my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 654: One family member maintains peace in the world! 【Please order more! Please support! 】

Chapter 654: The peacekeeping family in the world is a family! 【Please order more! Please support! 】

As the new military commander of Linsila Support Base.

Brigadier Ye is currently sitting with Zhang Tao and several comrades from the navy who he just met today, sitting on the rostrum specially set up for the expedition ceremony.

However, Brigadier Ye failed to occupy the "C" seat. Instead, he sat next to a commander who came to represent the old company commander.

For such an "expedition ceremony" involving foreign countries and requiring overseas travel, Maisui cadres must be present every time. This is already an established practice.

The audience was divided into two queues, but the soldiers were uniformly dressed in white.

Brigadier Ye felt in a daze that he had "jumped" to the navy again.

That's right.

Although the soldiers at the Linsila Support Base mainly engage in ground combat, and are equipped with a small number of 155-mm cannons and wheeled assault equipment.

But the soldiers' uniforms are the same as those of the navy, which are also white military uniforms, but with special armbands and chest badges, which can be said to be very impressive!

Even Brigadier Ye and Zhang Tao "do as the Romans do" and put on white military uniforms.

In fact, the navy's white military uniform looks very energetic.

But after wearing it like this, the feeling that Brigadier Ye "jumped" suddenly became more intense.

broken! I can’t clean it up now!

But don't forget that Brigadier Ye also has a part-time job - Lin Sila's foreign attaché.

In the base, Brigadier Ye will naturally wear a white military uniform, no need to mention it.

But when it is necessary to attend the occasion as a military attache stationed abroad.

Brigadier Ye will still put on the green military uniform he has worn for most of his life.

Speaking of which, the seniority seal on Brigadier Ye's uniform on his chest has been replaced by an extremely bright seniority seal for a full-time teacher.

Accordingly, Brigadier Ye’s title should also be changed.

As a division-level unit, the Linsila Support Base has a very blood-soaked title for its military commander.

SL member.

It can be seen from this that the status of the chief officer of Lin Sila Base is very high, and he is truly "highly qualified."

But due to the influence of a mysterious force called "404" from an unspeakable place.

Brigadier Ye’s title could only change from the B-style “Ye SL” to “Webmaster Ye”

Although Lin Sila is only a "support base" in name, also known as a "supply station", there is no big problem in calling old thief Ye Fei "Stationmaster Ye".

But this title doesn't sound as interesting as "Ye SL".

All I can say is that it is very regrettable.

And it wasn't just this incident that made Webmaster Ye feel depressed.

Damn it, Webmaster Ye has been working hard for more than a year, but the "little old man" is stunned that there is no movement at all!

Stationmaster Ye, whose plan failed, had no choice but to pinch his nose and have his ears pulled by Qin Wanru, and agreed to Qin Wanru's arrangement of following him to Linsila as a "family member".

At this moment, Qin Wanru was sitting at the viewing platform not far from the expedition ceremony, sitting with reporters who came after hearing the news. She was looking at Station Commander Ye who was wearing a white military uniform with a smile. She seemed to be attracted by Station Commander Ye's outfit. I feel very strange.

"Xiaoye, do you want to say a few words?"

Hearing the inquiry from the chief beside him, Station Commander Ye looked away from Qin Wanru with a resentful look and forced out a somewhat forced smile.

"it is good."

With that said, Station Commander Ye stood up slowly and spoke calmly into the microphone in a calm yet majestic tone to the Navy and the new rotation of soldiers at the Linsila Support Base.


"After this expedition ceremony is over."

"We are going to say goodbye to our friends, our relatives, and even our country."

"To embark on a long and arduous journey."

"Here, I have something to say to all comrades."

"That's us, representing the motherland and people, going overseas!"

"Supreme honor!"

After saying that, Station Commander Ye suddenly raised his hand and saluted to the square team in front of him, his movements were neat and his momentum was high!

The entire team burst into applause instantly!

After a while, the old man next to Stationmaster Ye stood up again and shouted an order in an old and confident voice!

"I declare that the sailing ceremony of the 46th escort fleet and the ninth batch of Linsila support base rotation personnel has officially ended!"

"Comrades, go to war!"

After the old man finished speaking, the command "turn right" suddenly rang out among the various formations!

Soldiers from each formation boarded the ship in an orderly manner, showing their fullest and most energetic postures in front of reporters' cameras without reservation.

After the reporters finished shooting, they took a group photo of the cadres above and above who were on the expedition.

Stationmaster Ye then looked at Qin Wanru who was smiling and said with a wry smile.

"Let's go."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"We will stay at sea for more than twenty days on this trip."

"Daughter-in-law, why don't you just go back?"

"I told you, seasickness is really uncomfortable."

Before Stationmaster Ye could finish speaking, Qin Wanru took the initiative to hold Stationmaster Ye's arm.

From the perspective of others, they will definitely think that Stationmaster Ye is quite "blessed" to have married such a gentle, virtuous, generous "good wife and loving mother."

But in fact, Qin Wanru was using her little hand holding Station Commander Ye's arm to tug at the soft flesh between Station Commander Ye's ribs, and said with a half-smile.


"When I was seven years old, I took a ride on a warship and visited the soldiers stationed on the reef with my grandfather."

“It was on the news at the time.”

"Do you think I'll get seasick?"

"Just worry about yourself."

"My good master~"

At the end, Qin Wanru's hand became more and more forceful, and she seemed to be very angry that Station Commander Ye was still trying to persuade her to leave at this time.

What can Webmaster Ye do?

Just bear with it!

Fortunately, Qin Wanru was reluctant to let Station Commander Ye really hurt for too long. She only pinched her twice and then let go, and Station Commander Ye finally escaped.

Accompanied by a burst of festive and lively firecrackers, the warship slowly left the port and sailed towards the blue ocean.

Don't say it! No wonder people say the navy is a "foreign military branch".

The sense of ritual is really strong!

You have to set off firecrackers when you "go out"!

Looking at the endless blue territory in front of him, Stationmaster Ye, whose wife was by his side, did not feel nervous about the fact that he was about to rush to a place where "guns and bullets rained down" more than 10,000 kilometers away. Instead, I felt a sense of calmness in my heart.

Only now did Webmaster Ye find out.

When away from home, even far away from the motherland.

What a blessing it is to have a loved one by your side.


"Old Ye, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Looking at Zhang Tao who was vomiting in front of him, Stationmaster Ye suddenly spoke speechlessly.

"Didn't you say before that you don't get seasick?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Tao was about to refute, but he was hit by another wave of nausea. He quickly lowered his head and retched for a while, spitting out several mouthfuls of yellow bile. Then he straightened up and spoke weakly.

"I'm sick. I don't get seasick."

"But I didn't say I don't get sick of warships?"

Webmaster Ye: "."

Don't say it!

For a while, Webmaster Ye really didn't have any suitable words to refute Zhang Tao!

Can being sick on a warship be considered seasick?

His! It makes so much sense!

But seasickness, no, warshipsickness is warshipsickness.

In basic work, Zhang Tao is still unambiguous.

"Lao Ye gives."

"I have finished counting the peacekeeping troops who need our base to provide logistical support."

"look at"


Having said this, Zhang Tao lowered his head and vomited loudly while handing a blue folder to Brigadier Ye.

"Old Zhang"

"You are so responsible!"

"My vision is indeed right, it has to be you!"

Seeing Zhang Tao's appearance, he still didn't forget to "get down to business."

Stationmaster Ye quickly encouraged him, patted his back and comforted him.

"You vomit first."

"I'll take a look."

With that said, Webmaster Ye opened the file and began to check the units counted by Zhang Tao.

The documents show not only Yanguo’s own peacekeeping force.

For example, there is a long-term civil war, which is close to Linsela, and also borders the Sudanese peacekeeping force on the Red Sea to the east.

There are also some peacekeeping forces from other countries that also need Station Commander Ye to provide logistical support.

There are even some Yidai and even the peacekeeping troops of the Divine Beast Family.

But Brigadier Ye didn't have much resistance to such a task.

Even though Stationmaster Ye was on the plateau back then, he never showed mercy and beat the beast until its nose was bruised and its face was swollen.

But this does not mean that there are no good people in the mythical beast's family.

"The world's peacekeepers belong to the same family." This sentence has never been just a rhetorical statement.

The peacekeeping force is a very unique force that allows people to ignore differences in skin color, language, and beliefs.

Become the most direct and simple "comrade-in-arms."

Even from a certain perspective, we still owe a favor to Ah Sanwei and the soldiers in the army.

At that time, we had a peacekeeping officer who was dedicated to his duty and fearless, but he was buried in a foreign country.

The soldiers of the Divine Beast Peacekeeping Force acted righteously, withstood artillery fire and bombings, and in the chaotic battle situation, they recovered the body of the hero, and even paid a heavy price of casualties!

Webmaster Ye will never forget this heavy favor.

For every peacekeeping officer and soldier who is not afraid of life and death and is willing to come to the flames of war.

Regardless of nationality or status.

Each of them is very respectable.

Especially since the Taakajia family is a permanent member of the Security Council and has no peacekeeping force of its own!

The gold content of this statement is even higher!

Closing the document with some emotion, Webmaster Ye looked at Zhang Tao and was immediately shocked!

"Lao Zhang? Why are you still vomiting?"

Half a month later, Stationmaster Ye finally arrived at the destination of his trip.

Lin Sila support base, the outer military port.

The majestic warship slowly docked at the port, bringing greetings from the motherland and the people to the soldiers stationed here.

Every soldier's face was filled with excitement and joy.

For the soldiers who have been stationed here for a long time.

The arrival of warships not only symbolizes greetings from relatives.

Also brewing is their hope of returning home.

And in the building complex not far from the military port.

A white man, holding a Mark coffee cup worth several thousand dollars, spoke leisurely to his companion beside him.

"It seems that our neighbor has a special person coming this time."

 Updated, updated!

  The issue of how the old thief Ye Fei is called is explained in this chapter!

  Brothers, stop asking!



(End of this chapter)

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