Before Xuan Jing entered the palace, he started to kneel and kowtow. This great gift made Qin Huang's heart pound. He didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd. Xuan Jing made every movement and tried his best to appear pious. Qin Huang was patient. Zi Zi waited for Xuan Jing to come to the main hall, and was about to ask questions, Xuan Jing said loudly: "Congratulations to my emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live!!"

When Emperor Qin heard this, Longyan was delighted: "How? Have you found the elixir?"

"As the Holy Spirit wished, it's just..." Xuan Jing said sadly, "I just pity my brother and those five thousand boys and girls...they didn't come back."

The alchemist named Feng Shi was standing beside the Qin Emperor, and he immediately blamed him: "How could it be possible not to keep one of the five thousand virgins? Even if they have no cultivation base, but Xu Fu is a disciple of Guiguzi, I still know his ability , He didn't come back either, which is too strange."

"Who is this?"

"Alchemist Feng Shi." Feng Shi said loudly: "I have already heard the name of Guiguzi's disciple, so I asked this question, why Xu Fu didn't come back?"

Xuan Jing snorted, no wonder the senior brother reminded himself to be careful of this person, this person was clearly a villain, he cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Has Feng Fangshi ever entered the Penglai Wonderland?"

"This...not ever." Feng Shi was momentarily at a loss for words.

"That's why there are some doubts." Xuan Jing said: "Penglai Fairyland is so beautiful, it's a pity that there are dangers hidden in that place at the same time, but people's wishes can come true."

"All wishes come true? What does this mean?" Qin Huang asked in confusion.

"What you want in your heart, you will achieve it, that is, it is a place where what you want in your heart can become a reality," Xuan Jing said: "But this is where the danger lies, because everything is just a fake, and everyone I mistakenly thought that I had really arrived in the environment I was most looking forward to, so I was unwilling to leave there, and the result of this was that the body disappeared in the end, and the soul stayed there forever, and could no longer go out.”

"There are other things like this?" Qin Huang took a deep breath.

"The most beautiful thing also hides the most dangerous poison. This is the case in Penglai Fairyland. Probably because of this, the fairy medicine has always been safely in the fairyland. Of course, for people with advanced cultivation, it is not necessary to indulge in it I can't extricate myself, my senior brother and I are naturally fine, but unfortunately, those five thousand virgins are deeply involved. Senior brother has always been kind, and he couldn't bear to sit idly by. He handed the elixir to me and took a step ahead, while he tried to save those five thousand boys and girls. Five thousand boys and girls, I have been waiting for a long time at the Penglai Fairyland, but none of my senior brothers came out..." Having said this, Xuan Jing closed his eyes, with a sad expression on his face: "I think, the result is nothing more than one... "

"Alas." Perhaps Xuan Jing's description was too real and extremely emotional, and Qin Huang's hard heart was also influenced. Seeing him like this, that Feng Fangshi could only shut his mouth, and his face was very big. Wow, what else can he say?No, there is still something to be said.

"Why don't you offer the fairy medicine soon?" Feng Shi said sharply, and Tong Jin walked towards Xuan Jing quickly.

Xuan Jing raised his head and glanced at Feng Shi, and said coldly: "This fairy medicine is not easy to come by. Do you think that you can get this fairy medicine with your identity? If you don't believe me, you can try it!!"

Feng Shi hesitated, not daring to go forward, but Qin Huang waved his hand: "Try it!"

With the emperor's order, Feng Shi stepped forward triumphantly, and as soon as his fingers touched the silver fairy medicine in Xuanjing's palm box, he let out a scream, and quickly backed away, one hand still pointing at the silver fairy medicine that he touched just now. Qin Huang was very surprised by his appearance: "Why is this?"

why?Xuan Jing laughed secretly, it was just a little trick, why didn't Feng Shi notice it?The senior brother really praised him, Xuan Jing said: "How can ordinary people be blessed to enjoy this fairy medicine, even if I touch it, I would expect too much. If I didn't have the secret method taught by the master, it would be difficult to touch this medicine. Only the real dragon You can only touch this medicine with your breath!"

These words aroused Qin Huang's joy, and he actually walked down in person until he reached Xuan Jing. Xuan Jing's head was lowered even lower, but his hands were raised higher. Qin Huang hesitated for a moment, then reached into the box, First, I touched it carefully, and there was no abnormality. I immediately felt relieved, and took the elixir in my hand. Seeing that this elixir was very different from the usual red elixir, I was also surprised: "This is the fairy that can make me immortal. medicine?"

"Exactly!" Xuan Jing's voice resounded loudly.

Feng Shi didn't calm down yet: "Your Majesty, be careful. No one has ever taken this medicine. If there is a slight difference, the consequences may be..."

"Then how about letting Feng Fangshi taste the first one?" After Xuan Jing finished speaking, he saw Qin Huang's brows wrinkled, and secretly smiled in his heart, do you dare to taste it first before Qin Huang eats it?I don’t want this head. There are many capable people around Qin Huang. You have the heart of the emperor now, but the emperor is the emperor.

Feng Shi hesitated for a while, but he was really smart enough not to be fooled, he said respectfully: "This elixir can only be eaten by your Majesty's real dragon body, how can we wait for it!"

Qin Huang was very satisfied with Feng Shi's answer. He took the elixir and swallowed it immediately. Feng Shi stood aside, looking very vigilant. Seeing him like this, he was still loyal to Qin Huang. After being subdued, he asked respectfully, "How is it, Your Majesty?"

"Hmm..." Qin Huang supported his head and swayed his body. Feng Shi was so frightened that he hurried forward to support him: "Your Majesty, are you alright?"

"The body is so light." Qin Huang recollected it, and was very happy: "Recently, I originally felt like I had a splitting headache, but...but now I feel very comfortable all over. It really is a fairy medicine, it really is a fairy medicine."

Xuan Jing succeeded, proud of his heart, but he didn't notice it at all on the face, Xuan Jing kowtowed: "Xuan Jing is not talented, the senior brother told me when he sent me out of the fairyland, what he was most worried about was that there was no one to take care of your majesty, please ask me to be good Serve His Majesty alive."

"Xu Fu's loyalty can be learned from, it's really rare, you can stay with me from now on." Qin Huang just got the elixir, he was overjoyed, and agreed immediately.

Feng Shi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but there was nothing he could do about the result. He could only watch Xuan Jing get favored. In the following days, Xuan Jing used various methods to make Emperor Qin happy. Xuan Jing is a newly promoted celebrity beside Qin Huang, and he has already covered Feng Shi. Only Xuan Jing knows that Qin Huang is not far from death. According to Qin Huang's appearance, the death is approaching, and his own lies It will be exposed soon, and Xuan Jing has long been prepared for this day.

Qin Huang was seriously ill, and it was useless for the imperial physician to summon Shi Gong. As for Feng Shi, he had already been sent out of the imperial palace by Xuan Jing. Now, Qin Huang was only by himself. Xuan Jing sent out, Xuan Jing stood beside Emperor Qin, watching Xuan Jing lingering on his last breath: "Your Majesty, it seems that there is no elixir for life in the world, it is really a pity."

"You..." Qin Huang raised his body with all his strength: "You, you lied to me, didn't you?"

There was no one around, Xuan Jing said: "Your Majesty, how can you lie about it? No one has ever seen the elixir of life. I was also deceived, thinking it was true. I didn't expect that Penglai Wonderland was also a lie." Yes, Your Majesty, this is the end of the matter, why don't you think about what will happen next?"

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