The woman kowtowed all the time, and when her head hit the ground, she even made a sound, which shows how powerful she used it. Xiao Ning was frightened by the woman's actions, and stood there without moving. He kowtowed intently, and after a while, he stood up and left in a hurry, looking back at Xiao Ning from time to time.

"Xiao Ning, it's over." Lei Zi frowned: "You are not dead yet, someone kowtows to you, this is a bad omen!"

Xiao Ning looked at herself, also confused: "It's so strange, she looks like she saw a god and Buddha just now, she looks a bit pious, she worships me as soon as she sees..."

"The people here believe in gods. This girl looked a bit like a fairy from the local Chongxin just now." A voice came over, and Tang Sancheng turned around, startled, and the one who appeared behind them actually It was Liu Suanzi and his group. Liu Suanzi had a bitter face, and the man who was talking was the man with one ear missing. He was carrying the dead body wrapped in white cloth, and there was still an iceberg on his face. Looking at the masked Xiao Ning, there was a hint of warmth in his eyes, this was the first time Bai Yi saw such an expression on his face.

Meeting the man's gaze, Xiao Ning took a step back, feeling numb all over, after all, he already knew that he was carrying a dead body, this man was so weird, not to mention carrying a dead body, and he was a man in his 50s, But now he looks at himself with such affectionate eyes, can't he feel chills all over his body!

"This is the ancient Kunlun, the birthplace of mythology. This is quite normal." Bai Yi stared at the man: "Where are you guys going?"

The man with one ear missing glanced at Liu Suanzi and said coldly, "Ask him."

Liu Shuanzi was stared at by Bai Yi, and his already bitter face became even uglier now. He took a step back and met the black and strong man beside him. The man gave him a glare with an ugly expression. "Liu Suanzi, are you bluffing again? You have fooled people, and now you don't know what to do?"

The man with one ear missing said at this time: "I have found the person I am looking for, you go." This is to drive Liu Suanzi and the black and strong man away, Liu Suanzi has a bitter face , pointing to Tang Sancheng and said: "Boss Wang, this is the man. I found him for you. Our business is not human, so I will take care of you in the future."

The man known as Boss Wang took out an envelope and threw it into Liu Suanzi's arms: "Let's go!" There was anger in his words, and he seemed very dissatisfied with Liu Suanzi's pretense, but , Why did this matter fall on Tang Sancheng's head, Tang Sancheng shouted at Liu Suanzi's back: "Liu Suanzi, what are you doing! Hey, don't go!"

"Here," the man carrying the dead body walked in front of Tang Sancheng, although he knelt down on his knees: "I have something to ask, please help, otherwise..." The man suddenly freed a hand, and the palm of his hand It was a short knife, and the edge of the knife was aimed at his heart: "I will die in front of you!"

Tang Sancheng was inexplicably threatened like this, he couldn't help but cry, he said: "You get up first, okay? I didn't even know what was going on, besides, you're carrying... a dead body here, too It attracts people's attention, and if it attracts the police, it will be troublesome."

The man suddenly stood up: "What did you say? He didn't die, he didn't die, you know!!"

The man's saliva sprayed on Tang Sancheng's face, Tang Sancheng wiped it, Xiao Ning couldn't see it: "Why are you so fierce, now you have something to ask him, and you are still so fierce, let's go, Tang Sancheng, we Don't mind him, he's a lunatic."

The man's attitude immediately softened: "Don't, sir, you are the only one who can take me to that place right now. Just ask how much you want, and I will definitely satisfy you!"

"It's not a matter of money." Bai Yi only opened his mouth at this time. It was early in the morning and there were not many people on the street. Even so, this man boldly carried the dead body on his back, which was completely intriguing. The troublemaker: "Let's find a quiet place before we talk." Bai Yi pointed to his back: "If you don't want to cause trouble."

The man froze for a moment, then suddenly said, "My name is Wang Shen."

Wang Shen followed Bai Yi and the others and walked straight ahead. In front of them was the north of the county seat. There was a path leading up the mountain. This was the entrance that Tang Sancheng found yesterday. There were no people here at all, far away from the center of the county seat, and there was no one there. , Bai Yicai stopped, turned around and said, "Okay, there is no one else, can you tell us where you are going now?"

Wang Shen suddenly put down the dead body behind him, untied the white cloth on the body bit by bit, the true face of the body was slowly revealed, Xiao Ning suddenly stood behind Tang Sancheng, although the number of times of fighting There are quite a lot, and I have seen many strange things, but this corpse in front of me is really...disgusting.

This corpse is obviously a male corpse. He must have been thin and thin before his death. His hands and feet were like dry wood. His skin was completely black and purple. , I can't tell his face at all, the hair is messy and pasted on the scalp, this is a lifeless corpse, but this Wang Shen emphasizes that he is alive, this is really a big joke!

Wang Shen stroked the dead body's hair lovingly: "You must think he is dead, don't you?"

"He was dead in the first place." Lei Zi yelled loudly, but Bai Yi pulled him to shut him up.

"He's not dead. As long as you come to the source of the dragon's veins and find the three-living grass, he will be saved." Wang Shen held the head of the dead body: "He is my son, and I will definitely not let him die. I finally came here." Come here." Wang Shen suddenly put down the dead body's head, walked up to Tang Sancheng, knelt down on both knees: "Tell me, is this the ancient Kunlun?"

It turned out that these were father and son, Tang Sancheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "How did he become like this?"

"I don't know." Wang Shen said: "He just said that he wanted to go out with his classmates, and something was wrong when he came back. It was only one night, and he became like this. He didn't die, he definitely didn't die. Someone told me that as long as Come to the source of the dragon veins, find Gu Kunlun, and you will find the clover to save him."

"Someone told you? Who is it?" Tang San was taken aback.

"I don't know. I was going to burn my son. I don't know what people will think of him when he is sent to the funeral home. No one has ever died like this. I was about to burn when someone stopped me. , He told me that I must find the clover to save my son.” Wang Shen covered his face: “I have only one son, my wife is gone, and there is only one blood in the family. I will try my best to save him! I didn't believe it at first, but I was not reconciled, I really didn't know what to do, so I had to try it."

"Wait, that person said that there are only clover in the ancient Kunlun?" Tang Sancheng said: "Didn't the fortune teller tell you?"

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