Chapter 136 Beast Taming
Not cheap!

Zhang Hao let out a "tsk", wishing he could rush forward, press down the [Mountain God Deer] and beat him up severely.

There is no way, this [Mountain God Deer] is too cheap.

It's fine if you don't let him be tamed, but he even put Xiaobai on his back.

If he could switch positions with Xiaobai at this time, then he could also sit on the back of the [Mountain God Deer] and tame it.

But this is impossible, he has not yet been able to exchange positions with [Calling Mountain Dog], and it is impossible to do this.

Zhang Hao sighed silently, stopped looking at [Mountain God Deer], but turned around silently, and walked towards the original place.

He walked forward, and [Mountain God Deer] was also walking not far away from him.

Zhang Hao stopped, [Mountain God Deer] also stopped, Zhang Hao continued walking, [Mountain God Deer] also continued walking.

Zhang Hao clenched his fist tightly, but let it go immediately.

He remembered the record of "Mountain God Deer" in "Zoushan Travel Records".

[Mountain deer: its nature is playful, mischievous, good at figuring out thoughts, its intelligence is fair, and its spirituality is strong. If you want to tame it, you need to make a perfect plan, and you can also set traps according to its habits...]

Sure enough, [Zoushan Travel Records] sincerely do not deceive me, [Mountain God Deer] is no longer fun, he likes to play tricks on people, and his personality is not funny, but cheap, cheap to the bone That cheap.

According to the character of [Mountain God Deer], to lure it to take the initiative to approach?
But how to make it take the initiative to approach?This is a problem, a very troublesome problem.

[Mountain God Deer]'s wisdom is fair, even if I turn around and leave now, pretending to ignore Xiaobai, [Mountain God Deer] may not believe it, even this guy will definitely follow me, wherever he goes, it will Wherever it will follow, until it turns around to grab it, it will back away and always keep a certain distance from him.

Let him love but not, always in a passive state.

Damn, why is this [Mountain God Deer] like a scumbag man and a scumbag girl...

Zhang Hao cursed a few words, picked up the Gu Ling Basket on the ground, and rummaged through the Gu Ling Basket.

Lei Jie wooden hammer, carving knife, yellow paper, and other messy things.

Carving something, or tying something with yellow paper, these two methods don't have to think about it, and basically won't work.

For example, if you carve the Lord of the Land and pretend to be a fairy, you can deal with [Walking Mountain Ginseng], but it is not enough for [Mountain God Deer].

It is even more useless to tie the paper. It is raining heavily now. I am afraid that the yellow paper will be soaked by the rain before it is pierced. , it was soaked by rainwater.

What's more, the thing that sticks out is too small, and the [Mountain God Deer] will stamp it casually and it will be gone.

It seems that apart from the Thunder Tribulation Wooden Hammer, there is nothing useful.

But what can the Thunder Tribulation Wooden Hammer do?

It seems that it is useless, right?It is thundering now, and it is still raining heavily. It is useless to imitate the thunder, and it will not deter the [Mountain God Deer].

Judging from the current situation, Zhang Hao has no way to get close to [Mountain God Deer].

Could it be that this is the only way to go?Just give up?
Zhang Hao groped for the stubble on his chin with one hand, squinted his eyes and thought carefully, with a pensive expression on his face.


The heavy rain continued, falling through the dense forest and wetting the ground.He stood there in thought for a long time, letting the rain wash away his coir raincoat.

At this moment, he turned around suddenly.

[Mountain God Deer] subconsciously took a step back as if frightened.

"Hehe, you can be scared too." Zhang Hao raised his head slightly, staring at [Mountain God Deer] with his nostrils.

In an instant, [Mountain God Deer]'s eyes changed, as if there were two white smoke rushing out of his nostrils.

But soon, it raised a front hoof and hooked it backwards, as if to say: "Come, come here, come here if you have the ability!"

Zhang Hao's face darkened, and then he smiled: "Hey, I can't go there, and I don't want to go there now, just stay there, I don't want the dog, I'll see you off."

Xiaobai yelled "Wooooow", and scratched the back of [Mountain God Deer] very anxiously.

Afterwards, Zhang Hao turned around and left without any hesitation.

Sure enough, [Mountain God Deer] followed step by step, neither getting close nor too far away, and kept the original distance.

At this time, Zhang Hao turned around suddenly again, picked up a stone directly, aimed at the horn of [Mountain God Deer] and threw it over.

【Mountain God Deer】was startled, and immediately stopped in its tracks, and the stone had already galloped towards it, hitting its horns right in time.


The horns trembled slightly, [Mountain God Deer] glared at Zhang Hao angrily, but saw that Zhang Hao was also cheap, even cheaper than himself, and he was holding a stone in his hand.

Throw it over again.

This time [Mountain God Deer] was prepared and easily dodged the stone, but unexpectedly, another stone was thrown over and hit its other horn again.


The elk call was so sharp that it seemed ethereal, but it made people feel goosebumps all over their bodies. It echoed in the mountains and forests, and there was obviously a little anger in that call.

It can be cheap, because it is a [Mountain God Deer], it is a mythical beast in the mountain, and it is the mount of the [Mountain God].

But when the mountain walker in front of him came to make fun of him, things were different.

What qualifications does this mountain walker have to make fun of himself?

Too much!
At this time, Zhang Hao took advantage of the [Mountain God Deer] screaming again, and threw another stone. Fortunately, this time it hit the center of the forehead between the two horns of [Mountain God Deer].

This time [Mountain God Deer] was completely angry, ignoring Xiaobai on his back, staring at his blood-red eyes, lowering his head, letting his two strong and aggressive horns stand in front, and his front hooves kept on the ground After digging, he rushed directly in the direction of Zhang Hao.

It is going to directly kill this mountain walker who is cheaper than itself, and let him know that it, [Mountain God Deer] is powerful!

With a groan, [Mountain God Deer] rushed over extremely fast.

Zhang Hao paused, and hurriedly dodged to the side.

Just looking at the pair of horns of [Mountain God Deer] makes me feel horrible. If I get caught, I'm afraid at least a few ribs will be broken, and maybe I'll be killed in one fell swoop.

But Zhang Hao didn't feel fear, or panic, he was very happy instead.

Sure enough, what was said in [Zoushan Travel Notes], making traps according to the character of [Mountain God Deer], originally meant this.

Since he has no way to get close to [Mountain God Deer], he can only let [Mountain God Deer] approach him proactively, and the most effective way to let [Mountain God Deer] approach him must be to make [Mountain God Deer] lose his mind and lose his mind. Just try to piss it off.

Zhang Hao's method is really good, as long as it is cheaper than [Mountain God Deer], it will definitely anger [Mountain God Deer].

No, the effect is so good that it will die.

Seeing [Mountain God Deer] turn its head, those angry eyes were still staring at him, and the two aggressive horns rushed to the front again, Zhang Hao directly lifted the Gu Ling Basket up, using both hands and feet, Climbed up a tree next to him as fast as he could.

Immediately after, the horns of the 【Mountain God Deer】had come to the front.

Zhang Hao had quick eyesight and quick hands, and directly flipped the Guling basket over. He had already taken out the contents and put them in the weed pile beside him. Now the Guling basket is empty.

He slammed the Guling basket back, and directly slammed it on the top of [Mountain God Deer].

【Mountain God Deer】I felt that the view in front of me was a little blocked, and the four hooves instinctively stopped at the same time, for fear that something would hit in front of me, and at the same time, the huge head, together with the two extremely thick horns, began to shake violently.

Zhang Hao took this opportunity to get down from the tree, took advantage of the situation and sat behind the [Mountain God Deer], and immediately lifted Xiaobai up, and at the same time took back the Guling basket, and put Xiaobai in the Guling basket Among them, it was thrown into the weed pile.

Now, he jumped onto the back of [Mountain God Deer] as he wished, and he tightly hugged [Mountain God Deer]'s neck, no matter how much [Mountain God Deer] shook, he just didn't let go, and he wouldn't let his body fall.

It is recorded in [Zoushan Travel Notes] that one of the keys to taming the [Mountain God Deer] is: [Sit on its back, stabilize its body shape, grind its patience, and consume its pride before it can be domesticated. 】

There is also a similar record in [Guanshan Jue]: [The one who tames the deer of the mountain must consume its roots and let it move. I am as immovable as a mountain, shocking its body and shaking its heart before it can be tamed. 】

Anyway, to put it simply, it’s similar to boiling eagles and horses. Don’t worry about how violent the [Mountain God Deer] shakes or how violent it resists. Just keep yourself in shape, get ready, and wait until [Mountain God Deer] If you are tired, if you are convinced, you can domesticate it.

Of course, if you persist until that time, the mountain walker is basically useless.

After all, what is domesticated is the [Mountain God Deer], a mountain beast that can live thousands of miles in the mountains and forests!
Whether it is physical strength or patience, they are definitely much stronger than humans, and most importantly, this [Mountain God Deer] does not know where he will take him. Jumping off a cliff, [Mountain God Deer] may still have a chance of survival, but Zhang Hao has absolutely no chance of survival.

Therefore, the most important thing to do now is to find a way to tame the [Mountain God Deer] as soon as possible, and if it can be tamed earlier, it will prevent accidents earlier.

Therefore, since ancient times, people who walk mountains have basically had a mount, but few of them can tame the [Mountain God Deer] for their own use.

Zhang Hao firmly grasped the [Mountain God Deer]'s neck with one hand, and firmly clamped the [Mountain God Deer]'s abdomen with both feet. One of his hands reached his waist and took out the Thunder Tribulation Wooden Hammer.

He had pinned the Thunder Tribulation Wooden Hammer to his waist just now, and was waiting for an opportunity to jump on the back of [Mountain God Deer], and then waited for the opportunity to move.

Now that the opportunity has come, he didn't hesitate anymore, he directly raised the Thunder Tribulation Wooden Hammer, and directly hammered it down on the top of [Mountain God Deer]!
"Let you be a bitch!"

(End of this chapter)

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