Those huge Han bricks collapsed just like that, and the hardness that had appeared just now was suddenly resolved. In the main tomb behind him, Han bricks fell one after another and hit the sarcophagus, dust splashed up, and the inside was immediately gray. It was hard to see clearly, and everyone ran forward desperately along the tomb passage when they came. From the cracks in the bricks above the tomb passage, dust fell "fluttering" and landed on everyone's heads, and the black hair immediately became the color of dust. ...

The tomb passage finally began to disintegrate due to the collapse of the main tomb chamber. The bricks and stones fell in a plop and fell behind everyone. As long as you slow down a step, they will hit everyone's heads, and the whole thing will be smashed!

"Damn, what's going on!" Lei Zi's back was scratched by a Chinese brick. Fortunately, he was wearing thick clothes, but he was already sweating from shock and staggered.

They are racing against time, as long as they slow down one step, they will either die or be injured. The backpack on Leizi's back is filled with a lot of lacquerware, and the extra weight seriously affects his speed. As soon as Qixie turned his head, he stretched out his hand and took his backpack. Lei Zi was so grateful to Qixie. If he was a woman, he would have the idea of ​​agreeing with him.

When everyone got out of the brick door, there was a mess behind them, and the ground was shaking all the time. Everyone bent over and crawled in the robbery hole. Although they were in a terrible state, they were glad that they finally returned to the ground, and everyone fell down. On the ground, he desperately inhaled and exhaled, as if he didn't have enough air.

Xiao Shan turned over and lay down on the ground, his body could still feel the vibration of the ground: "Brother Sancheng, what is going on?"

"When we first went down, I felt that something was moving in the ground, but it was very subtle. The longer we stayed in it, the louder the sound, and didn't you feel that the bricks on the ground have been sinking? "After Tang Sancheng finished speaking, he saw their blank faces.

Xiao Ning shook his head: "I'm afraid no one will find out except you."

"Could it be sand accumulation?" Bai Yi said to himself: "If the tomb can suddenly collapse, I'm afraid the only way is to accumulate sand. Fortunately, Tang Sancheng reminded us quickly, otherwise, we will all be buried alive now. It's inside!"

Tang Sancheng suddenly realized: "That's right, that voice sounds familiar, I don't know why, but I just can't remember it today, by the way, it's sand, the sound of sand moving under the ground!"

"That's the accumulated sand, that's right. This Mrs. Feng is worthy of being a hero in the female school. She doesn't like ordinary dark crossbow traps at all. What she wants is to destroy everything. It's really ruthless." Bai Yi vomited. Tone: "I am most afraid of meeting such a ruthless character."

"What's the matter with the accumulated sand, and how is it different from the quicksand formation we encountered before?" Although Tang Sancheng discovered something wrong at the first time, he didn't know how the sand could make the tomb collapse instantly.

"This kind of thing should be carried out when the tomb is built. First, a rectangular earthen wall is dug under the ground, and then pebbles are placed on the bottom, and fine sand is filled between the pebbles, and then brick chambers and stone coffins are built on top On the top and both sides of the tomb and behind the tomb, there is a gap of [-] to [-] centimeters between the tomb and the earth, filled with a lot of quicksand, and after filling a large amount of quicksand on the tomb, fill it with soil and tamp it down." Bai Yi said: "Once the construction is successful, no one can enter again, otherwise the quicksand will flow due to the increased load, causing the foundation to collapse and the tomb loses its foundation. Can it not fall down?"

"Everything is destroyed." Xiao Ning murmured: "It seems that there really can't be a woman's benevolence. I was a little soft-hearted because of admiration for her talent, but now it seems that she is much more ruthless than us. Let us bury her with her."

"I just figured it out now, let me tell you, if you go down, don't be disturbed by this master, it's useless, do you understand?" Lei Zi clapped Qi Xie again: "Thank you just now, fortunately you are here."

Everyone lay down on the cold ground for a while, feeling that the whole body was icy cold, so they got up quickly, and simply started to walk back, their bodies were still a little warmer when they walked, and everyone returned to the hotel before dawn, after changing into clean clothes So I set foot on the way back. In order to avoid the security check at the train station, I racked my brains. Several people on the road decided to take a rest recently. Resolve, which is always a matter of mind.

The matter about Guan Kai really gave them some headaches. There is no way for a irrational person to communicate with him. The last time Guan Kai planned everything, he didn't expect to kill a savior on the way, which did not hurt Tang Sancheng and the others at all, but believe this Guan Kai won't give up easily, if he didn't see those eyes, he's so red!

Since Wu Tong's group of brothers disbanded, the biggest inconvenience when they came back was that no one came to pick them up by car. When Bai Yi and the others returned to the courtyard, they were a little uncertain. Bai Yi took out the key to open the door, and saw a sign on the door. The trace was drawn by a sharp weapon, and my heart immediately became vigilant: "It seems that someone has been here."

As soon as the door was pushed open, a stone fell from his head. This pediatric trick made Bai Yi laugh out loud: "Why does this not look like Boss Guan? It's too childish, isn't it?"

The stone hit an empty space, rolled aside, then stopped slowly, looking a little weak, Tang Sancheng laughed: "Who is this!"

"I was thinking of someone." Qixie said, "I'll know if it's him after watching the surveillance. He's a guy with well-developed limbs and a simple mind."

Teapot lid!Everyone thought of this person at the same time, only Xiaoshan had never seen him, and kept asking who it was, who it was. When they came to Bai Yi's room and saw the surveillance screen, everyone laughed, it wasn't who he was, it was him. The guy is all about hard work, his shots are ruthless, vicious, and spicy, but when it comes to playing tricks, he is far behind. Compared with his brother-in-law, Professor Shi, he is two extremes.

"It seems that he still doesn't know who he is going to attack." Bai Yi said: "It is better to act first, I think we have to find the teapot lid first, and see what Guan Kai's plan is."

Bai Yi had the phone number of Professor Shi's university, but when he called, he got a disappointing answer. Then Professor Shi just took a group of students out for an investigation, and he didn't know when he would come back. Knowing the details of his brother-in-law, the original plan fell through.

The other party has already acted preemptively, and he can't just sit still, Xiao Ning suddenly said thoughtfully, "How can we prove that Guan An lied before his death?"

"There is no proof of death, this is it." Lei Zi shook his head, "Even if we jump into the Yellow River, we won't be able to clean up."

"No, there is another way," Bai Yi said, "Guan An was injured and went back. It's impossible for Guan Kai not to call a doctor for him, right? Doctors can't do anything about Guan An's illness. We can prove that Guan An died after being poisoned by Gu, so we can get rid of the suspicion, right?"

Lei Zi said impatiently: "If you want me to say, there is a best way."


"Kill him." Lei Zi slapped himself on the neck: "If that's the case, it's all over once and for all?"

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