings and praises to him, but the "buzzing" of flies that made people upset. .”

Because Brigadier Ye knew deeply and clearly.

These so-called relatives do not respect themselves as a person.

And this is my clothes.

If Brigadier Ye had put on the tattered clothes of a beggar, these "relatives" might not even be able to name Brigadier Ye.

Even if they recognized Brigadier Ye, they probably wouldn't be "kindhearted", but would cover their noses and hide their faces and walk away.

Of course, they may also give a small amount of kindness to satisfy their "superior" complacency and to demonstrate their "virtue" of being charitable.

This is Brigadier Ye's understanding of relatives.

I am "afraid" that you will have a bad life, but I am even more afraid that you will have a good life.

Especially living better than them.

For example, in the case of Brigadier Ye, they knew in their hearts that Brigadier Ye was too good, which made them unable to rise to any level. The mentality of catching up led to their current behavior.

If Brigadier Ye's rank was not as high as it is now, and his deeds were not as well-known as they are now, some "bugs" who could not hide themselves might jump out and make irresponsible remarks.

The grand occasion before us, which was far more grand than the last time Brigadier Ye came back, was proof of this.

Could it be that some of them didn't have time to come back at that time, or it was inconvenient for them to show up?

Probably not.

There may even be people who come up with a lot of so-called "evidence" to try to prove that Brigadier Ye's current achievements are inseparable from the help of his family, and ask for some feedback from their family.

Although this may seem exaggerated and illogical.

But reality never requires logic.

After seeing all this, Brigadier Ye naturally doesn't have any good impressions of this group of so-called "relatives".

If it weren't for Master Qi's sake, Brigadier Ye would never have returned to Ye's hometown.

Everyone is very busy, there is no need to waste time on idle things.

Moreover, Brigadier Ye doesn't need the support of this group of relatives to prove his "ability" or how good he is.

However, Xiao Ruiyang still quite likes this lively environment.

"Dad, it's so lively here!"

Hearing this, Brigadier Ye leaned over and picked up his son. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Master Qi, whose beard and hair were all white, coming towards him tremblingly.

Seeing this, Brigadier Ye hurried forward and shouted "Seventh Master". Just as he was about to support the Seventh Master and have a good chat, he felt a huge force suddenly hit him!

"Go up to the side first!"

"Ouch, little Ruiyang has grown taller again!"

"Do you still know what to call me?"

Hearing this, Xiao Ruiyang, who was as big as a brat, looked at Brigadier Ye, then at the expectant Master Qi, and suddenly shouted loudly.

"Grandpa Zeng!"

This shout of "Grandpa Zeng" made Master Qi immediately elated!

"My little Ruiyang is so smart!"

"Come on, let Grandpa Zeng hug my great-grandson!"

Brigadier Ye: "."

Before Brigadier Ye could recover from this inexplicable "depressed" feeling.

Master Qi had already "snatched" Xiao Ruiyang away and held him in his arms with great affection.

But Xiao Ruiyang is now more than half a man tall.

Qi Ye was holding her in his arms, and it was obviously a bit difficult. He didn't even have the strength to speak. He just looked at Xiao Ruiyang with a kind face and smiled very calmly.

Do not know why.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Brigadier Ye not only did not feel any warmth.

On the contrary, for no apparent reason, a strange thought arose that I wanted to give Xiao Ruiyang a good beating.
  Seeing his son, he easily took away Master Qi's "favor" from him.

Only then did Brigadier Ye realize with some sadness that he was really old!

In the following time, Brigadier Ye took his entire family to stay with Master Qi, and by the way, he told Master Qi some interesting military stories over the years.

If you ignore the busy preparations for the flowing banquet outside, the scene is no different from a mature junior coming back to visit his elders.

Brigadier Ye also mentioned that Master Qi wanted to "open a separate genealogy" for himself, and tried to refuse.

But in the end, Brigadier Ye was defeated by Qi Ye's sharp eyes and never mentioned the matter.     "Xiao Fei."

At the end of the chat, Master Qi suddenly grabbed Brigadier Ye's hand.

Upon seeing this, Brigadier Ye hurriedly came to Master Qi and asked with an obedient expression.

"Seventh Old Master, I'm here."

After the words fell, Master Qi had no reply.

The old man just stared blankly at the junior who made him the most proud, the most concerned about, and the most worried about him, and remained silent for a long time.

After a while, two lines of muddy tears slowly flowed down from Qi Ye's somewhat dry eye sockets.

Seeing this scene, Brigadier Ye and others around him suddenly panicked. Just as they were about to speak, they heard Master Qi say somewhat lonely.

"Xiao Fei."

"I feel that you will definitely become the first general in our Ye hometown to honor our ancestors."

"The old man is very sure."

"It's a pity that the old man will never see that day again."

"I really want to see what you look like in that uniform."

"I can show off to the boss and the others and tell them that our Ye hometown has also produced a general!"

Seeing Master Qi's expression of being overwhelmed with emotion, Qin Wanru quickly gave her son a gentle push.

The clever little Ruiyang understood immediately and jumped directly into Master Qi's arms, saying coquettishly.

"Grandpa Zeng!"

"You can definitely see it!"

If others spoke like this, Qi Yequan would think that they were comforting him and not take it seriously at all.

But what if it was Xiao Ruiyang who said it?
  That concept is quite different!

Hearing this, Master Qi immediately turned his tears into laughter, looked at Xiao Ruiyang happily, and said.

"it is good!"

"My great-grandson said so, so the old man must have seen it!"

Seeing that Master Qi's condition has finally improved.

Brigadier Ye quickly changed the subject.

"Master Seven, it's almost dinner time."

"How about we"


Hearing this, Master Qi slapped his forehead directly and said with some annoyance.

"Look at my memory now!"

"Let's go, Xiaofei."

"The auspicious time is almost here!"

Brigadier Ye: "."

Heaven and earth conscience!
  Brigadier Ye really didn’t want to mention this!
  It’s just a “separate book of genealogy”!

Our Brigadier Ye really doesn’t care too much!


But Master Qi's energy level had clearly risen, and Brigadier Ye couldn't say much, so he could only respond with some sarcasm.


"Listen to you!"

After finishing his words, Master Qi raised Brigadier Ye's hand high and spoke enthusiastically.

"Let's go!"

"It just so happens that I take this opportunity to let the juniors from each family get to know you."

"I haven't been back for so many years. The little baby you haven't seen is gone to sea!"

As soon as he said this, Xiao Ruiyang looked at Brigadier Ye with vigilance.

Seeing this, Brigadier Ye immediately rolled his eyes and said to himself, "You little brat, you know how to be jealous?"

Seeing Xiao Ruiyang's anxious look, Brigadier Ye suddenly had the idea of ​​teasing him, so he spoke deliberately.

"Okay! You're right!"

"We really should get to know each other!"

With that said, Brigadier Ye followed Qi Ye out of the room with a smile, without even looking at the aggrieved Xiao Ruiyang. He was secretly happy, feeling as if he had won back a victory.

Qin Wanru on the side suddenly felt a little funny when she saw this scene and shook her head.

These two men!

One is more childish than the other!
  An hour later, Brigadier Ye, dressed in military uniform, stood solemnly in front of the ancestral hall together with Master Qi.

Behind them, there were also countless members of the Yejia clan, staring at the two people in front of them with serious faces, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

It’s still the same process as last time.

Waiting for the auspicious time, under the auspices of Master Qi, please publish the genealogy.

But this time it was different. After the family tree was invited, he did not step forward and place it on the mahogany chopping board in front of Master Qi.

Instead, they are all placed in front of the ancestral hall to receive offerings.

As for the chopping board in front of Master Qi, a brand new family tree still exuding the fragrance of ink is quietly placed.

After a few simple bows, the etiquette was completed.

Brigadier Ye saw Master Qi next to him, opened the family tree, and shouted.

"Kow to all the ancestors!"

"The Ye family is talented and serves the country and joins the army."

Take a look!

The last time it was "Ye has a son!"

This time it is "Ye's wise man"!

Listening to Master Qi using half-baked classical Chinese, he reported his deeds to the "ancestors and clans" like countless family treasures.

Brigadier Ye suddenly realized that he was so good!
  In the end, Master Qi picked up the wolf hair on the corner of the table with a nimble move that a hundred-year-old man should not have, and at the same time shouted one last time!

"To commemorate this honor, let it be looked upon by future generations of my Ye family!"

"Today we are re-editing the genealogy, and Ye Fei's family is included in a unique volume!"

"I respectfully ask all of you, my ancestors, to bear witness!"

After saying that, Master Qi, witnessed by Brigadier Ye, wrote the words "Nanyang Ye Family Genealogy" on the cover of the genealogy in front of him.

Following closely behind are the four characters "Ye Fei Lineage".

Watching Master Qi splashing ink on the family tree in front of him.

Brigadier Ye suddenly felt a very strange "sense of shame"

Does this count as being "on an equal footing" with our ancestors?

Thinking of this, Brigadier Ye quickly shook his head and got rid of this somewhat "rebellious" thought in his mind.

Looking at the extremely grand scene around him.

Brigadier Ye's heart suddenly gave birth to "ambition" by some strange combination of circumstances.

And it’s an “ambition that can’t be suppressed!”

It is no exaggeration to say that Brigadier Ye now makes the entire Ye hometown proud.

But in Brigadier Ye's view, a mere Ye hometown is nothing!
  When a man is alive, he should have the ambition to reach the top!
  One day!
  Brigadier Ye wants people with the surname Ye in the world.

They are all proud of themselves!
   Today's first update is sent!

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    There will be another update later, I’ll post it as soon as it’s finished!
  (End of this chapter)

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