my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 651 The application is approved, the old partner targets a new legend! 【Please order more! P

Chapter 651 The application is approved, the old partner targets a new legend! 【Please order more! Please support! 】

I'm a soldier too!

With just a few words, Brigadier Ye was shocked and speechless for a moment, unable to speak at all!


Regardless of the fact that Qin Wanru has always played the role of a "good wife and mother" at home over the years, she has worked silently behind Brigadier Ye and supported three families with her own shoulders, which has made Brigadier Ye's military career , those who can have no "worries" can walk more smoothly.

But don’t forget, Qin Wanru was once an indomitable soldier of the Yan Kingdom and a heroine!

And he is still "far ahead" among his peers, making many men feel ashamed!

Those two sets of military parade medals that Xiao Ruiyang played with as toys were proof that Qin Wanru and Brigadier Ye had fought together!

Seeing his wife's extraordinarily determined look, Brigadier Ye knew that there would be no way to convince her today.

Brigadier Ye is very clear about his lover.

Even after getting married, Qin Wanru had always been obedient to Brigadier Ye.

But this does not mean that Qin Wanru has no opinion!

Brigadier Ye knows very well that once Qin Wanru makes a decision, she will never look back easily!

The kind that even ten little Ruiyangs and ten old masters Qin couldn't pull back!

Otherwise, Qin Wanru would not have been traveling around Yanjing, Huping, and the Seventh Institute.

He and Qin Wanru will never get together!

When he thinks of this, Brigadier Ye's head is going crazy!

Don't look at Brigadier Ye himself who doesn't take Lin Sila's mess seriously.

But if Brigadier Ye's closest relative is allowed to be here, even for just a few hours, Brigadier Ye will have red eyes, jump high and become anxious!

Why does Brigadier Ye want to be a soldier?

Don’t you just want to keep the “war” that still exists in the world away from your loved ones and everyone living on this land?

Although Brigadier Ye knew that behind Qin Wanru's willingness to "put herself in danger", there were deep and passionate feelings for her!

It is precisely because of this that Brigadier Ye will not agree to Qin Wanru's proposal!


After a while, Brigadier Ye suddenly made up his mind to solve the problem "fundamentally"!

"What are you doing?"

He saw Brigadier Ye walking toward him in a somewhat ferocious manner, while still tugging on the uniform tie on his chest.

An "unknown" premonition suddenly arose in Qin Wanru's heart. Just as she was about to continue speaking, she was stopped by Brigadier Ye and picked up!

"Guess what I'm going to do?"

"It's broad daylight, why don't you... Oh! You should close the curtains!"

Seeing that her "resistance" had no effect, Qin Wanru immediately blushed with embarrassment and put on a look of "letting you take what you want", with a tone full of "rejection but welcome".

This omits 8,000 words.

After the storm, Qin Wanru, whose face became increasingly rosy, leaned against her sweetheart's broad chest, no longer as heroic as before, and spoke softly.

"I'm telling you something serious."

"You know how to do evil."


Brigadier Ye gave a somewhat mean and silly laugh, and Brigadier Ye felt a little calmer.

Although Brigadier Ye doesn't really want a second child, he is afraid of adding a burden to his lover who already has many things to do.

And if there is a "little second child", how this little kid will get along with Xiao Ruiyang is another headache for Brigadier Ye.

How to deal with several children in a bowl of water.

This is always a question with no standard "answer", it can only be the wisdom of the wise.

But now it's for Qin Wanru's safety.

Brigadier Ye suddenly felt that it was not impossible to have this second baby!

Anyway, Brigadier Ye still has more than a year before he can go abroad.

There is still time to work hard, continue to "work hard!"

No, we must hurry up on this kind of thing! There must be no delay!

Thinking of this, Brigadier Ye suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart that "time has not waited for us", and was ready to fight for a few more "rounds!"

"Isn't my son going to school in two hours?"

Hearing her lover's voice, Qin Wanru nodded subconsciously.

As a result, the next second, Qin Wanru exclaimed with some shame and anger!

"You're not done yet, are you?"



A few hours later, the two families of Brigadier Ye and Zhang Tao gathered together and held a "celebration banquet" that was not a celebration banquet.

During the dinner, Zhang Tao's wife kept staring at Qin Wanru calmly, her eyes full of envy.

Don't look at it, Brigadier Ye and Qin Wanru are both going to the fourth place now.

But one of the two is better maintained than the other. Compared with when they were younger, except for a bit more mature charm that has been added with the passage of time, their appearance is basically not old, and they look like a young man in his twenties.

Let’s look at Zhang Tao and his wife again

It can't be said that he looks very old, but he looks just like Brigadier Ye and his wife, so there is a gap in seniority between them.

Especially compared with the "energetic" Qin Wanru.

Zhang Tao's lover suddenly looked old and dwarfed!

Looking at Zhang Tao with some sadness, Zhang Tao's lover immediately lowered his head and stopped talking.

But Zhang Tao didn't notice anything strange about his lover, and he was still chatting happily with Brigadier Ye.

"Lao Ye, let me tell you!"

"Before we went to Zhurihe, I called Lao Wu and said that we would definitely win this time!"

"Look at my eyes, it's just..."

Before Zhang Tao could finish his boastful words, he was interrupted by a sudden phone ringing.

Zhang Tao took out his phone impatiently. He wanted to see who was not smart, so calling at this time would disturb his mood.

As a result, as soon as he glanced at his phone, Zhang Tao's originally impatient expression suddenly became filled with undisguised panic.

There was a smile on his face. Regardless of whether the person on the other end of the phone could see it, he hurriedly picked up the phone and spoke eagerly.

"Chief? I am Zhang Tao of the 151st Brigade!"

"Why are you interested in calling me?"

Seeing Zhang Tao's sudden change of expression, Brigadier Ye secretly laughed in his heart and had some vague guesses about the "chief" on the other end of the phone.

"Yes Yes!"

"Please rest assured, chief, Zhang Tao promises to complete the task and not embarrass our unit!"

"Yes! Yes! I'd like to thank you, sir! Goodbye, sir!"

A few minutes later, Zhang Tao, who looked stunned, slowly put down the phone, and his eyes fell on Brigadier Ye involuntarily, with complicated eyes.

That's right.

Zhang Tao's application to go to Lin Sila has been approved by his superiors.

Although there are still a series of procedures to go through, a formal notice may not be issued until after the year.

But with such a phone call, Zhang Tao knew that it no longer mattered when the notice was issued.

This matter has been settled!

When I think about the application I submitted in the afternoon, I got a reply in the evening.

Zhang Tao suddenly felt a strong sense of "illusion" in his heart, and he didn't believe what was happening in front of him.

To be honest, after submitting the report, Zhang Tao's own hopes were very slim.

After all, Brigadier Ye has decided to go to Linsila.

If he, the political commissar, also goes with him, then the two chief officers of the 151st Brigade will have to be replaced at the same time!

This situation is so rare that Zhang Tao himself has no hope!

But this happened! He also named Zhang Tao!

Don't think about it.

Brigadier Ye must be behind this matter!

Otherwise, he would have killed Zhang Tao, and he would not have believed that the higher-ups would have responded so quickly.

When he thought of this, Zhang Tao's eyes when he looked at Brigadier Ye were filled with deep gratitude.

"Lao Ye, this is the matter."


Before Zhang Tao could finish speaking, Brigadier Ye stretched out his hand and interrupted Zhang Yao's words of thanks.

"If you want to thank me, there's no need to say it."

"For ten years, you have been my only partner, and you are the most comfortable partner I have ever worked with."

"If you don't mean it, that's it."

"Since you want to go too, then I must find a way to help."

"Otherwise, if I change to a naughty partner and do everything the opposite of me, I will die of frustration, right?"

"Besides, you don't have to thank me for this. After all, I'm not that capable."

Speaking of this, Brigadier Ye suddenly became tense and warned Zhang Tao very seriously.

"Almost forgot!"

"I made a promise to the chief!"

"Even if the two of us are transferred at the same time, it won't have much impact on our brigade."

"Although the candidate for the next chief officer has not yet been determined, it will definitely be selected from the existing cadres of our brigade."

"You, just put more effort into handing over the work and handing over the class well."

"Just don't let me get scolded in front of the chief!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Tao quickly patted his chest and repeatedly promised that there would be no problem.

In fact, there was another reason that Brigadier Ye did not tell Zhang Taoming.

That is the buffer time left for the 151st Brigade, and there is still a lot of it.

According to the plan, Brigadier Ye and the others still have about half a year before they start training.

After the one-year training period is over, he will go abroad and perform his duties at Linsila Support Base.

During the training period, both of them will still maintain their existing positions as chief officers, and they will also be able to handle matters remotely and even participate in meetings.

In this way, Brigadier Ye and Zhang Tao have enough time to train the next "successor" of the 151st Brigade.

To avoid the originally booming momentum of the 151st Brigade, it will languish because the two of them resigned.

Of course, there is only so much that Brigadier Ye can do.

As the saying goes, "the iron camp is made of iron and the soldiers are made of water."

Whether it's Brigadier Ye or Zhang Tao.

Sooner or later, you will have to leave the 151st Brigade. It is just a matter of time.

It would be a bit strange if the 151st Brigade would be "unable to recover" because of the two of them leaving.

However, Brigadier Ye is quite confident.

As the military commander who led the 151st Brigade out of "adversity".

Brigadier Ye's style and leadership style have been deeply engraved into the "soul" of every person and unit in the 151st Brigade.

This is the so-called "military soul."

Even if Brigadier Ye leaves, this "military soul" will not dissipate immediately. It may even become new over time and become a precious spirit that will be passed down from generation to generation of the 151st Brigade!

Needless to say, Brigadier Ye felt quite a sense of accomplishment when he thought of this!

"Lao Ye, don't worry!"

"As I said before, you should have a good rest during these six months!"

"Leave the affairs of the brigade to me, you don't have to worry about anything!"

Listening to Zhang Tao's sworn assurance, Brigadier Ye smiled, raised the tea cup in front of him, gestured to Zhang Tao in the air, and drank it all in one gulp.

The celebration banquet continues.

The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves while drinking and drinking.

In this way, this pair of military and political partners had just led the 151st Brigade out of adversity.

In the following career abroad, we will continue to work together tacitly and closely.


These two military and political officials who had just "showed off" were about to create something unique for them in Linsela, which was called "a war in chaos".

New legend!

Half a year passed in a flash.

At the commendation meeting within the group army and even ZQ at the end of the year.

Without any surprise, the 151st Brigade won the honor of "Advanced Military Training Unit of the Year".

For example, all members of the logistics support company that participated in the ZQ evaluation and support won the third-class collective merit.

The two chief officers in the company were also promoted in advance and directly transferred to the ZQ agency!

The chief officers in the company are treated like this, and Brigadier Ye and Zhang Tao, as brigade chiefs, will naturally not be left behind.

Brigadier Ye has second-class merit, Zhang Tao has third-class merit, plus one "outstanding D member" for each person. Brigadier Ye himself also has an additional "excellent commanding officer model" and "'Four Haves' revolutionary military model for the new era!"

These honors may seem unremarkable, but they are actually quite valuable!

Especially as a cadre, the "Outstanding D Member" commendation is as valuable as a third-class merit award!

As for the two honors Brigadier Ye received alone, there is no need to say more!

In relevant and public promotional materials.

Brigadier Ye is the "first" introducer in the materials, a proper "C position!"

But for Brigadier Ye, these honors are no longer enough to make him "heartbeat". At most, they can only "beat" him for a while, really just for a while!

After all, our Brigadier Ye is a man with an "honorary title"!

Ordinary commendations were not enough to move Brigadier Ye.

Brigadier Ye's current goal, and the recognition he most desires, is the "August 1st Medal", which is the highest recognition in the entire army!

It's a pity that Brigadier Ye can't see the possibility of winning the "August 1st Medal" in a short period of time.

We can only hope that this trip to Lin Sila will give Brigadier Ye the opportunity to "get his long-cherished wish"!

As for the handover work of the 151st Brigade, it is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

The original chief of staff now has the position of deputy brigade commander. It is confirmed that he will take over the flag of the 151st Brigade and continue moving forward after Brigadier Ye leaves.

Zhang Tao's position as political commissar will be taken over by the current director of the Political Department.

Qin Yu, who had followed Brigadier Ye for many years, firmly stated that he must go to Linsila with Brigadier Ye after learning about his future whereabouts!

By this point, Brigadier Ye was already numb. After repeatedly confirming Qin Yu's wishes, Brigadier Ye finally agreed to Qin Yu's request.

There is no other way. The only thing to blame is Brigadier Ye's own "charm", which is too great!

It’s enough to make people ignore Lin Sila’s potential risks, but also follow Brigadier Ye and continue moving forward!

In this way, everything is moving forward in an orderly manner.

Brigadier Ye and Zhang Tao are also about to prepare for their final studies before going to Lin Sila to take up their duties!

 Today's first update is sent!

  There will be another update later. The author will go to sleep first and post it when he is finished. Brothers, you don’t have to wait. It will be the same if you read it tomorrow morning!

  By the way, there is no need to say anything about writing Qin Wanru or even old traitor Ye Fei to death.

  The author would never do such a thing. Please rest assured.



(End of this chapter)

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