Qixie spat on his hands first, rubbed his hands, and checked the improved rope tied around his waist. After confirming that it was correct, he began to climb. Qixie jumped up like a monkey in the ice and snow , his movements are very smooth, like climbing up a ladder. Bai Yi knows that this is definitely not easy. Now that we are at a high altitude, every move feels more pressure than that of Pingjin. The faster Qixie moves, the more his body the greater the load.

"Wow, Qixie is really a ruthless character." Lei Zi put his hand on his forehead and looked up: "Look at his whole body, just like that ice coffin, as if he is one with this mountain."

Tang Sancheng murmured in his heart, try if you spend four hundred years in the mountains, you are almost mature, at this time, the sun is slowly fading, and the originally clear night sky becomes dark at this time, Tang Sancheng Sancheng's heart immediately lifted up, rubbing his hands obsessively: "God, don't let the snow fall, don't let the snow fall..."

"It's okay." Xiao Ning said: "Since Qi Xie is willing to go up, he must have anticipated the danger. He will definitely be more careful. Let's wait here for him to come down. You see, his movements are very fast, and he is about to go up now." We are approaching the ice coffin."

Qixie was only one meter away from the ice coffin. Until this time, Qixie hadn't used the prepared rope around his waist. Everything went well. At this moment, Qixie stopped for the first time. There!At first, Tang Sancheng thought that Qixie was tired. After all, he was climbing under altitude sickness. The bad feeling inside slowly surfaced...

"Tang Sancheng, something seems wrong." Bai Yi said, and took out his gun.

Tang Sancheng kept looking up at Qixie's movements, and when he heard what Bai Yi said, he jumped up in a hurry. He was so far away, and there was no way to communicate with Qixie. He was motionless there, and he didn't know what he had encountered. The thing, could it be that...there is no energy left to fight back?

At this moment, Qixie's whole body suddenly broke away from the rock wall, and his whole body was hung on the rock wall, shaking from side to side, Tang Sancheng immediately covered his mouth, almost screaming, Bai Yi explained , here, don't yell and scream at every turn, a single movement can cause an avalanche, Tang Sancheng was alert for a while, and didn't scream out, he covered his mouth, stared at Qixie in mid-air Swaying from side to side like a helpless leaf...

Liu Zhixi suddenly said: "Qi Xie used a rope. It seems that there is something on it that Qi Xie can't deal with. It may be on the rock wall, preventing him from getting close to the ice coffin and climbing on the rock wall. That's why he will do it." This move."

This makes some sense, and looking at Qixie again, although he was suspended in mid-air by ropes and had no foundation to rely on, Qixie who was hanging in the air seemed to be more at ease. At this moment, Tang Sancheng saw Qixie suddenly pulled Holding the rope on his head, he began to climb upwards, directly using the rope and body strength to go up, Tang Sancheng rubbed his palms, feeling a pain, Qixie...

Liu Zhixi suddenly squatted in the snow, then frantically picked up a fallen branch, and wrote something on the snow, all of which were formulas, and Tang Sancheng couldn't understand any of them: "Liu Zhixi, what are you doing? What?"

"I'm calculating whether the improved rope can support Qixie's current behavior. You have to know that if it can't be supported, Qixie's doing so is tantamount to suicide." Liu Zhixi changed a person when he talked about the formula, even his tone changed Be firm, he seemed to be splashing ink and painting in the snow, writing those formulas that Tang Sancheng didn't understand at all, when it was over, Liu Zhixi dropped the branch, squatted on the snow, covering his face with his hands.

Seeing him like this, Lei Zi was so irritable that he stepped up and kicked: "Your mother's idiot Liu, after a long time, what can you figure out, but you squeezed it out?"

Liu Zhixi was kicked into the snow, plunged into it, and when he got up again, his head was covered with snow and mud, but he was not annoyed, he didn't let Bai Yi do justice, he just had a bitter face: "Seven evils are dangerous."

"If you don't tell me, I'll know." Bai Yi suddenly raised his gun and fired upwards. The "bang" gunshot was especially piercing in this snow-capped mountain. When he landed, Bai Yi, who didn't want everyone to make a big noise, actually made such a loud noise, but if he saw Qi Xie's condition, he would know that this shot was very effective.

It turned out that Qixie was hanging there, using ropes to climb up, trying to reach the ice coffin. Just as Qixie was struggling, Bai Yi saw a white thing jumping up from the rock wall and heading towards the ice coffin. Qixie jumped on him, and he fired his gun empty, firstly to remind Qixie, and secondly, the loud noise would definitely have some deterrent effect.

Sure enough, the white thing that wanted to attack Qixie immediately fell back on the rock wall. Qixie was stimulated by this, and his upward movement became faster. Seeing that he was no longer standing on the ice coffin, Liu Zhixi covered it with both hands. Blind eyes, afraid to look: "Oh no, the rope is going to break, the rope is going to break!"

"Shut your mouth!" Tang Sancheng roared at Liu Zhixi!

This time, no one spoke for Liu Zhixi, and everyone glared at each other. Liu Zhixi finally closed his mouth and just sighed. With this sigh, Lei Zi bent his leg on his ass, and Liu Zhixi had no choice but to completely I stopped talking.

Looking at Qixie again, his whole body is already under the ice coffin, and one hand is within reach of the ice coffin. Bai Yi knows that next Qixie will find a way to climb to the top of the ice coffin, but that white unknown creature Will they make another move? Everyone is very quiet, and they don't dare to breathe out, as if Qixie will fall from the cliff if they breathe out.

One of Qixie's hands reached out to the top of the ice coffin, but unfortunately the ice coffin was erected vertically, tightly attached to the rock wall, Qixie's hand just grabbed the surface of the ice coffin, the ice coffin was very smooth, When Qixie grabbed it, he felt very disappointed. He looked down and saw that the white monster that was trying to attack him just now was lying on the rock wall. If he didn't pay attention, he would definitely think it fell on the rock wall. Xue, Qixie suffered a loss just now, if it hadn't been stunned by the sudden gunshot from below, he might be in danger.

Qixie wanted to climb up the ice coffin but couldn't figure it out, he could only look up at the ice coffin, he was terrified when he saw it, what's inside the ice coffin? !

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