Waiting for them was a director of the Bagua City, the director of the street office. Before coming, Bai Yi had worried about where the center of the Bagua City was and where the Ye Mingzhu would be most suitable. Don't worry about it, things are not as complicated as I imagined.

The director actually didn't know why these people came here, but after receiving the order from above, he found out the map of Bagua City, and the most central location has been marked out. It is worth mentioning that a total of two maps have been prepared. One is newly released this year, that is, the latest version, and the other is a bit special. It is said that this map is an antique. It is said that this is the earliest map when Bagua City was built. It's in the museum, but this time there is a special need, so I borrowed it from the museum.

Bai Yi didn't think it was necessary to take the original map, so he just copied a copy and brought it with him. If the old antique was not careful, it might be damaged. Come on, after all, he doesn't want to take the responsibility either.

After handing over the two maps to Bai Yi, the director still wanted to get close to Shen Wei. Although he didn't know Shen Wei's background, he could tell that Shen Wei was not an ordinary person. There is no way to do it, it is almost natural, there is only a few words of pleasantries, and I will withdraw first.

After getting the map, everyone was not in a hurry to start. They sat back in the car and studied it carefully. The whole Bagua City was in a radial circle, and the street layout was like a magical maze. The biggest feature of the city is that Bagua City was called Wusun Kingdom in ancient times, which was recorded in "Historical Records".

At that time, Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions was intended to ally with Wusun to contain the Xiongnu, thereby reducing the threat felt by the Han Dynasty.After meeting Zhang Qian, the aged Wusun King Mokun believed that marriage with the powerful and wealthy Han Dynasty would also ensure the prosperity of Wusun, so he presented more than 1000 Wusun horses to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.Previously, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty read the hexagram obtained from divination in the "Book of Changes" and said: "The god horse should come from the northwest." The daughter Liu Xijun married Wusun King as a princess.

Since ancient times, Wusun Kingdom has produced many stories and characters, and was later favored by Qiu Chuji. This gave the opportunity to build the Bagua City. From the map, the flowers in the center of the dungeon are Taiji "Yin and Yang". There are eight main streets radiating outward according to the eight trigrams. Each main street is more than 1000 meters long. There is a ring road connecting the eight main streets at intervals. There are four ring roads in sequence from the center to the outside.There are 8 streets in the first ring, 16 streets in the second ring, 32 streets in the third ring, and 64 streets in the fourth ring.These streets form 64 hexagrams according to the directions of the eight trigrams.

The eight streets in the first ring are named according to the directions of the Eight Diagrams: Qian, Dui, Kun, Li, Xun, Zhen, Gen, and Kan respectively. The streets are criss-crossed, like a Bagua survey basin.

According to the current map, the center of Bagua City is in the garden in the middle of the street, but Tang Sancheng doesn't think so. What he values ​​is the earliest map. Draw a pen on the map... His brows were furrowed deeply, and Xiao Ning felt that the serious Tang Sancheng gave people a sense of trust. Finally, Tang Sancheng drew a circle on the map: "This is here .”

There is still 300 meters away from the center of the current central street, 300 meters to the east, Shen Wei swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Are you sure?"

Whether the 50-year feng shui situation will be successful in the end depends on this young man. If the master is here, Shen Wei feels that he will not be so worried, but now his heart is fluctuating. He was stunned for a while before finally Made up his mind: "Okay, let's take the last step."

They abandoned the car and walked directly. All the streets here are connected. Fortunately, there is a map, and each street has a sign with the name of the street written on it, so that passers-by can find their way easily. Tang Sancheng knows the details of the Bagua map , even without looking at the signs, striding forward, walking in the right direction, came to the middle of the street, and walked eastward for 300 meters, the scene there stunned everyone again, it was an open space with bare ground Land, nothing, where should I put the Ye Mingzhu?

Tang Sancheng said: "Buying it underground is the best way, but this place cannot be excavated for construction afterwards, otherwise... the consequences will be disastrous."

Shen Wei was a little surprised: "The master also said the same thing, and what you said is almost verbatim."

This is the tacit understanding in the legend?Tang Sancheng smiled wryly: "It's not a problem to bury it now, but what happens later..."

"Then you don't need to worry, we have already prepared, at least for 50 years, there will be no changes here." Wei said confidently: "Please!"

If you don’t believe him, you must also believe in the chief’s ability. You don’t have to worry about this anymore. Tang Sancheng will choose the place first, and the others will start digging there. For hours, there was not even a single person passing by. The hole was dug very deep. Shen Wei looked down and finally expressed his approval: "Okay."

It was not easy for Bai Yi to take out the box containing the luminous pearls. After tossing back from the other side, he was almost entangled in witchcraft and killed himself. He smiled wryly and opened the box. A beam of sunlight projected down formed a beautiful landscape. A beam of purple light suddenly flew towards the sky, like a purple rainbow piercing the sky. There was a noise in the distance, which seemed to be shocked by this natural vision. arrive.

"Hurry up." Shen Wei urged, everyone couldn't wait to lift the soil down and bury the Ye Mingzhu in it, Xiao Ning said with a bitter face: "I finally saw a Ye Ming Pearl with my own eyes, and now it's gone."

"What's so great about seeing it, you've eaten it before." Lei Zi blurted out.

This Lei Zi, this Xiao Ning was rescued, she didn't know the details, she only knew that she was rescued by Fu Yu's Gu technique, now hearing Lei Zi say that she ate the Night Pearl, her mouth opened like Swallowed three eggs...

Lei Zi said the wrong thing. At the beginning of the process of hiding the truth, it was because Xiao Ning felt that it was a pity that Ye Mingzhu was eaten, and secondly, he was worried that she would have a psychological shadow because of the fat worm. Everything was for her own good. Now it is good, Lei Zi saw Everyone looked at themselves with reproachful eyes, shut their mouths immediately, and just bent down to bury the purple luminous pearl deeply.

When the work was done, everyone jumped on it a few times, stepping on the soil firmly, and the six of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, while Shen Wei stood up straight: "Everyone, the task is over, congratulations."

He spoke calmly, Xiao Ning couldn't help but said: "This is really a toss up."

"I'm willing to guarantee that the reward will be worth it." Shen Wei didn't mean to leave here: "Everyone, please go back and wait for news. From now on, you can move around freely."

Just waiting for his words, seeing that Shen Wei is staying here, there must be other actions in the future, Bai Yi and the others don't care, they leave on their own, and find a hotel to live in first, probably because they have nothing to do. Everyone became more active, Xiao Ning kept pestering Lei Zi, asking him why he ate Ye Mingzhu...

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