"You're here." Qingluan couldn't hide her surprise in her tone.

Xuan Jing stretched out his hand, and there were two thin pieces of armor lying on the palm of his hand, which were exactly golden, but the size of a fingernail. When Qingluan saw it, he took it immediately: "It really is a golden armor, where did you get it?" ?”

"Of course we can get along with each other." Xuan Jing said: "There is already a kindness between us, and I don't owe you anything."

It took a lot of effort to find the general to get these two pieces of armor. Now I promised to play chess with him for a month. Jing Tiansheng has clear eyes and ears, especially this pair of ears, which is even better than ordinary people. As soon as he heard the sound of footsteps behind him, he immediately stopped and turned to meet him. Unexpectedly, Qingluan walked too quickly and threw himself into his arms , Xuan Jing straightened Qingluan's body, looking straight at her: "Do you have anything else to do?"

Qingluan's heart skipped a beat suddenly, but after all, she is the maiden serving the emperor, she still has a bit of aloofness, she pushed Xuanjing's hand away: "Even if the kindness is over, why not leave a name? "

"Mysterious mirror."

Leaving this name behind, Xuan Jing strode away, one report for another report, this report, but that's it, it's just the report he owed to the generals, and now it's just beginning.

Speaking of my acquaintance with the general, this is one of the reasons why I was kicked out of the master. The general is the king of zombies. Zombies are naturally harmful to ordinary people, but how does the master know the identity of the zombie king? The beauty?The general is just a zombie with a true temperament, possessing the same emotions and desires as ordinary people, emphasizing faith and righteousness, and not sticking to trivial matters. It is really a joy to deal with such a general. Although the two have different temperaments, they both hit it off in the same way.

Unfortunately, secular prejudice, how can I understand myself to make such a friend?Xuan Jing came to the place where the generals lived, which was a very hidden place, and brought a jug of good wine. The two drank the wine, played chess, and listened to the generals telling interesting things that happened in ancient times. One thing, one month passed quickly.

As soon as he went back, Xuan Jing heard about the failure of Qingluan Longevity Gu. This matter was originally a secret, and not many people knew about it, but he had his senior brother Xu Fu, and now his senior brother was already a celebrity around Emperor Qin. Xuan Jing sat facing each other, Xu Fu closed his eyes and said nothing, Xuan Jing knew that when his senior brother had something on his mind, he would close his eyes as if no one else was there. He was thinking, wondering if he would dare to act like no one else in front of Emperor Qin?

"Senior brother, why are you so depressed when the Qingluan Longevity Gu failed?" Xuan Jing didn't understand why the senior brother was so sad, and only saw that the senior brother opened his eyes because of his question.

"Do you know how many disciples Master has?" Xu Fu said, "If one day, all these people were to be executed, what do you think?"

Xuan Jing's hands trembled slightly. The number of disciples that master has accepted in this lifetime, plus the disciples' family members... Xuan Jing asked: "Brother, if you say that, there must be a reason for the incident. What happened?"

"Do you still remember the Penglai Fairyland that Master mentioned? There is an elixir in it, which can make people live forever." Xu Fu said: "I don't know why, this disappearance has reached Qin Huang's ears. I wanted to avoid him. But this day is still here, Qingluan Longevity Gu fails, people will not die, but they will become evil corpses, Emperor Qin was furious, and wanted to execute Qingluan in front of me, I naturally wanted to stop it, but Emperor Qin said Qingluan Whether Luan dies or not is up to me, as long as I go to Penglai Fairyland to get back the elixir, Qingluan will not have to die, if I don’t get it back, except Qingluan will die, all the people involved in my Guiguzi sect will be executed!!”

So cruel! !Xuan Jing thought of the elixir again, it seems that the master has not told the senior brother about this matter, and the matter has become complicated now, should he say it or not?Xuan Jing thought about it, and said: "Senior brother, for the sake of safety, you must go to the Penglai Realm. After you go, you will naturally know how to face each other next, and I will also help senior brother."

Xuan Jing was a little guilty, he looked at the expression on Xu Fu's face, and the senior brother finally made his final decision: "If this is the case, I can't disagree, junior brother, it's naturally very good that you are willing to help me, I will take you with me right away. You go to see Emperor Qin and ask him to allow me and my brothers to go to Penglai together."

"This..." Xuan Jing said, "That's fine."

Xu Fu couldn't wait any longer, this matter was no small matter, he immediately entered the palace, met Emperor Qin, and introduced his younger brother Xuan Jing, it was the first time Xuan Jing had seen the palace, and he knew that Emperor Qin was greedy for life and afraid of death, today Only after seeing it did I know that this high-ranking emperor had gone mad. This expression lasted only an hour, but he took a lot of pills. Qingluan is still waiting for the crime, and Xu Fu's life and death are all in the hands of Xu Fu. She is kneeling Falling down at Emperor Qin's feet, when he heard someone coming in, there was another person besides Xu Fu, who raised his head to look at it, and saw that it was Xuan Jing, he was very surprised, and when it was over, he immediately lowered his head, not daring to lift it up again.

Emperor Qin has the aura of an emperor, but it is a pity that this aura of an emperor is about to disappear. Xuan Jing knew about this, but it was inconvenient to say it out, so he let Xu Fu recommend him and talk about how talented he was. Just concealing the fact that I have been expelled from the school by my master, is this considered deceiving the emperor?

"You want to go to Penglai Fairyland with your junior brother to look for elixir?" Qin Huang leaned on the dragon chair and looked at Xuan Jing with majesty. Okay, you saved Qing Yi's life, Qing Luan, why don't you thank these two?"

Qingluan got up, facing Xu Fu and Xuan Jing, Shi Shiran knelt down: "Thank you for saving your life."

"You don't need to be too polite, Miss Qingluan." Xu Fu hurriedly returned the courtesy.

"Qingluan, although you can avoid the death penalty, if you don't handle those evil corpses properly, you will still be punished!" As soon as Qin Huang said this, Qingluan, who had already stood up, immediately knelt down again: " Your Majesty the First Emperor, Qingluan is willing to bring these evil corpses back to my hometown, place them on the cliff coffin, and be guarded by my descendants for generations, and will never let the evil corpses make trouble. As a Gu, it will last forever in the cliff coffin! It will be guarded for generations!"

Poor, Xuan Jing sighed inwardly, this witch is in her prime, and from now on she will be with the evil corpse in the cliff coffin, at least one life was saved.

The matter of finding the Penglai elixir was established, and the emperor made his own arrangements. Xuan Jing and her senior brother stepped out of the palace, and Qingluan chased after her. She raised her eyes to look at Xu Fu, and said shyly: "I want to talk to Xuan Jing about something, please... "

"In that case, I'll take a step first." Xu Fu was so clever, he immediately lifted his foot and left.

"What else is there for Miss Qingluan?" Xuan Jing asked.

"The emperor of Qin issued an order that after seven days, I will bring the evil corpse back to my hometown and stay with me from generation to generation."

"I know that the evil corpse also has an immortal body, but it is not an ordinary appearance anymore, and the attack power is strong. Anyone who is infected may be infected with a serious disease. The evil corpse must not stay here." Xuan Jing said: "It's just I have pity on you and your descendants, who will be burdened by this evil corpse forever."

"It's not that there is no other way, but I don't know how long it will take to realize it. This time, to develop longevity Gu and find seven things, if we want to deal with evil corpses, these seven things are the only ones that can do it. Unfortunately, these seven things are extremely rare in the world. It’s not easy to find the things again.” Qingluan’s mind was obviously not on the evil corpse and the seven things, she looked up at Xuanjing: “Although I haven’t known you for long, but…”

Xuan Jing has a bad feeling, Qing Luan's eyes are tender like water, if it's an ordinary man, I'm afraid it will melt into it...

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