Strange Tomb [Recommended by the Great God]

Chapter 702 Equivalent Exchange

It is possible that Concubine Yang did not die in Maweiyi, so there are many conjectures about her final whereabouts, and the most accepted statement by the public is that Concubine Yang fled to Japan.

There is a view in Japanese folk and academic circles: At that time, the one who was hanged to death in Mawei Station was only a maid.Chen Xuanli, the general of the imperial army, saw the beauty of Concubine Yang Guifei and couldn't bear to kill her, so he conspired with Gao Lishi to replace Concubine Yang Guifei with a maid. There are also various sayings in Japan.There is a saying that the deceased was a substitute maid. Chen Xuanli, the commander in chief of the army, conspired with Gao Lishi to replace her with a maid. Gao Lishi transported the body of the noble concubine in a car.

"Yang Yuhuan is the most legendary woman in history. It is said that she was named Yuhuan because she was born with a jade ring on her arm." Bai Yi said, "But this is unlikely. If so, her mother It should be stones."

Bai Yi has never been through such an unreasonable experience. Fu Yu glanced at him: "Anyone who has experienced an unusual experience has a lot of stories, and there is nothing wrong with listening to it."

Bai Yi snorted, and heard Abe Qing say again: "There is a tomb of Concubine Yang in the hometown of Concubine Yang in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. In 1963, a Japanese girl showed her family tree to the TV audience, saying that she was Concubine Yang's. Descendants. The famous Japanese movie star Momoe Yamaguchi also claims to be a descendant of Concubine Yang.”

"These are not important. The important thing is why you care so much about Concubine Yang's tomb." Bai Yi said impatiently: "Given the status of your ancestor Abe Seimei in history, his descendants should have a good life, why? Also came up with the idea of ​​robbing the tomb? This makes me unable to understand."

Tang Sancheng also said: "Abe Haru, your behavior is indeed weird. If you don't have a reasonable explanation, then please go back. Let's pretend we haven't heard this story."

"I..." Abe Qing completely lost her former composure and cynicism: "My mother disappeared in what is suspected to be the cemetery of Concubine Yang."

"Your mother?" Fu Yu was stunned: "But shouldn't things like disappearances be handed over to the police?"

"The Metropolitan Police Department in Japan has done a key search," Abe Haru said, "but nothing was found. They have given up. Not only them, but even my uncle has given up, but I have a feeling, my mother Alive, she's there, we just can't find her."

"If it's still there, your uncle is also an onmyoji, wouldn't he be aware of it?" Tang Sancheng immediately found out the grammatical errors in his words: "Also, you only mentioned your mother, your uncle, your What about father and grandfather?"

"They have all passed away, and now the Abe family, I am the only child." Abe Qing said: "My uncle dismissed my doubts and did not support them. I know yin and yang, but I don't know how to go to the grave. I heard that This time Genghis Khan’s archeology will involve many experts, so I reached an agreement with Shunichi Miyashita to let him give me this opportunity.”

A variety of factors were intertwined, allowing Abe Qing to discover Tang Sancheng and the others, and now, he regarded them as his savior.

Qixie said: "It's unbelievable, isn't there anyone in Japan you can use? Also, our behavior may constitute a transnational crime, do you think we will help you?"

"So I am willing to pay the price." Abe Haru said, "I hope this price can make you fall in love."

"We won't be tempted at any cost, please." Bai Yi had already stood up: "Thank you for your story, it's very good, and we also respect Abe Seimei very much. Overall today is good, thank you."

As soon as Bai Yi made a sound, the others were even more silent. Abe Haru was taken aback, sighed a long time, and walked out of the yard with his head down. He looked a little pitiful. Unexpectedly, he had just walked to the door when he suddenly turned around and smiled. : "You will definitely agree."

"Hey, this kid is still on the sidelines." Cong Yang scolded: "Mother, I have never seen such a cheeky person. If he is a roundworm in our stomach, we won't help him. Why?"

"Don't pay attention to him." Bai Yi said, "We have other things to do right now, let's talk about it after we finish."

Yes, to bring Yi Tsing Yi out, the matter of Abe Haru came out strangely, but everyone didn't have time to pay attention to this strange Japanese onmyoji, and returned to Hongyan Land according to the original plan.

Since six people died here last time, this place has completely become a ghost land. None of the nearby villagers dared to come here. The big pit that was originally dug out is still there. On the way here, Tang Sancheng saw a child Running towards here, an adult rushed over to stop him, grabbed him and carried him back, while walking, he taught him a lesson: "Don't die, go back!"

"It seems that this place is really a ghost place." Shen Bing said: "Now we will save trouble."

Arriving in front of the red rock, the sinkhole stopped there quietly, the red rock was exposed outside, Tang Sancheng felt a trace of powerful spiritual power when he got off the car, his face sank: "I'm afraid He Bo has come first One step, you stay here, Qixie and I will go down and have a look."

Shen Bing wanted to follow, but was stopped by Bai Yi, everyone stayed on top and waited, Tang Sancheng and Qi Xie came up after half an hour after going down, Shen Bing let go of his heart: "You can open the passage out!" ?”

"Yes." Tang Sancheng wiped off the water on his head: "Yi Qingyi is gone, he must have come and took Yi Qingyi away, you remember, Hesar said that Genghis Khan once told Hebo that he saw Passing Yi Tsing Yi, He Bo was furious, but obviously Genghis Khan didn’t tell He Bo Yi Tsing Yi where it is, it should be our latest action, telling He Bo Yi Tsing Yi’s location, he just came here and took Yi Qing Yi away.”

"There is only one possibility." Bai Yi said: "Yi Qingyi, He Bo, and Ying Long, there must be some relationship between these three people that we don't know about. When Yi Qingyi was taken away by us last time, There is a vision, does He Bo have the ability to maintain Yi Tsing Yi's appearance?"

"Perhaps." Tang Sancheng was both excited and a little frustrated, excited because with his current skill, he could open the closed entrance, frustrated because Yi Qingyi was taken away, they didn't fulfill their promise.

"Okay, don't be depressed anymore, let's go back and talk about it first." Bai Yi said: "Everyone doesn't know about Liu Zhixi, and his situation is not very good recently."

"What's wrong with him?" Qi Xie actually felt this way too. Last time in Genghis Khan's mausoleum, Liu Zhixi was in a bad state, he seldom spoke, and showed a painful expression from time to time. When he asked him, he just said that he was weak. Can't stand the cold air underground, but Qi Xie thinks it's not that simple.

"I've been to the hospital, and managed to see Liu Zhixi's medical files. He has advanced lung cancer." Bai Yi said, "I found out last year. It's a miracle that he can survive for so long."

Xiao Shan's eyes were red: "Why didn't he tell me..."

"You don't want us to worry, especially now that we've just been together and we're about to part ways." Bai Yi said, "He's been saying that he's too busy recently, busy explaining his work to his superiors. That's not the case. I found out that he was hospitalized."

"Let's go." Tang Sancheng said, while turning his head to look at the red rocks, the red rocks seemed to have changed in an instant, especially ferocious, Tang Sancheng rubbed his eyes, and they returned to their original appearance.

Back in Beijing, everyone discussed how to meet Liu Zhixi, and they said they knew it. I’m afraid the atmosphere suddenly became low, and they said they didn’t know it. Acting was too uncomfortable for everyone. The end result was that everyone practiced at home many times. If I had to say anything, I went to the hospital with a big bag and a small bag.

Bai Yi had inquired about Liu Zhixi's ward a long time ago. There were so many of them, and the nurse had originally refused to let them in, so she made an exception. Everyone walked gently into Liu Zhixi's ward. He was half lying on the bed, holding a He was reading an archaeological magazine, and suddenly there were so many shadows in the room, he suddenly raised his head, and seeing Bai Yi and the others, his face turned pale: "Why are you here?"

"We went out for a while, otherwise we would have come here earlier." Bai Yi said softly, and he put down the things in his hand.

Liu Zhixi is a smart man, he sighed: "I deliberately kept it from you, but you still found it, it seems that you already know about it."

"Zhi Xi." For the first time, Bai Yi only called him by his first name, omitting his surname: "I came here to tell you, in fact, as long as you are willing, we still have a way."

"What do you mean?" Liu Zhixi Yimeng: "I am terminally ill, and doctors can't cure it. What can you do?"

"That's right, the doctor really can't cure it." Bai Yi said: "But you know that reincarnation Gu can be used three times, Leizi once, Xiao Ning once, and now there is another one."

Liu Zhixi was silent, he knew about the reincarnation Gu, Liu Zhixi closed his eyes, seeing him thinking, no one dared to speak, just looked at him quietly, the decision was in his hands, as long as he agreed, 20 After 30 years, or [-] years, we still have the opportunity to meet each other, which is equivalent to another kind of longevity.

Liu Zhixi suddenly opened his eyes, his expression became firmer, and he grinned: "I'm old now, aren't I?"

The current Liu Zhixi has gray hair. He has been working for a long time, and his family life is not happy, which makes him look extraordinarily old. He looks at his hand. The dense needle holes on the back of his hand make people unbearable to take a second look. Liu Zhixi puts it down. Own hand: "No need."

"No need?" Cong Yang felt a little heartbroken: "Reincarnation Gu just reminds you of past memories, so that we can meet again, and we can..."

"No, let's end it all." Liu Zhixi said: "If I remember you and Liu Feifan, then my life will be too stressful. I want to reset everything to zero and start again."

Liu Zhixi's answer was beyond everyone's expectations. Fu Yu asked, "Are you really going to give up?"

"Yes, give up." Liu Zhixi said: "But I have one request, I hope you will take good care of Liu Feifan for me, this kid is smart, but he is out of control, I'm worried that if I go one day, his life will be messed up. "

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