Chapter 133 Zhang Hao's Footprints!The magic of the mountain walker
Watching the yellow paper "Minister for the Tiger" being swallowed by the flames and quickly reduced to ashes.

Not knowing whether it was an illusion or a psychological reason, they vaguely heard a faint roar of a tiger ringing in their ears.

But when you listen carefully, it doesn't exist, only the crackling sound of burning yellow paper.

Wu Liang swallowed his saliva uncertainly, and asked with a slow expression: "This, this is all right?"

Cameraman Zhang Wen turned his head to look at Wang Rui and Qin Hai, wanting to see their reactions.

Li Piyi also didn't answer this question, but just turned his head and kept an eye on the changes between the two of them.

After the burning of [For the Tiger], there is no difference between Qin Hai and Wang Rui, they are still the same as before, they are still struggling, but the faces of the two are ferocious, and the dilated pupils seem to be full of fear, and they seem to be full of fear. There was unwarranted panic, and the extent of the struggle began to increase gradually.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the three of them just stared at Wang Rui and Qin Hai for a long time.

During this period, they saw Wang Rui and Qin Hai each writhing their bodies like a worm, and there was a bit of pain mixed with their mouths.

Immediately afterwards, it didn't take long for the two of them to be silent and no longer struggling.

"Quick, go up and see if the person is still alive!" Li Piyi ordered decisively, stepped forward to Qin Hai's side, tore off the cloth from his mouth, and breathed with his hand.

After feeling the faint breathing wind from between his fingers, his hanging heart relaxed.

Fortunately, I was still angry, and no accident happened.

"Director Li, Wang Rui is still angry! It looks like he just passed out." Wu Liang shouted.

Li Piyi completely relaxed.

Generally speaking, it seems that both of them have improved a little bit now. Although they don't know whether this is a short-term coma, they are completely cured. After all, they are much better than the situation just now.

At this time, Qin Hai, who was bound by the rope, woke up faintly, his eyes were confused, his pupils were loose, and the expression on his face was always bewildered.

"Li, Director Li?" He turned his face and stared at Director Li in front of him, even more puzzled.

Then, he wanted to stand up, but he felt that something was restraining him. He looked down and was stunned: "I, why am I tied up? Director Li, what's going on here? Why are you tied up?" me……"

Li Piyi came back to his senses and asked, "You don't remember everything that happened just now?"

Qin Hai was confused, and asked in surprise, "Ah? Just now, what happened just now?"

The voice just fell.

"Brother Liang, Brother Wen, what are you two doing? Why are you tying me up..."

Wang Rui's voice also came.

Li Piyi turned his head, looked at Wang Rui and asked, "You don't remember everything that happened just now?"

Wang Rui shook his head, and said with a mournful face, "Director Li, what's going on...why did you even tie me up! It's obvious that Qin Hai is crazy, why did you tie me up..."

"I, am I crazy?" Qin Hai was stunned, his eyes full of suspicion.

Wang Rui shouted: "Of course, you are crazy! Say you want to kill us on behalf of the mountain god, and we will all die."

"Ah... I, did I say that?" Qin Hai wanted to scratch his head, but found that he couldn't do anything.

"Don't say anything now." Li Piyi said solemnly.

Both Qin Hai and Wang Rui pursed their lips and stopped talking, for fear that something similar would happen.

This time they were just tied up, but next time... it will be hard to tell.

Wu Liang, cameraman Zhang Wen, and Li Piyi all looked pensive.

Qin Hai and Wang Rui both forgot what happened just now, and judging from the way they spoke and reacted, they should have returned to normal?
At least from the current situation, they seem to have returned to normal.

"Did you have any strange feelings before you lost your memory?" Li Piyi asked.

Qin Hai thought for a moment: "I remember that I was a little tired at the time, so I found a place to sit down, and then, then I didn't feel very comfortable... Then, then... I don't remember."

Li Piyi nodded thoughtfully, but did not pursue further.

Then he turned his head and focused on the place where [Being a Tiger's Minion] had just been burned, and the thoughts in his mind had already begun to diverge.

Is the return of the two of them to normal related to this "becoming a tiger's minion"?

He's not entirely sure yet.

If it is true that [Working for the Tiger] has played a role, the two of them will get better, and it would make sense. Judging from the current situation, this is indeed the case, but there is no direct evidence to prove this.

But if it is true that after [Being a Tiger] was burned, the [Ghost] was summoned to help them...

Just thinking about this matter makes him feel unreal, and based on his cognition and life experience, he doesn't quite believe that such outrageous things exist.

If you believe this, it means you believe that there are mountain gods in the mountains, there are those mountain spirits and wild monsters that Mr. Zhang Hao said, and there are those so-called evil spirits.

However, these things are things that he has never been in contact with before, and they are also things that he did not understand before.

Let him completely believe in the existence of these things based on this incident, he can't do it.

However, he still said that, he would rather believe what he has than believe what he has not.

"Next, no one is allowed to talk nonsense, and no one is allowed to discuss what just happened, do you understand?" Li Piyi said solemnly.

The crowd nodded.

With the lesson learned this time, everyone is beating their hearts, and they all have their own thoughts and ideas, especially Qin Hai and Wang Rui. They learned what happened just now from Wu Liang, and their hearts are full of emotions. They were all a little apprehensive, how could they dare to talk nonsense.

I'm afraid that if I say the wrong thing again, if I do it again, then things will be difficult,

On the contrary, it was Zhang Wen, the cameraman. After untying the rope for Wang Rui, he picked up the camera by himself, with a slightly hesitant expression on his face, as if he had done something wrong.

After what happened just now, he is a little worried now. When he was at the foot of the mountain yesterday, he secretly filmed Mr. Zhang Hao's ceremony of worshiping the mountain god.

At that time, Mr. Zhang Hao also said that if someone shoots, bad things will happen when entering the mountain.

He didn't care at all at the time, and he never believed these things.

But the example of Qin Hai and Wang Rui just now is here, both of them went crazy like bewitched, talking nonsense.

He was a little unsure whether the two of them were really bewitched because they said something bad, or they just happened to be bitten by some kind of bug, or their skin was scratched by poisonous weeds and they didn't pay attention. looks like.

If it's the former, then secretly photographing the ceremony...wouldn't it really come true?
If it's the latter, then it's completely fine, he's just scaring himself.

However, judging from the current situation, he was more inclined to the latter. The two went crazy because they were bitten by something, or their skin was scratched by poisonous weeds.

There are still many things like this in the mountains, including the "Approaching Science" column, doesn't it often happen?

Those so-called mountain spirits and wild monsters, the so-called mountain gods are just fabricated by others to scare people.

His secret filming of the ceremony will definitely not affect Jinshan.

Thinking of this, his complexion returned to normal, he put the thoughts in his mind behind him, and calmed his flustered heart a little.

"Li, Director Li, shall we continue to move forward?" Wu Liang leaned over to Li Piyi and asked.

Li Piyi was also muttering in his heart.

Without figuring out what happened just now, the best thing they can do now is to go down the mountain and ask Mr. Zhang Hao for his opinion, or ask Mr. Zhang Hao to take them into the mountain.

"Do you remember the way down the mountain?" Li Piyi asked.

Wu Liangliang nodded, turned his head and pointed to the small path behind him: "Remember, remember, Director Li, look, you just follow this path all the way down, and then you will arrive at... you will arrive at..."

As he spoke, Wu Liang's voice gradually weakened, and finally he stopped talking.

Li Piyi was stunned, subconsciously thinking that Wu Liang had also had an accident, so he quickly grabbed him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wu Liang turned his head, his face full of shock: "Director Li, it seems that we are no longer at the outskirts of the mountain forest, but, we have come to the depths..."

"How could it be!" Qin Hai reacted the most and exclaimed.

Wang Rui also widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief: "We, we have been on the periphery, how could we have entered the depths?"

Li Piyi also felt a little outrageous: "How can you be sure that we have reached the depths?"

Wu Liang raised his finger and pointed to the direction down the mountain: "Director Li, you guys, look, just now I could see the village down the mountain through the gap, but now... I can't see the Zhaojia Village down the mountain now, this, doesn't this mean that We, are we likely to have entered the depths of the mountain forest?"

Li Piyi frowned immediately, stood up directly, and looked in the direction Wu Liang pointed.

Sure enough, that was the case, the village down the mountain could be vaguely seen through the gaps in the branches and leaves, but just visual inspection could tell how far the village down the mountain was from them.

As the saying goes, looking at the mountain runs dead horses, but this is not the case in the mountains. In the mountains, you can roughly see how far you are from the bottom of the mountain.

Even if their current location is not the deepest part of the forest, it is definitely not the outer edge, and there is even a distance from the outer edge of the forest.

"Director Li, let's go down the mountain now?" Wu Liang asked a little timidly.

After going through what happened just now, he already had a little fear and a little vigilance towards this mountain forest.

After all, just thinking about the fact that they came to the depths of the mountain forest without knowing it, there is a kind of weird feeling invisibly.

The rest of the people also turned their heads, looked at Li Piyi, and looked at their chief director.

Everyone is waiting for him to make a decision.

It can be said that the decision he makes next will determine the whereabouts of the few of them, and may also affect what happens to them next.

Li Piyi stopped where he was, as if two villains were constantly fighting in his mind.

At this time, his eyes unconsciously turned to the strange and strange footprints left by Mr. Zhang Hao.


(End of this chapter)

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