"Wei Boyang lives in seclusion in the mountains and forests, cultivating the truth and cultivating nature. After years of training, he has achieved perfection. Because of his profound knowledge, he knows all kinds of schools, especially the theory of Dayi, Huang Lao, and Ludan. On the basis of alchemy in the Tiger Book, I practiced it repeatedly and mastered it, and reached the highest level of alchemy at that time."

Tang Sancheng said again: "About this Wei Boyang, there was a story passed down from generation to generation. It was about Wei Boyang's becoming an immortal. It's a bit long. If you want to listen to me, just tell me. If you don't want to listen, forget it."

Bai Yi glared at him: "You've made it this far, can I not listen? Come on, it's just a relief."

"When Wei Boyang was refining the elixir, he brought three disciples with him. After the great elixir was refined, Wei Boyang saw that two of the disciples were dishonest, so he came up with a plan to test them. He took out a elixir first. The medicine was fed to the white dog, and the white dog fell to the ground and died immediately after eating it. The disciples looked at each other, and then they all focused their eyes on Wei Boyang, the master. Wei Boyang looked at them and smiled, took out a pill and swallowed it. Then he fell to the ground and died. The other disciple knew that the master would not be lying, so he swallowed a pill, fell down and died on the spot. The other two disciples were secretly glad that they did not take the elixir, and did not suppress it. After burying the body of the master and senior brother, he rolled up the package and went down the mountain. After the two left, Wei Boyang just got up, took out the real elixir again, gave it to the disciple and the white dog, and then went away together as immortals."

Xiao Ning, who was walking in front, heard this paragraph: "Is that medicine for fake death?"

"Yes, that's right." Tang Sancheng said: "Wei Boyang and his disciple who believed in him were traveling on the mountain road, and when they met a woodcutter, they asked him to send a message to relatives and friends in their hometown. It spread to the neighbors. The two disciples who ran away saw the letter from Wei Boyang, but they beat their chests and stomped their feet. They really regretted it. This is a legend that has been handed down. I can’t guarantee whether it is true or not, but it can be passed down. , there must be some basis, how much is true, how much is false..."

"You don't know." Bai Yi said, "This has become your mantra."

Tang Sancheng looked at this passage: "It's strange, I don't know where this passage will lead to. It's so long, it took a lot of engineering at the beginning."

"I've already entered, and there's no way out, so let's go with the flow." Bai Yi thought to himself, since there are no traps or messy monsters here, he walked quite easily, and Bai Yi suddenly felt like he was dripping with sweat. It's over, this is the end, Bai Yi's heart skipped a beat suddenly, what if this is a dead end?As he approached, Bai Yi breathed a sigh of relief. It should be noon at this time, the sun was very strong, and there was light coming down from the front, together with the ripples of the water, the water was rippling, and Bai Yi was stunned.

There was sparkling light in front of my eyes, and the surface of the water was right in front of my eyes, but the water couldn't get into the channel. This strange scene shocked everyone, Lei Zi said: "I can't imagine, what's going on?"

"It's not surprising. It's like putting water in a paper cup on the fire to make the water boil. This is just using the relevant principles of physics. Let's go, we can't stand here forever, can we?" Bai Yi As he spoke, he led everyone towards the shimmering place, and when he reached the place closest to the water, Bai Yi stretched out his hand - the moist feeling of the water was truly conveyed, although the bite on the mouth was based on the principle of physics, But the real contact still felt unbelievable in his heart, Bai Yi asked: "How is everyone's water quality?"

This question was mainly to ask Tang Sancheng, and sure enough Tang Sancheng had a bitter face: "The dog crawling style is barely enough."

Lei Zi burst out laughing: "We fight against each other, go up to the sky, go down to the ground, except we can't fly, we have to know everything, how dare you come out and fight like this?"

Tang Sancheng insisted: "The dog crawling style is also swimming, but the swimming is not so beautiful."

Bai Yi raised his head and looked: "Sunlight can penetrate the water surface, and there is such a strong intensity, which means that we are very close to the water surface, Qixie, please help take care of him, although this guy is annoying sometimes, he can't drown gone."

Tang Sancheng let out a muffled laugh, Bai Yi couldn't utter a single good word this year, he cared about himself and made it clear, haha, he immediately felt happy, and looked back at Xiao Ning, Xiao Ning's expression was extremely calm, it seemed that his water quality was certain Much stronger than himself, Wu Tong reinforced the bag containing the Ming weapon again, tied it firmly around his waist, and was about to rush into the water. Qixie turned to look at Tang Sancheng: "You are in front, and I am in the back." , let go of your hands and feet."

I thought I was a water-savvy person, but let them underestimate him. Tang Sancheng shook his head: "Don't worry, it will be fine."

Tang Sancheng held his breath confidently. According to his thinking, Bai Yi said that the water was not deep, because there was a strong light shining down, which meant that it was daytime outside, and secondly, the river was not deep. Why did he first feel that it was a river? He, Tang San didn't know either, the sixth sense couldn't be explained clearly, the way was unclear.

Now as long as he dives upwards, he will be able to surface immediately. As soon as Tang Sancheng inhaled, he followed Bai Yi and plunged into the water. Strange to say, there seemed to be an invisible wall between the passage and the water, preventing the water from flowing in. The channel, when people got through, Tang Sancheng only felt a force pulling in the middle, the water flow was faster than he imagined, his eyes were blurred, he only saw Bai Yi's shadowy legs, diving into the water was more difficult than he imagined , Tang Sancheng snorted, choked a sip of water into his mouth, he coughed violently, and it was out of control, Tang Sancheng only felt his body falling, and stretched out a hand, it was Qixie!

"Qixie! Save me!" Tang Sancheng shouted in his heart, his eyes became more and more blurred, water, Tang Sancheng suddenly thought, it was still 50 years ago, his father said it, and a fortune teller said it when he was a child However, this child is doomed to be flooded, so stay away from the water. Rivers and rivers are his nemesis. When Tang Sancheng was ten years old, it was a very hot day. His back was flowing down, Tang Sancheng stood by the river, quickly took off his clothes and pants, and was about to jump into the river to have a good time, but his father ran out from nowhere, holding himself in one hand, and slapped himself on the buttocks, There was distress and worry in his eyes. From then on, Tang Sancheng never went to the river again. It wasn't that he was really afraid of water, he really believed in floods, he just didn't want to see his father's worried eyes...

Tang Sancheng murmured: "I'm sorry, Dad, I forgot..." Tang Sancheng grabbed his hand for the last time, and then his eyes were completely black, how could his body be so heavy?

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