Chapter 117 Incredible curative effect, is this Shanzhen?

Zhang Hao and Li Siyu were surprised.

Zhang Hao blurted out: "Doctor, did you step on the switch?"

Dr. Zhou's face was dark, and he coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment. His eyes behind the silver-framed thin-rimmed glasses were always staring at the examination report, and there was still surprise in his eyes.

He suddenly realized that the things he just asked seemed unnecessary.

Because judging from the data shown in this inspection report, Li Siyu's physical condition...has improved again!

Moreover, Li Siyu's hidden illness also showed signs of getting better.

It seems that several important data have returned to normal levels, which would have been unimaginable before.

Before, when he saw Li Siyu's inspection report for the first time, he made a judgment that Li Siyu might not live for ten years, and after questioning, he learned that Li Siyu usually had to work in the fields, and his basic daily life was also very tiring. In this case, Li Siyu will not live beyond 7 years at most, and as time goes by, his condition will continue to worsen and his body will gradually collapse.

Let alone wanting to work in the fields in the future, even going to the fields will become difficult.

That's why he said that as long as it doesn't continue to deteriorate, it's a good thing, and it's impossible to completely heal and become a normal person, and the probability is directly 0.

But according to the inspection reports of these two times, he was directly slapped in the face, almost killing him with a slap.

This is nothing short of a medical miracle!

Although it is not really a complete improvement, the disease is cured, but it is not easy to have the current results, or a miracle has really happened.

But... but he has been a doctor for many years, and he has never seen such a situation. Even after contacting the teacher last time, the teacher said that he had never seen such a patient, and he could make the disease better on his own, which is incredible.

He looked at it for a while before calming down, raised his head, rolled his eyes at Zhang Hao, then at Li Siyu, and asked patiently: "This time the inspection report shows..."

Li Siyu's heart was raised in his throat, and his hands sticking out of the loose sleeves tightly grasped Zhang Hao's hands, and the palms of his hands kept sweating.

"Your illness has improved again, and many indicators have returned to normal levels." Dr. Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, but took another breath, trying not to let himself "step on the switch" again.

Hearing this, Li Siyu was truly relieved, and the hanging boulder immediately fell to the ground.

Zhang Hao smiled, which was expected.

The effect of "walking wild ginseng" stewed chicken soup is really good, it seems that there is no problem with my thinking.

As long as she finds some spiritual objects in the mountains and continues to recuperate Li Siyu's body, she will get better every day, and when she can live for a long time, as long as she has the opportunity to find some special mountain treasures, she can even be cured.

He then smiled and said, "Doctor, does that mean that her illness is showing signs of recovery?"

The doctor rolled his eyes again: "It's hard to say, your lover's illness is not an ordinary illness, but the results of these two tests have shown improvement, and it's hard to say whether it will be cured."

He was very smart this time not to say anything to death, in case he would be slapped to death later.

Then, he looked at Li Siyu solemnly and asked, "Have you eaten anything recently? Or, has anything happened?"

He still remembered that the last time Li Siyu said that he had eaten medicinal materials, he wondered if it had anything to do with it.

Li Siyu looked up at Zhang Hao, then turned around and said, "I haven't eaten anything recently, but yesterday, he found a root of ginseng on the mountain, and put some ginseng into it when he stewed chicken soup last night."

"Ginseng stewed chicken soup..." The doctor withdrew his gaze and continued to look at the examination report.

First of all, ginseng stewed chicken soup is the factor for Li Siyu's health improvement, which can be basically ruled out.

The ginseng chicken soup I drank last night, it is too nonsense to have an effect today, and the effect of ginseng chicken soup will not be so great. Besides, what kind of ginseng can have such an effect?Ginseng that can run in the mountains?A panacea?

If there is such a thing, many diseases will not need to be treated at all.

"Are you sure you haven't eaten anything else?" the doctor asked again.

Li Siyu thought about it carefully, and nodded heavily: "Yes, doctor, I really didn't eat anything."

After a short silence, the doctor nodded and said: "Okay, let's go back first, the result of this examination is very good, remember to come for the examination next month, remember to pay attention to your body after you go back, don't be too tired, and don't worry too much." Don't stay up too often."

"Okay, thank you doctor." Zhang Hao happily pulled the equally happy Li Siyu away.

The doctor looked at the backs of the two leaving, pushed the thin silver-rimmed eyes on the bridge of the nose, and was not in a hurry to call the next patient in, but carefully read the examination report in his hand again .

The symptoms have indeed improved, and the indicators cannot be deceiving, and even if there are deviations, it is unlikely.

Same situation as last time...

Even this time the situation is more obvious and bizarre!
While thinking about it, he looked at the mobile phone beside him, then picked up the mobile phone directly, found the number noted by "Ms. Lu" in the address book, and called it directly.


Linhai City is two hours away from Yaqian Town.

【Jiangshang Yujia】in the private room of the hotel.

"Old Lu, it's really difficult to ask you out. How many times has this happened, and you only come out once." Liu Hanzhong, with half-white hair and wrinkled face, pointed to another old man at the side of the dining table.

Lu Yuan picked up the wine glass, as if to protest: "Don't talk so much about other things, just say whether you want to drink this glass of wine?"

Liu Hanzhong waved his hand: "You also know that I came here with a mission this time. It took me a long time to apply to have a meal with you here in Linhai, and I finally got the application."

Lu Yuan drank the clear liquid in the glass in one gulp.

Liu Hanzhong was taken aback, and quickly asked: "You don't need to do research this afternoon?"

Lu Yuan snorted, took a piece of sea sausage with honey sauce and put it into his mouth: "That's water, I know you can't drink alcohol, old boy."

Then, he muttered again: "You, you used to be the one who drank the most, but now you can't do it anymore?"

"You old guy, hahaha, you're still the same as before, you're not doing anything right." Liu Hanzhong scolded with a smile.

Lu Yuan ate the vegetables and drank the water, and changed the subject: "You said you came with a mission this time, what kind of mission can invite you, a great botanist, here?"

"Did you know there is a Putuo hornbeam in Yaqian Town?" Liu Hanzhong sighed silently.

Lu Yuan paused with the hand holding the vegetables, and raised his head: "I know, what's wrong with that tree?"

Liu Hanzhong just wanted to speak.

Jingle Bell.

The phone in Lu Yuan's hand suddenly rang.

Lu Yuan didn't care about the tree anymore, looked at the caller ID, and picked up the phone.

"Hey, Xiao Zhou, what's the matter?"

On the phone, it was the doctor's voice: "Teacher, the female patient I told you about before is here for reexamination today."

Lu Yuan's face straightened, and he asked, "How's the test result?"

He remembers the patient that Xiao Zhou mentioned before very clearly. It was a young female patient. The disease she suffered from cannot be said to be rare, but it is really difficult to eradicate. It's been a long time.

But Xiao Zhou said last time that the female patient's examination results showed that she had improved, so he told Xiao Zhou to help him keep an eye on this patient and tell him immediately if there is any situation.

After all, this female patient is related to the treatment of this disease.

If the female patient's disease can be cured, it means that there is a treatment plan for this disease, which is a major event that can cause a sensation in the medical world.

"The test results shows that the patient's condition is better than last time, and some indicators have returned to normal. Although it is still far from a real recovery, but...but this can already be regarded as a It's a miracle." During the phone call, Xiao Zhou said in surprise.

Lu Yuan opened his mouth wide, and there was still a half-chewed sea sausage fragment in his mouth. He sat in a daze for a long time before asking, "You, are you sure? Are you sure it's not something wrong with the test results?"

"I'm sure there is nothing wrong with the test results, teacher." Xiao Zhou vowed.

Lu Yuan continued to ask: "Then, has that patient eaten anything recently? Or, has he done anything? Have you asked?"

"I asked, teacher. When she came last time, she said that she had eaten a kind of medicinal material called Dipsac. This time, her lover accompanied her. She said that her lover found a root of ginseng in the mountains yesterday. They I made chicken soup with ginseng last night." Xiao Zhou said again.

Dipsac... Ginseng Stewed Chicken Soup...

Are these two things related to the improvement of the female patient's condition?
From the perspective of medicinal properties and pharmacology, it should be helpful, but the help will never be so great, and it can even be said that it is difficult to be useful.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, it is good for this female patient to take these herbs for a long time, but pay attention to the word "long-term". This situation.

It's like drinking paraquat and wanting to reverse the exhausted organs?This is somewhat nonsense.

Could it be, what kind of top wild ginseng?

No, even the top wild ginseng does not have this effect.

What is the reason?

No, I can’t eat this meal. I have to go there to meet the patient and find out about the situation of the female patient. Yes, I also need to meet the lover of the female patient. The patient's lover told him what clues he got.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan got up quickly, and said to the mobile phone: "Xiao Zhou, send me the information of that female patient, I will go there in person, and help me get in touch with this patient by the way, I want to see her. "

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone without any explanation, picked up his clothes and prepared to go out.

"Alas, I'm still here! Where are you going in such a hurry?" Liu Hanzhong got up very dissatisfied.

Lu Yuan turned back and said, "I have to go to Yaqian Town quickly, there is a very important person and matter."

Liu Hanzhong was taken aback: "Didn't you say that there is still research in the afternoon? Don't worry about it?"

"I can't take care of it! This matter is more important than research." Lu Yuan took a bite of food and put it in his mouth, before he finished chewing, he turned around and left again.

Liu Hanzhong smiled helplessly: "Don't worry, I will also go to Yaqian Town, just take you there."

Lu Yuan slapped his head: "Forget about this, hurry up, hurry up, let's go quickly."

"The dishes on this table haven't been moved much yet, and I haven't eaten yet!"

"Pack it up and eat on the go!"


Yaqian town.

After leaving the hospital, Zhang Hao and Li Siyu took advantage of their good mood to stroll around the town for more than an hour. Zhang Hao received a call from Mr. Liang, saying that he had just finished his work and could go to him now. Without hesitation, the two got into the car directly.

They are now going to follow Village Chief Zhao, go to the town government, find Mr. Liang, and also talk to the mayor about road construction in the village.

Both of them were in a good mood at this time, with smiles on their faces.

Li Siyu, who was looking out of the car window, turned his head, looked at Zhang Hao with a smile on his mouth, and asked, "You said... Did the ginseng last night work?"

When she was in the hospital, she had already faintly felt that it might be yesterday's stewed chicken with ginseng that caused her illness to improve again.

During the last examination, she drank [Xusuan Decoction], and the results of the examination the next day had improved. She also suspected that [Dusuan Tang] was the reason for her improvement, but But she has no evidence.

And this time, it was also because he drank the ginseng stewed chicken soup that Zhang Hao found last night. The next day's test results were even better, and he got better again.

If it's a coincidence once, but twice... can also be called a coincidence, isn't it too coincidental?

However, she still had no evidence, after all, even the doctor didn't explain why, so she didn't understand.

Zhang Hao turned his head, looked at her, and said with a smile: "Maybe God doesn't want you to just leave me alone and leave this world alone."

Judging from the current situation, Li Siyu's improvement may indeed be related to "walking ginseng", and Li Siyu must have noticed it himself.

Li Siyu gave Zhang Hao a shy look, and continued to look out the window without further questioning.

In any case, as long as her illness improved, that would be a good thing. Of course, she also knew that the improvement of her illness should also be related to Zhang Hao finding medicinal materials for herself.

Soon, the two picked up Village Chief Zhao and went straight to the town government building.

The Maybach parked steadily in the courtyard of the town government building. There was a Maybach parked here, and there were already staff waiting here. Under the leadership of the staff, a group of three walked into the mayor's office.

There was only one person in the office. Mr. Liang was leaning on the back of the sofa, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

After hearing the movement, Liang Jianzhong opened his eyes and saw that Zhang Hao came in. He stood up with his hands on crutches, his face was full of apology and a smile: "I'm sorry, Brother Zhang, I'm too busy today. Waited so long."

Zhang Hao smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay, Mr. Liang."

Then, he turned around and introduced, "Master Liang, this is the head of our Zhaojia Village."

"Mr. Zhao, this is Mr. Liang who is going to build roads for our village, the chairman of Chenghai Liang Group."

Liang Jianzhong's eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward and stretched out his hand: "Village Chief Zhao, I have known you for a long time, and I am very glad to meet you through Brother Zhang."

Village head Zhao wiped his hands in trepidation, then shook hands with him, and said excitedly: "Chairman Liang, thank you, thank you for building roads for our Zhaojia Village, I am a countryman, I am not very good at talking, please forgive me. "

He was really excited, and there was no falsehood involved. It was impossible for him to meet such a big man as Liang Jianzhong, but today he only met with Zhang Haolai, and he even shook hands with someone.

Liang Jianzhong didn't let go, but said with a hearty smile: "This is also thanks to Brother Zhang. I also agreed to build roads for the village because of him. This is a win-win for us, a win-win for three, haha Ha ha."

The two exchanged a few pleasantries.

Zhang Hao asked, "Master Liang, where's the mayor?"

He came here today to talk about building roads for the village, and now that the mayor has not come after waiting for so long, it is inevitable that he is muttering in his heart.

Liang Jianzhong smiled helplessly: "Brother Zhang, don't worry, it's like this, the mayor has something to do and left first, but don't worry, I have explained the specific matters to the mayor, as long as you go over and briefly explain it."

"Well, it just so happens that my work is done now, and I'll take you to find the mayor."

(End of this chapter)

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