Sanya Village is located in a little-known small place in a certain ancient capital. The people in the village have never had any great people in the past generations, and they don't know much about the outside world. They don't even know that Yuan Shikai died a long time ago. At this time, It was already 1931, the outside world was surging, and the pattern of the world was changing quietly. All of this has nothing to do with the people in Sanya Village. There are very few big things happening in the village, except for birth, old age, sickness and death.

"It's not good, it's not good!!" It was only dawn, but there were bursts of gongs in this remote and quiet village: "Tang Sancheng was kidnapped by bandits!! Tang Sancheng was kidnapped by bandits!!" The voice roared hoarsely, as if it had suffered a huge blow.

The people in the village were sleepy, tossed and turned on the bed by the sudden noise, and when they heard it clearly, they all trembled and jumped off the bed: "Oops, Tang Sancheng was kidnapped! !"

Who is Tang Sancheng?Tang Sancheng was the first great person who came out of the village. Tang Sancheng was only nineteen this year, but he was the "living treasure" in the village. Whenever someone died, he became the ancestor enshrined in the village, just because This Tang Sancheng knows how to choose a tomb, he pointed with a big hand: "This is it!!" The deceased is buried, this year, the family of the deceased must be smooth sailing, plus a little fortune, the villagers have privately calculated, this Tang Sancheng chose a total of eleven tombs for the villagers, and all the eleven families went smoothly.

Whether Tang Sancheng is from the village or not, no one knows where he came from. He is a child picked up by Mr. Tang in the village when he passed by a mess of graves. According to Mr. Tang, the child is only three months old, dressed in Coarse clothes sewn by hand, lying in a candle bag, in the cold winter, the child did not cry, with a pair of big black pupils flashing, looking at Mr. Tang and smiling. There was a little doll, screaming evilly. After walking a few feet away, Mr. Tang stomped his feet, turned around, hugged the doll, and then flew away from the messy grave.

On the first day Tang Sancheng came to the village, something happened that shocked the villagers. Mr. Tang had an old woman. Tang Sancheng, who didn't cry, howled like a ghost for seven consecutive days. After seven days, the old woman fell headlong in front of the stove and died. Then, everyone understood that the child was spiritual. People who are about to die don't want her to hug them.

When Tang Sancheng grew up, he always liked to drill into the graves, circled around the graves of the dead, still muttering, the villagers didn't know what was going on, they always thought he was possessed by a ghost , This mystery was not solved until Tang Sancheng was 13 years old.The children of a family in the village were sick every year, but they never died. The doctor also read it, and even spent money to send it to the town to see it, but he still couldn’t understand it. The 13-year-old Tang Sancheng stood on the family’s ancestral grave, pointing A thick tree said: "Cut it down, and your child's illness will be cured. This tree has broken the feng shui of this grave."

Everyone laughed loudly, what does a 13-year-old child know!Also Feng Shui! !In the middle of the night, the child's whole body was scalded like a stove was hung, and the child's mother cried so much that her eyes were red and swollen. As the saying goes, a sick person rushes to the doctor in a hurry. The mother-in-law remembered what Tang Sancheng said, so she rushed her man to cut down trees , the man lowered his head and said nothing, the woman looked up to the sky and cursed, and went up to the ancestral grave with the axe in her hand. When the tree fell, the woman came home with the axe in hand, only to see her baby standing at the door wiping her nose: "Hungry... ..."

As soon as Tang Sancheng said he became famous, the whole village became a sensation. Everyone said that the child had inhaled spiritual energy and Yin energy in the cemetery, and that this was a "soul boy".Mr. Tang took Tang Sancheng's hand: "Son, I can see that you are not ordinary. You have been staying in Sanya Village for a long time."

"Well, I think so too." Tang Sancheng was not sad, and grinned: "Father, do you drink soup? I'll serve it for you!!"

Six years later, Tang Sancheng finally left in a special way. He was taken away by a group of bandits at night. The leader covered his face and put a knife on Tang Sancheng's neck: "I Nothing, just you."

Tang Sancheng sighed: "I'll walk with you, but my father is getting old..."

The masked man took out a bag of things from his bosom, and said heavily, "These are enough for your father to take care of."

"Then let me give my dad a kick." Tang Sancheng knelt down in front of Mr. Tang, who was already sobbing: "Son!!"

"Father, everyone has their own destiny. My fate has already been decided. I'm leaving. Take care!!" Tang Sancheng smacked his head three times, then raised his head again, with tears in his eyes. The face person went over: "Let's go!!"

The masked man put down the knife: "You are a man!" He gave an order to the men behind him: "Get out!!"

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