That night, Tang Sancheng lay on the bed thinking about a question over and over again, where was he before he was placed in the cemetery?from where?This is the most original problem of human beings. Tang Sancheng didn't understand why he only started to pay attention to it today. Thinking about it, he couldn't fall asleep at all. He simply took the "Complete Book of Tomb Raiders" next to him and read it. This book was requested by Bai Yi. What Liu Zhixi left behind was said to be of great use, so Tang Sancheng had to read it by heart.

"Fu Nu is a mechanical device that is hidden in the death hole of the mausoleum (the place where tomb robbers must pass). It can automatically shoot sharp arrows. Fu Nu is generally only used by high-level and high-standard mausoleums such as imperial mausoleums. ..." Tang Sancheng looked at ten lines, every word seemed to be engraved in his mind, the night was late, Tang Sancheng finally fell asleep in the imagination of countless organs, and the "Tomb Raiders Encyclopedia" slipped from his hand , fell on the quilt...

A black figure suddenly appeared outside the window, skillfully opened the window from the outside, and rolled into Tang Sancheng's room, then tiptoed close to Tang Sancheng's bed, and quietly stretched out a hand to Tang Sancheng's "" Tomb Raider Encyclopedia"... Tang Sancheng opened his eyes suddenly, grabbed the book tightly, and shouted: "The thief has been caught!"

The black shadow was caught off guard and was about to retreat, but Tang Sancheng's movements were so fast that he sat up and grabbed the corner of his clothes. At this moment, the door was kicked open, and Qi Xie's body jumped Walking in, one foot swept across the black shadow's calf, and only heard "Aiyo", the black shadow fell to the ground, Tang Sancheng took advantage of this gap, turned on the light, and looked at the ground, the Sombra is actually a woman!

Bai Yi who heard the movement also ran over, seeing the situation inside the house, especially the woman with a protruding figure on the ground, he was puzzled: "Tang Sancheng, I have never been a thief in my place, you are really attractive Ah, you have attracted the thief here!"

The woman raised her head, what a pretty face!Especially those eyes, like a full-fledged deer, very pure, not like a thief, completely like an innocent girl who strayed into someone else's house, she gritted her teeth and said, "I'm not a thief!"

"You have reason." Tang Sancheng said angrily: "Climbing in through the window without the owner's consent, trying to take other people's things, isn't that called stealing?"

The woman blinked her eyes and said slyly: "What if the thing you took away is mine?" She pointed at the book in Tang Sancheng's hand: "This book originally belonged to our family!"

This situation is like a thief explaining the difference between "steal" and "take" to others, Tang Sancheng just finds it funny: "According to you, if you just point to something in my house and say it belongs to your family, Then it’s okay to take it away in a grand manner, isn’t it?”

The woman rolled her eyes, very disdainful of Tang Sancheng's appearance: "The owner of that book is Xiao Tianyi, isn't it?"

This woman has not seen the book clearly since she came in, nor has she opened it. Unless she knows in advance, it is impossible to know who the author of the book is. Tang Sancheng and Bai Yi looked at each other, curious Heart: "Who the hell are you?"

"Xiao Ning!" The woman spoke loudly, "Xiao Tianyi's daughter! The successor of Captain Mo Jin!"

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