Chapter 125 Filming a Documentary

Zhao Family Village.

The sound of birdsong was hidden under the roar, and the dust in the air was less, but the hot breath did not dissipate, but intensified instead.

Time is moving from early spring to late spring.

The trees on the mountain are getting greener, more pleasing to the eye, and more mysterious.

Zhang Hao sat in the small courtyard, holding a cattail fan in one hand, and stroking the top of Xiao Bai's head with the other.

Li Siyu is still working in the fields, shooting videos, and busy with her own career, and he rarely rests, without trivial troubles.

The road construction project in the village is still in progress, but it is gradually coming to an end. When he went out to walk Xiaobai today, he saw several concrete mixer trucks and asphalt trucks coming.

It looks like paving will start in the next few days.

Finally, the annoying roar, and the time of inaccessibility are over.

Oh, yes, Xiaobai's appetite has been increasing recently, and the herbs and so on that he picked before have been eaten up by the little guy.

And Xiaobai's body size has also grown from the size of a palm to the length of the forearm, which can be said to be growing extremely fast.

This is the characteristic of the [Huanshan Dog]. It was fed with herbs in the early stage, and the eyes opened slowly, and the growth was slow, but once the eyes were opened, the growth was much faster.

If he brings Xiaobai into the mountain again this time, this little guy will be able to do something.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao hugged Xiaobai in his arms, teasing with a smile.

Since returning from the town half a month ago, he has not gone to the mountains, but stayed at home, not because he was lazy or tired, but because he was waiting.

Walking mountains is not a job that goes from [-] to [-], and you have to go to the mountains to clock in every day. Walking in the mountains also requires intervals. Frequent walking in the mountains is indeed easy to pick things, and it is easy to encounter things like mountain treasures.

But it has a great impact on the spirit and physical strength, especially the mountain walking tips recorded in the "Mountain Walking Travel Notes", one of which is not to walk frequently.

The specific reason is to ensure the mental and physical strength of the climbers, and to maintain the balance in the mountains.

However, it has been half a month of rest, and Zhang Hao has to start thinking about the time to enter the mountain next time.

It was just that before entering the mountain, he had to find a way to get things done with the [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue].

[Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] After absorbing the rootless soil last time and getting a little growth, it has reached the point of cultivating spiritual soil, but cultivating spiritual soil is a gradual process, not a one-off process.

In the past few days, Zhang Hao found a place in the small courtyard and buried a part of the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue] deep in it. He wanted to try and see how effective this spiritual soil would be.

But until now, the spiritual soil has not responded. It seems that there is not enough time, and the weeds and trees in that piece of soil have not changed much.

This made Zhang Hao even more confused. He originally thought that the ancient tree could come back to life, and it might really have something to do with the [Mountain Spiritual Soil Statue]. The attribute of the soil, and the rootless soil is the specific reason for "killing" the ancient tree, and the [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue] is the ancient tree that was rescued by accident?

It seems that this is the only explanation at present.

But no matter how you say it, this is a good thing, at least it made him discover another function of the [Mountain Spirit Earth Statue].

Thinking like this, thoughts surged in his mind, and then diverged.

At this time.

knock knock knock.

"Hello, is Mr. Zhang Hao at home?"

There were shouts and knocks on the door.

Zhang Hao paused, looked up at each other, then got up and walked towards the gate.

Opening the gate, I looked at the people standing in front of the gate. They didn't look like villagers in their clothes, but they looked like some people from a tourist team. Some of them were carrying cameras, and the person who knocked on the door was holding a manuscript-like document A4 paper with a smile on his face.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Zhang Hao?" The person holding the A4 paper asked with a smile.

Zhang Hao nodded: "I am Zhang Hao, you are..."

The person holding the A4 paper stretched out his hand and introduced himself: "Hello, Mr. Zhang Hao, we are from the column team of "Into Nature". My name is Wu Liang."

Then, he turned his head and looked behind him: "This is our assistant, Wang Rui, and Qin Hai."

Wearing glasses, the man with a paralyzed face nodded, and the young man beside him also nodded.

"That's our cameraman, Zhang Wen."

The elder brother who was carrying the camera smiled and said hello.

Zhang Hao was confused, looking at the person in front of him who called himself the column group, he didn't know the reason why the other party came to him, or he couldn't think of the purpose of the other party's coming.

"Hello everyone, you are here to find me..." Zhang Hao asked.

Wu Liang smiled: "It's like this, Mr. Zhang Hao, our "Into Nature" column team is dedicated to shooting the documentary of the great mountains and rivers of our motherland, which is "Kyushu on the Bite of the Tongue". Have you seen this?"

Zhang Hao nodded.

He did watch it, and he watched it with Li Siyu, and every time he watched it, his saliva flowed all over the floor, and then Li Siyu would silently go to the kitchen to cook a delicious meal.

Wu Liang said: "That's right, it's that kind of style and situation, but they are shooting food, while we are shooting great rivers and mountains."

Zhang Hao nodded ignorantly.

He understood it. Simply put, he came to take pictures of mountains, water, villages, and various recordings.

"Then why did you find me?" Zhang Hao asked again.

Wu Liang nodded: "It's like this, Mr. Zhang Hao, I once had dinner with Professor Liu Hanzhong once in a while, and he mentioned that there was a mountain walker in your Zhaojia Village, and it happened to be you. Our column recently planned a village at the foot of the mountain, as well as a documentary about the mountain, so we would like to take this opportunity to come and conduct a simple interview with you.”

Zhang Hao figured it out, and nodded thoughtfully: "Interview..."

Wu Liang nodded heavily: "That's right, Mr. Zhang Hao, look, is it convenient for you?"

Immediately afterwards, he immediately added: "But don't worry, Mr. Zhang Hao, you don't have to worry about the cost at all. Our program team must pay you according to normal standards."

Zhang Hao shook his head resolutely and said: "It's okay to accept interviews, but I don't accept filming, and I can conduct text interviews."

"Ah...that's it." Wu Liang was still very polite: "May I ask why?"

"This is the rule of our mountain walkers."

Hearing this, Wu Liang suppressed all his words. The reason is very simple. It is impossible for him not to abide by the rules of Zoshanren, and it is impossible for him to force Zhang Hao to accept this interview.

Text interviews are text interviews.

It's better than taking a trip for nothing, isn't it?

Wu Liang turned his head to look at the two assistants behind him, as well as the cameraman. He turned his head and nodded heavily: "No problem, Mr. Zhang Hao, then we will conduct a text interview."

At the wine table that day, he heard Professor Liu Hanzhong say that this Zhang Hao is a mountain walker, and he is somewhat mysterious and unusual.

Even a well-known professor of medicine at a certain university could not do anything about his wife's long-term illness, but the results of the two examinations turned out to be better, and no reason was found.

The same is true for the Putuo hornbeam, which is the only one in Kyushu. Before Zhang Hao approached, that ancient tree was sentenced to death, but after Zhang Hao approached that tree, the tree turned out to be Miraculously came alive.

Although there is no relevant evidence to prove that Zhang Hao did these two things, they are more or less related to him, so people can't help but have some guesses.

These are the original words of Professor Liu Hanzhong.

Therefore, there is today's scene.

"Mr. Zhang Hao, if this is the case, let's start now?" Wu Liang still maintained his previous humility.

Zhang Hao did not refuse: "No problem, please come in."

Under Zhang Hao's guidance, the group walked across the small courtyard and into the main hall. Then, Wu Liang took out the questions he had prepared in advance and conducted a simple interview.

The problem is not difficult. To be precise, it is some common mountain knowledge, such as what wild animals you will encounter when walking in the mountains, what herbs you can collect, what to do to deal with mosquitoes in the mountains, and what you need to do to become a mountain walker Prepare.

Zhang Hao didn't tell the whole story, but only talked about the most common things, such as the fox getting married, ginseng carrying the sedan chair, etc. He didn't say anything, including the news about Shanbao and Shanzhen.

It didn't take long for the interview to end.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Zhang Hao, for accepting our interview." Wu Liang said with a smile.

Zhang Hao just smiled.

"Well, Mr. Zhang Hao, we still want to shoot a documentary about the mountain village. Can you take us to the village chief and ask for his opinion?" Wu Liang said again.

Zhang Hao nodded: "No problem."

The two hit it off immediately, and then chatted for a few more words, and finally, under Zhang Hao's guidance, they were brought to the village committee.

When Village Chief Zhao heard that a program team came to the village and wanted to film the customs of Zhaojia Village, he was very happy from the inside out.

For so many years, Zhaojia Village has been unknown, even if they go to the town for a meeting, the town leaders will forget it.

Now that Zhang Hao is famous, this is another rich businessman, the town government pays attention to it, and has started to build roads. This is another program crew who came to film the village.

It can be said that Zhang Hao is now the pillar of the village. If Zhang Hao is no longer in the village, it will definitely be a big loss for Zhaojia Village.

In the future, maybe no one will pay attention to Zhaojiacun.

Therefore, Village Chief Zhao showed special respect to Zhang Hao, which invisibly boosted Zhang Hao's status.

When Wu Liang and the others saw this, they were even more amazed. They never thought that Mr. Zhang Hao would have such a high status in Zhaojia Village.

Soon, under the arrangement of the village chief, a group of several people took advantage of the opportunity to live in the village. In order to be able to take better pictures of the village and to follow Zhang Hao into the mountains at any time, they all thought it was a very good choice.

Of course, they are used to things like living in the village, and they often live in the village when shooting documentaries.

In the evening, the four of them sat at the dining table, had a simple meal, relaxed their tired bodies, and chatted with each other.

"Tell me, what is Zhang Hao's origin? Why does everyone in the village seem to respect him?" Assistant Wang Rui asked.

Cameraman Zhang Wen nodded: "That's true. From the village head to the passing villagers, after seeing Zhang Hao, they are all in a state of respect. It doesn't look like it's pretending at all. Could it be that Zhang Hao really Is it an amazing person?"

Wu Liang said with a smile: "I also inquired about one thing from the villagers today."

The eyes of several people looked over.

Wu Liang didn't intend to be fooled either, and while knocking on melon seeds, he said, "I heard from those villagers that there was a vegetable in their village who had been lying on the bed for more than ten years, and some time ago, Zhang Hao used a small wooden hammer , Woke up the vegetative man! It is said that his small wooden hammer can still make thunder when it hits the gong!"

The three of them were surprised for a while, and their faces showed horror.

"How is it possible, how can a small wooden hammer make a thunder sound, are they exaggerating?" Zhang Wen just couldn't believe it.

Wang Rui also nodded quickly: "That is to say, and he woke up the vegetative person, maybe the vegetative person was about to wake up, just a coincidence?"

Qin Hai was listening silently at the side without interjecting.

Wu Liang smiled and didn't refute or argue with them. He just knocked on the melon seeds and said, "Who knows, anyway, we are here to make a documentary this time. As a walker, Mr. Zhang Hao told us The things must be correct, and the interviews are in place, this time the documentary will definitely not go wrong.”

The three nodded in succession.

This is not bad. After all, there are people who are professional in the mountains like Zongshanren, and their documentaries will definitely not be ugly.

It was a pity that Mr. Zhang Hao couldn't be in the camera and couldn't conduct filming and interviews, but they didn't think there was any problem in other aspects.

"Hey, Angkor, did Director Li decide to come the day after tomorrow?" Zhang Wen asked.

Wu Liang nodded: "Yes, the day after tomorrow. When Director Li arrives, we will go into the mountains to shoot."

The Director Li he was talking about was Director Li Piyi, the father of documentaries in Kyushu, and he was the chief director in charge of this shooting. It is said that Director Li has high hopes for this documentary, and even a certain leader of CCTV attaches great importance to it. This shoot.

I just wanted to seize this opportunity to create a program no less than "A Bite of Kyushu", that's why I invited Director Li to sit in on it.

Zhang Wen said with emotion: "This time, with Director Li in charge, there must be no problem."

Wu Liang smiled: "Of course, when the time comes, Director Li will still praise us for finding such a good place."

Several people were talking to each other with smiles on the corners of their mouths.


within the next few days.

Wu Liang and others carried their cameras all day long and took photos of Zhaojia Village. They also interviewed some villagers of Zhaojia Village and some special delicacies in the village.

More importantly, they also naturally noticed Li Siyu.

Dressed in exquisite Hanfu, and with a face like a fairy, Li Siyu looks like a peerless beauty who has stepped out of an ancient painting from a distance, and also like a fairy who descended from the sky, mortals can't get close, but she is attracted by her beauty .

If this is included in the content of the documentary, it will surely amaze many audiences and add a touch of color to the mountains in the documentary.

Wu Liang immediately made a decision, and ran up to Li Siyu with a microphone in his hand, with a kind smile on his face, and a very polite tone: "Hi, we are shooting documentaries, and we are here to shoot mountain villages. Can you interview me?" Do you?"

Li Siyu folded his hands, placed them on his lower abdomen, and nodded slightly: "Yes."

Wu Liang was overjoyed: "Excuse me, are you a villager here?"

"Yes." Li Siyu replied.

As a video blogger, although he has just started, he already has some camera experience, so he is not nervous, and he is even more comfortable.

Wu Liang asked again: "Then can I ask why you wear such an exquisite Hanfu to work in the field? After all, for things like going to the field, clothes like Hanfu are relatively easy to get dirty."

Li Siyu did not pretend to think, and his tone was calm, not rushing: "I don't think this is a strange thing. Hanfu is something that has been passed down from ancient times in Kyushu. It represents the symbol of Kyushu civilization, and wearing exquisite Hanfu is also because I like Hanfu, and I don’t think there is any problem in wearing Hanfu to go to the fields.”

"On the contrary, Hanfu is also the best symbol of our Kyushu to show the outside world and other countries' cultural heritage."

Wu Liang's eyes lit up, and so did everyone's eyes.

To be honest, when they heard this, they felt the weight of history and the pride of being the people of Kyushu.

This is indeed the case. Hanfu is the foundation of Kyushu culture, and it is also a unique culture of Kyushu.

This interview is really beautiful, and if I edit it later and add it to the documentary, it will definitely be well received.

Immediately, Wu Liang nodded heavily: "It's really good, can you tell me your name?"

"Li Siyu."

Wu Liang was taken aback for a moment, his pupils dilated, and he exclaimed subconsciously: "You...your husband's name is Zhang Hao?"

(End of this chapter)

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