my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 658 3 years! The offensive and defensive momentum is different! 【Please order more! Please s

Chapter 658 Thirty years! The offensive and defensive momentum is different! 【Please order more! Please support! 】

"Then I'll go back to sleep first?"

"If you can't stand it any longer, call me and I'll get up right away!"

Listening to Zhang Tao's tentative inquiry, Stationmaster Ye, who had already changed into desert camouflage, nodded slightly in recognition.

After Zhang Tao left, Stationmaster Ye came to the window again and looked at the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, known as the "strategic heart of the world" around the world, with deep eyes.

The salty sea breeze, accompanied by the ebb and flow of the night, came to my face, blowing on Station Manager Ye's face and making the open shutters creak.

Speaking of which, Webmaster Ye's current attire is also a bit strange.

He usually wears white uniforms, but from a distance he looks like a navy man.

But when it's time for training, the officers and soldiers in Linsila Base will put on the "starry sky desert camouflage" that is very suitable for the local characteristics.

What to say?

This style of clothing is really a bit abstract.

And when the army changed their uniforms, Lin Sila was the first unit in the army to change their uniforms to "starry sky camouflage".

How else would Webmaster Ye lament that Lin Sila Base has sufficient funds?

Not only does it have a boss chair, but the individual soldier equipment is also quite in place!

Bulletproof and single-armor, plus individual bulletproof helmet, that is standard!

Each person is equipped with a pair of large sunglasses and a special tactical scarf to avoid wind and sand.

Wearing this equipment, if you replace the 95 in your hand with an AR, it will be even worse than the eagle sauce next door!

However, Station Commander Ye's thoughts were not focused on the unique equipment at Lin Sila's support base.

Not to mention worrying about whether the neighbor next door will do something reckless because of his "tit for tat".

With the courage of the three people next door, Logan didn't dare to do anything.

They didn’t even dare to turn on the radar, for fear of causing misjudgment!

Don’t think that the eagle sauce is still the same eagle sauce as before.

Otherwise, their family and his father's family's cargo ships would go to great lengths not to go through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, which saves money and sailing time, but to go around the Cape of Good Hope?

Isn't it because of those old guys who don't wear shoes and stare at them all day long?

Why doesn't Yingjiang dare to act rashly?

In fact, Station Master Ye’s trip to Lin Sila can be said to be “just in time.”

In the West, the current Bab el-Mandeb Strait is known as the most "dangerous" sea area in the world.

As for the reason.

Or it’s because of these old guys who “don’t wear shoes”.

I have been staring at Yingjiang and Yingjiang's father's freighter all day long. As long as it passes through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, then don't leave. Come and buy one!

The main theme is I don’t know how you got here, but I know how you didn’t get it!

As for Yingjiang's base on land, let alone that.

Recently, I have been receiving "kind greetings" such as artillery shells, rocket bombs, and detonation bombs every day, and I have been very distressed and embarrassed.

This situation not only made Station Master Ye applaud and feel great joy, but also allowed Station Master Ye to eat two more bowls of rice at every meal.

It also reminded Stationmaster Ye of that past incident that made the old man known as "Bureau Leader" cry bitterly and not dare to look back.

Zhang Tao thought that letting the fighter jets launch sonic booms at night was a retaliation from Station Commander Ye?


Based on Webmaster Ye's sixth degree, how could he be limited to this?

In fact, before arriving at Linsila, Station Commander Ye had been thinking about a "strange move" that would make the "bureau chief" and millions of compatriots proud after understanding the current situation in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait!

Now Logan and the others are deliberately provoking and following the "intention" of Webmaster Ye

It's not the time yet!

Looking away from the strait in the distance, Station Commander Ye silently told himself in his heart.

Have to wait a little longer!

By the time Yingjiang was overwhelmed by these "shoeless" old guys, he was so useless that he even lost face internationally!

Only Station Commander Ye would contact the old company commander and try to implement the plan he conceived!


The time when that "past event" happened happened to be more than thirty years ago.

The place where it happened happened to be at sea.

And the sea area where the incident occurred is not far from Lin Sila.

When he thought of this, Stationmaster Ye suddenly smiled and shook his head.

Because he remembered a classic saying that was overused in the Internet literary world.

Thirty years to Hexi, thirty years to Hedong!

Nowadays, the offensive and defensive momentum is different!

That night, Logan and Jones deeply and directly experienced Webmaster Ye’s message of “doing what you preach!”

If you say play sonic boom all night, then do it all night!

Absolutely no discounts!

Still really want to sleep?

Get some sleep!

Get up and listen to the sonic boom! Bad guy!

Logan, whose clear dreams were disturbed repeatedly, was so angry that he flew into a rage!

But just as Stationmaster Ye had predicted, he didn't dare to take any drastic action, and he didn't even dare to turn on the radar!

After all, one's own family knows their own affairs.

Didn’t you see that there is also an electronic warfare version of the J-16 flying with it?

Turn on radar?

Isn't that equivalent to giving another opportunity for "actual combat" and "humiliating oneself" by the way?

But doing nothing would make Logan lose face.

After all, he was the one who stirred up the matter, and the two bases next door were also implicated, so they didn't have a good night's sleep either.

If he didn't react at all, how could he lead this "team" in the future?

Logan had no choice but to act like a funny clown and roar viciously at his sleepy pilot!


"Can you guys tolerate them flying majestically above our heads?"

"Take off! Take off now!"

"If you don't let us rest, then they won't even be able to sleep well!"    But as a noble pilot, it doesn't matter whether you, Logan, have any dignity or not.

Looking at the furious Logan, several Eagle Sauce pilots looked at each other, yawned, and refused indifferently.

"Sir, I refuse your order."

"In accordance with your orders during the day, we have been conducting ground-to-air patrol missions for a whole day."

"We need a break."

"And it's night now. It's very dangerous for us to take off rashly without enough rest."

"I have the right to refuse your orders."

"Now, we're going to go back and put on our earplugs and get some rest."

After saying that, the high-status pilots seemed to be planning to go all the way to darkness.

He did what he said, turned around and left, leaving Logan and Jones who came after hearing the news, where they were, incompetent and furious!

"Damn guy!"

"I'm going to make you suffer the consequences! I swear!"

Seeing that the drunken Logan was still angry at his own people, Jones on the side finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Okay, Logan."

"So be it."

"Perhaps you can also ask the squadron to borrow some earplugs and get through tonight?"

"According to what I know about the neighbors, after tonight, they probably won't engage in this so-called 'flight training' anymore."

On "flight training", Jones deliberately added the emphasis, and I don't know if he was mocking Logan!

But the angry Logan did not hear the ridicule in his companion's words, and instead continued to roar like crazy.

"Make me stop?"

"This is impossible!"

"Since these flying masters refuse to go out at night, then I will wait until daytime!"


The veins on Logan's neck popped out and turned red from the roar.

He looks like a gambler who is losing money and can't wait to "go all in" to recover his losses!

Tell the truth.

Any normal person should have sobered up after witnessing the "Falling Leaves" super maneuver that Yingjiang would never be able to achieve in his life unless he changed the engine.

This is equivalent to Logan himself coming to provoke and show off his driving skills and supersonic fighter jets.

As a result, he was slapped in the face and kicked out of the door. When he closed the door, he spit on Logan. By the way, he told Logan that their flying skills were good, including supersonic fighter jets.

It’s all a bunch of excuses!

How can you still have the nerve to continue provoking?

But Logan didn't care about this and continued to "fight".

Looking at the hysterical Logan in front of him, Jones could only helplessly shake his head.

And Logan does have something special, and his main focus is to practice what he preaches!

I didn't sleep all night, waiting for the pilot to get up so they could go over and "Tit for Tat!"

Of course, it could also be because Logan couldn't sleep at all

The pilots who were urged by Logan couldn't think of any new excuses and had no choice but to get on their way.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

Station Commander Ye, who was doing morning exercises with the officers and soldiers at the base, suddenly became happy when he heard the familiar sound of sonic boom!

How dare you come?

I was too kind last night, I must give you more strength today!

After the morning exercise, Station Commander Ye directly ordered the pilots to rest peacefully and continue to "increase the intensity!" in the evening.

Although this will be a great test for the officers and soldiers of the base, and even the pilots.

After all, the base is not that far away, so the sonic boom may not be heard clearly, but the sound of the plane taking off and landing will still affect the soldiers who are taking a normal rest.

But Webmaster Ye can’t care so much anymore!

Webmaster Ye thought very clearly that now it is no longer a "battle of spirits" or a "battle of dignity."

It's a battle on the bottom line, and you can't take a step back!

If we don't "conquer" the people next door, planes will come over from the other side every now and then to cause sonic booms!

Who can bear this?

It’s been a hard day, and there may be interference at any time in the future. Webmaster Ye can still figure out which of the two is more serious!

What's more, Commander Ye has 100% trust in the willpower of his own soldiers!

It is different from the situation next door where stationing abroad is equivalent to "retirement" and "vacation".

Who in the Yan Kingdom can be stationed abroad, who is not an extraordinary person? Who is not the well-known "King of Soldiers" in the army?

Compete in willpower with these people?

I can't stand it, you piece of shit!

In this way, Webmaster Ye and Logan started a new round of competition!

You come here to "show off your power" during the day, and I will go over to wake you up at night, just to see which one of us feels uncomfortable!

If there are no accidents, this "competition" may continue forever, even accompanying Station Commander Ye's entire overseas career.

But less than a week later, the unexpected happened.

To be precise, it was Logan's accident.


"An F16 fell into the water?"

"The pilot parachuted out, but he hasn't been found yet???"

 The second update is here today!

  There will be another update later, I’ll post it as soon as it’s finished!

  Asking for a monthly ticket!



(End of this chapter)

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