Chapter 142 Miracle!

The roar, intertwined with the sound of rain and thunder, passed into the ears of the three of them.

Wu Liang and the others looked at the mudslide with huge potential energy and extremely destructive power at the same time.

Their pupils shrank, their expressions were almost dull, and their bodies were trembling uncontrollably.

"Mr. Zhang Hao...why haven't you come up yet? The mudslide, the mudslide is coming soon...he, he can't help but save Director Li, and Zhang Wen come up..." Wu Liang moved his mouth, somewhat Said vaguely.

Qin Hai shook his head: "I don't know, I don't know, we, should we go over and have a look..."

"You are crazy! Going now is looking for death! Moreover, Mr. Zhang Hao told us, don't let us go, we, we are waiting here, Mr. Zhang Hao, he, he should be able to get Li and Zhang Wen Ge was rescued, he should..." Wang Rui shouted.

To be honest, the three of them didn't have much hope, they just wanted to leave some luck in their hearts, but they just didn't want to accept this fact.

After all, Mr. Zhang Hao was so confident, and it brought them hope in that way. At one time, they thought that Mr. Zhang Hao would definitely save Director Li and cameraman Zhang Wen.

But doesn't seem to be the case.

Although I don't know what's going on under the cliff, just thinking about it, three people, a deer, are on a rock together, and there is also a wounded man with a broken leg. If it is normal, they may be alone. also came up.

But the mudslide is coming soon, right in front of your eyes, it's too late, and it's impossible to make it in time.

Mr. Zhang Hao, Director Li, and the cameraman Zhang Wen...all of them will be buried here.

Sure enough, they still didn't listen to Mr. Zhang Hao's advice. Not only were they in danger, they even dragged Mr. Zhang Hao down, putting Mr. Zhang Hao in danger.

If...if they could have listened to Mr. Zhang Hao in the first place and didn't go into the mountains, so many things wouldn't have happened...and today's situation wouldn't have happened.

However, it is too late to say anything now, it is too late for everything.

They can only watch the mudslides come, drown everything, destroy everything, and take everything away, including Director Li, Zhang Wen, and even Mr. Zhang Hao, and the one he is riding, looks very smart , and should have been domesticated by Mr. Zhang Hao's elk.


at this time.

The mudslide was approaching, even to the edge of the cliff, and it would completely submerge this place in less than ten seconds.

There is no is completely hopeless.

Impossible, it is impossible for Mr. Zhang Hao to rescue Director Li and Zhang Wen, the time... is too late, it is impossible.

"It's's us who killed Mr. Zhang Hao." Wu Liang seemed to have lost his soul, sitting there, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and he didn't know whether it was tears or mixed with rainwater.

The same is true for Qin Hai, with his eyes straightened towards the direction of the cliff, as if he was expecting the impossible miracle.

Wang Rui shook his head, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but there was no smile in the smile, it was full of bitterness: "It's over, it's over... Hehehe, you shouldn't have entered the mountain today, you shouldn't have entered the mountain! It's all over now, We're all dead, we're all going to die! We won't be able to run away, we're sure we won't be able to run away, we're all going to die, let's just wait here to die...hehehe."


Suddenly, Qin Hai exclaimed, his whole body jumped up like a spring, his eyes were wide open, full of inconceivable emotions flowing in them.

He raised his hand, pointed in the direction of the cliff, and stammered, "That, that, you guys, look quickly, that's, that's Mr. Zhang Hao's deer!"

The expressions of the two paused immediately, and they looked in the direction of his finger.

I saw that just above the cliff, above the place where the mudslides flowed, a deer suddenly jumped up from the bottom of the cliff in a posture that no one expected.

The deer held its head high, and its two huge horns seemed to break the sky, as if it was invincible, as if it looked down on all living beings, and it seemed that it was not panicked by the situation in front of it.

And on the back of the deer, three figures can be vaguely seen, one figure is lying on the back, the figure behind is lying on the back of the previous one, and the last figure is sitting upright, very calm, without falling down at all. signs.

"They, they actually came is this possible?!" Wu Liang's eyes were as wide as copper bells. No matter how much he thought about it, he never expected this kind of result to appear, but the luck in his heart, But at this moment, he was fully and wantonly inspired.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang Hao came up with Director Li and Zhang Wen at the last moment... They actually came up!

And it was the deer that dragged the three of them up.

This is really a bit unbelievable.

You know, there are three adults, and the combined weight of the three adults is at least 500 catties, which is 250 kg. That deer can carry a weight of 250 kg, and can it jump up?
Boy...never heard of a deer doing that.

The most important thing is that the rock below is at least 5 meters away from the cliff. It's hard to imagine how the deer came up with these three people on its back at the height of 5 meters.

Even Wu Liang once suspected that the three of them had hallucinations, just like what Mr. Zhang Hao said... evil?Yes, I encountered evil spirits!
Qin Hai opened his mouth wide, closed it with difficulty, and said with difficulty: "We, we didn't, did we read it right? It should, it should be true, right?"

He also couldn't believe it.

This is also a normal reaction. After all, based on their cognition, it is still relatively rare to understand this kind of thing. What's more, they only think that it is a slightly smarter elk, and they don't know that it is a mountain deer. , you can climb rocks, you can walk on cliffs, and the mountain god deer that travels thousands of miles a day in the mountains.

"That, that's not a hallucination, I, I saw that Director Li was holding Zhang Wen's broken leg..." Wang Rui raised his trembling hand, pointed at the deer that was still hanging in the air, pointed at Director Li's hand, and grasped it tightly. the broken leg of...

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the three of them couldn't help but tremble.

It was at this time.

The figure of the mountain god deer has already landed, and at the moment of landing, the mudslide has already come close.

However, the mountain god deer still didn't panic at all, as if it didn't take the mudslide seriously, it rushed towards this side wantonly.

"Wow woof woof! Aww~"

At this time, out of the corner of Wu Liang's eyes, he caught a glimpse of a black puppy that looked like a small coir raincoat, and jumped onto the rock where they were standing, barking in the direction of the mountain god deer.

This... seems to be a dog raised by Mr. Zhang Hao.

Wait, did it come straight up just now?
He looked down at the big rock under his feet. It was at least two meters high. How did the dog get up...

Hey, it's okay to be a deer, but raising a dog is so awesome?
Wu Liang suddenly turned his head and looked at Mr. Zhang Hao who was sitting on the back of a deer as stable as Mount Tai. There was nothing but astonishment and indescribable respect in his eyes.

The mudslide still didn't stop the potential energy of sliding down, and even intensified, just when the mudslide was about to engulf everything, and it was about to cover the mountain god deer and the three people on the deer's back.


While his thoughts were spinning, the deer hooves of the mountain god stepped on the muddy dirt road. When they were about to approach the big stone, their four hooves suddenly exerted force, and they jumped up. After drawing a perfect arc in the air, they landed firmly on the big stone. on the stone.

Wu Liang and the others had already vacated their seats.

When the mountain god Lu stopped, the three hurried forward to help Zhang Wen, and Li guided the deer down.

The face of the cameraman Zhang Wen was pale, his body looked extremely weak, and those broken legs were drooping, and it seemed that there was a great possibility that he would not be able to keep them.

The same is true for Director Li, his face was pale, he was gasping for breath, and his whole body was still shaking uncontrollably, as if he was afraid of the cold or the shocking scene he had just experienced.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang Hao, we, did we survive?" Li Piyi turned to look at Zhang Hao and asked in surprise.

Zhang Hao nodded: "We did survive."

Li Piyi nodded self-consciously, his eyes dodged a little, and he was completely at a loss: "We survived...we survived...we didn't die."

He was already ready to die just now, because in his eyes, he really just couldn't live.

Moreover, he didn't keep his eyes closed all the time, but occasionally opened his eyes for a few glances. At that time, when he felt that his body was weightless and upside down, he deliberately opened his eyes and looked at it. When the deer was climbing on the cliff, he was like a frightened animal, and the hairs all over his body stood upside down.

Not only because it was unbelievable, but also because of surprise and deep fear.

As long as the deer makes a slight mistake, they may fall off the cliff and die. This is very possible.

However, they eventually survived.

This... This is simply a miracle, it is simply accomplished an impossible thing!

However, no matter how you say it, it is a good thing to survive, and it is the luckiest thing.

At this time, Wu Liang and the three looked at Zhang Hao together. They had countless questions in their minds and wanted to ask Mr. Zhang Hao, and they wanted to explain to Mr. Zhang Hao properly. They didn't want Mr. Zhang Hao to misunderstand them.

At this time, Zhang Hao turned his head and looked at the position behind him. Seeing that the mudslide was still sliding down unstoppably, he frowned slightly: "It's time to go, it's not safe if we don't go here."

Then, he turned his head and looked at the three people in front of him, as well as the newly rescued cameraman Zhang Wen and Director Li, and said in a solemn voice: "What's more, there is still a wounded person here, so even if you have anything to say, you have to wait." Let’s talk about the mountain.”

"I still have a lot of questions I want to ask you guys."

Zhang Hao glanced at the eyes of everyone present, and finally stopped his gaze on the face of the cameraman Zhang Wen.

Now he can be 100% sure that there must be something wrong with this camera, and it is very likely that he is the one who triggered a series of events today.

(End of this chapter)

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