"You still know a lot." Lei Zi giggled and said, "But, I just need to know that these things are worth money, Xiao Shan, let's start pretending, as much as you can, anyway, these are ill-gotten gains. "

"Why are there so many silver dollars hidden here?" Fu Yu asked curiously. In that troubled world, she only studied abroad for a while, then stayed in Miao Village, and later entered the cliff coffin. No wonder she was not familiar with some habits of that era. knew.

"At that time, there were constant wars, and the people in charge changed at will. The banknotes issued at that time were not worth much. Everyone knew that gold was in troubled times. The rich hid gold, and ordinary people hid silver dollars. It was a custom to bury silver dollars in the cellar. They are all the same, but the number and method are different. People in the city are like this, and people in the country are more common. Because the value of silver dollars is unchanging for a long time, and it is hidden underground to prevent robbery, fire, and flood. It is extremely simple, and once it burns down hundreds of houses, it is extremely dangerous to store banknotes, but there is no such concern in hoarding silver dollars." As soon as Bai Yi finished speaking, Lei Zi laughed loudly.

It turned out that he found gold in the last vat: "Bai Yi, you are right, gold in troubled times, just say that Shi Yousan doesn't have gold bars!"

Bai Yi shrugged his shoulders. It doesn't matter if he is like Lei Zi, he will persist in doing such interesting things. Now that he sees these things, he feels a little numb. Yu continued: "Later, there was a period before the start of the Anti-Japanese War when the silver dollars were nationalized and only banknotes could be used in common use, but the silver dollars hoarded by each household were still unwilling to take them out. I don’t believe it, everyone just moved out the silver dollars in the hoard, and it was a world of silver dollars at that time.”

"Speaking of it, it's a bit pitiful." Fu Yu always looked at things from such a special angle.

"Yes, I saw with my own eyes at that time that many people were reduced to selling their sons and daughters because they had no money to live on. Fortunately, that era has long passed." Bai Yi said with a smile: "Isn't it a good time now?" start?"

Lei Zi and the others filled up the bags they had prepared, and took gold first, and then silver dollars and ingots. Xiao Shan happily helped him, Xiao Ning saw that he couldn't get in his hands, and watched with Tang Sancheng from other places , the calligraphy and painting on the wall, the gold and silver in the vat, it is strange, "Tang Sancheng, look, why is there a Buddhist altar here?"

"Soldiers fight for their lives on the battlefield. Maybe they believe in Buddhism and seek shelter for themselves." Tang Sancheng said disapprovingly.

"But, is there something inside this?" Xiao Ning noticed sharply, "The Buddha statue above has such a big belly, even if he is Maitreya Buddha, the belly is too scary, the whole Buddha statue is completely out of proportion ,dont you agree?"

Tang Sancheng took a closer look, and immediately agreed with Xiao Ning's point of view: "It's true!"

Xiao Ning rolled his eyes and went forward to hug the disproportionate Maitreya Buddha, but Tang Sancheng stopped him all of a sudden: "My aunt, you are really disrespectful to gods and Buddhas, what are you doing?"

"I think there's a ghost inside, I'll take it down and have a look, don't worry, your aunt doesn't believe in gods and Buddhas, she's not afraid of retribution, if you're afraid, just get out of the way and let me come." Xiao Ning became stubborn, It wasn't something Tang Sancheng could control, so Tang Sancheng had to stretch out his hands to protect the side, lest Xiao Ning fall off.

Xiao Ning carefully hugged the Maitreya Buddha, who was as tall as a three-year-old child, and asked Tang Sancheng to carry it around with her for a while. Tang Sancheng's expression brightened when he heard a "thump" sound inside. : "There is really something in my stomach, Xiao Ning, you are really amazing."

"Anything that doesn't seem to conform to the rules, I will think it has a ghost." Xiao Ning smiled triumphantly: "How about it, let me say it right?"

Others also gathered around, Lei Zi was a rough man, but now he said impatiently: "What are you two doing, mother, if it were me, I would have smashed it open a long time ago to have a look."

As soon as Xiao Ning heard what Lei Zi said, he let go immediately. Tang Sancheng couldn't hold him by himself, and the Maitreya Buddha fell to the ground directly. With a "bang", it fell to pieces on the ground, and a string of Buddhist beads fell out of it. , and a small box, Lei Zi said triumphantly: "See, this Doriso, this prayer beads, Bai Yi, take a look, is there anything unusual? Let me see what is inside this box."

As soon as Lei Zi opened the box, his face changed slightly, and he looked at Bai Yi again, who also frowned while holding the string of Buddhist beads: "This is a string of hanging beads. The Buddhist beads we are talking about are actually divided into three types. There are holding beads, that is, prayer beads that are held in the hand, one is the beads that are worn on the wrist or arm, and the other is called hanging beads, which are hung around the neck."

"Usually among the monks, only the abbot, the elder, the host of the Dharma meeting, and the head of the family can hang beads. Lay people must not hang them. This string of beads is not easy to come by. Shi Yousan is not a monk, let alone a monk. People with status, these are not important, what is important is that this string of hanging beads is made of 29 emerald beads. The emerald belongs to the old pit full of green material in Burma, and is a gem in emerald jewelry. This emerald The Buddha beads are fine in texture, full in color, and have crystal luster, transparency, and are the top grade among emeralds." Bai Yi said: "I dare say, if this hanging bead is taken out, the money it sells is enough for the rest of our lives."

"Is that an exaggeration?" Lei Zi swallowed: "Didn't you say that the monks are pure-hearted and ascetic? How come there are such precious beads?"

"You have forgotten how many pilgrims there are among the people. Among these pilgrims, they are all wealthy businessmen and dignitaries. It is not surprising to offer such hanging beads to the master. I really did not expect that there would be such a discovery here. Thirty percent, this It's a big gift from your father, Lei Zi, what are you holding in your hand?" Bai Yi saw that Lei Zi was holding the box and didn't speak, so he immediately asked.

"Look for yourself." Lei Zi actually had this kind of time, he put the box in front of Bai Yi with both hands, Bai Yi took it, just took a look, and his face changed: "Isn't this a relic?"

"Yeah, it seems that when this friend San burned the Shaolin Temple, he took away a lot of things. Others can be touched, this relic..." Lei Zi scratched his head: "I heard that it is very spiritual."

"That's right." Bai Yi looked at the three relics inside. The relics originally referred to the Buddhist patriarch Sakyamuni Buddha, the relics and bead-shaped gemstones left after his death and cremation.The relics are completely different from the bones of ordinary dead people.Its shape is ever-changing, there are round, oval, lotus-shaped, Buddha or Bodhisattva-shaped; its colors are white, black, green, red, and various colors; some relics are like pearls, Some are like agate and crystal; some are transparent, and some are as bright as diamonds.

2500 years ago, when Sakyamuni Buddha passed away, his disciples got a parietal bone, two shoulder blades, four teeth, a middle finger relic and 84000 bead-shaped real relics from the ashes when he was cremated. .These remnants of the Buddha are regarded as sacred objects by the believers, and they are vying to worship them.

According to the scriptures, relics are obtained by a person through the practice of precepts, samadhi, and wisdom, plus his own great vows. It is very rare and precious.After the Buddha Nirvana, there were as many as one stone and six buckets of relics burned out. At that time, eight kings competed for the relics of the Buddha, and each of them got a share of relics. They brought the relics of the Buddha back to their own countries, and Build pagodas for the people to look up and worship.

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