my liver skills in the barracks

Chapter 665 We all have a bright future! 【Please order more! Please support! 】

Chapter 665 We all have a bright future! 【Please order more! Please support! 】

"Dear friend, respected comrade of the university!"

"We were notified and came to participate in relevant infantry training!"

"Look! Our people have been assembled!"

"Each of them are carefully selected elite soldiers and generals!"

Listening to the leader speak half-baked Arabic, bragging desperately.

Stationmaster Ye immediately wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and thought to himself, what is going on with you?

Why do you feel that your Arabic is not as good as mine?

What? "Not familiar with your home language?"

Seeing that Station Commander Ye had not spoken for a long time, the leader suddenly spoke shyly.

"Friend, my Arabic is not very good."

"It doesn't sound like you're having any trouble, right?"

Having said this, the leader explained his origins.

It turns out that Lin Sila is actually a rather strange country.

The leader and the group of old men next door who made Yingjiang Chengsu unable to sleep were all from the same origin.

They account for nearly half of Linsila's population and have their own unique language, which is considered a "dialect."

But because the influence of Arabic in this region is so great, it far surpasses English and French, and is considered a common language in almost all surrounding countries.

Therefore, the official language of Linsila is still Arabic.

But as mentioned before, the race of the leader has its own unique language.

It can't be said that it is not at all similar to Arabic, but it has nothing to do with it.

That's why this man's Arabic was half-baked, which made Webmaster Ye feel particularly strange.

After hearing this explanation, Stationmaster Ye nodded clearly, his expression suddenly became much more complicated.

Webmaster Ye and Zhang Tao thought that if they learned Arabic well, they would be able to "smoothly communicate" in Linsila, at least in terms of communication, without encountering obstacles.

As a result, now that I have learned Arabic, I still have trouble communicating!

All I can say is that the world is so big and full of wonders!

When I thought about leading two battalions who couldn't be called soldiers at all, and who had some communication difficulties, to complete the set training goals.

Stationmaster Ye suddenly realized that this was probably the most difficult task!

But the task has been handed down, no matter how difficult it is, there is only one choice before Stationmaster Ye.

That is to complete the task firmly!

Thinking of this, Station Commander Ye immediately looked at the battalion commander who spoke out and introduced him.

"This is Qin Yu, our instructor before we started training."

"During the training process, his words are equivalent to my words. You must obey 100%."

Speaking of this, Webmaster Ye suddenly paused.

It seems that he also found that it is not reliable to follow such a "rabble" and give orders and obey.

You still have to find a way to establish your authority!

Unfortunately, this is not his own army. There are many methods. Station Commander Ye has to consider the impact and it is difficult to use them.

After shaking his head helplessly, Stationmaster Ye continued.

"It's not a big deal if so many people gather here."

"Where is your camp? Is it far from here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, another battalion commander touched his head and said shyly.

"Stationmaster Ye, we don't have a camp area yet."

"In fact, strictly speaking, our two battalions were only established yesterday."

Webmaster Ye: "???"

Damn it!

Upon hearing this, Stationmaster Ye suddenly felt that his blood pressure had increased a lot!

I have heard before that the local troops are as outrageous as the mythical beasts.

Looking at it today, this statement is still extremely conservative!

Compared with the fucking mythical beasts, the mythical beast troops are pretty elite, okay!

This mythical beast still has its own camp after all!

You don't even have an independent camp. What kind of army are you?

"Not even in the camp?"

"Then where did all of you sleep last night?"

Listening to Station Commander Ye's incredible inquiry, the battalion commander who spoke out took a matter-of-fact tone and spoke.

"Of course I slept at home!"

"Before yesterday, 90% of the people in our two camps were fishermen, relying on the sea for their meals."

"When I heard that being a soldier is paid, you also get food."

“We were filled with people all of a sudden!”

Seeing the look on Webmaster Ye's face, it was obvious that something was wrong.

The battalion commander quickly added.

"Colonel Ye, don't worry!"

"Our people are very strong physically and will definitely become brave and capable warriors!"

Webmaster Ye: "."

Webmaster Ye still doesn't know whether he is brave or not.

But Webmaster Ye finally figured it out.

Every one of these people is a big**!

"Okay. I understand."

"Qin Yu, please contact the warehouse first and pull out all the camping tents." "I don't think there is an open space in the northwest corner of our base?"

"Just arrange it over there."

"As for food, just follow our food standards and send one, no, two cooks over there to provide them with food security and train some cooks at the same time."

"Remember to say hello to the political commissar. Let me go and talk. You can take them to settle down first, and then bring some people to help them set up their tents."


After giving Qin Yu a somewhat unbearable look, Stationmaster Ye waved his hand, signaling Qin Yu to quickly disappear with this group of people in front of him!

At this time, Qin Yu didn't know what kind of despair he would face in the future.

On the contrary, I was a little excited!

There are two battalions of instructors! The actual person in charge!

The person practicing is still a foreigner, and the sense of accomplishment is rising!

"Call a hundred people and prepare to come and get things from me."

Qin Yu's Arabic was somewhat unskilled.

But for this group of "locals" who also speak "half-baked" Arabic, it is enough to communicate.

Seeing that Qin Yu had quickly entered the state, Stationmaster Ye didn't say anything more. Instead, he looked at Zhang Tao, who had been suppressing a smile, and pulled him back!

"Look at your virtue!"

"You're gloating, right?"

Listening to Stationmaster Ye's faint complaints, Zhang Tao quickly waved his hands, saying that he had absolutely no such idea!

"Lao Ye! You have misunderstood me!"

"I, Lao Zhang, am that kind of person"

Stationmaster Ye didn't bother to listen to Zhang Tao's quibbles. He rolled his eyes and interrupted in a bad tone.

"Okay, I don't know you yet?"

"But don't be idle. You have to remember the training-related expenses."

"You have also read the documents. In the end, their country is responsible for all expenses."

"Like those camping tents, don't worry about taking them back, just sell them directly!"

"I'll see if I can help them build a camp for a fee after the training is over, and win another order for our comrades on the project."

"His fault! The mental damage I have suffered must be made up for with small money!"

Putting aside the task factor, the reason why Webmaster Ye is so active and provides people and equipment is actually also due to the "small money" aspect.

This is two full battalions!

Two battalions without even guns!

If this was fully equipped according to the standards of the Yanguo Motorized Infantry Battalion, how much income would it be?

For this alone, Webmaster Ye has to work hard to complete this mission!

What the hell? What if they officials can’t pay?

Ouch! I didn’t say you have to pay!

Minerals, such as oil, natural gas, and even fishery resources that are prone to "mold" breeding, can't all be "deducted"!

Although no oil has been discovered in Linsila yet.

But in Africa, it is not unusual for a well to be drilled and oil to leak out of the ground.

Not to mention, the reserves of other minerals in Linsila are also huge and relatively easy to mine, but Linsila does not have the technical conditions to do so.

But it doesn’t matter, you don’t have it, there is one behind Webmaster Ye!

You provide the minerals and I provide the technology.

We will discuss the benefits arising from the operation!

After the distribution is completed, and I have money in my hands, can I also pay off the debts and other debts?

This is a truly "mutually beneficial and win-win" situation!

We all have a bright future!

At this time, Qin Yu had already prepared equipment such as tents and was preparing to take the "rabble" of the two battalions to the northwest of the base to set up camp.

Seeing this, Webmaster Ye stopped worrying about the follow-up matters.

As for the relevant means of "establishing authority", Webmaster Ye already has an idea in mind, but he has to wait until the training camp area is built.

Next, Webmaster Ye should worry about things on the other side.

Thinking of this, Stationmaster Ye immediately invited Zhang Tao.

"Lao Zhang, I plan to go see the comrades from the Fifth Bureau of Yanjian Construction Project, observe the situation, and determine the intensity of the security work."

"Do you want to come along?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tao thought for a moment and then spoke hesitantly.

"That's true"

"But if we both leave the base, I'm afraid something unexpected will happen and it won't be easy to deal with."

"Now there are two more battalions of 'living fathers'. Although setting up a tent won't cause any problems, who can say the best about this thing?"

"Forget it, go ahead by yourself."

Seeing what Zhang Tao had said, stationmaster Ye did not continue the invitation. Instead, he called the helicopter pilot in the base and prepared to take the Z-8 to the project location of Yanjian Fifth Bureau.

After all, the location of the project is located on the land border northwest of Linsila.

It is obviously unrealistic to expect to drive there.

With a roar of propellers, the helicopter gradually moved away and gradually turned into a small dot.

In the open space not far from the base, many of the "new recruits" who were about to undergo "Yanguo-style training" raised their heads, looked up at the sky, and looked at the "steel giant bird" that was drifting away, with envy on their faces. .

More than forty minutes later, Stationmaster Ye arrived at the project site of Yanjian Fifth Bureau.

This was the time Station Commander Ye ordered the pilot to fly at full speed.

If it is replaced by ground troops, support will be provided from land.

Based on the road conditions in Linsila, it might take two hours at the earliest to get started.

 Today’s update is sent! Asking for a monthly ticket!



(End of this chapter)

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