Lei Zi sprinkled a layer of white ash powder finely. At the beginning, there was no change on the ground, but after about five seconds, some shallow footprints appeared on the white ash powder. This row of footprints went straight to the left. In the passageway, Zhu San ran to it!

"Damn, see if I haven't caught you yet, let's see how divine you are." Lei Zi took a breath, looking very proud, Bai Yi said: "I was skeptical when you boasted that you had rich experience, but... ...Now I am a little dubious, Lei Zi, how much do you still hide?"

"This..." Hearing the previous words, Lei Zi was still a little proud, but the last sentence made him a little flustered: "What is hiding, if it can be useful, of course I would have taken it out a long time ago. Okay, don't talk nonsense Let's go in quickly and don't let him benefit by himself."

Lei Zi walked a while ahead and sprinkled a handful of white ash powder to make Zhu San's footprints visible. Everyone followed the footprints and was about to reach the innermost side of the passage. Tang Sancheng said softly: "He's inside. captured him alive?"

Xiao Shan was about to yell in excitement, this game was too exciting, Xiao Ning covered his mouth: "Don't yell, you will startle the snake."

Qi Xie nodded at Bai Yi, and immediately moved inward, like the shadow of a ghost, and disappeared in an instant, Xiao Shan also shot out like an arrow, Lei Zi stomped his feet: "Mother, wait for me for a while, he's mine!"

When Lei Zi rushed over, that Zhu San was already entangled with Xiao Shan and Qi Xie, and he seemed to be able to resist it. Qi Xie stretched out his hand, stuck Zhu San's neck, and pushed Zhu San hard. Hitting against the wall, under the huge impact, Zhu San snorted, but did not cry out. Everyone thought that Zhu San would compromise on this, but unexpectedly, Zhu San's hand grabbed Qixie's. Flipping his wrist forcefully, the strength seemed to be extremely strong, and Qi Xie had to take a step back, his expression a little stunned.

"What a powerful skill!" Tang Sancheng was dumbfounded, Xiao Ning gave him a slap: "Hey, whose side are you on?"

In the space between the two talking, Zhu San had already broken free from Qixie's control, Xiao Shan yelled, and jumped over like a monkey, his jumping ability was amazing, this jump, he rode directly on Zhu San's neck, Hitting Zhu San by surprise, taking advantage of this opportunity, Qixie swept across, making Zhu San's footing unstable, and the whole person fell to the ground, and the hill riding on his neck rolled to the ground like a ball, without a hair. damage!

Zhu San fell hard, but saw the strange shape of the hill again, this distraction was completely suppressed by Qi Xie, Lei Zi rushed up suddenly: "Qi Xie!"

"Why?" Qi Xie was a little dumbfounded seeing Lei Zi rushing towards him like crazy, "He has already been subdued."

"Skills are not as good as people's. If I have anything to say, it's up to you." This Zhu San is a man, with strong bones, and his voice can be heard on the ground.

Lei Zi rushed in front of Zhu San, Zhu San was lying on the ground with Qixie's feet on his back, when he got closer, Lei Zi could see Zhu San's face clearly, it was a very handsome face, more than 30 Years old, similar to Bai Yi's age, of course, it's just the age on the surface, with a pair of bright eyes, at this moment he clenched his fists, as if he was very discouraged by his defeat.

"Actually, it's nothing special." Lei Zi murmured, "They have a lot of people."

Xiao Ning's eyes widened. Is this Lei Zi crazy? Now it sounds like he is comforting Zhu San. Now that it is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend, Lei Zi actually said such words , This is simply the sun coming out from the west!

Hearing Lei Zi's voice, Zhu San raised his head to take a look, and actually laughed: "If you lose, you lose. What can you say? Isn't it too shameless to find excuses for yourself?"

"I..." Lei Zi was speechless, clenched his fists tightly, with a very gloomy expression.

"Just now you turned over the corpse, what did you find?" Bai Yi asked, "I respect you as a man, and...Lei Zi speaks for you, he is not like this usually, he has a very poisonous heart towards enemies .”

Lei Zi said resentfully on his face, "Bai Yi...can you take a step to speak?"

That Zhu San raised his head and glared at Lei Zi angrily, as if the two had a deep hatred, Lei Zi avoided his eyes: "Let's go out and talk."

"Alright." Bai Yi touched his nose, and told Tang Sancheng and the others: "We'll be right back."

Out of there, he didn't stop until he walked more than ten meters away. During this process, Lei Zi kept his head down and looked lost. He walked in front of Bai Yi, and Bai Yi could only see his back. The chest spoon had been swaying slightly, and seemed to be very contradictory and hesitant. Suddenly, Lei Zi stopped, turned around, faced him, knees softened, and knelt there: "Bai Yi, I'm sorry!"

"Let me not embarrass Zhu San, right?" Bai Yi said, "You know him."

"That's right." Lei Zi said: "I know that even if he dies, he won't admit that he knows me, but, with his temperament, I'm really afraid that I will anger you, and if you don't want to do it, you will be forced to do it , He is just like this, he never knew how to turn when he was young, Bai Yi, in fact, he has no malice, from the beginning to the end."

"I'm so angry." Bai Yi's words made Lei Zi stunned: "After a long time, I am a person who doesn't know right from wrong in your eyes. Yes, sometimes I think too much about my own safety and interests. But that doesn't mean I'm a butcher. You're right. From the beginning to the end, Zhu San didn't make things difficult for us. It's just that everyone is fighting for interests. If he can give up, naturally there won't be any disputes. It's great that everyone is safe and sound, but...if he still wants to fight, it's no wonder I'm in this business, sometimes it's life and death.”

Lei Zi fell silent, and Bai Yi looked at his legs: "You have gold under your knees, I won't help you, you can get up by yourself."

Lei Zi blushed, and when he stood up, there were obvious marks on his knees. After all, the ground was so dirty, looking at him like this made people feel so sad, Bai Yi sighed: "If you really want to do it for him Well, let him cooperate with us, as for who you are and who he is, I won't ask, and it's none of my business!!"

"Thank you, Bai Yi." Lei Zi had mixed feelings: "As for my identity..."

"Wait until you think it through, I don't want you to be impulsive." Bai Yi said coldly: "Go back, if you don't go back, I don't know what will happen to that Zhu San!"

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