"When Master mentioned Yin people for the first time, I didn't think that this would be an organization." Bai Yi said, "Now it seems that the people in this organization are really not simple. Once we met in the bamboo forest, I gave Master Incorporated into the organization, and I am afraid that my master only recently found out what this organization is all about. It can be said that he has suffered a dumb loss, but I can also say with certainty that the return of master joining the organization is longevity, but this longevity must be It cannot be compared with the Seven Evils."

"Then this organization is really good at settling accounts." Lei Zi said, "It's so cunning, I think we can avoid it."

"Yeah, unless the situation forces me to, otherwise, I prefer to be at ease now." Tang Sancheng also echoed: "Xiaoshan, you are sleepy, go to sleep quickly, and do business tomorrow."

Xiao Shan was already rubbing his eyes, everyone stopped discussing about this yin organization, and each went to sleep, Tang Sancheng was fast asleep, turned over, and heard some strange sounds from his ears, but he was really sleepy He fell asleep immediately, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw Xiao Shan looking at him with staring eyes: "What's wrong?"

"They found a way down." Xiao Shan said, "We're waiting for you now."

Tang Sancheng quickly got up: "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"They said that you haven't been sleeping well recently. It's rare that you slept soundly last night, so they let you sleep well." Xiao Shan said honestly: "However, they said that you won't get up now, and they will let you continue to sleep in a while."

Xiao Shan's voice today was a bit strange, Tang Sancheng thought that Xiao Shan's voice might be a little hoarse in the morning, he stretched out his hand, usually Xiao Shan likes to pull himself up like this, but when he stretched out his hand, it was in vain, Xiao Shan had already turned around After leaving, Tang Sancheng was a little puzzled, what happened to Xiaoshan today, why did he look not in a high mood.

Tang Sancheng hurriedly lifted the quilt, didn't bother to wash his face, and followed the hill to the yard. There was a withered tree in the yard. Everyone was standing in front of the withered tree, excitedly asking, "What's wrong with this tree?"

"I'm afraid there is only this dead tree in the vicinity, and the most striking thing is that even the ants avoid it, Tang Sancheng, look..." Bai Yi pointed to the position one meter away from the dead tree, There was a group of ants rushing over there, but when they got close to the tree pole, they hurriedly avoided it as if they had hit an elastic wall, and then moved on.

"So?" Tang Sancheng just woke up, his mind is not clear yet, still a bit dazed.

"There are things they are afraid of under the ground." Xiao Ning became impatient: "Your brain reaction is too slow, Fu Yu has already seen it just now, and it has been dealt with below, poisonous, who is so boring Buried poison in the ground, so there must be something tricky in it."

"Then what are you waiting for now?" Tang Sancheng asked.

"Fu Yu is detoxifying, this needs a process." After Bai Yi finished speaking, Fu Yu nodded slightly: "Five minutes will be enough."

"Clean up, everyone, and come back in five minutes." As expected of Bai Yi, he always planned his time well.

After 5 minutes, everyone was standing around the dead tree in full arms again. Fu Yu went down first, dipped his hands in some mud, smelled it and nodded: "It's ok."

As expected of Fu Yu, he knows how to make Gu poison, and naturally knows all kinds of poisons. Bai Yi and Xiao Ning have already started digging, but Xiao Shan didn't look very interested. Tang Sancheng asked him: "What's wrong with you, Xiao Shan?"

"It's okay." Xiao Shan didn't use "ah" in his words. If he asked this question normally, he would definitely say "it's okay." How did he become mature today.Tang Sancheng was puzzled for a moment, and was immediately called over by Lei Zi: "Why don't you come over and help, are you treating yourself like a girl?"

Tang Sancheng went over and helped to dig it up, there was really something tricky next to the dead tree, inside there were bags of powder wrapped in oil paper, most of them turned into liquid, oil paper was waterproof, but it was bitten by insects for thousands of years. The sores were full of holes, and the powdered water leaked out of the oil paper and seeped into the soil. There were many corpses of insects in the soil layer. No wonder the ants had to avoid it when they passed by.

"These are arsenic." Fu Yu said: "The dose is very high, but this person certainly doesn't know how to use poison. These arsenic have little effect on people. After all, they have to be ingested to be effective. Just touching it has no effect." .”

"Shi Yousan is just a soldier, so he is definitely not good at these things. He just wants to hide the property he has looted." Bai Yi said: "Let's continue."

Now these layers of soil have been dug up, but they are only more than two meters deep, and there is a pile of stones piled up like a cellar entrance. Bai Yi turned to look at the hill: "Xiaoshan, the entrance of the cave is a bit small, come on." .”

Xiao Shan was taken aback for a moment, but immediately agreed: "Okay."

Xiao Shan came to the small hole, stretched his body in, and then slowly disappeared into the hole. After a while, the stones were pulled away, and the hole became bigger: "Come in!"

Tang Sancheng glanced at Bai Yi, saw that there was some suspicion in Bai Yi's eyes, saw Tang Sancheng looking at him, and immediately exchanged glances with Tang Sancheng, Tang Sancheng already understood that something was wrong with the hill today, normally speaking, Encountering the situation just now, he must have pulled his hands together and solved it directly from the outside, but today he drilled in first and then dealt with it. This is not Xiaoshan's style. Besides, with Xiaoshan's ability, there is no need to do anything extra .

The two reached a consensus, let's not break it down for the time being, but Tang Sancheng thought of the strange sound he heard last night, like the sound of wind, but...heavier than the sound of wind, damn it, why didn't he think of getting up to check it at that time? ?

Now we have to go in first, take a step, and take a look. Everyone drilled in one by one. There was indeed a cellar inside. There was a lot of food and water in it, and many of them were canned food. It seems that this friend San has a sense of crisis After all, it was a time of war, and he was looking for a way out for himself. Unfortunately, he was buried alive before this day. A lot of food in it, such as rice and potatoes, had rotted long ago, and there was a strange smell permeating the air. Throughout the cellar.

This kind of cellar is actually more popular in the north. It uses the characteristics of the soil to make waterproof, moisture-proof and ventilated, and there are special ventilation channels. Generally, a round or square hole or pit is dug underground, and the depth depends on the depth of the water. The depth of the layers varies. Shi Yousan set up a basic circular cellar. Compared with the usual cellar, there are more air holes, which allow the air to flow into the soil, which is a little more secure.

There is no belongings mentioned by Sancheng's father here, except for the food, there are no other eye-catching things. Bai Yi said: "From the map, the structure here does not match the place mentioned by He Sancheng's father. It should be just An entrance, we have to continue to find a passage."

Where will the passage be? Everyone started to work on the cellar wall, especially Tang Sancheng, who put his ears on it, tapped his fingers, and listened to the movement inside. Sure enough, he felt a little tricky: "Here is It's empty, Bai Yi, come here."

Bai Yi also verified that it was really empty, Lei Zi naturally wanted to use the most brutal method, but was stopped by Bai Yi: "Forgive that Shi Yousan is not so reckless, there must be something like this kind of foolishness. His own way."

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