"When the Qing Dynasty gave way, Dongling not only had mausoleum guards, but the organization still inherited the Qing system, and there were banner soldiers and green battalion soldiers stationed in the mausoleum to guard the mausoleum. However, as the world changed, Dongling gradually escaped the control of the Qing Dynasty and fell into the hands of Beiyang warlords. The ministers protecting the tomb existed in name only and were often not in the official office. Not only could they not effectively protect the tomb, but they colluded with others and resold property. The destruction increased day by day, until someone tried to dig and steal in an all-round way, and made a fortune." He Baosheng said: "You should know the following things, Sun Dianying pretended to be stationed in the army, but in fact robbed the tomb. Heartbroken."

"So he found you, Master?" Bai Yi finally understood.

"That's right, Master was just an ordinary Daoist back then, so he made money naturally." He Baosheng said: "I dug four tombs for him, and got a tenth of them as a benefit. They also did a crazy thing, which is to set fire to the Shaolin Temple."

"This person is really crazy." Xiao Ning said: "Could it be possible to be as famous as Sun Dianying?"

"That's right. Shi Yousan spent his whole life speculating, capricious, and on two boats. He had defected to Feng Yuxiang, Yan Xishan, Chiang Kai-shek, Wang Jingwei, Zhang Xueliang, the Japanese and the CCP many times, and betrayed these people successively. He is called the general who turned against him." He Baosheng said: "This guy is a man without integrity. After I cooperated with him a few times, I also felt that he was unreliable, so I immediately distanced myself from him and went our separate ways. One step later, it is possible to be silenced by him."

"What happened to this guy?" Lei Zi asked.

"I was buried alive by Gao Shuxun, the commander of the New Eighth Army. I heard that Shi Yousan heard that Gao Shuxun was unwilling to attack the Eighth Route Army, so this guy provoked Japan to attack the High Ministry. Afterwards, the two accepted the mediation of the same ministry. Gao Shuxun pretended to mediate with Shi Yousan and were in the same room. We had a chat, everyone talked and laughed happily, and shared the past. After a while, an orderly came in and said to Gao Shuxun that his wife had something to ask. Gao Shuxun left the room. Suddenly, four guards entered the meeting room and three friends were taken away. That night, Gao Shuxun ordered the soldiers to bury Shi Yousan alive on the bank of the Yellow River." He Baosheng said: "I have betrayed him all my life, provoked him all my life, and finally met bad luck."

"It's great to have Master here." Bai Yi said, "I really know this Shi Yousan like the back of my hand."

"Working under him, I must know his character well, so that I can leave a way out for myself." He Baosheng said: "However, he died suddenly back then. With his character, I am afraid that he is my wife. , I don’t know what kind of wealth he has.”

"Ah, Tang Sancheng, your father is really good, he even knows his private possessions." Lei Zi couldn't help but praise.

"For so many years, he has been looking everywhere when he has nothing to do, and he can find all kinds of treasures." Tang Sancheng said, "By the way, when are we going to leave?"

"Don't worry, Master, what do you think?" Bai Yi asked.

"Tomorrow." He Baosheng felt like he was stealing something from an old man. After all, he had met Shi Youlan once. "I still have three days. This trip is enough."

As soon as everyone agreed, they decided to start again the next day. They said it was Shi Yousan's old house, but it was actually his old house before development. It was very shabby. Whether it is still there is a question. This worry was completely put down when I arrived at that place. It turned out that the place was the old residence of a celebrity. Although it was demolished in the middle, it was later rebuilt by the local township. It's still brand new standing there, but the trouble is, the foundation has been laid again for reconstruction, so it's hard to say whether the things that Shi Yousan buried are still there.

In order to solve this problem, Bai Yi and the others first checked the situation in the town. If something was dug up during the reconstruction, it would definitely cause a sensation in the local area. Several veteran workers completely dispelled this doubt. When they re-dug the foundation, they found nothing.

That's good. Compared with the map left by Xuan Jing, everyone compared it. The passage is indeed under the old house. Why didn't it be found when digging the foundation?Bai Yi was puzzled by this point. Bai Yi asked the town cadres to live in Shi Yousan's old residence, and was willing to pay a large sum of money to build a school in the town. Mo, this trick really works wherever you go.

The eight people moved into Shi Yousan's old residence. The town cadre who contacted Bai Yi also arranged for people to deliver basic daily necessities, and also connected to temporary electricity. Everything was ready. The eight people were not in a hurry. Turned around and learned about the surrounding environment.

In the evening, everyone decided to take a good rest and study the map again. When everyone met to study together, Tang Sancheng stabbed Qixie, and then glanced outside. Qixie immediately understood and closed the map. He took a breath, flew towards the outside lightly, knocked open the door, and there was a black shadow flashing outside, how could Qixie let him go, and seeing that the other party's footsteps were light, he was also a practitioner, and he didn't dare to be careless in his heart. That person wanted to escape, and was about to kick him in the back of the heart, but unexpectedly, the person suddenly turned around and met Qixie head-on!

It was getting late, and there was no light here, so Qixie could only rely on the opponent's breathing and movements to defend or attack. The opponent's skills were a bit strange, his body was very soft, as soft as a snake, and Qixie's fist had already arrived every time. At the other side's door, it only took a second for that person to disappear before his eyes, and then appeared from another place. Qi Xie was startled, the opponent's attack was not fierce, but this defensive ability But it is rare, he seems to know where he will attack next, and then dodges one second before the attack, his dodging posture is very strange, Qixie can feel that the opponent is smiling in the dark...

Qixie was very annoyed by this kind of smile, is the other party playing with him?Qixie finally became serious. He didn't know the identity of the other party just now, so it was not good to act rashly, but now he felt humiliated. In a contest between masters, he should have a sharp sword and a clear gun, leaving no room for it. Once Qixie was serious, that person The smile disappeared immediately, and began to fight back while dodging. The two fisted and kicked each other, and they happened to meet each time...

After several punches and kicks, no one gained the upper hand. At this moment, He Baosheng chased him out, and suddenly shouted: "Qi Xie, I misunderstood, this person has no malicious intentions, stop immediately!"

Qixie and the man flicked away at the same time, the man smiled: "It's rare, someone can draw with me, Brother He, you are living a leisurely life."

He Baosheng looked embarrassed, but fortunately he couldn't see it in the night, he coughed lightly: "Why are you here?"

"The time limit is approaching, and you haven't gone back yet. The organization is worried that something will happen, so let me come over and have a look." This person's attitude is a bit uninhibited: "So there is such a master, if it were me, I wouldn't want to leave .”

Qixie said in a muffled voice: "Since you are Master He's friend, please go in and talk."

The man followed Qixie into the room from the darkness, under the light, everyone saw his appearance clearly, and everyone was secretly surprised, this man?This person looks like Hu Sandou! !This man is also as thin as Hu Sandou, so thin and flimsy, his sharp chin makes everyone miss Hu Sandou even more...

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