"Then, what should we do then?" Tang Sancheng's tongue was tied up, he saw Bai Yi turn around, and when he turned around again, the box had disappeared, it seemed that he put it close to him .

"My lady, this round is really about to lose my wife and lose my army." Bai Yi touched his nose: "Tang Sancheng, we are not old, but we don't know if we will die, this round, let's fight Bar."

"How to spell it?" Tang Sancheng asked.

"Follow me, stay with me." Bai Yi's face turned blue, and what fell now was no longer the gravel just now, but some bigger and bigger stones. When they hit the ground, there was a thumping sound. I don't know what happened to the people who stayed on it, but I hope they won't be affected, Bai Yi who was in deep thought was pulled by Tang Sancheng, just avoided a big rock, just fell on the side of Bai Yi's left leg, okay risk!

Bai Yi glanced at Tang Sancheng with grateful eyes, only to find that Tang Sancheng was staring at his feet with a sad face. At this moment, the injuries to his feet were really fatal. Bai Yi looked at the hole where the night pearl was placed, and boldly Thoughts emerged: "Tang Sancheng, cover me for a while, and don't ask why, just go out and talk about it!"

Go out, is there still a chance to go out?Tang Sancheng was indeed hesitant. At this time, it would be more reliable to climb over this boulder and climb out of the ditch. Is Bai Yi trying to make a risky move?When he was still hesitating, he was pulled by Bai Yi: "Let's go!"

Besides, the group of people who stayed on the top did not expect that the explosion would blow out the passage and trigger the mechanism. They watched the huge boulder chasing after Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng, and Qixie wanted to chase it. The stone broke from the middle suddenly, blocking the entrance of the hole all at once. Lei Zi jumped up in anger, pointed at Li Qiao's nose, and cursed: "You son of a bitch, didn't you say that you were a child? Can you tell how much to drink just by listening to the sound? Your ancestors grew up in a mine, so I think you grew up on the edge of the cowhide mountain, right?"

Li Qiao's face flushed red: "My calculation is correct, and I don't know what's going on..."

"Okay, don't talk anymore, quickly move the stone away and see what's going on inside." Qi Xie roared angrily, putting an end to the quarrel between the two.

Both Xiao Ning and Xiao Shan glared at Li Qiao, and immediately stepped forward to help Qi Xie. Li Qiao was already guilty, and with such an accident, he expected to become their enemy now, and his scalp felt numb for a while. I didn't dare to say any more explanations, so I went to help immediately, and waited for everyone to move away the stones in a hurry, then looked at the entrance of the cave, and found that the bottom of the canal was full of stones!It's full of gravel, blocking the canal completely!

"Mother, what should I do?" Lei Zi spat on the ground: "Could it be moved out little by little?"

Xiao Ning sat down on the ground: "What about Tang Sancheng and Bai Yi?"

Li Qiao said cautiously: "Right now we have to wait. It is impossible to move out the gravel in these ditches, and there is no other place to pile them up. It will take a long time to empty them out. In time, we lost touch with them completely."

"If they want to come out along the original road, this road is blocked, so it's okay if they don't know." Qixie glanced at the hill: "The speed of the hill is fast, so two people will go down to clear the rocks. Xiaoshan moved the rocks here to make the canal clearer."

Xiao Shan nodded again and again: "That's fine, it will be convenient for Brother Sancheng and the others when they come out."

The matter has come to this point, and everyone can only take on such heavy work. Fortunately, Qixie and Xiaoshan's rapid movement speed, even if they are going backwards, there is no problem. To the death, Li Qiao scolded himself in his heart for not having good luck. He made a wrong decision from the very beginning and shouldn't be curious about this group of people. , If you can be lazy, you can be lazy.

Lei Zi kicked Li Qiao's ass: "Damn you, your skills are not up to standard, and you dare to brag. Now you are going to kill my brother. I'm not playing with you, so hurry up!"

Li Qiao greeted Lei Zi's ancestor eight hundred times in his heart, and buried his head to clean up those stones. Seeing that the stones were about to be cleaned up, there was a sudden violent vibration, and a cloud of dust fell on everyone's heads. , Xiaoshan, who was going up, swayed for a while, and he supported the stone walls on both sides: "What's going on?"

"The shock came from below. It seems that something must have happened below?" Li Qiao immediately dropped the stone in his hand: "Oh no, this place is about to collapse, no, hurry up, or it will be too late Already!"

"Wait." Xiao Ning grabbed Li Qiao, "You can't leave!"

"Eldest sister, please do me a favor. There is a vibration in this cave. Do you know how dangerous it is?" Li Qiao said angrily, "You can die if you want, but don't pull me as a backer, right? There is an eighty-year-old mother, and there are..."

"Will you die if you don't tell lies?" Xiao Ning showed no expression at all: "You can't leave until our people come out, or in other words, even if you want to leave, you have to be with us."

Li Qiao had a bitter face, these people are all smart, how could he guess what he was going to do?He confessed, at this moment, the shock became more and more obvious, Qi Xie dropped the stone in his hand: "This guy is right, if you stay any longer, the consequences may be dangerous. Let's go, let's retreat first."

Xiaoshan was worried about Tang Sancheng's safety, and still hesitated, Qixie pushed him up, not allowing him to resist at all, everyone went back to the upper floor, the falling stone hit Qixie's back, he held back the pain: " You can't stay here anymore, go, get out!"

Everyone grabbed their backpacks and climbed up quickly. When they reached the top of the mountain, they found that the whole Dabajian Mountain was shaking. Li Qiao climbed down the mountain first, and Qixie sighed helplessly. There is no firewood in the green hills. When everyone came to the foot of the hill, there were still some rocks rolling down. Almost everyone was hit. Fortunately, they were all minor injuries. , When they came to the cypress forest, the exhausted people finally took off their backpacks and sat on the ground weakly. Lei Zi lifted up his trouser legs, and the stone hit his calf just now. As soon as I closed my eyes, I punched my hands up, which is called "automatically invigorating blood circulation". Others are not much better, their bodies are covered with bruises, and their whole bodies are in great pain.

There was smoke and dust rising from the top of the entire mountain, and the entire Dabajian Mountain was shaking. If this was done in the past, it would definitely be regarded as the wrath of the mountain god.

Li Qiao looked at the smoking Dabajian Mountain: "It's not that I cursed your friends, I definitely won't be able to get out now..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Xiao Shan punched him under the chin. Li Qiao didn't expect this short boy to have such great strength. He felt burning pain immediately after dismounting, and tears poured out...

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