He Baosheng met Shi Wenbo and the other three by chance, and learned of Bai Yi's whereabouts from them. On the one hand, he was happy to meet again, but on the other hand, he was worried about his apprentice, so he also walked towards the mountain, but it was a bit late, and went in. At that time, the group had already experienced a lot of twists and turns.

"What is master worried about?" Bai Yi immediately grasped a point in the master's words: "You must have thought about it because you went in without stopping to tell us about the existence of this tire?"

"Well, when I saw the tire 20 years ago, I found it was alive. I was worried that if the tire was disturbed by you, or if you made a mess and dug the tire hole for a while, I was afraid that you would suffer a catastrophe. "He Baosheng said: "The earth is rare, such a huge earth is even rarer, I am afraid that you will encounter a catastrophe, I did not expect you to be lucky, this earth has spiritual energy, and its nature is mainly good."

"Master walks very lightly. Is this because he has practiced it?" Bai Yi asked again: "It's so light that no one can hear it. It's unbelievable that it has been hidden from the seven evils. I only lost my mind for a moment, and Master has disappeared."

He Baosheng laughed loudly: "This is the magical function of my pair of shoes."

shoe!Bai Yi bite the bullet and asked: "Master, you said there are Yin people in Changbai Mountain, but have you ever seen them with your own eyes?"

"Yes." He Baosheng didn't hide it at all: "Otherwise, how would I know that there are Yin people haunting Changbai Mountain? Don't you know whether your master's words are reliable?"

"Master, I just know, that's why I asked directly. Don't be so sloppy between us. The two of us have our own adventures, right?" Bai Yi pointed the finger at He Baosheng: "The so-called yin man , They are people who do things for Lord Hades in Yangjian. This kind of people, on the surface, like ordinary people, need to eat and sleep, but they can talk to ghosts. There is only one way to distinguish them, that is, when they sleep, The shoes are placed under the bed, and the toes of the shoes are facing inward. Master, when I came in just now, I saw that the toes of your shoes are facing inward, and even when you put on the shoes, you will not turn them around. This is Why? Master!!"

"Okay, Bai Yi, just say that you suspect me of being a sinister, so you're fine?" He Baosheng tapped Bai Yi's forehead: "You are over 80 years old, but in front of me, you are my apprentice. I can still beat you."

"Master's beating, the apprentice will naturally suffer, but, master, you haven't answered my question just now." Bai Yi didn't intend to let He Baosheng go easily: "Master, the yin people who haunt Changbai Mountain can't be just yourself?"

He Baosheng looked at Bai Yi's face and smiled slyly, which made Bai Yi anxious: "Master!"

"First, I am not the yin man who haunts Changbai Mountain. Second, as for myself, I am just a candidate for the yin man." As soon as He Baosheng finished speaking, Bai Yi just stayed there: "There really are such Such a thing!! Master, what happened to you?"

"Let me tell you one thing first." He Baosheng said: "As a candidate, I am going to take over this Yinren. He was originally the first-class bodyguard who sat down by Kangxi, and he knelt down to death because of his loyalty. Maybe it was because of his loyalty. , was favored by Yincao, and became a Yinman, this Yinman is near Xiling, and often haunts."

A thin layer of sweat dripped from Bai Yi's forehead. He had been to that place by himself, so it's no wonder that there were only official uniforms and no corpses. There are no corpses, but the set of official uniforms given is missing a pair of official boots! Does it mean that both the dead and the living have the opportunity to become Yin people?"

"This..." He Baosheng stammered, "There is actually no formal rule for this choice. It is normal to lose a pair of shoes. As a yin person, one must have a pair of shoes. As for the corpse, I am I don’t know how Yincao made the corpse move.”

"Yincao?" Bai Yi licked his lips: "Isn't this Yincao the underworld of the folklore?"

"No." He Baosheng closed his eyes: "It was actually 30 years ago that I was selected as a candidate Yinren. A very strange place, it's not a burial chamber."

Thirty years ago, He Baosheng was also 30 years old. He Baosheng's physical fitness has always been very good, but at the age of 72, he still has to fight. Hearing this, Bai Yi frowned, and He Baosheng said: "Apprentice, don't underestimate your master!" What is 72 years old?" Bai Yi just shook his head, what he meant was that an old man at this age could have taken care of the elderly at home, but He Baosheng, who was very tough, insisted on fighting against him years ago.

He Baosheng went to Jiangxi. Although Jiangxi is not an ancient capital, many ancient tombs have been unearthed, from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty. At that time, Guan Ye had countless disciples, and Guan Ye washed his hands in a golden basin. Afterwards, disciples spread all over the country, and He Baosheng had a fellow disciple in Jiangxi. As soon as He Baosheng went to Jiangxi, he settled in the home of his junior brother. The younger brother was only ten years younger than He Baosheng, and he was also in his sixties. He Baosheng Call him Xiaogui, there is a big bamboo forest in the back mountain of this junior brother’s home, one night, that junior brother mentioned to He Baosheng that there is an auspicious point in the bamboo forest, you can go to explore it, maybe it’s been a long time since returning to the mountain. , the junior was very excited, and took He Baosheng to the bamboo forest in the middle of the night.

There is always a rustling sound in the bamboo forest at night, and the bamboo shadows sway like ghosts. As soon as the two of them arrive at the bamboo forest, they can’t wait to find a cave, and then dig the robbery cave. There are few families in this mountain, and they usually go to bed early. At this time, there were no people in the mountains, and it was very secluded. The more secluded it was, the more obvious any movement in the bamboo forest would be.

He Baosheng said to Xiaogui: "You put a good acupoint and endured it for so many years. If the master is still alive, I don't know how to teach you."

"Rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests, brother, you don't understand this truth, do you?" Xiaogui spat on his hands, rubbed them together, and started digging.

"Shusha..." After a soft sound, He Baosheng raised his head, and through the bamboo forest, the moonlight was spreading down, making the bamboo forest even more quiet. He Baosheng and his younger brother worked together, and Xiaogui hadn't resumed his old job for a long time. , the hands were a little raw, and seeing He Baosheng's quick movements, he couldn't help saying: "Brother, you are still the best, and you will grow stronger and stronger."

"Hush..." He Baosheng signaled his junior to shut up, and he pointed to the bottom: "There is a stone slab below."

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