Poor Wu Tong wished he could not live forever, instead he turned into a pile of coke. Bai Yi thought for a while and said, "I can only put it here. If I take this corpse back, I won't be able to explain it clearly. Then give his wife and children some more money. It can be dismissed, anyway, how many people in this line of work can die well? His mother-in-law also knew this a long time ago."

Tang Sancheng cupped his hands at Wu Tong's corpse: "Brother Ang, you have a good journey, don't blame us."

"Fart," Bai Yi scolded: "This is his own masterpiece, he did our shit, Tang Sancheng, don't take everything on yourself, okay?"

"Okay, okay." Tang Sancheng twisted his neck and said abruptly.

Bai Yi checked the wooden pillow of the lower jade ring finger and the huanghuali. There were also gold rings and gold wine glasses brought out from the water coffin, as well as the bronze leaves, a pair of humanoid pottery figurines, and five baht coins from the Eight Trigrams tomb. The harvest has been rich.

"Wait." Qi Xie said, pointing to the bag of bronze leaves, he shook his head slightly: "I always feel that the bronze leaves are a bit strange, do you remember? When Wu Tong was in the tomb of Bagua, suddenly Hallucination, but he recovered, he was just cutting these bronze leaves at that time, do you think it has something to do with the bronze leaves?"

"You mean this?" Tang Sancheng picked up a piece, looked left and right: "Isn't this bronze, what's so special? I think Wu Tong was so dazed thinking about immortality..."

Tang Sancheng's eyes blurred suddenly, his body swayed a bit, he saw a blurry figure in front of him, waving at himself, he murmured: "What are you doing there?" When the man walked away, he might as well have been patted by someone, his whole body trembled, and he immediately came to his senses. Looking again, the bronze leaf on his hand had been patted off, and there was no shadow of someone in front of him, and his nose was almost touching the stone wall. on...

He pinched his nose fiercely: "It's weird, this bronze leaf really makes people have hallucinations!"

"The world is so big that there are no surprises. This Wu Tong made a mistake. Maybe it was the bronze leaf." Bai Yi said suddenly: "He is usually a very experienced person. He knows that there are zombies here, but he still wants to destroy them on purpose. The formation of restraining zombies, and letting him bite on purpose, has both reasonable and unreasonable reasons. The bronze leaf has been carried by Wu Tong all the time. Is it possible that it has always affected him and made him lose his reason and judgment? ?”

Qixie nodded: "It's not impossible, that money tree is very evil."

Bai Yi nodded heavily, and put the bag of bronze leaves in the coffin of golden nanmu: "We don't want this thing, safety is the top priority!"

Everyone agrees on this, although they don't understand the mystery of it, but be careful when sailing for thousands of years, if you are too greedy, you will easily lose it in the future, once the bronze leaf is thrown out, Bai Yi also feels relaxed all over his body, The three of them went back along the way down. Along the way, Bai Yi's mind was not idle. Wu Tong's death would always give an explanation to the people above.

Xiao Ning and Lei Zi were already anxiously waiting on the top, just now they heard the screams from below, and even the smell of burning rushed up, Xiao Ning was so nervous that he squeezed his hands together and kept rubbing Then, Lei Zi put his hands on his hips, stood at the entrance of the cave and looked down. The two people who were so tired and drowsy had already lost their sleepiness. When they swept down to the three people below, Lei Zi was overjoyed: " You are finally out!!"

"What's going on down there? Where's Wu Tong?" Xiao Ning had sharp eyes and a careful heart, and immediately realized that Wu Tong was missing.

Bai Yi briefly mentioned what happened next, and then focused on the bronze leaves of the money tree, which made the two listeners feel that Wu Tong was bewitched by the bronze leaves, lost his mind, and brought everyone to the zombie In the crypt, and then he was rewarded, it doesn't sound like there is anything wrong.

Xiao Ning still felt a little scared, Wu Tong's heart was really too cruel, she patted her chest: "Fortunately, you came up safely."

Tang Sancheng raised the soul bottle in his hand: "Thanks to the blood vine in this bottle, otherwise we would be completely passive."

Lei Zi said: "Actually, when we go out, the black donkey's hoof is also necessary, but now black donkey's hoof is not easy to find, and it is rare to encounter zongzi, so most of the colleagues don't take it seriously. This time, if we can go out to give birth, I will find someone to get a few and take them with me when I go out, so as not to worry about the future."

Lei Zi said that if we can go out, Bai Yi was reminded of what he said. Now the group of people are still trapped in this mountain and don't know how to get out. Bai Yi's whole body was sore and numb, so he yawned and said: " Let's rest here first, and make plans after dawn."

Several people fell asleep leaning against the fire, leaning against the rocks, Tang Sancheng didn't care whether the ground was wet or not, he lay on the ground with his arms folded, took off his coat and put it on the ground, letting Xiao Ning sleep on his Xiao Ning blushed and shook his head: "No need, don't blame me if you catch a cold?"

"Go to sleep, my body is made of iron, why should I be afraid of a little bit of ground spirit? I still think I am not grounded enough." After Tang Sancheng finished speaking, he turned over and closed his eyes facing the fire, Xiao Ning had no choice but to sleep on Tang Sancheng's coat, while the other three big men leaned against each other and dozed off.

A few hours later, the outside became brightly lit. A few birdsong woke everyone up. Tang Sancheng opened his mouth slightly and slept soundly. The fire in the fire had been extinguished long ago, and the smoke on the fire Winding around, getting into everyone's noses, a little choking, Xiao Ning coughed first, saw the light outside, and called out: "It's dawn!!"

The food eaten last night has long been digested, and now the five of them are very hungry, Tang Sancheng rolled up and got up, covering his stomach with one hand, he was too hungry to speak, Bai Yi looked at his backpack, this It is full of artifacts, but if you can't get out of the Qinling Mountains, everything will be useless.The top priority is to find food and get out of the mountains.

Qixie said: "I'll catch some fish and come back, Leizi, you go with me."

Lei Zi readily agreed, after seeing Qi Xie's abilities yesterday, he admired Qi Xie so much, he followed without saying a word, at this moment, only Xiao Ning, Tang Sancheng and Bai Yi were left in the cave.

After some deliberation, Bai Yi finally said, "Miss Xiao Ning, there is something I want to ask you."

"Whatever you want, feel free to ask." Xiao Ning said cheerfully.

"Why are you so interested in the marks on Tang Sancheng's body?" As soon as Bai Yi's words fell, Xiao Ning and Tang Sancheng turned their heads and stared at him at the same time...

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