Xiao Ning saw that the three of them looked at her strangely, and felt unhappy: "What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?" She turned to Tang Sancheng, subconsciously thinking that Tang Sancheng was easy to bully, the other two people, one person Jing, a master, can't be provoked, and the persimmons always have to pick the soft ones.

"I only came in by myself. Anyway, you didn't mean to invite me in." Xiao Ning brushed Qi Xie's body and tried to walk into the yard. Unexpectedly, Qi Xie pinched her arm and turned her back Behind him, Xiao Ning yelled in pain: "Qi Xie, you lunatic, what are you doing?"

"Have you ever entered Sancheng's room?" Bai Yi's face sank, what was this female snitch planning, why did she care so much about Tang Sancheng?

"No!" Xiao Ning blushed with anger, "Who do you think I am?"

"A person with a criminal record." Bai Yi said, "Last time you sneaked into Sancheng's room and tried to steal your father's notes. As the saying goes, it's easy to change your country, but it's hard to change your nature."

"Thank you." Xiao Ning rolled his eyes: "I thank you for not saying that dogs can't change eating shit."

"Then you admit it?" Tang Sancheng was depressed.

"Who said that?!" Xiao Ning was like an irritated hen: "You just returned to Beijing, and so did I! If you don't believe me, look in my pocket, I still have a train ticket!"

Qixie still firmly restrained Xiao Ning, Bai Yi stepped forward and searched Xiao Ning's pocket, and found a train ticket, it was on the same day as theirs, but the time was slightly later, and it was from another But Bai Yi is not so easy to be fooled: "Even if the return journey is synchronized, but we left first, didn't you take the opportunity to sneak in and plot something wrong?"

"Fart!" Xiao Ning is a son and daughter of the rivers and lakes, and his speech also has dirty words: "When I found out that you were not here, I asked the night stall nearby and said that you went to the train station. I hurried to the train station, but I happened to miss you, I made up the next train and went to Hunan with you! It's just..." Xiao Ning's face flushed: "I lost track, so I've been circling around the train station until recently, I saw you, but this time I still didn't buy a ticket, so I chose to transfer back and arrived an hour later than you, if you don't believe me, look through my bag again, there should be a train ticket to go there!"

Bai Yi glanced at Xiao Ning, bent down and rummaged in Xiao Ning's bag, and finally found the train ticket to go in the side compartment, Bai Yi snorted, Qi Xie let go of his hand, Xiao Ning Flicking his wrist, he glared at Qixie: "Why are you so hard, do you know what it means to be sympathetic to a woman?"

In other words, Tang Sancheng is interested in someone else who sneaked here, and Tang Sancheng also thought of this: "It's strange, I don't have any valuables on me, didn't you ask your buddy to order a set for you? What equipment?"

When this matter was mentioned, Bai Yi nodded: "That's right, I'll call to confirm." The courtyard is not very flat, and a pair of "eyes" that can be fixed on at any time are needed. After so long, the equipment should have arrived. Hearing Bai Yi's voice, the employee at the other end said as expected: "Mr. Bai, the monitoring equipment is already in the company, but you are not here, so the installer has not come to the door..."

"Contact them right now, and come to install immediately." Bai Yi looked at the time: "I must see the person who installed it in an hour, otherwise, I don't want to see your person again."

"Yes, yes." The employee over there hung up the phone impatiently.

Xiao Ning cleared away the suspicion, rubbed his arm and said, "Why did you go to Xiangxi?"

"What do you think, colleagues?" Bai Yi asked back.

"You really are..." Xiao Ning stopped, and then asked: "Have you gained anything?"

Bai Yi took out a cloth bag. Naturally, Wu Pu couldn't let the girl know. He just wanted to send her away. The cloth bag contained silver inlaid jade jewelry from the jade coffin. Bai Yi opened it: "Not many , that's all..."

Tang Sancheng leaned over, took a look, his face changed drastically, the silver inlaid jade jewelry in the cloth bag - the silver part all turned black!When it was in the cliff coffin, it was clearly new silver with a soft color!

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