Chapter 111
Looking at the carved statue of Tudigong in Zhang Hao's hand, the three generations of the Liang family, including the two bodyguards, were shocked.

"'s so similar, it's so similar, it's almost alive!" Liang Jianzhong said with his eyes widened in disbelief.

Liang Qian slightly parted her vermilion lips, her apricot eyes trembled, and subconsciously exclaimed: "Brother Zhang Hao, that's amazing... What are you carving? This old man is as if alive."

"This is the Lord of the Land." Zhang Hao looked at the statue very satisfied.

Liang Jianzhong's expression moved, he looked at the statue of the Lord of the Land in Zhang Hao's hand, silently coincided with the image of the Lord of the Land in his thoughts, the sculpture was so similar, it was almost as if it was alive.

It has to be said that Zhang Hao's carving skills can be described as superb, and judging from Zhang Hao's ability, this statue is absolutely extraordinary, maybe... maybe it also has some special ability?

After all, this was carved by Zhang Hao himself. The dog beside him is extraordinary, and the statue carved by himself must be the same.

"The land lord!" Liang Chao's eyes lit up: "Brother Zhang Hao, is this the land lord that the people say?"

Zhang Hao nodded.

Liang Chao's eyes moved: "Brother Zhang Hao, what is the use of this thing?"

Liang Qian was full of curiosity, she poked her head to look.

Zhang Hao stood up, looking at the statue of the Lord of Earth in his hand, the corners of his mouth turned up: "This thing is very useful."

Zhang Hao came up with this statue of the land god. To be precise, the land god carved out of camphor trees that are more than 20 years old is the key to the success of the plan to arrest the "Ginseng Carrying the Sedan".

After finishing all this, he carefully put away all the tools, leaving the needed ones at hand, most of the village ashes left, the river mud that was not used much, and the mountain ropes that were not used at all. .

Looking at the statue of the Lord of Earth in his hands, Zhang Hao stretched his sore body: "Okay, you stay here and don't move around, and try not to make any noise."

The crowd nodded.

Zhang Hao turned around, walked back to the original position, and put the statue of the Lord of Earth into his pocket.

Xiaobai was still obediently waiting here, never moving.

"You wait here." Zhang Hao looked at Xiaobai, gave a warning, then turned and walked eastward, picking up all the hundred village soil that was spread on the ground.

These hundreds of village soils have been paved once, and they have attracted [Ginseng Carrying Sedan] once, and they have been contaminated with the breath of [Ginseng Carrying Sedan]. If you want to use this hundred village soil to attract [Ginseng Carrying Sedan] over again If so, you need to dissipate the breath of [Ginseng Carrying a Sedan] by yourself before you can attract it.

Of course, there is another way, that is to collect back the hundred village soil on both sides, and then re-pave a hundred village dirt road along the direction of [Ginseng Carrying the Sedan], so that the hundreds of village soil on the [Ginseng Carrying the Sedan] The breath dissipated a bit, and the time to attract [Ginseng Carrying the Sedan] to come again could be shortened as much as possible.

It took half an hour to collect all the hundred village soils, but Zhang Hao was not in a hurry and worked at his leisure.

Afterwards, he followed the direction of [Ginseng Carrying the Sedan] to escape, and laid another one.

After doing all these things, he returned to the open space, took out the statue of the Lord of Earth from his pocket, and placed it in the center of the open space.

If you don't take a closer look at that appearance, you will really think it's the Lord of the Land showing up, coming out of the ground!

He patted the soil on his hands, turned around, walked back to the weeds and squatted down, sometimes looking at the road covered with hundreds of villages, and sometimes looking at the statue of the Land God.

rustling --

rustling --

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of something dragging the soil on the ground reached his ears.

He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice, which was the re-paved hundred village dirt road.

At the same time, the three generations of the Liang family, including the two bodyguards, saw this amazing scene again.

Those four "walking ginseng" are here again...

Liang Jianzhong held the cane tightly with both hands, and there was a little light in his slightly cloudy eyes, but it was fleeting.

He tried his best to suppress the excitement and excitement in his heart, as well as the sense of loss for no reason.

This time, can Brother Zhang catch the "Walking Ginseng"?

He is not sure, but judging from the results of the first time, this time... It is very likely that there is still little hope.

But having said that, when he saw the appearance of "Walking Ginseng" this time, he couldn't help but feel a little ripple in his heart, a little hope, hoping that Brother Zhang could catch "Walking Ginseng".

After all, this is related to his life, so he naturally hopes to catch it.

But he was also more afraid of being lost again, watching "Walking Ginseng" escape under Brother Zhang's hands again.

He could feel the sweat from his palms, he could also feel the rapid beating of his heart, and he could even feel the tension and apprehension emanating from the depths of his heart all the time.


Zhang Hao kept his breathing as calm as possible, still staring at the 【Ginseng Carrying a Sedan】.

He was not in a hurry this time, but just watched, looked at the four "walking ginsengs", carrying the wicker chair with the cover, shaking it three times, staggering on the uneven soil of the village, and walking over.

The wicker chairs they were carrying were still swaying, but they never seemed to fall.

[Ginseng Carrying the Sedan] He was approaching, and Zhang Hao was not idle. He put the cloth bag containing the village ashes aside, where he could reach it with his hand, and pulled out the invasion knife from his waist. Also placed aside, the other hand reached into the Gu Ling basket, did not take anything out of it, but kept it inside, as if preparing for it.

He turned his gaze away from [Ginseng Carrying a Sedan], and looked at Xiao Bai who was squatting at his feet, a little frustrated but also a little bit resentful.

After giving Xiaobai a look, Xiaobai tilted his head and paused for a moment, then, his black eyes with a hint of white lit up, and his tail wagged even more happily.

Only then did Zhang Hao look away, and continued to stare at [Ginseng Carrying the Sedan].

This time, without the hindrance of the yin and yang candles, the walking speed of [Ginseng Carrying the Sedan] was significantly faster, no longer sluggish, and no longer appearing so mindless.

[Ginseng Carrying a Sedan] He walked quickly and straight forward, as if he had a precise goal, and soon came to the end of the hundred villages, which is the edge of the ashes in Zhang Haosa Village. However, Zhang Hao The ash in the village there has already been temporarily divided into two sides.

Seeing [Ginseng Carrying the Sedan] getting closer, the distance between the two sides was only two meters, and the two "walking ginseng" walking in front were about to cross the range of hundreds of villages and step into the trap formed by the ash in the previous village.

Zhang Hao held his breath, and his eyes were fixed on the two roots of "Walking Ginseng" that looked like "legs".

Just when the roots of the last two "walking ginseng" stepped out of the range of the hundred villages.

Zhang Hao took a deep breath, concentrated his attention, and pulled out his other hand from the Gu Ling basket, and took out the Thunder Tribulation Wooden Hammer!

And, a gong that is at least two turns smaller than a normal gong.

Just when the four "walking ginseng" in [Ginseng Carrying the Sedan] walked to the middle of the open space, and saw the statue of the Lord of the Earth...

"The opportunity is here! Success or failure depends on it!"

Zhang Hao seized the opportunity, raised the Thunder Tribulation Wooden Hammer in his hand, and slammed it towards the gong.


Thunder after thunder resounded through the mountains and forests, reverberating all over the world, like thunder from the sky, dispelling all evil spirits, like gods descending into the world, shocking all spirits in the world!

The purpose of Zhang Hao's doing this is very simple, that is, to hit the gong with a thunder hammer to make a thunderous sound, and to create momentum for the statue of the Lord of the Land carved out of the 20-year-old camphor tree, so that the statue of the Lord of the Land looks majestic and really looks like the land. before them.

Only in this way can these wild ginseng be attracted!
Sure enough, in an instant.

The four "walking mountain ginseng" stopped not far from Tudigong, as if they had been struck by lightning, and stood still.


Zhang Hao seized the opportunity to strike again.

The four "Walking Mountain Ginseng" trembled even more, and tremblingly walked towards the statue of the Land God.

They seem to think that it is the real land owner...

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Hao, while carrying the Lei Jie wooden hammer and gong, picked up the invasion knife and the cloth bag containing the village ashes, and jumped out of the weed pile.

The knife in his hand plunged straight into the ground, and he pushed it upwards forcefully, causing the mud to fly everywhere. Zhang Hao seized the opportunity, took out a handful of village ash from the cloth bag, and sprinkled it in the mud pit without hesitation.

Then, he did the same thing, first digging the soil with a knife, and then throwing ashes from the village, and at any time he picked up the thunder-robbing wooden hammer and copper gong to play a thunder sound.

It didn't take long for Zhang Hao to poke out a circle with a knife. The circle was full of village ash, and even the outer edge of the circle was covered with a circle of village ash, completely blocking all roads .

Liang Jianzhong and the others poked their heads out from behind the big rock three meters away to look at them. All five of them had shocking pupils, astonished expressions, and pained expressions on their faces.

The rolling thunder was deafening, as if shaking the mind and soul, and the whole person was about to be stunned.

At this moment, they finally recalled the rumors they heard in the village that Zhang Hao's three hammers woke up the vegetative deeds.

But at this moment, they saw that after Zhang Hao had finished spreading the ashes, he took the small wooden hammer and the small gong with an unknown number, turned around and returned to the original position, it seemed that he was taking advantage of the four Root "walking mountain ginseng" didn't pay attention, raised the small wooden hammer in his hand and swung it hard again!
The sound of rolling thunder sounded again, shaking people's hearts and minds.

The four "walking ginseng" suddenly trembled, like a human tremble.

Immediately afterwards, when the four "walking ginseng" finally 'walked' to the statue of Tudi Gong in front of them, Liang Chao and the others saw Zhang Hao swinging the wooden hammer in his hand again, and suddenly knocked on the copper hammer. gong.

Another hammer!
At this time, the four "walking mountain ginseng" who heard the thunder again seemed to finally believe in the authenticity of the land man in front of them. The roots like "legs" of ginseng prostrated on the ground, like a person kneeling down, bowing to the statue of the Lord of the Earth, the body of the ginseng was still trembling, and the roots trembled even more.

In the eyes of the five people in the dark not far away, these four "walking ginseng" kneeling statues of the Lord of the Earth, under the effect of the thunder, became more lifelike, as if they were a real Lord of the Earth, majestic. Standing in front of "Zoushan Ginseng", accepting the "Zoushan Ginseng"'s kneeling.

(End of this chapter)

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