Bai Yi finally fell to the ground with a plop, the one with his head on the ground, Tang Sancheng was startled, and hurried up to help Bai Yi, only to see golden silkworms crawling out of Bai Yi's ears, looking weak , and then stayed there, motionless.

"It's a pity that this golden silkworm is lost." Fu Yu said, taking the golden silkworm back.

Tang Sancheng understood somewhat: "Is it dead?"

"Yes." Fu Yu said: "But it can undo the longevity Gu, so it's not in vain." While talking, she put the golden silkworm in a golden box, still cherishing it up.

"Is it still useful?" Tang Sancheng asked doubtfully.

"The golden silkworm itself can enter Gu, so even after it dies, it still has value." Fu Yu smiled: "It's really amazing, isn't it?"

Tang Sancheng nodded. Seeing that Fu Yu wasn't nervous at all, Bai Yi thought to himself that Bai Yi was fine. Sure enough, after 2 minutes, Bai Yi recovered, and when he opened his eyes, he could only see Fu Yu's bright eyes: "How about me? Is the longevity Gu lifted?"

Fu Yu smiled and said nothing, tears fell suddenly, Bai Yi thought it was Fu Yu who was crying with joy, but he was extremely disappointed by Fu Yu's words: "Actually, I knew from the very beginning that Longevity Gu is insoluble."

"What did you say?" Not only Bai Yi, but Tang Sancheng and Qi Xie were also shocked.

"The seven things can only prevent you from turning into an evil corpse, but the longevity Gu is still effective." Fu Yu was still smiling, but his smile was miserable: "I'm sorry, I lied to you, we can't live forever."

"In this case, why bother, I would rather become a corpse than live like this. Without you, what would this mean to me?" Bai Yi was furious: "It's all my fault, I remember you said, you witch The ancestors developed longevity Gu back then, but they were not completely successful. The people who experimented turned into evil corpses, that is, the evil corpses lying in these sarcophagi in the cliff coffins. Your family has selected witches to guard the cliff coffins for generations. In the beginning, it was your ancestors who murdered your happiness. Why, it’s not fair, why should you bear the sins she committed? Your aunt is like this, and now you are like this! It wasted youth and yourself Everything, but also to sacrifice their own happiness!"

"Don't talk anymore!" Fu Yu stepped forward and hugged Bai Yi: "Actually, don't think too much, at least we love each other deeply, just like our aunt and professor, they also love each other deeply, and they have been satisfied before. After leaving the cliff coffin, you will grow old quickly and die naturally, don't be discouraged, keep looking for your true love, I believe, there will always be someone who loves you more than me."

"No..." Bai Yi said, "Impossible."

"Didn't my aunt die after she got out of the cliff coffin? Although she lived longer than ordinary people, but..." Fu Yu smiled bitterly: "Besides, you don't look old, do you still want a bad old woman to accompany you?"

"That's because you underestimated me too much. I don't care about appearance." Bai Yi was taken aback when he saw Fu Yu's expression suddenly changed. Are you going to descend from God now?

Fu Yu's body shook suddenly, Bai Yi supported him: "Fu Yu, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Fu Yu's voice became a little deeper, and Bai Yi felt a little strange: " are not Fu Yu!"

"Oops, Fu Yu has descended from the gods. Didn't she say that she can feel the descending of the gods now?" Tang Sancheng had already seen Fu Yu, whom his relatives did not recognize after the descending of the gods, and had already hid behind Qixie.

"I'm not..." Fu Yu said, "I'm the one you said was the one who committed the crime."

Bai Yi immediately let go of Fu Yu's hand: "I offended you just now, please forgive me!"

"Excuse me?" The voice seemed to be very emotional: "Actually, what you said is not wrong. If I hadn't vouched in front of Emperor Qin back then, I would have been able to successfully develop Longevity Gu. Where did these evil corpses come from? Without these evil corpses, my The descendants don't have to stay with each other for generations and sacrifice their own life's happiness. It's nothing more than my own misfortune, but it continues to the descendants of my clan. I really committed a crime."

Fu Yu said before that once he is descended by the gods, he is under the control of his ancestors. He doesn't know what happened, but the ancestors completely dominate his thoughts and actions. This situation is also very similar to the split personality that he encountered before. It is a good time to communicate with the ancestors, and it is rare that the other party is not aggressive.

"Ancestor, please forgive me. You were the first to develop the Longevity Gu. After you failed, Xu Fu led boys and girls to find the immortal medicine, right?" After Bai Yi asked, Fu Yu's face twitched. After a while, it was extremely unnatural, and she was speechless for a moment, as if she didn't want to mention this matter again.

Tang Sancheng came out suddenly: "There is one thing I don't understand, among the seven things in your shamanism, only the origin of the golden armor is not mentioned, why is that?"

When mentioning the golden armor, the expression on Fu Yu's face changed: "You can find the golden armor, which proves that you know what the golden armor is, and he is willing to give it to you. It's unbelievable. I also asked for help at the beginning, and I finally got it. I took two..."

Tang Sancheng was stunned, the general said back then that his father once asked him to buy the golden armor, it turned was for the ancestors of the Wu clan, it was for the longevity Gu!It is a coincidence that the facts of the world overlap here.

"I...we..." Tang Sancheng was speechless for a while, he had so many thoughts, he really didn't know where to start: "We probably obtained the golden armor through the same person."

Fu Yu suddenly smiled: "I know, he must still be living in some corner of this world, this time, I feel that I am very close to him, so close, but unfortunately... I will never see him again, no , you... What is the relationship between you and him, he can't give it to everyone for such a great favor. "

"Son." Tang Sancheng went all out, it seemed that the relationship between this ancestor and his father was unusual, revealing this level of identity might bring unexpected gains.

"How is it possible..." Fu Yu took two steps back, and his body was stuck to the rock wall: "Impossible, how could could!!"

I don't understand, could it be that she is interested in Dad, but Dad gave birth to himself with Mom again, which is a big blow to her?Tang Sancheng went to see Qixie, and Qixie was equally unimaginable, and then looked at Fu Yu, the expression on her face was very sad: "He said that he would not be with any woman, let alone have children! He lied Me, he lied to me!"

Tang Sancheng finally understood. At this moment, Fu Yu's body suddenly radiated light, shaking their eyes so much that they couldn't open their eyes. Fu Yu's body collapsed limply, being dragged by Bai Yi, his hand reached out. Touching Fu Yu's breath: "It's strange, why is it so weak! No, there won't be any problems, right?"

Qixie came over to feel his pulse, and shook his head: "It's nothing serious, maybe it was affected by the divine drop just now."

"The situation just now is really weird." Bai Yi hugged Fu Yu tightly: "It's like Fu Yu's ancestors were standing in front of us and talking to us, it's obviously Fu Yu's face, I hope it doesn't hurt Fu Yu's body. "

"It's okay." Tang Sancheng said: "It seems that Fu Yu's ancestors and my father also knew each other."

"It's more than just acquaintances. From her tone, she has some friendship with your father. Hearing that you are his son, why is she so excited and a little disappointed." Bai Yi said: "Unfortunately, such cases are rare. Seeing us is going to fight and kill."

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