The group walked for nearly two hours before returning to Qunlongzuo and re-entering the cave with the holy stone. There was no trace of the teapot cover and the group there, and they should have left a long time ago. Let's take a break, and then go out to Changbai Mountain with the sound of drums.

Just as Bai Yi found a place to sit down, he suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Oh, you really are, how did you find this place?"

It was He Baosheng's voice, and Bai Yi jumped up: "Master... Mr. He, where are you?"

He Baosheng stood up from behind a rock: "I'm old, I can't stand the cold, I'm hiding here to hide from the wind, why are you coming out now, I've been waiting here for days."

Lei Zi heard Bai Yi talk about what happened that night: "I said, old man, why do you always come and go without a trace, come and go when you say you want? Anyway, we also met once, let's go It’s time to say hello.”

He Baosheng stroked his beard: "I'm used to being alone, I don't like to come and go with a large group of people..." He Baosheng suddenly saw Xiaoshan, and his expression changed: "Why do you have one more person? Are you here?" The old man walked up to Xiao Shan, looked at his face carefully, and suddenly grabbed Xiao Shan's arm with one hand to feel his pulse, this time, the old man said "Oh": "This young man is not an ordinary person. "

He Baosheng said something mysterious, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Bai Yi was about to repeat He Baosheng's words at this time: "Mr. I was so scared that I wanted to live, but you, the old man, knew early on that there was a tire on the eagle's beak?"

"Hehe." He Baosheng said with a smile, "Young man, you are playing tricks on me again."

Bai Yi was a little ashamed, Master is always like this, he doesn't let people step down, if he doesn't want to say it, it's obviously okay to be vague, but Master exposes you in person, if you are a thin-skinned person, you shouldn't be ashamed to death by him, Fortunately, Bai Yi was used to it, so he took up the conversation with a laugh: "Mr. He made half of what he said before, why don't you finish the sentence now? Besides, once you look at him, you'll know who he is. "Bai Yi pointed to the hill.

"The earth fetus has transformed into a mortal, and the only one whose name can be counted is Sun Monkey. Is this grand monkey real or not?" He Baosheng said: "This earth fetus is really strange. It can actually evolve into an ordinary person. People's is completely different, jumping very fast, young man, you can also go for it, his pulse is as if thousands of troops are fighting on the battlefield."

When Bai Yi heard this, his whole body trembled, and he asked himself to do it too?This pulse is not something that everyone is famous for. The master once taught me the pulse, didn't it?Bai Yi glanced at He Baosheng, He Baosheng still looked like that old urchin, how much did he really know about himself?There are countless questions in Bai Yi's mind, but there are other people around, so he can only suppress the questions for the time being. If he wants to clarify these things, he must let He Baosheng go with him.

After making up his mind, Bai Yi said: "It seems that Mr. He is very clear about Xiaoshan's origin, but we don't know much about this tire. I don't know if there will be any changes in him on the way. Can I invite Mr. He Come out of the mountain with us and give us a care?"

He Baosheng thought for a while: "That's fine, I, an old man, also need to rely on you to take care of me."

After a rest, they went out again. Although He Baosheng was old, his footwork was not slow, and he was able to keep up with everyone's rhythm. Bai Yi approached He Baosheng: "Mr. Compared with us young people, we are not inferior at all.”

"Hey, maybe it's not that I'm not simple, it's that you young people are too weak." He Baosheng was not humble at all, and he was still laughing out loud after it was over.

Lei Zi couldn't help but said: "You old man is really strange. People like you are so old, they all stay at home and enjoy the happiness. You are a big old bone, and you are still tossing around outside every day, running here alone. When the snow-capped mountains come, you are not afraid of being buried in the snow.”

"Leizi!" In the past, there was a Tang Sancheng who spoke unscrupulously and without words, but now this Leizi went too far, Bai Yi scolded Leizi and said, "Go your way, what you say now is more serious. The more, the more effort it takes."

Lei Zi spat on the ground, looked up at the sky, the snow was still falling in the sky, his feet were under the snow, and he couldn't pull it out for a long time. Every step he took took a lot of effort, Bai Yi reminded: "Recently, it has snowed heavily The snow has covered the deep streams on both sides, so be careful when walking, don't stray into the deep streams."

Everyone stood in the middle, walked along the middle road, and moved forward step by step carefully. Finally, they returned to Baihe Town and found a hotel to sit down. Bai Yi kept an eye out and stayed with He Baosheng. In the same room, He Baosheng didn't say anything about this arrangement, he immediately said that he was going to sleep, didn't even eat, turned his head, and entered the room, Bai Yi immediately followed, when he opened the door, He Baosheng had already taken off his shoes and was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, as if he had already fallen asleep.

Bai Yi walked to the bed, but He Baosheng didn't respond at all. He called softly, "Master He, would you like something to eat?" He Baosheng didn't respond, Bai Yi sighed, and was about to go out when he looked at the ground when he suddenly stopped Yes, He Baosheng's pair of shoes are neatly stacked under the bed, with the toes facing inwards!Bai Yi's heart trembled, and just as he was about to squat down to check the pair of shoes, He Baosheng's voice sounded: "Really, I looked at my feet before, and now I look at my shoes! Young man, your hobbies are really extraordinary. ah."

He Baosheng had already sat up, looking at Bai Yi with a smile, Bai Yi was a little embarrassed: "Mr.

He Baosheng laughed when he heard Bai Yi calling himself master, "Why do you just casually recognize someone as your master?"

Bai Yi put back the smile on his face: "Master, you already knew who I am in the tomb of the Han woman, right? You told me that there are yin people in Changbai Mountain because of my feelings for yin people." Interesting, so give me clues, right? When you appeared that night, you were very abnormal. With Qixie's skill, it is impossible not to notice that someone came in, but..."

He Baosheng froze his smile, and suddenly let out a long sigh: "Bai Yi, I never thought we would meet in this way."

"It could have been more neat." Bai Yi said.

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